AtkTable The ATK interface implemented for UI components which contain tabular or row/column information. #AtkTable should be implemented by components which present elements ordered via rows and columns. It may also be used to present tree-structured information if the nodes of the trees can be said to contain multiple "columns". Individual elements of an #AtkTable are typically referred to as "cells", and these cells are exposed by #AtkTable as child #AtkObjects of the #AtkTable. Both row/column and child-index-based access to these children is provided. Children of #AtkTable are frequently "lightweight" objects, that is, they may not have backing widgets in the host UI toolkit. They are therefore often transient. Since tables are often very complex, #AtkTable includes provision for offering simplified summary information, as well as row and column headers and captions. Headers and captions are #AtkObjects which may implement other interfaces (#AtkText, #AtkImage, etc.) as appropriate. #AtkTable summaries may themselves be (simplified) #AtkTables, etc. #AtkObject, #ATK_STATE_TRANSIENT The AtkTable structure does not contain any fields. The "column-deleted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is deleted. @atktable: the object which received the signal. @arg1: The index of the first column deleted. @arg2: The number of columns deleted. The "column-inserted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted. @atktable: the object which received the signal. @arg1: The index of the column inserted. @arg2: The number of colums inserted. The "column-reordered" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the columns are reordered. @atktable: the object which received the signal. The "model-changed" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the model displayed by the table changes. @atktable: the object which received the signal. The "row-deleted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted. @atktable: the object which received the signal. @arg1: The index of the first row deleted. @arg2: The number of rows deleted. The "row-inserted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted. @atktable: the object which received the signal. @arg1: The index of the first row deleted. @arg2: The number of rows deleted. The "row-reordered" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the columns are reordered. @atktable: the object which received the signal. @table: @row: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @column: @Returns: @table: @index_: @Returns: @table: @index_: @Returns: @table: @Returns: @table: @Returns: @table: @row: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @column: @Returns: @table: @Returns: @table: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @Returns: @table: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @Returns: @table: @Returns: @table: @caption: @table: @row: @description: @table: @column: @description: @table: @row: @header: @table: @column: @header: @table: @accessible: @table: @selected: @Returns: @table: @selected: @Returns: @table: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @Returns: @table: @row: @column: @Returns: @table: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @Returns: @table: @column: @Returns: @table: @row: @Returns: