AtkObject The base object class for the Accessibility Toolkit API. This class is the primary class for accessibility support via the Accessibility ToolKit (ATK). Objects which are instances of #AtkObject (or instances of AtkObject-derived types) are queried for properties which relate basic (and generic) properties of a UI component such as name and description. Instances of #AtkObject may also be queried as to whether they implement other ATK interfaces (e.g. #AtkAction, #AtkComponent, etc.), as appropriate to the role which a given UI component plays in a user interface. All UI components in an application which provide useful information or services to the user must provide corresponding #AtkObject instances on request (in GTK+, for instance, usually on a call to #gtk_widget_get_accessible ()), either via ATK support built into the toolkit for the widget class or ancestor class, or in the case of custom widgets, if the inherited #AtkObject implementation is insufficient, via instances of a new #AtkObject subclass. See also: #AtkObjectFactory, #AtkRegistry. ( GTK+ users see also #GtkAccessible). @parent: @description: @name: @accessible_parent: @role: @relation_set: @layer: These are the built-in enumerated roles that UI components can have in ATK. Other roles may be added at runtime, so an AtkRole >= ATK_ROLE_LAST_DEFINED is not necessarily an error. @ATK_ROLE_INVALID: @ATK_ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL: @ATK_ROLE_ALERT: @ATK_ROLE_ANIMATION: @ATK_ROLE_ARROW: @ATK_ROLE_CALENDAR: @ATK_ROLE_CANVAS: @ATK_ROLE_CHECK_BOX: @ATK_ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM: @ATK_ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER: @ATK_ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER: @ATK_ROLE_COMBO_BOX: @ATK_ROLE_DATE_EDITOR: @ATK_ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON: @ATK_ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME: @ATK_ROLE_DIAL: @ATK_ROLE_DIALOG: @ATK_ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_DRAWING_AREA: @ATK_ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER: @ATK_ROLE_FILLER: @ATK_ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER: @ATK_ROLE_FRAME: @ATK_ROLE_GLASS_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER: @ATK_ROLE_ICON: @ATK_ROLE_IMAGE: @ATK_ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME: @ATK_ROLE_LABEL: @ATK_ROLE_LAYERED_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_LIST: @ATK_ROLE_LIST_ITEM: @ATK_ROLE_MENU: @ATK_ROLE_MENU_BAR: @ATK_ROLE_MENU_ITEM: @ATK_ROLE_OPTION_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_PAGE_TAB: @ATK_ROLE_PAGE_TAB_LIST: @ATK_ROLE_PANEL: @ATK_ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT: @ATK_ROLE_POPUP_MENU: @ATK_ROLE_PROGRESS_BAR: @ATK_ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON: @ATK_ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON: @ATK_ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM: @ATK_ROLE_ROOT_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_ROW_HEADER: @ATK_ROLE_SCROLL_BAR: @ATK_ROLE_SCROLL_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_SEPARATOR: @ATK_ROLE_SLIDER: @ATK_ROLE_SPLIT_PANE: @ATK_ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON: @ATK_ROLE_STATUSBAR: @ATK_ROLE_TABLE: @ATK_ROLE_TABLE_CELL: @ATK_ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER: @ATK_ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER: @ATK_ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM: @ATK_ROLE_TERMINAL: @ATK_ROLE_TEXT: @ATK_ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON: @ATK_ROLE_TOOL_BAR: @ATK_ROLE_TOOL_TIP: @ATK_ROLE_TREE: @ATK_ROLE_TREE_TABLE: @ATK_ROLE_UNKNOWN: @ATK_ROLE_VIEWPORT: @ATK_ROLE_WINDOW: @ATK_ROLE_LAST_DEFINED: @name: @Returns: These enumerated "layer values" are used when determining which UI rendering layer a component is drawn into, which can help in making determinations of when components occlude one another. @ATK_LAYER_INVALID: @ATK_LAYER_BACKGROUND: @ATK_LAYER_CANVAS: @ATK_LAYER_WIDGET: @ATK_LAYER_MDI: @ATK_LAYER_POPUP: @ATK_LAYER_OVERLAY: This interface provides an alternative means of obtaining AtkObjects from a GOBject instance, and for querying whether a GObject instance provides ATK functionality. @parent: @ref_accessible: @parent: @relations: @property_name: @old_value: @new_value: @data: @Returns: @Param1: @Param2: @implementor: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @i: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @Returns: @accessible: @name: @accessible: @description: @accessible: @parent: @accessible: @role: @accessible: @handler: @Returns: @accessible: @handler_id: @accessible: @state: @value: @accessible: @data: @role: @Returns: @name: @Returns: