/* * AT-SPI - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface * (Gnome Accessibility Project; http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap) * * Copyright 2001, 2002 Sun Microsystems Inc., * Copyright 2001, 2002 Ximian, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* atspi_registry.c: Global functions wrapping the registry */ #include "atspi-private.h" typedef struct { AtspiDeviceListener *listener; GArray *key_set; AtspiKeyMaskType modmask; AtspiKeyEventMask event_types; gint sync_type; } DeviceListenerEntry; static GList *device_listeners; /** * atspi_get_desktop_count: * * Gets the number of virtual desktops. * NOTE: multiple virtual desktops are not implemented yet; as a * consequence, this function always returns 1. * * Returns: a #gint indicating the number of active virtual desktops. **/ gint atspi_get_desktop_count () { return 1; } /** * atspi_get_desktop: * @i: a #gint indicating which of the accessible desktops is to be returned. * * Gets the virtual desktop indicated by index @i. * NOTE: currently multiple virtual desktops are not implemented; * as a consequence, any @i value different from 0 will not return a * virtual desktop - instead it will return NULL. * * Returns: (transfer full): a pointer to the @i-th virtual desktop's * #AtspiAccessible representation. **/ AtspiAccessible* atspi_get_desktop (gint i) { if (i != 0) return NULL; return _atspi_ref_accessible (atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_root); } /** * atspi_get_desktop_list: * * Gets the list of virtual desktops. On return, @list will point * to a newly-created, NULL terminated array of virtual desktop * pointers. * It is the responsibility of the caller to free this array when * it is no longer needed. * NOTE: currently multiple virtual desktops are not implemented; * this implementation always returns a #Garray with a single * #AtspiAccessible desktop. * * Returns: (element-type AtspiAccessible*) (transfer full): a #GArray of * desktops. **/ GArray * atspi_get_desktop_list () { GArray *array = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiAccessible *)); AtspiAccessible *desktop; desktop = _atspi_ref_accessible (atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_root); if (array) g_array_index (array, AtspiAccessible *, 0) = desktop; return array; } static gboolean notify_keystroke_listener (DeviceListenerEntry *e) { gchar *path = _atspi_device_listener_get_path (e->listener); dbus_uint32_t d_modmask = e->modmask; dbus_uint32_t d_event_types = e->event_types; AtspiEventListenerMode listener_mode; gboolean retval = FALSE; DBusError d_error; listener_mode.synchronous = (dbus_bool_t) ((e->sync_type & ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_SYNCHRONOUS)!=0); listener_mode.preemptive = (dbus_bool_t) ((e->sync_type & ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_CANCONSUME)!=0); listener_mode.global = (dbus_bool_t) ((e->sync_type & ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_ALL_WINDOWS)!=0); dbus_error_init (&d_error); dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "RegisterKeystrokeListener", &d_error, "oa(iisi)uu(bbb)=>b", path, e->key_set, d_modmask, d_event_types, &listener_mode, &retval); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("RegisterKeystrokeListener failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } g_free (path); return retval; } static void device_listener_entry_free (DeviceListenerEntry *e) { g_array_free (e->key_set, TRUE); g_free (e); } static void unregister_listener (gpointer data, GObject *object) { GList *l; AtspiDeviceListener *listener = ATSPI_DEVICE_LISTENER (object); for (l = device_listeners; l;) { DeviceListenerEntry *e = l->data; if (e->listener == listener) { GList *next = l->next; device_listener_entry_free (e); device_listeners = g_list_delete_link (device_listeners, l); l = next; } else l = l->next; } } /** * atspi_register_keystroke_listener: * @listener: a pointer to the #AtspiDeviceListener for which * keystroke events are requested. * @key_set: (element-type AtspiKeyDefinition) (allow-none): a pointer to the * #AtspiKeyDefinition array indicating which keystroke events are * requested, or NULL * to indicate that all keycodes and keyvals for the specified * modifier set are to be included. * @modmask: an #AtspiKeyMaskType mask indicating which * key event modifiers must be set in combination with @keys, * events will only be reported for key events for which all * modifiers in @modmask are set. If you wish to listen for * events with multiple modifier combinations, you must call * #atspi_register_keystroke_listener once for each * combination. * @event_types: an #AtspiKeyMaskType mask indicating which * types of key events are requested (%ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED etc.). * @sync_type: an #AtspiKeyListenerSyncType parameter indicating * the behavior of the notification/listener transaction. * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Registers a listener for keystroke events, either pre-emptively for * all windows (%ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_ALL_WINDOWS), * non-preemptively (%ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_NOSYNC), or * pre-emptively at the toolkit level (%ATSPI_KEYLISTENER_CANCONSUME). * If ALL_WINDOWS or CANCONSUME are used, the event is consumed * upon receipt if one of @listener's callbacks returns %TRUE * (other sync_type values may be available in the future). * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_register_keystroke_listener (AtspiDeviceListener *listener, GArray *key_set, AtspiKeyMaskType modmask, AtspiKeyEventMask event_types, AtspiKeyListenerSyncType sync_type, GError **error) { DeviceListenerEntry *e; g_return_val_if_fail (listener != NULL, FALSE); e = g_new0 (DeviceListenerEntry, 1); e->listener = listener; e->modmask = modmask; e->event_types = event_types; e->sync_type = sync_type; if (key_set) { gint i; e->key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiKeyDefinition), key_set->len); e->key_set->len = key_set->len; for (i = 0; i < key_set->len; i++) { AtspiKeyDefinition *kd = ((AtspiKeyDefinition *) key_set->data) + i; AtspiKeyDefinition *d_kd = ((AtspiKeyDefinition *) e->key_set->data) + i; d_kd->keycode = kd->keycode; d_kd->keysym = kd->keysym; if (kd->keystring) { d_kd->keystring = kd->keystring; } else { d_kd->keystring = ""; } } } else { e->key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiKeyDefinition), 0); } g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (listener), unregister_listener, NULL); device_listeners = g_list_prepend (device_listeners, e); return notify_keystroke_listener (e); } /** * atspi_deregister_keystroke_listener: * @listener: a pointer to the #AtspiDeviceListener for which * keystroke events are requested. * @key_set: (element-type AtspiKeyDefinition) (allow-none): a pointer to the * #AtspiKeyDefinition array indicating which keystroke events are * requested, or %NULL * to indicate that all keycodes and keyvals for the specified * modifier set are to be included. * @modmask: the key modifier mask for which this listener is to be * 'deregistered' (of type #AtspiKeyMaskType). * @event_types: an #AtspiKeyMaskType mask indicating which * types of key events were requested (%ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED, etc.). * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Removes a keystroke event listener from the registry's listener queue, * ceasing notification of events with modifiers matching @modmask. * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_deregister_keystroke_listener (AtspiDeviceListener *listener, GArray *key_set, AtspiKeyMaskType modmask, AtspiKeyEventMask event_types, GError **error) { GArray *d_key_set; gchar *path = _atspi_device_listener_get_path (listener); gint i; dbus_uint32_t d_modmask = modmask; dbus_uint32_t d_event_types = event_types; DBusError d_error; GList *l; dbus_error_init (&d_error); if (!listener) { return FALSE; } /* copy the keyval filter values from the C api into the DBind KeySet */ if (key_set) { d_key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiKeyDefinition), key_set->len); d_key_set->len = key_set->len; for (i = 0; i < key_set->len; ++i) { AtspiKeyDefinition *kd = ((AtspiKeyDefinition *) key_set->data) + i; AtspiKeyDefinition *d_kd = ((AtspiKeyDefinition *) d_key_set->data) + i; d_kd->keycode = kd->keycode; d_kd->keysym = kd->keysym; if (kd->keystring) { d_kd->keystring = kd->keystring; } else { d_kd->keystring = ""; } } } else { d_key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (AtspiKeyDefinition), 0); } dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "DeregisterKeystrokeListener", &d_error, "oa(iisi)uu", path, d_key_set, d_modmask, d_event_types); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("DeregisterKeystrokeListener failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } unregister_listener (listener, NULL); for (l = device_listeners; l;) { /* TODO: This code is all wrong / doesn't match what is in * deviceeventcontroller.c. It would be nice to deprecate these methods * in favor of methods that return an ID for the registration that can * be passed to a deregister function, for instance. */ DeviceListenerEntry *e = l->data; if (e->modmask == modmask && e->event_types == event_types) { GList *next = l->next; device_listener_entry_free (e); device_listeners = g_list_delete_link (device_listeners, l); l = next; } else l = l->next; } g_array_free (d_key_set, TRUE); g_free (path); return TRUE; } /** * atspi_register_device_event_listener: * @listener: a pointer to the #AtspiDeviceListener which requests * the events. * @event_types: an #AtspiDeviceEventMask mask indicating which * types of key events are requested (%ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED, etc.). * @filter: (allow-none): Unused parameter. * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Registers a listener for device events, for instance button events. * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_register_device_event_listener (AtspiDeviceListener *listener, AtspiDeviceEventMask event_types, void *filter, GError **error) { gboolean retval = FALSE; dbus_uint32_t d_event_types = event_types; gchar *path = _atspi_device_listener_get_path (listener); DBusError d_error; dbus_error_init (&d_error); if (!listener) { return retval; } dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "RegisterDeviceEventListener", &d_error, "ou=>b", path, d_event_types, &retval); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("RegisterDeviceEventListener failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } g_free (path); return retval; } /** * atspi_deregister_device_event_listener: * @listener: a pointer to the #AtspiDeviceListener for which * device events are requested. * @filter: (allow-none): Unused parameter. * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Removes a device event listener from the registry's listener queue, * ceasing notification of events of the specified type. * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_deregister_device_event_listener (AtspiDeviceListener *listener, void *filter, GError **error) { dbus_uint32_t event_types = 0; gchar *path = _atspi_device_listener_get_path (listener); DBusError d_error; dbus_error_init (&d_error); if (!listener) { return FALSE; } event_types |= (1 << ATSPI_BUTTON_PRESSED_EVENT); event_types |= (1 << ATSPI_BUTTON_RELEASED_EVENT); dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "DeregisterDeviceEventListener", &d_error, "ou", path, event_types); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("DeregisterDeviceEventListener failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } g_free (path); return TRUE; } static gboolean using_mutter () { return (g_getenv ("WAYLAND_DISPLAY") != NULL); } /** * atspi_generate_keyboard_event: * @keyval: a #gint indicating the keycode or keysym or modifier mask of the * key event being synthesized. * @keystring: (allow-none): an (optional) UTF-8 string which, if * @synth_type is %ATSPI_KEY_STRING, indicates a 'composed' * keyboard input string being synthesized; this type of * keyboard event synthesis does not emulate hardware * keypresses but injects the string as though a composing * input method (such as XIM) were used. * @synth_type: an #AtspiKeySynthType flag indicating whether @keyval * is to be interpreted as a keysym rather than a keycode * (%ATSPI_KEY_SYM) or a string (%ATSPI_KEY_STRING) or a modifier * mask (%ATSPI_KEY_LOCKMODIFIERS and %ATSPI_KEY_UNLOCKMODIFIERS), or * whether to synthesize %ATSPI_KEY_PRESS, * %ATSPI_KEY_RELEASE, or both (%ATSPI_KEY_PRESSRELEASE). * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Synthesizes a keyboard event (as if a hardware keyboard event occurred in the * current UI context). * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_generate_keyboard_event (glong keyval, const gchar *keystring, AtspiKeySynthType synth_type, GError **error) { dbus_uint32_t d_synth_type = synth_type; dbus_int32_t d_keyval = keyval; DBusError d_error; if (using_mutter ()) { if (_atspi_mutter_generate_keyboard_event (keyval, keystring, synth_type, error)) return TRUE; } dbus_error_init (&d_error); if (!keystring) keystring = ""; dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "GenerateKeyboardEvent", &d_error, "isu", d_keyval, keystring, d_synth_type); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("GenerateKeyboardEvent failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } return TRUE; } /** * atspi_generate_mouse_event: * @x: a #glong indicating the screen x coordinate of the mouse event. * @y: a #glong indicating the screen y coordinate of the mouse event. * @name: a string indicating which mouse event to be synthesized * (e.g. "b1p", "b1c", "b2r", "rel", "abs"). * @error: (allow-none): a pointer to a %NULL #GError pointer, or %NULL * * Synthesizes a mouse event at a specific screen coordinate. * Most AT clients should use the #AccessibleAction interface when * tempted to generate mouse events, rather than this method. * Event names: b1p = button 1 press; b2r = button 2 release; * b3c = button 3 click; b2d = button 2 double-click; * abs = absolute motion; rel = relative motion. * * Returns: %TRUE if successful, otherwise %FALSE. **/ gboolean atspi_generate_mouse_event (glong x, glong y, const gchar *name, GError **error) { dbus_int32_t d_x = x, d_y = y; DBusError d_error; g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE); if (using_mutter ()) { if (_atspi_mutter_generate_mouse_event (x, y, name, error)) return TRUE; } dbus_error_init (&d_error); dbind_method_call_reentrant (_atspi_bus(), atspi_bus_registry, atspi_path_dec, atspi_interface_dec, "GenerateMouseEvent", &d_error, "iis", d_x, d_y, name); if (dbus_error_is_set (&d_error)) { g_warning ("GenerateMouseEvent failed: %s", d_error.message); dbus_error_free (&d_error); } return TRUE; } /** * atspi_set_reference_window: * @accessible: the #AtspiAccessible corresponding to the window to select. * should be a top-level window with a role of * ATSPI_ROLE_APPLICATION. * * Sets the reference window that will be used when atspi_generate_mouse_event * is called. Coordinates will be assumed to be relative to this window. This * is needed because, due to Wayland's security model, it is not currently * possible to retrieve global coordinates. * If NULL is passed, then AT-SPI will use the window that has focus at the * time that atspi_generate_mouse_event is called. */ void atspi_set_reference_window (AtspiAccessible *accessible) { if (using_mutter ()) _atspi_mutter_set_reference_window (accessible); } AtspiKeyDefinition * atspi_key_definition_copy (AtspiKeyDefinition *src) { AtspiKeyDefinition *dst; dst = g_new0 (AtspiKeyDefinition, 1); dst->keycode = src->keycode; dst->keysym = src->keysym; if (src->keystring) dst->keystring = g_strdup (src->keystring); dst->unused = src->unused; return dst; } void atspi_key_definition_free (AtspiKeyDefinition *kd) { if (kd->keystring) g_free (kd->keystring); g_free (kd); } void _atspi_reregister_device_listeners () { GList *l; DeviceListenerEntry *e; for (l = device_listeners; l; l = l->next) { e = l->data; notify_keystroke_listener (e); } } G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (AtspiKeyDefinition, atspi_key_definition, atspi_key_definition_copy, atspi_key_definition_free)