AtkComponent The ATK interface provided by UI components which occupy a physical area on the screen. #AtkComponent should be implemented by most if not all UI elements with an actual on-screen presence, i.e. components which can be said to have a screen-coordinate bounding box. Virtually all widgets will need to have #AtkComponent implementations provided for their corresponding #AtkObject class. In short, only UI elements which are *not* GUI elements will omit this ATK interface. A possible exception might be textual information with a transparent background, in which case text glyph bounding box information is provided by #AtkText. The AtkComponent structure does not contain any fields. @atkcomponent: the object which received the signal. @component: @handler: @Returns: @component: @x: @y: @coord_type: @Returns: @component: @x: @y: @width: @height: @coord_type: @component: @Returns: @component: @Returns: @component: @x: @y: @coord_type: @component: @width: @height: @component: @Returns: @component: @x: @y: @coord_type: @Returns: @component: @handler_id: @component: @x: @y: @width: @height: @coord_type: @Returns: @component: @x: @y: @coord_type: @Returns: @component: @width: @height: @Returns: