[library] version = "@VERSION@" browse_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/at-spi2-core/" repository_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/at-spi2-core.git" website_url = "https://wiki.gnome.org/Accessibility" docs_url = "https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/at-spi2-core/atk/" authors = "ATK Development Team" license = "LGPL-2.1-or-later" description = """GNOME provides support for accessibility devices using the ATK framework. This framework defines a set of interfaces to which graphical interface components adhere. This allows, for instance, screen readers to read the text of an interface and interact with its controls. ATK support is built into GTK+ 3 and the rest of the GNOME platform, so any application using GTK+ 3 will have reasonable accessibility support for free. GTK4 now includes accessibility support natively and does not need ATK.""" devhelp = true search_index = true logo_url = "logo.png" dependencies = ["GObject-2.0",] [dependencies."GObject-2.0"] name = "GObject" description = "The base type system library" docs_url = "https://docs.gtk.org/gobject/" related = ["Atspi-2.0"] [related."Atspi-2.0"] name = "AT-SPI" description = "The Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface" docs_url = "https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/at-spi2-core/libatspi/" [theme] name = "basic" show_index_summary = true show_class_hierarchy = true [source-location] # The base URL for the web UI base_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/at-spi2-core/-/blob/HEAD/" # The format for links, using "filename" and "line" for the format file_format = "{filename}#L{line}" [extra] content_files = [ ] content_images = [ "logo.png", ] urlmap_file = "urlmap.js"