/* * arping * * By Thomas Habets * * ARP 'ping' utility * * Broadcasts a who-has ARP packet on the network and prints answers. * *VERY* useful when you are trying to pick an unused IP for a net that * you don't yet have routing to. Then again, if you have no idea what I'm * talking about then you prolly don't need it. * * Also finds out IP of specified MAC * */ /* * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Thomas Habets * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ //#include "config.h" #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include // NOTE: try un-commenting this //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #if defined(WIN32) #define HAVE_ESIZE_TYPES 1 #include "win32.h" #include "win32/getopt.h" #endif #if !defined(linux) #define HAVE_WEIRD_BSD 1 #define FINDIF 1 #endif #if defined(linux) #define HAVE_ESIZE_TYPES 1 #define FINDIF 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_NET_BPF_H #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_ESIZE_TYPES /* * let's hope we at least have these * FIXME: bleh, this is not auto-detected, so fix it with os-dependent stuff * like we have above for linux * But this broken thing compiled on my solaris, openbsd and linux-boxes so * it kinda works. */ #define u_int8_t uint8_t #define u_int16_t uint16_t #define u_int32_t uint32_t #endif #ifndef ETH_ALEN #define ETH_ALEN 6 #endif #ifndef IP_ALEN #define IP_ALEN 4 #endif const float version = 2.06f; static libnet_t *libnet = 0; static struct timeval lastpacketsent; static u_int32_t srcip,dstip; static int beep = 0; static int verbose = 0; static int alsototal = 0; /*static int pingmac = 0; */ static int finddup = 0; static unsigned int numsent = 0; static unsigned int numrecvd = 0; static int addr_must_be_same = 0; // RAWRAW is RAW|RRAW static enum { NORMAL,QUIET,RAW,RRAW,RAWRAW } display = NORMAL; static char *target = "huh? bug in arping?"; static u_int8_t ethnull[ETH_ALEN]; static u_int8_t ethxmas[ETH_ALEN]; static char srcmac[ETH_ALEN]; static char dstmac[ETH_ALEN]; volatile int time_to_die = 0; /* * */ static void do_libnet_init(const char *ifname) { char ebuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE]; if (verbose > 1) { printf("libnet_init(%s)\n", ifname); } if (libnet) { /* prolly going to switch interface from temp to real */ libnet_destroy(libnet); libnet = 0; } if (getuid() && geteuid()) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: must run as root\n"); exit(1); } if (!(libnet = libnet_init(LIBNET_LINK, (char*)ifname, ebuf))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_init(): %s\n", ebuf); exit(1); } } /* * */ static const char * arping_lookupdev_default(const char *ifname, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip, char *ebuf) { #ifdef WIN32 WCHAR buf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE + PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; WCHAR* ret = (WCHAR*)pcap_lookupdev((char*)buf); if (ret != NULL) { wcstombs(ebuf, ret, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE + PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE); return ebuf; } return NULL; #else return pcap_lookupdev(ebuf); #endif } #if defined(FINDIF) && defined(linux) /* * */ static const char *arping_lookupdev(const char *ifname, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip, char *ebuf) { FILE *f; static char buf[1024]; char buf1[1024]; char buf2[1024]; char *p,*p2; int n; do_libnet_init(ifname); libnet_addr2name4_r(dstip,0,buf2,1024); libnet_addr2name4_r(srcip,0,buf1,1024); /* * Construct and run command */ snprintf(buf, 1023, "/sbin/ip route get %s from %s 2>&1", buf2,buf1); if (!(f = popen(buf, "r"))) { goto failed; } if (0>(n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf)-1, f))) { pclose(f); goto failed; } buf[n] = 0; if (-1 == pclose(f)) { perror("arping: pclose()"); goto failed; } /* * Parse out device */ p = strstr(buf, "dev "); if (!p) { goto failed; } p+=4; p2 = strchr(p, ' '); if (!p2) { goto failed; } *p2 = 0; return p; failed: return arping_lookupdev_default(ifname,srcip,dstip,ebuf); } #elif defined(FINDIF) && defined(HAVE_WEIRD_BSD) static const char * arping_lookupdev(const char *ifname, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip, char *ebuf) { FILE *f; static char buf[10240]; char buf1[1024]; char *p,*p2; int n; do_libnet_init(ifname); libnet_addr2name4_r(dstip,0,buf1, 1024); //libnet_addr2name4_r(srcip,0,buf1); /* * Construct and run command */ snprintf(buf, 1023, "/sbin/route -n get %s 2>&1", buf1); if (!(f = popen(buf, "r"))) { goto failed; } if (0 > (n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf)-1, f))) { pclose(f); goto failed; } buf[n] = 0; if (-1 == pclose(f)) { perror("arping: pclose()"); goto failed; } /* * Parse out device */ p = strstr(buf, "interface: "); if (!p) { goto failed; } p+=11; p2 = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!p2) { goto failed; } *p2 = 0; return p; failed: return arping_lookupdev_default(srcip,dstip,ebuf); } #else /* * */ static const char *arping_lookupdev(const char *ifname, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip, char *ebuf) { return arping_lookupdev_default(ifname,srcip,dstip,ebuf); } #endif #ifdef WIN32 static BOOL WINAPI arping_console_ctrl_handler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { if(verbose) { printf("arping_console_ctrl_handler( %d )\n", (int)dwCtrlType); } time_to_die = 1; #if 0 /* if SetConsoleCtrlHandler() does what I think, this isn't needed */ if (display == NORMAL) { printf("\n--- %s statistics ---\n" "%d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %3.0f%% " "unanswered\n",target,numsent,numrecvd, 100.0 - 100.0 * (float)(numrecvd)/(float)numsent); } #endif return TRUE; } #endif /* * */ static void sigint(int i) { time_to_die = 1; } static void extended_usage() { printf("\nOptions:\n"); printf("\n" " -0 Use this option to ping with source IP address Use this\n" " when you haven't configured your interface yet. Note that this\n" " may get the MAC-ping unanswered. This is an alias for -S\n" "\n" " -a Audiable ping.\n" " -A Only count addresses matching requested address (This *WILL*\n" " break most things you do. Only useful if you are arpinging many\n" " hosts at once. See arping-scan-net.sh for an example).\n" " -b Like -0 but source broadcast source address (\n" " Note that this may get the arping unanswered since it's not nor-\n" " mal behavior for a host.\n" " -B Use instead of host if you want to address\n" " -c count\n" " Only send count requests.\n" " -d Find duplicate replies.\n" " -F Don't try to be smart about the interface name. (even if this\n" " switch is not given, -i overrides smartness.\n" " -h Displays a help message and exits.\n" " -i interface\n" " Use the specified interface.\n" " -q Does not display messages, except error messages.\n" " -r Raw output: only the MAC/IP address is displayed for each reply.\n" " -R Raw output: Like -r but shows \"the other one\", can be combined\n" " with -r.\n" " -s MAC Set source MAC address. You may need to use -p with this.\n" " -S IP Like -b and -0 but with set source address. Note that this may\n" " get the arping unanswered if the target does not have routing to\n" " the IP. If you don't own the IP you are using, you may need to\n" " turn on promiscious mode on the interface (with -p). With this\n" " switch you can find out what IP-address a host has without tak-\n" " ing an IP-address yourself.\n" " -t MAC Set target MAC address to use when pinging IP address.\n" " -T IP Use -T as target address when pinging MACs that won't respond to\n" " a broadcast ping but perhaps to a directed broadcast.\n" " Example:\n" " To check the address of MAC-A, use knowledge of MAC-B and IP-B.\n" " $ arping -S -s -p \n" " -p Turn on promiscious mode on interface, use this if you don't\n" " \"own\" the MAC address you are using.\n" " -u Show index=received/sent instead of just index=received when\n" " pinging MACs.\n" " -v Verbose output. Use twice for more messages.\n" " -w (arping 2.x only) Time to wait between pings, in microseconds.\n"); } /* * */ static void usage(int ret) { printf("ARPing %1.2f, by Thomas Habets \n", version); printf("usage: arping [ -0aAbdFpqrRuv ] [ -w ] [ -S ] " "[ -T ] [ -t ] [ -c ] " "[ -i ]\n" " \n"); #ifdef WIN32 extended_usage(); #endif exit(ret); } /* * It was unclear from msdn.microsoft.com if their scanf() supported * [0-9a-fA-F], so I'll stay away from it. */ static int is_mac_addr(const char *p) { /* cisco-style */ if (3*5-1 == strlen(p)) { unsigned int c; for (c = 0; c < strlen(p); c++) { if ((c % 5) == 4) { if ('.' != p[c]) { goto checkcolon; } } else { if (!isxdigit(p[c])) { goto checkcolon; } } } return 1; } /* windows-style */ if (6*3-1 == strlen(p)) { unsigned int c; for (c = 0; c < strlen(p); c++) { if ((c % 3) == 2) { if ('-' != p[c]) { goto checkcolon; } } else { if (!isxdigit(p[c])) { goto checkcolon; } } } return 1; } checkcolon: /* unix */ return strchr(p, ':') ? 1 : 0; } /* * lots of parms since C arrays suck */ static int get_mac_addr(const char *in, unsigned int *n0, unsigned int *n1, unsigned int *n2, unsigned int *n3, unsigned int *n4, unsigned int *n5) { if (6 == sscanf(in, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5)) { return 1; } else if(6 == sscanf(in, "%2x%x.%2x%x.%2x%x",n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5)) { return 1; } else if(6 == sscanf(in, "%x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x",n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5)) { return 1; } return 0; } /* * as always, the answer is 42 * * in this case the question is how many bytes buf needs to be. * Assuming a 33 byte max %d * * Still, I'm using at least 128bytes below * * (because snprintf() sadly isn't as portable, that's why) */ static char *tv2str(const struct timeval *tv, const struct timeval *tv2, char *buf) { double f,f2; int exp = 0; f = tv->tv_sec + (double)tv->tv_usec / 1000000; f2 = tv2->tv_sec + (double)tv2->tv_usec / 1000000; f = (f2 - f) * 1000000; while (f > 1000) { exp+= 3; f /= 1000; } switch (exp) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "%.3f usec", f); break; case 3: sprintf(buf, "%.3f msec", f); break; case 6: sprintf(buf, "%.3f sec", f); break; case 9: sprintf(buf, "%.3f sec", f*1000); break; default: // huh, uh, huhuh sprintf(buf, "%.3fe%d sec", f, exp-6); } return buf; } /* * */ static void pingmac_send(u_int8_t *srcmac, u_int8_t *dstmac, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip, u_int16_t id, u_int16_t seq) { static libnet_ptag_t icmp = 0, ipv4 = 0,eth=0; int c; if (-1 == (icmp = libnet_build_icmpv4_echo(ICMP_ECHO, // type 0, // code 0, // checksum id, // id seq, // seq NULL, // payload 0, // payload len libnet, icmp))) { fprintf(stderr, "libnet_build_icmpv4_echo(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if (-1==(ipv4 = libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_IPV4_H + LIBNET_ICMPV4_ECHO_H + 0, 0, // ToS id, // id 0, // frag 64, // ttl IPPROTO_ICMP, 0, // checksum srcip, dstip, NULL, // payload 0, libnet, ipv4))) { fprintf(stderr, "libnet_build_ipv4(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if (-1 == (eth = libnet_build_ethernet(dstmac, srcmac, ETHERTYPE_IP, NULL, 0, libnet, eth))) { fprintf(stderr, "libnet_build_ethernet(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if(verbose>1) { printf("arping: sending packet\n"); } if (-1 == (c = libnet_write(libnet))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_write(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if (-1 == gettimeofday(&lastpacketsent, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } numsent++; } /* * */ static void pingip_send(u_int8_t *srcmac, u_int8_t *dstmac, u_int32_t srcip, u_int32_t dstip) { static libnet_ptag_t arp=0,eth=0; if (-1 == (arp = libnet_build_arp(ARPHRD_ETHER, ETHERTYPE_IP, ETH_ALEN, IP_ALEN, ARPOP_REQUEST, srcmac, (u_int8_t*)&srcip, ethnull, (u_int8_t*)&dstip, NULL, 0, libnet, arp))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_build_arp(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if (-1 == (eth = libnet_build_ethernet(dstmac, srcmac, ETHERTYPE_ARP, NULL, 0, libnet, eth))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_build_ethernet(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if(verbose>1) { printf("arping: sending packet\n"); } if (-1 == libnet_write(libnet)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_write(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); sigint(0); } if (-1 == gettimeofday(&lastpacketsent, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } numsent++; } /* * */ static void pingip_recv(const char *unused, struct pcap_pkthdr *h, u_int8_t *packet) { struct libnet_802_3_hdr *heth; struct libnet_arp_hdr *harp; struct timeval arrival; int c; if(verbose>2) { printf("arping: received response for ip ping\n"); } if (-1 == gettimeofday(&arrival, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } heth = (void*)packet; harp = (void*)((char*)heth + LIBNET_ETH_H); if ((htons(harp->ar_op) == ARPOP_REPLY) && (htons(harp->ar_pro) == ETHERTYPE_IP) && (htons(harp->ar_hrd) == ARPHRD_ETHER)) { u_int32_t ip; memcpy(&ip, (char*)harp + harp->ar_hln + LIBNET_ARP_H,4); if (addr_must_be_same && (memcmp((u_char*)harp+sizeof(struct libnet_arp_hdr), dstmac, ETH_ALEN))) { return; } if (dstip == ip) { switch(display) { case NORMAL: { char buf[128]; printf("%d bytes from ", h->len); for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%c", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?':':' '); } printf("(%s): index=%d", libnet_addr2name4(ip,0), numrecvd); if (alsototal) { printf("/%u", numsent-1); } printf(" time=%s", tv2str(&lastpacketsent, &arrival,buf)); break; } case QUIET: break; case RAWRAW: for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%c", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?':':' '); } printf("%s", libnet_addr2name4(ip,0)); break; case RRAW: printf("%s", libnet_addr2name4(ip,0)); break; case RAW: for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%s", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?":":""); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "arping: can't happen!\n"); } if (display != QUIET) { printf(beep?"\a\n":"\n"); } numrecvd++; } } } /* * */ static void pingmac_recv(const char *unused, struct pcap_pkthdr *h, u_int8_t *packet) { struct libnet_802_3_hdr *heth; struct libnet_ipv4_hdr *hip; struct libnet_icmpv4_hdr *hicmp; struct timeval arrival; int c; if(verbose>2) { printf("arping: received response for mac ping\n"); } if (-1 == gettimeofday(&arrival, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } heth = (void*)packet; hip = (void*)((char*)heth + LIBNET_ETH_H); hicmp = (void*)((char*)hip + LIBNET_IPV4_H); if ((htons(hicmp->icmp_type) == ICMP_ECHOREPLY) && ((!memcmp(heth->_802_3_shost, dstmac,ETH_ALEN) || !memcmp(dstmac, ethxmas, ETH_ALEN))) && !memcmp(heth->_802_3_dhost, srcmac, ETH_ALEN)) { /* u_int8_t *cp = heth->_802_3_shost; */ if (addr_must_be_same) { u_int32_t tmp; memcpy(&tmp, &hip->ip_src, 4); if (dstip != tmp) { return; } } switch(display) { case QUIET: break; case NORMAL: { char buf[128]; printf("%d bytes from %s (",h->len, libnet_addr2name4(*(int*)&hip->ip_src, 0)); for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%c", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?':':')'); } printf(": icmp_seq=%d time=%s", htons(hicmp->icmp_seq),tv2str(&lastpacketsent, &arrival,buf)); break; } case RAW: printf("%s", libnet_addr2name4(hip->ip_src.s_addr, 0)); break; case RRAW: for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%s", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?":":""); } break; case RAWRAW: for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { printf("%.2x%c", heth->_802_3_shost[c], (c<5)?':':' '); } printf("%s", libnet_addr2name4(hip->ip_src.s_addr, 0)); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "arping: can't-happen-bug\n"); sigint(0); } if (display != QUIET) { printf(beep?"\a\n":"\n"); } numrecvd++; } } #ifdef WIN32 static void ping_recv_win32(pcap_t *pcap,u_int32_t packetwait, pcap_handler func) { struct timeval tv,tv2; char done = 0; /* windows won't let us do select() */ if (-1 == gettimeofday(&tv2,NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } while (!done && !time_to_die) { struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header; u_char *pkt_data; if (pcap_next_ex(pcap, &pkt_header, &pkt_data) == 1) { func(pcap, pkt_header, pkt_data); } if (-1 == gettimeofday(&tv,NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: " "gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } /* * setup next timeval, not very exact */ tv.tv_sec = (packetwait / 1000000) - (tv.tv_sec - tv2.tv_sec); tv.tv_usec = (packetwait % 1000000) - (tv.tv_usec - tv2.tv_usec); while (tv.tv_usec < 0) { tv.tv_sec--; tv.tv_usec += 1000000; } usleep(10); if (tv.tv_sec < 0) { done=1; } } } #endif static void fixup_timeval(struct timeval *tv) { while (tv->tv_usec < 0) { tv->tv_sec--; tv->tv_usec += 1000000; } } static void gettv(struct timeval *tv) { if (-1 == gettimeofday(tv,NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: " "gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); sigint(0); } } /* * */ static void ping_recv_unix(pcap_t *pcap,u_int32_t packetwait, pcap_handler func) { struct timeval tv; struct timeval endtime; char done = 0; fd_set fds; gettv(&tv); endtime.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + (packetwait / 1000000); endtime.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec + (packetwait % 1000000); fixup_timeval(&endtime); for (;!done;) { int sr; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(pcap_fileno(pcap), &fds); gettv(&tv); tv.tv_sec = endtime.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = endtime.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec; fixup_timeval(&tv); if (tv.tv_sec < 0) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1; done = 1; } if (time_to_die) { return; } #ifndef HAVE_WEIRD_BSD switch((sr = select(pcap_fileno(pcap)+1, &fds, NULL,NULL,&tv))) { case -1: if (errno == EINTR) { return; } fprintf(stderr, "arping: select(%lu.%lu): " "%s\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, strerror(errno)); sigint(0); case 0: done = 1; break; default: { #else usleep(10); {{ #endif int ret; if (1 != (ret = pcap_dispatch(pcap, 1, func, NULL))) { // rest, so we don't take 100% CPU... mostly // hmm... does usleep() exist everywhere? usleep(10); #ifndef HAVE_WEIRD_BSD // weird is normal on bsd :) if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: select=%d " "pcap_dispatch=%d!\n", sr, ret); } } break; #else } #endif } } } } /* * */ static void ping_recv(pcap_t *pcap,u_int32_t packetwait, pcap_handler func) { if(verbose>3) { printf("arping: receiving packets...\n"); } #ifdef WIN32 ping_recv_win32(pcap,packetwait,func); #else ping_recv_unix(pcap,packetwait,func); #endif } /* * */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char ebuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE + PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char *cp; /* int nullip = 0;*/ int promisc = 0; int srcip_given = 0; int srcmac_given = 0; int dstip_given = 0; const char *ifname = NULL; char *parm; int c; unsigned int maxcount = -1; int dont_use_arping_lookupdev=0; struct bpf_program bp; pcap_t *pcap; static enum { NONE, PINGMAC, PINGIP } mode = NONE; unsigned int packetwait = 1000000; memset(ethnull, 0, ETH_ALEN); srcip = 0; dstip = 0xffffffff; memset(dstmac, 0xff, ETH_ALEN); memset(ethxmas, 0xff, ETH_ALEN); while (EOF!=(c=getopt(argc, argv, "0aAbBc:dFhi:I:pqrRs:S:t:T:uvw:"))) { switch(c) { case '0': srcip = 0; srcip_given = 1; break; case 'a': beep = 1; break; case 'A': addr_must_be_same = 1; break; case 'b': srcip = 0xffffffff; srcip_given = 1; break; case 'B': dstip = 0xffffffff; dstip_given = 1; break; case 'c': maxcount = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': finddup = 1; break; case 'F': dont_use_arping_lookupdev=1; break; case 'h': usage(0); case 'i': if (strchr(optarg, ':')) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: If you're trying to " "feed me an interface alias then you " "don't really\nknow what this programs" " does, do you?\nUse -I if you really" " mean it (undocumented on " "purpose)\n"); exit(1); } case 'I': /* FALL THROUGH */ ifname = optarg; break; case 'p': promisc = 1; break; case 'q': display = QUIET; break; case 'r': display = (display==RRAW)?RAWRAW:RAW; break; case 'R': display = (display==RAW)?RAWRAW:RRAW; break; case 's': {// spoof source MAC unsigned int n[6]; if (!get_mac_addr(optarg, &n[0],&n[1],&n[2], &n[3],&n[4],&n[5])){ fprintf(stderr, "arping: Weird MAC addr %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { srcmac[c] = n[c] & 0xff; } srcmac_given = 1; break; } case 'S': // set source IP, may be null for don't-know do_libnet_init(ifname); if (-1 == (srcip = libnet_name2addr4(libnet, optarg, LIBNET_RESOLVE))){ fprintf(stderr, "arping: Can't resolve %s, or " "%s is broadcast. If it is, use -b" " instead of -S\n", optarg,optarg); exit(1); } srcip_given = 1; break; case 't': { // set taget mac unsigned int n[6]; if (mode == PINGMAC) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: -t can only be used " "in IP ping mode\n"); exit(1); } if (!get_mac_addr(optarg, &n[0],&n[1],&n[2], &n[3],&n[4],&n[5])){ fprintf(stderr, "Illegal MAC addr %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { dstmac[c] = n[c] & 0xff; } mode = PINGIP; break; } case 'T': // set destination IP if (mode == PINGIP) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: -T can only be used " "in MAC ping mode\n"); exit(1); } do_libnet_init(ifname); if (-1 == (dstip = libnet_name2addr4(libnet, optarg, LIBNET_RESOLVE))){ fprintf(stderr,"arping: Can't resolve %s, or " "%s is broadcast. If it is, use -B " "instead of -T\n",optarg,optarg); exit(1); } mode = PINGMAC; break; case 'u': alsototal = 1; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'w': packetwait = (unsigned)atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(1); } } parm = (optind < argc) ? argv[optind] : NULL; /* * Handle dstip_given instead of ip address after parms (-B really) */ if (mode == NONE) { if (optind + 1 == argc) { mode = is_mac_addr(parm)?PINGMAC:PINGIP; } else if (dstip_given) { mode = PINGIP; do_libnet_init(ifname); parm = strdup(libnet_addr2name4(dstip,0)); if (!parm) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: out of mem\n"); exit(1); } } } if (!parm) { usage(1); } /* * */ if (mode == NONE) { usage(1); } /* * libnet init (may be done already for resolving) */ do_libnet_init(ifname); /* * Make sure dstip and parm like eachother */ if (mode == PINGIP && (!dstip_given)) { if (is_mac_addr(parm)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: Options given only apply to " "IP ping, but MAC address given as argument" "\n"); exit(1); } if (-1 == (dstip = libnet_name2addr4(libnet, parm, LIBNET_RESOLVE))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: Can't resolve %s\n", parm); exit(1); } parm = strdup(libnet_addr2name4(dstip,0)); } /* * parse parm into dstmac */ if (mode == PINGMAC) { unsigned int n[6]; if (optind + 1 != argc) { usage(1); } if (!is_mac_addr(parm)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: Options given only apply to " "MAC ping, but no MAC address given as " "argument\n"); exit(1); } if (!get_mac_addr(argv[optind], &n[0],&n[1],&n[2], &n[3],&n[4],&n[5])) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: Illegal mac addr %s\n", argv[optind]); return 1; } for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { dstmac[c] = n[c] & 0xff; } } target = parm; /* * Argument processing done, parameters considered sane below */ /* * Get some good iface. */ if (!ifname) { if (dont_use_arping_lookupdev) { ifname = arping_lookupdev_default(ifname, srcip,dstip,ebuf); } else { ifname = arping_lookupdev(ifname,srcip,dstip,ebuf); } if (!ifname) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: arping_lookupdev(): %s\n", ebuf); exit(1); } // FIXME: check for other probably-not interfaces if (!strcmp(ifname, "ipsec") || !strcmp(ifname,"lo")) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: Um.. %s looks like the wrong " "interface to use. Is it? " "(-i switch)\n", ifname); fprintf(stderr, "arping: using it anyway this time\n"); } } /* * Init libnet again, because we now know the interface name. * We should know it by know at least */ do_libnet_init(ifname); /* * pcap init */ if (!(pcap = pcap_open_live((char*)ifname, 100, promisc, 10, ebuf))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: pcap_open_live(): %s\n",ebuf); exit(1); } #ifdef HAVE_NET_BPF_H { u_int32_t on = 1; if (0 < (ioctl(pcap_fileno(pcap), BIOCIMMEDIATE, &on))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: ioctl(fd,BIOCIMMEDIATE, 1) " "failed, continuing anyway, YMMV: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } #endif if (mode == PINGIP) { // FIXME: better filter with addresses? if (-1 == pcap_compile(pcap, &bp, "arp", 0,-1)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: pcap_compile(): error\n"); exit(1); } } else { // ping mac // FIXME: better filter with addresses? if (-1 == pcap_compile(pcap, &bp, "icmp", 0,-1)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: pcap_compile(): error\n"); exit(1); } } if (-1 == pcap_setfilter(pcap, &bp)) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: pcap_setfilter(): error\n"); exit(1); } /* * final init */ if (!srcmac_given) { if (!(cp = (char*)libnet_get_hwaddr(libnet))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_get_hwaddr(): %s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); exit(1); } memcpy(srcmac, cp, ETH_ALEN); } if (!srcip_given) { if (-1 == (srcip = libnet_get_ipaddr4(libnet))) { fprintf(stderr, "arping: libnet_get_ipaddr4(libnet): " "%s\n", libnet_geterror(libnet)); exit(1); } } #ifdef WIN32 //SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, TRUE); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(arping_console_ctrl_handler, TRUE); #else signal(SIGINT, sigint); #endif if (verbose) { printf("This box: Interface: %s IP: %s MAC address: ", ifname, libnet_addr2name4(libnet_get_ipaddr4(libnet), 0)); for (c = 0; c < ETH_ALEN - 1; c++) { printf("%.2x:", (u_int8_t)srcmac[c]); } printf("%.2x\n", (u_int8_t)srcmac[ETH_ALEN - 1]); } if (display == NORMAL) { printf("ARPING %s\n", parm); } /* * let's roll */ if (mode == PINGIP) { unsigned int c; for (c = 0; c < maxcount && !time_to_die; c++) { pingip_send(srcmac, dstmac, srcip, dstip); ping_recv(pcap,packetwait, (pcap_handler)pingip_recv); } } else { // PINGMAC unsigned int c; for (c = 0; c < maxcount && !time_to_die; c++) { pingmac_send(srcmac, dstmac, srcip, dstip, rand(), c); ping_recv(pcap,packetwait, (pcap_handler)pingmac_recv); } } if (display == NORMAL) { printf("\n--- %s statistics ---\n" "%d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %3.0f%% " "unanswered\n",target,numsent,numrecvd, 100.0 - 100.0 * (float)(numrecvd)/(float)numsent); } exit(!numrecvd); return 0; }