#include "atspi-private.h" static void atspi_state_set_class_init (AtspiStateSetClass *klass); G_DEFINE_TYPE (AtspiStateSet, atspi_state_set, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static const char *state_names [] = { "invalid", "active", "armed", "busy", "checked", "collapsed", "defunct", "editable", "enabled", "expandable", "expanded", "focusable", "focused", "has-tool-tip", "horizontal", "iconified", "modal", "multi-line", "multiselectable", "opaque", "pressed", "resizable", "selectable", "selected", "sensitive", "showing", "singleLine", "stale", "transient", "vertical", "visible", "manages-descendants", "indeterminate", "required", "truncated", "animated", "invalid-entry", "supports-autocompletion", "selectable-text", "is-default", "visited", NULL }; static void atspi_state_set_init (AtspiStateSet *set) { set->states = 0; } static void atspi_state_set_class_init (AtspiStateSetClass* klass) { } /* * atspi_state_set_new: * * @states: (element-type AtspiStateType): An array of states with which to initialize * the state set. * * Returns: A new #AtspiStateSet with the given states. **/ AtspiStateSet * atspi_state_set_new (GArray *states) { AtspiStateSet *set = g_object_new (ATSPI_TYPE_STATE_SET, NULL); gint i; if (!set || !states) return set; for (i = 0; i < states->len; i++) atspi_state_set_add (set, g_array_index (states, AtspiStateType, i)); return set; } AtspiStateSet * _atspi_state_set_new_internal (AtspiAccessible *accessible, gint64 states) { AtspiStateSet *set; set = g_object_new (ATSPI_TYPE_STATE_SET, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (set != NULL, NULL); set->accessible = accessible; set->states = states; return set; } void atspi_state_set_set_by_name (AtspiStateSet *set, const gchar *name, gboolean enabled) { gint i = 0; if (set->accessible && !(set->accessible->cached_properties & ATSPI_CACHE_STATES)) return; /* TODO: This could perhaps be optimized */ for (i = 0; state_names [i]; i++) { if (!strcmp (state_names [i], name)) { if (enabled) set->states |= (1 << i); else set->states &= ~(1 << i); return; } } g_warning ("at-spi: Attempt to set unknown state '%s'", name); } static void refresh_states (AtspiStateSet *set) { GArray *state_array; dbus_uint32_t *states; if (!set->accessible || (set->accessible->cached_properties & ATSPI_CACHE_STATES)) return; if (!_atspi_dbus_call (set->accessible, atspi_interface_accessible, "GetState", NULL, "=>au", &state_array)) return; states = (dbus_uint32_t *) state_array->data; set->states = ((gint64)states [1]) << 32; set->states += states [0]; g_array_free (state_array, TRUE); } /** * atspi_state_set_add: * * @set: a pointer to the #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * @state: an #AtspiStateType to be added to the specified #AtspiStateSet. * * Add a particular #AtspiState to an #AtspiStateSet (i.e. set the * given state to #TRUE in the stateset. * **/ void atspi_state_set_add (AtspiStateSet *set, AtspiStateType state) { g_return_if_fail (set != NULL); set->states |= (((gint64)1) << state); } /** * atspi_state_set_compare: * @set: a pointer to the first #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * @set: a pointer to the second #AtspiStateSet setect on which to operate. * * Determine the differences between two instances of #AtspiStateSet. *. * @see AtspiStateSet_equals(). * * Returns: (transfer full): an #AtspiStateSet object containing all states * contained on one of the two sets but not the other. * **/ AtspiStateSet * atspi_state_set_compare (AtspiStateSet *set, AtspiStateSet *set2) { g_return_val_if_fail (set != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (set2 != NULL, NULL); return _atspi_state_set_new_internal (NULL, set->states ^ set2->states); } /** * atspi_state_set_contains: * @set: a pointer to the #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * @state: an #AtspiStateType for which the specified #AtspiStateSet * will be queried. * * Determine whether a given #AtspiStateSet includes a given state; that is, * whether @state is true for the stateset in question. * * Returns: #TRUE if @state is true/included in the given #AtspiStateSet, * otherwise #FALSE. * **/ gboolean atspi_state_set_contains (AtspiStateSet *set, AtspiStateType state) { refresh_states (set); return (set->states & (1 << state)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * atspi_state_set_equals: * @set: a pointer to the first #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * @set2: a pointer to the second #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * * Determine whether two instances of #AtspiStateSet are equivalent (i.e. * consist of the same #AtspiStates). Useful for checking multiple * state variables at once; construct the target state then compare against it. * * @see AtspiStateSet_compare(). * * Returns: #TRUE if the two #AtspiStateSets are equivalent, * otherwise #FALSE. * **/ gboolean atspi_state_set_equals (AtspiStateSet *set, AtspiStateSet *set2) { if (set == set2) return TRUE; if (set == NULL || set2 == NULL) return FALSE; return (set->states == set2->states); } /** * atspi_state_set_get_states: * * @set: The #AtspiStateSet to be queried. * * Return the states in an #AtspiStateSet as an array. * * Returns: (element-type AtspiStateType) (transfer full): A #GArray of state * types representing the current state. **/ GArray * atspi_state_set_get_states (AtspiStateSet *set) { gint i = 0; guint64 val = 1; GArray *ret; g_return_val_if_fail (set != NULL, NULL); refresh_states (set); ret = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiStateType)); if (!ret) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (set->states & val) { GArray *new_array = g_array_append_val (ret, i); if (new_array) ret = new_array; } val <<= 1; } return ret; } /** * atspi_state_set_is_empty: * * @set: The #AtspiStateSet to query. * * Returns: #TRUE if the state set contains no states; #FALSE otherwise. **/ gboolean atspi_state_set_is_empty (AtspiStateSet *set) { return (set->states == 0); } /** * atspi_state_set_remove: * * @set: a pointer to the #AtspiStateSet object on which to operate. * @state: an #AtspiStateType to remove from the specifiedn state set. * * Remove a particular #AtspiState to an #AtspiStateSet (i.e. set the * given state to #FALSE in the stateset.) * **/ void atspi_state_set_remove (AtspiStateSet *set, AtspiStateType state) { g_return_if_fail (set != NULL); set->states &= ~(1 << state); }