package org.genivi typeCollection am { typedef am_sourceID_t is UInt16 typedef am_sinkID_t is UInt16 typedef am_gatewayID_t is UInt16 typedef gongHandle is Int16 typedef am_sourceClass_t is UInt16 typedef am_sinkClass_t is UInt16 typedef am_volume_t is Int16 typedef am_mainVolume_t is Int16 typedef am_handle_t is UInt16 typedef am_time_t is UInt16 typedef am_connectionID_t is UInt16 enumeration gp_indicatorDirection_e { INDICATOR_RIGHT ="0x00" INDICATOR_LEFT="0x01" INDICATOR_WARNING="0x02" } enumeration am_RampType_e { RAMP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" RAMP_GENIVI_DIRECT = "0x01" RAMP_GENIVI_NO_PLOP = "0x02" RAMP_GENIVI_EXP_INV = "0x03" RAMP_GENIVI_LINEAR = "0x04" RAMP_GENIVI_EXP = "0x05" RAMP_MAX } enumeration am_MuteState_e { MS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" MS_MUTED = "0x01" MS_UNMUTED = "0x02" MS_MAX } enumeration am_SourceState_e { SS_UNKNNOWN = "0x00" SS_ON = "0x01" SS_OFF = "0x02" SS_PAUSED = "0x03" SS_MAX } enumeration am_Error_e { E_OK = "0x00" E_UNKNOWN = "0x01" E_OUT_OF_RANGE = "0x02" E_NOT_USED = "0x03" E_DATABASE_ERROR = "0x04" E_ALREADY_EXISTS = "0x05" E_NO_CHANGE = "0x06" E_NOT_POSSIBLE = "0x07" E_NON_EXISTENT = "0x08" E_ABORTED = "0x09" E_WRONG_FORMAT = "0xA" E_MAX } enumeration am_DomainState_e { DS_UNKNOWN = "0" DS_CONTROLLED = "1" DS_INDEPENDENT_STARTUP = "2" DS_INDEPENDENT_RUNDOWN = "3" DS_MAX } enumeration gongType_e { AT_NUN = "0x01" AT_POC = "0x02" AT_QUE = "0x03" AT_IWA = "0x04" AT_WA = "0x05" AT_ETC_F = "0x06" AT_ETC_F2 = "0x07" AT_ETC_ST = "0x08" AT_ETC_S = "0x09" AT_REV = "0x0A" AT_ESU = "0x0B" AT_ESD = "0x0C" AT_DG = "0x0D" AT_SG = "0x0E" AT_IDG = "0x0F" AT_ION = "0x10" AT_IOFF = "0x11" AT_FBS = "0x12" AT_VFS = "0x13" AT_GES = "0x14" AT_UEE = "0x15" } enumeration gp_indicatorStatus_e { IS_ON = "0x00" IS_OFF = "0x01" } enumeration gongStatus_e { NOT_PLAYING = "0x00" PLAYING = "0x01" INTERRUPTED = "0x02" } enumeration gongError_e { SUCCESS = "0x00" ERROR = "0x01" LOW_PRIORITY = "0x02" } enumeration gongClass_e { GONGCLASS_1 = "0x01" GONGCLASS_2 = "0x02" GONGCLASS_PDC = "0x03" GONGCLASS_TURN = "0x04" GONGCLASS_OBSTACLE = "0x05" } enumeration sampleSet_e { setBMW = "0x00" setMini = "0x01" setRR = "0x02" } enumeration am_Availability_e { A_UNKNOWN = "0x00" A_AVAILABLE = "0x01" A_UNAVAILABLE = "0x02" A_MAX } enumeration am_AvailabilityReason_e { AR_UNKNOWN = "0x00" AR_GENIVI_NEWMEDIA = "0x01" AR_GENIVI_SAMEMEDIA = "0x02" AR_GENIVI_NOMEDIA = "0x03" AR_GENIVI_TEMPERATURE = "0x04" AR_GENIVI_VOLTAGE = "0x05" AR_GENIVI_ERRORMEDIA = "0x06" AR_MAX } enumeration am_InterruptState_e { IS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" IS_OFF = "0x01" IS_INTERRUPTED = "0x02" IS_MAX } enumeration am_SoundPropertyType_e { SP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" SP_EXAMPLE_TREBLE = "0x01" SP_EXAMPLE_MID = "0x02" SP_EXAMPLE_BASS = "0x03" SP_ENTER_SINKID = "0x04" SP_INTERR_SUPERSEEDINGID = "0x05" SP_INTERR_OVERLAYID = "0x06" SP_PRIORITY = "0x07" SP_MAX } enumeration am_ConnectionFormat_e { CF_UNKNOWN = "0x00" CF_GENIVI_MONO = "0x01" CF_GENIVI_STEREO = "0x02" CF_GENIVI_ANALOG = "0x03" CF_GENIVI_AUTO = "0x04" CF_MAX } array am_ConnectionFormat_L of am_ConnectionFormat_e enumeration am_MainSoundPropertyType_e { MSP_UNKNOWN = "0x00" MSP_EXAMPLE_TREBLE = "0x01" MSP_EXAMPLE_MID = "0x02" MSP_EXAMPLE_BASS = "0x03" MSP_SOURCE_TYPE = "0x04" MSP_MAX } enumeration am_NotificationType_e { NT_UNKNOWN = "0x00" NT_LOUDNESS = "0x01" NT_MAX } enumeration am_NotificationStatus_e { NS_UNKNOWN = "0x00" NS_OFF = "0x01" NS_PERIODIC = "0x02" NS_MINIMUM = "0x03" NS_MAXIMUM = "0x04" NS_CHANGE = "0x05" NS_MAX } struct distanceInformation_s { Int32 FrontLeft Int32 FrontRight Int32 RearLeft Int32 RearRight } struct sampleNames_s { sampleSet_e sample String sampleName } array listSampleNamesL of sampleNames_s typedef am_domainID_t is UInt16 struct am_Domain_s { am_domainID_t domainID String name String busname String nodename Boolean early Boolean complete am_DomainState_e ^state } struct notificationPayload_s { Int16 type Int16 payload } struct am_Availability_s { am_Availability_e availability am_AvailabilityReason_e availabilityReason } struct am_SoundProperty_s { am_SoundPropertyType_e type Int16 value } array am_SoundProperty_L of am_SoundProperty_s struct am_MainSoundProperty_s { am_MainSoundPropertyType_e type Int16 value } array am_MainSoundProperty_L of am_MainSoundProperty_s struct am_NotificationConfiguration_s { am_NotificationType_e type am_NotificationStatus_e status Int16 parameter } array am_NotificationConfiguration_L of am_NotificationConfiguration_s array bool_L of Boolean struct sourceData_s { am_sourceID_t sourceID am_domainID_t domainID String name am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID am_SourceState_e sourceState am_volume_t volume Boolean visible am_Availability_s available am_InterruptState_e interruptState am_SoundProperty_L listSoundProperties am_ConnectionFormat_L listConnectionFormats am_MainSoundProperty_L listMainSoundProperties am_NotificationConfiguration_L listMainNotificationConfigurations am_NotificationConfiguration_L listNotificationConfigurations } struct sinkData_s { am_sinkID_t sinkID String name am_domainID_t domainID am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID am_volume_t volume Boolean visible am_Availability_s available am_MuteState_e muteState am_mainVolume_t mainVolume am_SoundProperty_L listSoundProperties am_ConnectionFormat_L listConnectionFormats am_MainSoundProperty_L listMainSoundProperties am_NotificationConfiguration_L listMainNotificationConfigurations am_NotificationConfiguration_L listNotificationConfigurations } struct am_Gateway_s { am_gatewayID_t gatewayID String name am_sinkID_t sinkID am_sourceID_t sourceID am_domainID_t domainSinkID am_domainID_t domainSourceID am_domainID_t controlDomainID am_ConnectionFormat_L listSourceFormats am_ConnectionFormat_L listSinkFormats bool_L convertionMatrix } }