/* * Copyright (C) 2012, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. * * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more * Contribution License Agreements. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * \author Christian Mueller (christian.ei.mueller@bmw.de) * */ /*! \page sourcesink The relation of sources & sinks with the AudioManager \section claDi Class diagramm of the relation between sources, sinks and the AudioManager In general, the relationship is defined as well as the interfaces that are used to communicate the informations back and forth. But since the exchange of these informations is abstracted by the RoutingPlugins, the architecture cannot define explicit mechanisms here.\n A lot of attributes that are part of sources and sinks belong logical to them and might be implemented by the RoutingPlugin. The relation between sources, sinks and the AudioManagerDaemon is shown in this \ref cDiag . \section boil The REAL interaction A lot of information is related to sources and sinks as can be seen here: \ref cDiag . But not all informations are actually communicated to the sources and sinks since the routing adaptor will take care of handling some of these informations.\n Here are some informations that is believed to be actually communicated to the sources and sinks: \section conFormats Connection Formats The am::am_ConnectionFormat_e formats for a connection are chosen when the connection is build up. So if there are more than one possbilities that can be used for a connection (am::am_Sink_s::listConnectionFormats and am::am_Source_s::listConnectionFormats) the correct one is chosen upon a connect. If this is relevant to the sources and sinks, the routingAdaptor must communicate to the sources and sinks accordingly. \image html SettingConnectionFormats.png \section sstates Source States This diagrams shows the sequence that is used to set the sources states am::am_SourceState_e. Since the source states are set by the AudioManagerController, the exact behavior is product specific. \image html SourceStates.png \section avail Availability This diagram shows the sequence that is used to communicate the availability am::am_Availability_s. from the sources. Please note that the availability reasons am::am_AvailabilityReason_e are product specific. \image html AvailabilityofSources.png Here is the same for the sinks: \image html AvailabilityofSinks.png \section vol Volumes Volumes am::am_volume_t are set to the sinks, mainly, but depending on the used audio routing system it might be that they can be set on the source level as well. If this is not the case, proper measures must be taken to do this. Changes of a source: \image html VolumeChangesofSources.png Changes of a sink: \image html VolumeChangesofSinks.png \section SoundProperties The am::am_SoundProperty_s are set to the sources and sinks. More information about SoundProperties can be found here: \ref prop. Changes of a sink: \image html SoundPropertyChangeofSink.png Changes of a source: \image html SoundPropertyChangeofSource.png \section in Interrupt States The am::am_InterruptState_e are reported by low level interrupts from the sources to the AudioManagement. More details here: \ref interrupts . \image html InterruptStatusChange.png */