*********************************************************************************************************** GENIVI AudioManager *********************************************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2012, GENIVI Alliance, Inc. Copyright (C) 2012, BMW AG This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more Contribution License Agreements. copyright This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. author Christian Mueller, christian.ei.mueller@bmw.de BMW 2011,2012 For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. *********************************************************************************************************** License *********************************************************************************************************** The licenses of this project are split into two parts: 1) the AudioManagerDaemon, licensed under MPL 2.0 2) all other parts that serve as example code that can be taken to build up an own project with it - these parts are licensed with the MIT license Contribution is done under GENIVI CLA. *********************************************************************************************************** Version *********************************************************************************************************** The current version can be taken out of the git. The version 1.0.0 is the first GENIVI compliant code, in the compliance statement of discovery (2.0) *********************************************************************************************************** COMPILE PROGRAMS *********************************************************************************************************** - compile options with default values: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /usr/local GLIB_DBUS_TYPES_TOLERANT ON USE_BUILD_LIBS ON WITH_DBUS_WRAPPER ON WITH_DLT ON WITH_DOCUMENTATION OFF WITH_MAIN ON WITH_PLUGIN_COMMAND ON WITH_PLUGIN_CONTROL ON WITH_PLUGIN_ROUTING ON WITH_PPOLL ON WITH_TELNET ON WITH_TESTS ON In order to change these options, you can modify this values with ccmake, do the appropriate changes in CmakeList.txt or via the commandline for cmake or (when installed via ccmake) You will need some packages in order to comile the GENIVI AudioManager Daemon, these are: -dbus (only when DBUS_WRAPPER==ON) [tested on version 1.2.16] -sqlite3 [tested on version 3.6.22] -automotive-dlt [greater 2.5.0] -doxygen (only when WITH_DOCUMENTATION==ON) [tested on version 1.6.3] to install them in a build environment like Ubuntu you can use: sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev libsqlite3-dev doxygen git cmake build-essential For building the tests, you will need the following packages: -google mock [tested on version 1.6.0-1] -google test [tested on version 1.6.0] -python [tested on version 2.6] to install them in a build environment like Ubuntu you can use: sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev google-mock python2.6-dev More details in the CMake Files CmakeList.txt in the projects. The build was tested on a freshly setup LinuxMint 12 (don't like Unity) with the following steps: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev libsqlite3-dev doxygen libgtest-dev google-mock git cmake build-essential python2.6-dev git clone https://:@git.genivi.org/srv/git/AudioManager In order to build the project (out of source build), please follow these instructions on the commandline: mkdir /build cd build cmake .. make -j4 after the script finished, you should have: a bin/ folder which contains all executables and the libraries: a build/ folder which has all build objects (erase that if you need a clean build) a doc/ folder in case you turned the documentation on in order to install the AudioManager, you can do sudo make install package generation is supported via CPack. To build packages, you have to make genivi_package this will create one package if your CMake version is < 2.8.5 (all binaries stripped): AudioManager--Linux.deb if your version is above, you will get 4 packages (all binaries stripped) : AudioManager--Linux-bin.deb [AudioManager binary] AudioManager--Linux-dev.deb [header files needed to compile plugins] AudioManager--Linux-sampleplugins.deb [sample plugins] AudioManager--Linux-tests.deb [tests including tests for sample plugins, installed in the ~/AudioMAnagerTests] to create a tar.gz file of all sources (not including .git, build and bin folder,config files), you can do: make package_source This will create the following package: AudioManager--Source.tar.gz All packages will be placed in a folder called packages The commandline options of the AudioManager: Usage: AudioManagerDaemon [options] options: -h: print this message -i: info about current settings -v: print version -d: daemonize AudioManager -p path for sqlite database (default is in memory) -t port for telnetconnection -m number of max telnetconnections -c use controllerPlugin (full path with .so ending) -l replace command plugin directory with (full path) -r replace routing plugin directory with (full path) -L add command plugin directory with (full path) -R add routing plugin directory with (full path) *********************************************************************************************************** Telnet Server *********************************************************************************************************** The audiomanager has a build- in telnetserver that serves for debuggin purposes. If you compile your AudioManager with TelnetServer support (cmake -DWITH_TELNET=ON), you will be able to set with commandline argument -t the port number and with -m the maximum supported connections. The default telnet port is 6060. For example, launch a telnet session on port 6060: telnet localhost 6060 #>Welcome to GENIVI AudioManager ver-0.0.1-37-ga004215 #> press 'help' to get a list of all supported commands on this level: #>help #################################################### ####### The following commands are supported: ###### #################################################### # #exit - quit telnet session #get - Go into 'get'-submenu #help - show all possible commands #info - Go into 'info'-submenu #list - Go into 'list'-submenu #set - Go into 'set'-submenu # #\> Now type one of these commands, for example 'get', followed with another 'help' to get a list of supported commands: #\>get # #\Get>help #################################################### ####### The following commands are supported: ###### #################################################### # #.. - one step back in menu tree (back to root folder) #exit - close telnet session #help - show all possible commands #recv - show receiverversion #routing - show current routing #sendv - show senderversion # #\Get> You can also execute several commands in a line: #\Get>recv sendv .. help exit # Receiver versions: # Ctrl: 1 | Cmd: 1 | Routing: 1 # Sender versions: # Ctrl: 1 | Cmd: 1 | Routing: 1 #################################################### ######## The following commands are supported: ###### #################################################### # #exit - quit telnet session #get - Go into 'get'-submenu #help - show all possible commands #info - Go into 'info'-submenu #list - Go into 'list'-submenu #set - Go into 'set'-submenu # #Your wish is my command ... bye! #Connection closed by foreign host. *********************************************************************************************************** Code Formatting *********************************************************************************************************** The source code if formatted with eclipse, the style sheet used can be found in the cmake folder: cmake/AudioManager_Codestyle.xml *********************************************************************************************************** Working on the code & contribution *********************************************************************************************************** First get the code from the git: git clone https://:@git.genivi.org/srv/git/AudioManager Get an overview of all branches: git branch Switch to the branch you want to work on (see versioning schmeme, the master is the feature branch) and verify that it has switched (* changed) git checkout git branch Best practice is to create a local branch based on the current branch: git branch working_branch Start working, best practice is to commit smaller, compilable peaced during the work that makes it easier to handle later on. If you want to commit you changes, send them to the audiomanager-dev list, you can create a patch like this: git format-patch working_branch This creates a set of patches that are published via the mailing list (this is already the submission under CLA). The patches will be discussed and then merged & uploaded on the git. For more information about git checkout the Genivi wiki and the stuff on the web. _..-------++._ _.-'/ | _|| \"--._ __.--'`._/_\j_____/_||___\ `----. _.--'_____ | \ _____ / _j /,---.\ | =o | /,---.\ |_ [__]==// .-. \\==`===========/==// .-. \\=[__] `-._|\ `-' /|___\_________/___|\ `-' /|_.' `---' `---'