/* * This file was generated by the CommonAPI Generators. * Used org.genivi.commonapi.core * Used org.franca.core * * Copyright (c) 2012 BMW * * \author Aleksandar Donchev, aleksander.donchev@partner.bmw.de BMW 2013 * * \copyright * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * */ /** * The interface towards the Controlling Instance (e.g HMI). It handles the * communication towards the HMI and other system components who need to interact * with the audiomanagement. There are two rules that have to be kept in mind * when implementing against this interface: * @author Christian Mueller */ #ifndef ORG_GENIVI_AM_Command_Control_DBUS_STUB_ADAPTER_H_ #define ORG_GENIVI_AM_Command_Control_DBUS_STUB_ADAPTER_H_ #include #if !defined (COMMONAPI_INTERNAL_COMPILATION) #define COMMONAPI_INTERNAL_COMPILATION #endif #include #include #include #include #undef COMMONAPI_INTERNAL_COMPILATION namespace org { namespace genivi { namespace am { typedef CommonAPI::DBus::DBusStubAdapterHelper CommandControlDBusStubAdapterHelper; class CommandControlDBusStubAdapter: public CommandControlStubAdapter, public CommandControlDBusStubAdapterHelper { public: CommandControlDBusStubAdapter( const std::shared_ptr& factory, const std::string& commonApiAddress, const std::string& dbusInterfaceName, const std::string& dbusBusName, const std::string& dbusObjectPath, const std::shared_ptr& dbusConnection, const std::shared_ptr& stub); ~CommandControlDBusStubAdapter(); /** * Callback that is called when the number of connections change */ void fireNewMainConnectionEvent(const am_MainConnectionType_s& mainConnection); /** * Callback that is called when the number of connections change */ void fireRemovedMainConnectionEvent(const am_mainConnectionID_t& mainConnection); /** * Callback that is called when the number of sinks change */ void fireNewSinkEvent(const am_SinkType_s& sink); /** * Callback that is called when the number of sinks change */ void fireRemovedSinkEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID); /** * Callback that is called when the number of sources change */ void fireNewSourceEvent(const am_SourceType_s& source); /** * Callback that is called when the number of sources change */ void fireRemovedSourceEvent(const am_sourceID_t& source); /** * this callback is fired if the number of sink classes changed */ void fireNumberOfSinkClassesChangedEvent(); /** * this callback is fired if the number of source classes changed */ void fireNumberOfSourceClassesChangedEvent(); /** * This callback is called when the ConnectionState of a connection changed. */ void fireMainConnectionStateChangedEvent(const am_mainConnectionID_t& connectionID, const am_ConnectionState_e& connectionState); /** * this callback indicates that a sinkSoundProperty has changed. */ void fireMainSinkSoundPropertyChangedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& soundProperty); /** * this callback indicates that a sourceSoundProperty has changed. */ void fireMainSourceSoundPropertyChangedEvent(const am_sourceID_t& sourceID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& soundProperty); /** * this callback is called when the availability of a sink has changed */ void fireSinkAvailabilityChangedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_Availability_s& availability); /** * this callback is called when the availability of source has changed. */ void fireSourceAvailabilityChangedEvent(const am_sourceID_t& sourceID, const am_Availability_s& availability); /** * this callback indicates a volume change on the indicated sink */ void fireVolumeChangedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_mainVolume_t& volume); /** * this callback indicates a mute state change on a sink. */ void fireSinkMuteStateChangedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_MuteState_e& muteState); /** * is fired if a systemProperty changed */ void fireSystemPropertyChangedEvent(const am_SystemProperty_s& systemProperty); /** * This callback is fired if the timinginformation for a mainConnectionID changed */ void fireTimingInformationChangedEvent(const am_mainConnectionID_t& mainConnectionID, const am_timeSync_t& time); /** * This callback is called when a sink is updated. */ void fireSinkUpdatedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_sinkClass_t& sinkClassID, const am_MainSoundProperty_L& listMainSoundProperties); /** * This callback is called when a source is updated. */ void fireSourceUpdatedEvent(const am_sourceID_t& sourceID, const am_sourceClass_t& sourceClassID, const am_MainSoundProperty_L& listMainSoundProperties); /** * This callback is called when a notificated value of a sink changes. */ void fireSinkNotificationEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification); /** * This callback is called when a notifcated value of a source changes. */ void fireSourceNotificationEvent(const am_sourceID_t& sourceID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification); /** * This callback is triggered when a mainNotificationConfiguration is changed. */ void fireMainSinkNotificationConfigurationChangedEvent(const am_sinkID_t& sinkID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration); /** * This callback is triggered when a mainNotificationConfiguration is changed. */ void fireMainSourceNotificationConfigurationChangedEvent(const am_sourceID_t& sourceID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration); const StubDispatcherTable& getStubDispatcherTable(); void deactivateManagedInstances(); protected: virtual const char* getMethodsDBusIntrospectionXmlData() const; private: }; } // namespace am } // namespace genivi } // namespace org #endif // ORG_GENIVI_AM_Command_Control_DBUS_STUB_ADAPTER_H_