import difflib import email.parser import inspect import json import os import re import sys import time import pytest from .env import H2Conf, H2TestEnv @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=H2TestEnv.is_unsupported, reason="mod_http2 not supported here") class TestPost: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env): TestPost._local_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(TestPost)) H2Conf(env).add_vhost_cgi().install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 def local_src(self, fname): return os.path.join(TestPost._local_dir, fname) # upload and GET again using curl, compare to original content def curl_upload_and_verify(self, env, fname, options=None): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/") fpath = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, fname) r = env.curl_upload(url, fpath, options=options) assert r.exit_code == 0, f"{r}" assert 200 <= r.response["status"] < 300 r2 = env.curl_get(r.response["header"]["location"]) assert r2.exit_code == 0 assert r2.response["status"] == 200 with open(self.local_src(fpath), mode='rb') as file: src = assert src == r2.response["body"] def test_h2_004_01(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["-vvv", "--http1.1"]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["--http2"]) def test_h2_004_02(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-10k", ["--http1.1"]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-10k", ["--http2"]) def test_h2_004_03(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-100k", ["--http1.1"]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-100k", ["--http2"]) def test_h2_004_04(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1m", ["--http1.1"]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1m", ["--http2"]) def test_h2_004_05(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["-v", "--http1.1", "-H", "Expect: 100-continue"]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["-v", "--http2", "-H", "Expect: 100-continue"]) @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="python3 regresses in chunked inputs to cgi") def test_h2_004_06(self, env): self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["--http1.1", "-H", "Content-Length: "]) self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, "data-1k", ["--http2", "-H", "Content-Length: "]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, value", [ ("HTTP2", "on"), ("H2PUSH", "off"), ("H2_PUSHED", ""), ("H2_PUSHED_ON", ""), ("H2_STREAM_ID", "1"), ("H2_STREAM_TAG", r'\d+-\d+-1'), ]) def test_h2_004_07(self, env, name, value): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/") r = env.curl_post_value(url, "name", name) assert r.exit_code == 0 assert r.response["status"] == 200 m = re.match("{0}=(.*)".format(name), r.response["body"].decode('utf-8')) assert m assert re.match(value, # POST some data using nghttp and see it echo'ed properly back def nghttp_post_and_verify(self, env, fname, options=None): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/") fpath = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, fname) r = env.nghttp().upload(url, fpath, options=options) assert r.exit_code == 0 assert r.response["status"] >= 200 and r.response["status"] < 300 with open(self.local_src(fpath), mode='rb') as file: src = assert 'request-length' in r.response["header"] assert int(r.response["header"]['request-length']) == len(src) if len(r.response["body"]) != len(src): sys.stderr.writelines(difflib.unified_diff( src.decode().splitlines(True), r.response["body"].decode().splitlines(True), fromfile='source', tofile='response' )) assert len(r.response["body"]) == len(src) assert r.response["body"] == src, f"expected '{src}', got '{r.response['body']}'" @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [ "data-1k", "data-10k", "data-100k", "data-1m" ]) def test_h2_004_21(self, env, name): self.nghttp_post_and_verify(env, name, []) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [ "data-1k", "data-10k", "data-100k", "data-1m", ]) def test_h2_004_22(self, env, name, repeat): self.nghttp_post_and_verify(env, name, ["--no-content-length"]) # upload and GET again using nghttp, compare to original content def nghttp_upload_and_verify(self, env, fname, options=None): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/") fpath = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, fname) r = env.nghttp().upload_file(url, fpath, options=options) assert r.exit_code == 0 assert r.response["status"] >= 200 and r.response["status"] < 300 assert 'location' in r.response["header"], f'{r}' assert r.response["header"]["location"] r2 = env.nghttp().get(r.response["header"]["location"]) assert r2.exit_code == 0 assert r2.response["status"] == 200 with open(self.local_src(fpath), mode='rb') as file: src = assert src == r2.response["body"], f'GET {r.response["header"]["location"]}' @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [ "data-1k", "data-10k", "data-100k", "data-1m" ]) def test_h2_004_23(self, env, name, repeat): self.nghttp_upload_and_verify(env, name, []) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [ "data-1k", "data-10k", "data-100k", "data-1m" ]) def test_h2_004_24(self, env, name, repeat): self.nghttp_upload_and_verify(env, name, ["--expect-continue"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [ "data-1k", "data-10k", "data-100k", "data-1m" ]) def test_h2_004_25(self, env, name, repeat): self.nghttp_upload_and_verify(env, name, ["--no-content-length"]) def test_h2_004_30(self, env): # issue: #203 resource = "data-1k" full_length = 1000 chunk = 200 self.curl_upload_and_verify(env, resource, ["-v", "--http2"]) logfile = os.path.join(env.server_logs_dir, "test_004_30") if os.path.isfile(logfile): os.remove(logfile) H2Conf(env).add(""" LogFormat "{ \\"request\\": \\"%r\\", \\"status\\": %>s, \\"bytes_resp_B\\": %B, \\"bytes_tx_O\\": %O, \\"bytes_rx_I\\": %I, \\"bytes_rx_tx_S\\": %S }" issue_203 CustomLog logs/test_004_30 issue_203 """).add_vhost_cgi().install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/files/{0}".format(resource)) r = env.curl_get(url, 5, options=["--http2"]) assert r.response["status"] == 200 r = env.curl_get(url, 5, options=["--http1.1", "-H", "Range: bytes=0-{0}".format(chunk-1)]) assert 206 == r.response["status"] assert chunk == len(r.response["body"].decode('utf-8')) r = env.curl_get(url, 5, options=["--http2", "-H", "Range: bytes=0-{0}".format(chunk-1)]) assert 206 == r.response["status"] assert chunk == len(r.response["body"].decode('utf-8')) # Wait for log completeness time.sleep(1) # now check what response lengths have actually been reported lines = open(logfile).readlines() log_h2_full = json.loads(lines[-3]) log_h1 = json.loads(lines[-2]) log_h2 = json.loads(lines[-1]) assert log_h2_full['bytes_rx_I'] > 0 assert log_h2_full['bytes_resp_B'] == full_length assert log_h2_full['bytes_tx_O'] > full_length assert log_h1['bytes_rx_I'] > 0 # input bytes received assert log_h1['bytes_resp_B'] == chunk # response bytes sent (payload) assert log_h1['bytes_tx_O'] > chunk # output bytes sent assert log_h2['bytes_rx_I'] > 0 assert log_h2['bytes_resp_B'] == chunk assert log_h2['bytes_tx_O'] > chunk def test_h2_004_40(self, env): # echo content using h2test_module "echo" handler def post_and_verify(fname, options=None): url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", "/h2test/echo") fpath = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, fname) r = env.curl_upload(url, fpath, options=options) assert r.exit_code == 0 assert r.response["status"] >= 200 and r.response["status"] < 300 ct = r.response["header"]["content-type"] mail_hd = "Content-Type: " + ct + "\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n\r\n" mime_msg = mail_hd.encode() + r.response["body"] # this MIME API is from hell body = email.parser.BytesParser().parsebytes(mime_msg) assert body assert body.is_multipart() filepart = None for part in body.walk(): if fname == part.get_filename(): filepart = part assert filepart with open(self.local_src(fpath), mode='rb') as file: src = assert src == filepart.get_payload(decode=True) post_and_verify("data-1k", [])