package org.genivi.audiomanager import* from "amTypes.fidl" <** @author : J�rgen Gehring @description : CommandInterface AudioManager. @details : Source D-Bus specification org.genivi.audiomanager.CommandInterface **> interface CommandInterface { version { major 0 minor 1 } method Connect { in { am_sourceID_t sourceID am_sinkID_t sinkID } out { am_Error_e result am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID } } method Disconnect { in { am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID } out { am_Error_e result } } method SetVolume { in { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_mainVolume_t volume } out { am_Error_e result } } method VolumeStep { in { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_mainVolume_t volumeStep } out { am_Error_e result } } method SetSinkMuteState { in { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_MuteState_e muteState } out { am_Error_e result } } method SetMainSinkSoundProperty { in { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_MainSoundProperty_s soundProperty } out { am_Error_e result } } method SetMainSourceSoundProperty { in { am_sourceID_t sourceID am_MainSoundProperty_s soundProperty } out { am_Error_e result } } method SetSystemProperty { in { am_SystemProperty_s soundProperty } out { am_Error_e result } } method GetListMainConnections { out { am_Error_e result am_MainConnectionType_l listConnections } } method GetListMainSinks { out { am_Error_e result am_SinkType_l listMainSinks } } method GetListMainSources { out { am_Error_e result am_SourceType_l listMainSources } } method GetListMainSinkSoundProperties { in { am_sinkID_t sinkID } out { am_Error_e result am_MainSoundProperty_l listSoundProperties } } method GetListMainSourceSoundProperties { in { am_sourceID_t sourceID } out { am_Error_e result am_MainSoundProperty_l listSourceProperties } } method GetListSourceClasses { out { am_Error_e result am_SourceClass_l listSourceClasses } } method GetListSinkClasses { out { am_Error_e result am_SinkClass_l listSinkClasses } } method GetListSystemProperties { out { am_Error_e result am_SystemProperty_l listSystemProperties } } method GetTimingInformation { in { am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID } out { am_Error_e result am_timeSync_t delay } } broadcast NumberOfMainConnectionsChanged { } broadcast MainConnectionStateChanged { out { am_mainConnectionID_t connectionID am_ConnectionState_e connectionState } } broadcast NumberOfSourceClassesChanged { } broadcast SourceAdded { out { am_SourceType_s newSource } } broadcast SourceRemoved { out { am_sourceID_t removedSourceID } } broadcast MainSourceSoundPropertyChanged { out { am_sourceID_t sourceID am_MainSoundProperty_s SoundProperty } } broadcast SourceAvailabilityChanged { out { am_sourceID_t sourceID am_Availability_s availability } } broadcast NumberOfSinkClassesChanged { } broadcast SinkAdded { out { am_SinkType_s newSink } } broadcast SinkRemoved { out { am_sinkID_t removedSinkID } } broadcast MainSinkSoundPropertyChanged { out { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_MainSoundProperty_s SoundProperty } } broadcast SinkAvailabilityChanged { out { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_Availability_s availability } } broadcast VolumeChanged { out { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_mainVolume_t volume } } broadcast SinkMuteStateChanged { out { am_sinkID_t sinkID am_MuteState_e muteState } } broadcast SystemPropertyChanged { out { am_SystemProperty_s SystemProperty } } broadcast TimingInformationChanged { out { am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnection am_timeSync_t time } } broadcast SinkUpdated{ out{ am_sinkID_t sinkID am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID am_MainSoundProperty_l listMainSoundProperties } } broadcast SourceUpdated{ out{ am_sourceID_t sourceID am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID am_MainSoundProperty_l listMainSoundProperties } } broadcast SinkNotification{ out{ am_sinkID_t sinkID am_NotificationPayload_s notification } } broadcast SourceNotification{ out{ am_sourceID_t sourceID am_NotificationPayload_s notification } } broadcast MainSinkNotificationConfigurationChanged{ out{ am_sinkID_t sinkID am_NotificationConfiguration_s mainNotificationConfiguration } } broadcast MainSourceNotificationConfigurationChanged{ out{ am_sourceID_t sourceID am_NotificationConfiguration_s mainNotificationConfiguration } } typedef am_sourceID_t is UInt16 typedef am_sinkID_t is UInt16 typedef am_mainConnectionID_t is UInt16 typedef am_timeSync_t is Int16 typedef am_mainVolume_t is Int16 typedef am_sourceClass_t is UInt16 typedef am_sinkClass_t is UInt16 <** @description : The errors of the audiomanager. All possible errors are in here. This enum is used widely as return parameter. **> enumeration am_Error_e { //E_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : no error - positive reply **> E_OK = "0x00" <** @description : value out of range **> E_OUT_OF_RANGE = "0x01" <** @description : not used **> E_NOT_USED = "0x02" <** @description : a database error occurred **> E_DATABASE_ERROR = "0x03" <** @description : the desired object already exists **> E_ALREADY_EXISTS = "0x04" <** @description : there is no change **> E_NO_CHANGE = "0x05" <** @description : the desired action is not possible **> E_NOT_POSSIBLE = "0x06" <** @description : the desired object is non existent **> E_NON_EXISTENT = "0x07" <** @description : the asynchronous action was aborted **> E_ABORTED = "0x08" <** @description : This error is returned in case a connect is issued with a connectionFormat that cannot be selected for the connection. This could be either due to the capabilities of a source or a sink or gateway compatibilities for example **> E_WRONG_FORMAT = "0x09" E_MAX = "0xA" } enumeration am_MuteState_e { <** @description : default **> MS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : the source / sink is muted **> MS_MUTED = "0x01" <** @description : the source / sink is unmuted **> MS_UNMUTED = "0x02" MS_MAX = "0x03" } enumeration am_MainSoundPropertyType_e { <** @description : default **> MSP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : example value between -10 and +10 **> MSP_EXAMPLE_TREBLE = "0x01" <** @description : example value between -10 and +10 **> MSP_EXAMPLE_MID = "0x02" <** @description : example value between -10 and +10 **> MSP_EXAMPLE_BASS = "0x03" MSP_SOURCE_TYPE = "0x04" MSP_MAX = "0x05" } enumeration am_SystemPropertyType_e { <** @description : default **> SYP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" SYP_MAX = "0x01" } enumeration am_ConnectionState_e { CS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : This means the connection is just building up **> CS_CONNECTING = "0x01" <** @description : the connection is ready to be used **> CS_CONNECTED = "0x02" <** @description : the connection is in the course to be knocked down **> CS_DISCONNECTING = "0x03" <** @description : only relevant for connectionStatechanged. Is send after the connection was removed **> CS_DISCONNECTED = "0x04" <** @description : this means the connection is still build up but unused at the moment **> CS_SUSPENDED = "0x05" CS_MAX = "0x06" } enumeration am_Availablility_e { <** @description : default **> A_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : The source / sink is available **> A_AVAILABLE = "0x01" <** @description : the source / sink is not available **> A_UNAVAILABLE = "0x02" A_MAX = "0x03" } enumeration am_AvailabilityReason_e { <** @description : default **> AR_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : the availability changed because an new media was entered. **> AR_GENIVI_NEWMEDIA = "0x01" <** @description : the availability changed because the same media was entered. **> AR_GENIVI_SAMEMEDIA = "0x02" <** @description : the availability changed because there is no media. **> AR_GENIVI_NOMEDIA = "0x03" <** @description : the availability changed because of a temperature event. **> AR_GENIVI_TEMPERATURE = "0x04" <** @description : the availability changed because of a voltage event. **> AR_GENIVI_VOLTAGE = "0x05" <** @description : the availability changed because of fatal errors reading or accessing media. **> AR_GENIVI_ERRORMEDIA = "0x06" AR_MAX = "0x07" } enumeration am_ClassProperty_e { <** @description : default **> CP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" <** @description : defines the source type of a source. Project specific, could be for example differentiation between interrupt source and main source. **> CP_GENIVI_SOURCE_TYPE = "0x01" /** * defines the SINK_TYPE. Project specific */ <** @description : defines the SINK_TYPE. Project specific. **> CP_GENIVI_SINK_TYPE = "0x02" CP_MAX = "0x03" } enumeration am_InterruptState_e { /** * default */ IS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" /** * the interrupt state is off - no interrupt */ IS_OFF = "0x01" /** * the interrupt state is interrupted - the interrupt is active */ IS_INTERRUPTED = "0x02" IS_MAX = "0x03" } struct am_MainSoundProperty_s { <** @description : the type of the property **> am_MainSoundPropertyType_e type <** @description : the actual value **> Int16 value } array am_MainSoundProperty_l of am_MainSoundProperty_s struct am_SystemProperty_s { <** @description : the type that is set **> am_SystemPropertyType_e type <** @description : the actual value **> Int16 value } array am_SystemProperty_l of am_SystemProperty_s struct am_MainConnectionType_s { <** @description : the ID of the mainconnection **> am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID <** @description : the sourceID where the connection starts **> am_sourceID_t sourceID <** @description : the sinkID where the connection ends **> am_sinkID_t sinkID <** @description : the delay of the mainconnection **> am_timeSync_t delay <** @description : the current connection state **> am_ConnectionState_e connectionState } array am_MainConnectionType_l of am_MainConnectionType_s struct am_Availability_s { <** @description : the current availability state. **> am_Availablility_e availability <** @description : the reason for the last change. This can be used to trigger events that deal with state changes. **> am_AvailabilityReason_e availabilityReason } struct am_SourceType_s { <** @description : his is the ID of the source, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). **> am_sourceID_t sourceID <** @description : The name of the source. Must be unique in the whole system. **> String name <** @description : the availability of the source **> am_Availability_s availability <** @description : the sourceClassID, indicates the class the source is in. This information can be used by the Controller to implement different behaviour for different classes. **> am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID } array am_SourceType_l of am_SourceType_s struct am_SinkType_s { <** @description : This is the ID of the sink, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). **> am_sinkID_t sinkID <** @description : The name of the sink. Must be unique in the whole system. **> String name <** @description : This attribute reflects the availability of the sink. There are several reasons why a sink could be not available for the moment: for example the shutdown of a sink because of overtemperature or over- & undervoltage. The availability consists of two pieces of information: Availablility: the status itself, can be A_AVAILABLE, A_UNAVAILABLE or A_UNKNOWN AvailabilityReason: this informs about the last reason for a change in availability. The reasons itself are product specific. **> am_Availability_s availability <** @description : This is the representation of the Volume for the commandInterface. It is used by the HMI to set the volume of a sink, the AudioManagerController has to transform this into real source and sink volumes. **> am_mainVolume_t volume am_MuteState_e muteState <** @description : the sinkClassID references to a sinkClass. With the help of classification, rules can be setup to define the system behaviour. **> am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID } array am_SinkType_l of am_SinkType_s struct am_ClassProperty_s { <** @description : he property as enum. **> am_ClassProperty_e classProperty Int16 value } array am_ClassProperty_l of am_ClassProperty_s struct am_SourceClass_s { <** @description : the source ID. **> am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID <** @description : the name of the sourceClass - must be unique in the system. **> String name <** @description : the list of the class properties. These are pairs of a project specific enum describing the type of the value and an integer holding the real value. **> am_ClassProperty_l listClassProperties } array am_SourceClass_l of am_SourceClass_s struct am_SinkClass_s { <** @description : the ID of the sinkClass. **> am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID <** @description : the name of the sinkClass - must be unique in the system. **> String name <** @description : the list of the class properties. These are pairs of a project specific enum describing the type of the value and an integer holding the real value. **> am_ClassProperty_l listClassProperties } array am_SinkClass_l of am_SinkClass_s struct am_NotificationPayload_s { am_NotificationType_e type <** @description : This is finally the value of the notification. It's meaning depends on the notificationType **> Int16 value } }