/** * SPDX license identifier: MPL-2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2012, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. * * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more * Contribution License Agreements. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Christian Linke, christian.linke@bmw.de BMW 2011,2012 * * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * */ #include "CAmSocketHandlerTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CAmSocketHandler.h" //todo: expand test, implement more usecases //todo: test removeFD #define SOCK_PATH "/tmp/mysock" #define SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT 1000 using namespace testing; using namespace am; static const char * TEST_SOCKET_DATA = "Got It?"; static const char * TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL = "finish!"; static const std::chrono::time_point TP_ZERO; CAmSocketHandlerTest::CAmSocketHandlerTest() { } CAmSocketHandlerTest::~CAmSocketHandlerTest() { } void CAmSocketHandlerTest::SetUp() { } void CAmSocketHandlerTest::TearDown() { } CAmTimerSockethandlerController::CAmTimerSockethandlerController(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout) : MockIAmTimerCb(), mpSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerSockethandlerController::timerCallback) { } am::CAmTimerSockethandlerController::~CAmTimerSockethandlerController() { } void am::CAmTimerSockethandlerController::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData) { MockIAmTimerCb::timerCallback(handle, userData); mpSocketHandler->stop_listening(); } CAmTimer::CAmTimer(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout, const int32_t repeats) : MockIAmTimerCb(), mpSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimer::timerCallback), mRepeats(repeats) { } am::CAmTimer::~CAmTimer() { } void am::CAmTimer::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData) { MockIAmTimerCb::timerCallback(handle, userData); if (--mRepeats > 0) { #ifndef WITH_TIMERFD mpSocketHandler->updateTimer( handle, mUpdateTimeout); #endif } else { mpSocketHandler->stopTimer(handle); } } CAmTimerMeasurment::CAmTimerMeasurment(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout, const std::string & label, const int32_t repeats, void * userData) : MockIAmTimerCb(), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerMeasurment::timerCallback), // mSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), mUpdateTimePoint(std::chrono::seconds { mUpdateTimeout.tv_sec } + std::chrono::nanoseconds { mUpdateTimeout.tv_nsec }), mLastInvocationTime(), mExpected(mUpdateTimePoint - TP_ZERO), mRepeats(repeats), mpUserData(userData), mDebugText(label) { } am::CAmTimerMeasurment::~CAmTimerMeasurment() { } void am::CAmTimerMeasurment::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData) { MockIAmTimerCb::timerCallback(handle, userData); std::chrono::time_point t_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (TP_ZERO != mLastInvocationTime) { auto durationLast = t_end - mLastInvocationTime; double diff = (std::chrono::duration(mExpected - durationLast).count()); #ifdef ENABLED_TIMERS_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << mDebugText << " [ expected:" <(mExpected).count() << "ms" " , current:" << std::chrono::duration(durationLast).count() << "ms" ", diff:" << diff << "ms ] " << std::endl; #endif if (diff > TIMERS_CB_TOLERANCE) std::cout << mDebugText << " Warning [ expected:" << std::chrono::duration(mExpected).count() << "ms, current:" << std::chrono::duration(durationLast).count() << "ms ]" << std::endl; if (diff < -TIMERS_CB_TOLERANCE) std::cout << mDebugText << " Warning [ expected:" << std::chrono::duration(mExpected).count() << "ms, current:" << std::chrono::duration(durationLast).count() << "ms ]" << std::endl; mLastInvocationTime = t_end; if (--mRepeats > 0) { #ifndef WITH_TIMERFD mSocketHandler->updateTimer( handle, mUpdateTimeout); #endif } else { mSocketHandler->stopTimer(handle); } } else { #ifdef ENABLED_TIMERS_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << mDebugText << " Init measurment " << std::endl; #endif mLastInvocationTime = t_end; mSocketHandler->updateTimer(handle, mUpdateTimeout); } } void* playWithSocketServer(void* data) { CAmSocketHandler *pSockethandler = (CAmSocketHandler*) data; pSockethandler->start_listenting(); return (NULL); } void* playWithUnixSocketServer(void* data) { CAmSocketHandler *pSockethandler = (CAmSocketHandler*) data; pSockethandler->start_listenting(); return (NULL); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersOneshot) { CAmSocketHandler myHandler; timespec timeoutTime; timeoutTime.tv_sec = 1; timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 0; CAmTimer testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime); struct TestUserData { int i; float f; }; TestUserData userData; userData.i = 1; userData.f = 1.f; sh_timerHandle_t handle; myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime, &testCallback1.pTimerCallback, handle, &userData); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback1,timerCallback(handle,&userData)).Times(1); timespec timeout4; timeout4.tv_nsec = 0; timeout4.tv_sec = 3; CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4); myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback4,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(1); myHandler.start_listenting(); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersStop) { CAmSocketHandler myHandler; timespec timeoutTime; timeoutTime.tv_sec = 1; timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 0; CAmTimer testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime, 4); struct TestUserData { int i; float f; }; TestUserData userData; userData.i = 1; userData.f = 1.f; sh_timerHandle_t handle; myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime, &testCallback1.pTimerCallback, handle, &userData, true); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback1,timerCallback(handle,&userData)).Times(4); timespec timeout4; timeout4.tv_nsec = 0; timeout4.tv_sec = 6; CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4); myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback4,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(1); myHandler.start_listenting(); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersGeneral) { CAmSocketHandler myHandler; timespec timeoutTime; timeoutTime.tv_sec = 1; timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 0; CAmTimer testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime, 4); struct TestUserData { int i; float f; }; TestUserData userData; userData.i = 1; userData.f = 1.f; sh_timerHandle_t handle; myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime, &testCallback1.pTimerCallback, handle, &userData, true); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback1,timerCallback(handle,&userData)).Times(4); //+1 because of measurment timespec timeout4; timeout4.tv_nsec = 0; timeout4.tv_sec = 5; CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4); myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback4,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(1); myHandler.start_listenting(); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithTimers) { CAmSocketHandler myHandler; timespec timeoutTime, timeout2, timeout3, timeout4; timeoutTime.tv_sec = 1; timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 34000000; CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime, "repeatedCallback 1", std::numeric_limits::max()); timeout2.tv_nsec = 2000000; timeout2.tv_sec = 0; CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback2(&myHandler, timeout2, "repeatedCallback 2", std::numeric_limits::max()); timeout3.tv_nsec = 333000000; timeout3.tv_sec = 3; CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback3(&myHandler, timeout3, "oneshotCallback 3"); timeout4.tv_nsec = 0; timeout4.tv_sec = 8; CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4); sh_timerHandle_t handle; myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime, &testCallback1.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL, true); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback1,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(AnyNumber()); myHandler.addTimer(timeout2, &testCallback2.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL, true); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback2,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(AnyNumber()); myHandler.addTimer(timeout3, &testCallback3.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback3,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(2); //+1 because of measurment myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL); EXPECT_CALL(testCallback4,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(1); myHandler.start_listenting(); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithUNIXSockets) { pthread_t serverThread; struct sockaddr_un servAddr; int socket_; CAmSocketHandler myHandler; CAmSamplePlugin::sockType_e type = CAmSamplePlugin::UNIX; CAmSamplePlugin myplugin(&myHandler, type); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,receiveData(_,_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,dispatchData(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,check(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); //creates a thread that handles the serverpart pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithUnixSocketServer, &myHandler); sleep(1); //we need that here because the port needs to be opened if ((socket_ = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { std::cout << "socket problem" << std::endl; } memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr)); strcpy(servAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH); servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) < 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl; } for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++) { std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA); send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0); } std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL); send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0); pthread_join(serverThread, NULL); } TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithSockets) { pthread_t serverThread; struct sockaddr_in servAddr; unsigned short servPort = 6060; struct hostent *host; int socket_; CAmSocketHandler myHandler; CAmSamplePlugin::sockType_e type = CAmSamplePlugin::INET; CAmSamplePlugin myplugin(&myHandler, type); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,receiveData(_,_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,dispatchData(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,check(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1); //creates a thread that handles the serverpart pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithSocketServer, &myHandler); sleep(1); //we need that here because the port needs to be opened if ((socket_ = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { std::cout << "socket problem" << std::endl; } if ((host = (struct hostent*) gethostbyname("localhost")) == 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: gethostbyname() failed\n" << std::endl; exit(1); } memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr)); servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*) (host->h_addr_list[0]))); servAddr.sin_port = htons(servPort); if (connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) < 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl; } for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++) { std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA); send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0); } std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL); send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0); pthread_join(serverThread, NULL); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } am::CAmSamplePlugin::CAmSamplePlugin(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType_e socketType) : MockSocketHandlerCb(), connectFiredCB(this, &CAmSamplePlugin::connectSocket), // receiveFiredCB(this, &CAmSamplePlugin::receiveData), // sampleDispatchCB(this, &CAmSamplePlugin::dispatchData), // sampleCheckCB(this, &CAmSamplePlugin::check), // mSocketHandler(mySocketHandler), // mConnecthandle(), // mReceiveHandle(), // msgList() { int yes = 1; int socketHandle; struct sockaddr_in servAddr; struct sockaddr_un unixAddr; unsigned int servPort = 6060; switch (socketType) { case UNIX: socketHandle = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); unixAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(unixAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH); unlink(unixAddr.sun_path); bind(socketHandle, (struct sockaddr *) &unixAddr, strlen(unixAddr.sun_path) + sizeof(unixAddr.sun_family)); break; case INET: socketHandle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); setsockopt(socketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)); memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr)); servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; servAddr.sin_port = htons(servPort); bind(socketHandle, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)); break; default: break; } if (listen(socketHandle, 3) < 0) { #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "listen ok" << std::endl; #endif } /* if */ int a = 1; ioctl(socketHandle, FIONBIO, (char *) &a); setsockopt(socketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &a, sizeof(a)); short events = 0; events |= POLLIN; mySocketHandler->addFDPoll(socketHandle, events, NULL, &connectFiredCB, NULL, NULL, NULL, mConnecthandle); #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "setup server - listening" << std::endl; #endif } void am::CAmSamplePlugin::connectSocket(const pollfd pollfd1, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void *userData) { (void) handle; (void) userData; //first, accept the connection, create a new filedescriptor #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "Got a connection request !" << std::endl; #endif struct sockaddr answer; socklen_t len = sizeof(answer); int receiveFD = accept(pollfd1.fd, (struct sockaddr*) &answer, &len); //set the correct event: short event = 0; event |= POLLIN; //aded the filedescriptor to the sockethandler and register the callbacks for receiving the data mSocketHandler->addFDPoll(receiveFD, event, NULL, &receiveFiredCB, &sampleCheckCB, &sampleDispatchCB, NULL, mReceiveHandle); } void am::CAmSamplePlugin::receiveData(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void *userData) { (void) handle; (void) userData; MockSocketHandlerCb::receiveData(pollfd, handle, userData); //initialize buffer char buffer[10]; //read until buffer is full or no more data is there int read = recv(pollfd.fd, buffer, 7, 0); if (read > 1) { //read the message and store it in a queue std::string msg = std::string(buffer, read); msgList.push(msg); #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "Got a message !" << std::endl; #endif } } bool am::CAmSamplePlugin::dispatchData(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void *userData) { (void) handle; (void) userData; //read data from the queue MockSocketHandlerCb::dispatchData(handle, userData); #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "Data:" << msgList.front() << std::endl; #endif //if the message was our finish message, we quit the poll loop if (!(msgList.front().compare(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL) == 0 || msgList.front().compare(TEST_SOCKET_DATA) == 0)) //error { mSocketHandler->stop_listening(); } if (msgList.front().compare(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL) == 0) //ok { mSocketHandler->stop_listening(); } //remove the message from the queue and return false if there is no more message to read. msgList.pop(); if (msgList.size() != 0) return true; return false; } bool am::CAmSamplePlugin::check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void *userData) { (void) handle; (void) userData; MockSocketHandlerCb::check(handle, userData); //checks if there is data to dispatch #ifdef ENABLED_SOCKETHANDLER_TEST_OUTPUT std::cout << "check!:" << std::endl; #endif if (msgList.size() != 0) return true; return false; }