using org.freestandards.atspi.Accessible.Reference = Reference; /* The Component interface is implemented by objects which occupy on-screen space, e.g. objects which have onscreen visual representations. The methods in Component allow clients to identify where the objects lie in the onscreen coordinate system, their relative size, stacking order, and position. It also provides a mechanism whereby keyboard focus may be transferred to specific user interface elements programmatically. This is a 2D API, coordinates of 3D objects are projected into the 2-dimensional screen view for purposes of this interface. */ interface org.freestandards.atspi.Component { /* Used by Component, Image and Text interfaces to specify whether coordinates are relative to the window or screen. */ enum CoordType { COORD_TYPE_SCREEN = 0, COORD_TYPE_WINDOW = 1 } /* Used by Component and Text interfaces, a struct defining a bounding rectange. The coordinate system is determined by the context of the API call. */ struct BoundingBox { int32 x; int32 y; int32 width; int32 height; } /* Indicates the relative stacking order with respect to the onscreen visual representation. The order of layers, from bottom to top is: LAYER_BACKGROUND LAYER_WINDOW LAYER_MDI LAYER_CANVAS LAYER_WIDGET LAYER_POPUP LAYER_OVERLAY */ enum ComponentLayer { LAYER_INVALID, LAYER_BACKGROUND, LAYER_CANVAS, LAYER_WIDGET, LAYER_MDI, LAYER_POPUP, LAYER_OVERLAY, LAYER_WINDOW, LAYER_LAST_DEFINED } /* Describes where the object should be placed on the window. */ enum uint32 ScrollType { SCROLL_TOP_LEFT = 0, SCROLL_BOTTOM_RIGHT, SCROLL_TOP_EDGE, SCROLL_BOTTOM_EDGE, SCROLL_LEFT_EDGE, SCROLL_RIGHT_EDGE, SCROLL_ANYWHERE } /* Specifies whether the coordinates are relative to the screen, to the window, or to the parent object. */ enum uint32 CoordType { COORD_TYPE_SCREEN = 0, COORD_TYPE_WINDOW, COORD_TYPE_PARENT } /* True if the specified point lies within the components bounding box. */ method Contains { int32 x; int32 y; CoordType coord_type; } reply { boolean within; } /* Return the accessible child whose bounding box contains the specified point. */ method GetAccessibleAtPoint { int32 x; int32 y; CoordType coord_type; } reply { Reference child; } /* Obtain the components bounding box, in pixels, relative to the specified coordinate system. The returned values are meaningful only if the Component has both STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING. */ method GetExtents { CoordType cood_type; } reply { BoundingBox box; } /* Obtain the position of the current component in the specified coordinate system. The returned values are meaningful only if the Component has both STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING. */ method GetPosition { CoordType coord_type; } reply { int32 x; int32 y; } /* Obtain the size in the specified coordinate system. Fully contains teh object's visual representation without accounting for viewport clipping. The returned values are meaningful only if the Component has both STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING. */ method GetSize reply { int32 width; int32 height; } /* The component layer in which this object resides. */ method GetLayer reply { ComponentLayer layer; } /* Obtain the relative stacking order (i.e 'Z' order) of an object. Larger values indicate that an object is on 'top' of the stack. Only relevenat for objects in LAYER_MDI or LAYER_WINDOW. */ method GetMDIZOrder reply { int16 order; } /* Request that an object obtain keyboard focus. */ method GrabFocus reply { boolean success; } /* Obtain the alpha value of the component. Alpha values are used with Z-Order to determine whether an obeject obscures anothers visual representation. */ method GetAlpha reply { double alpha; } /* Scroll this object so it becomes visible on the screen. */ method ScrollTo { ScrollType type; } /* Scroll this object so it becomes visible on the screen at a given position. */ method ScrollToPoint { CoordType type; int32 x; int32 y; } }