/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef mod_md_md_h #define mod_md_md_h #include #include "md_time.h" #include "md_version.h" struct apr_array_header_t; struct apr_hash_t; struct md_json_t; struct md_cert_t; struct md_job_t; struct md_pkey_t; struct md_result_t; struct md_store_t; struct md_srv_conf_t; struct md_pkey_spec_t; #define MD_PKEY_RSA_BITS_MIN 2048 #define MD_PKEY_RSA_BITS_DEF 2048 /* Minimum age for the HSTS header (RFC 6797), considered appropriate by Mozilla Security */ #define MD_HSTS_HEADER "Strict-Transport-Security" #define MD_HSTS_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT 15768000 #define PROTO_ACME_TLS_1 "acme-tls/1" #define MD_TIME_LIFE_NORM (apr_time_from_sec(100 * MD_SECS_PER_DAY)) #define MD_TIME_RENEW_WINDOW_DEF (apr_time_from_sec(33 * MD_SECS_PER_DAY)) #define MD_TIME_WARN_WINDOW_DEF (apr_time_from_sec(10 * MD_SECS_PER_DAY)) #define MD_TIME_OCSP_KEEP_NORM (apr_time_from_sec(7 * MD_SECS_PER_DAY)) #define MD_OTHER "other" typedef enum { MD_S_UNKNOWN = 0, /* MD has not been analysed yet */ MD_S_INCOMPLETE = 1, /* MD is missing necessary information, cannot go live */ MD_S_COMPLETE = 2, /* MD has all necessary information, can go live */ MD_S_EXPIRED_DEPRECATED = 3, /* deprecated */ MD_S_ERROR = 4, /* MD data is flawed, unable to be processed as is */ MD_S_MISSING_INFORMATION = 5, /* User has not agreed to ToS */ } md_state_t; typedef enum { MD_REQUIRE_UNSET = -1, MD_REQUIRE_OFF, MD_REQUIRE_TEMPORARY, MD_REQUIRE_PERMANENT, } md_require_t; typedef enum { MD_RENEW_DEFAULT = -1, /* default value */ MD_RENEW_MANUAL, /* manually triggered renewal of certificate */ MD_RENEW_AUTO, /* automatic process performed by httpd */ MD_RENEW_ALWAYS, /* always renewed by httpd, even if not necessary */ } md_renew_mode_t; typedef struct md_t md_t; struct md_t { const char *name; /* unique name of this MD */ struct apr_array_header_t *domains; /* all DNS names this MD includes */ struct apr_array_header_t *contacts; /* list of contact uris, e.g. mailto:xxx */ int transitive; /* != 0 iff VirtualHost names/aliases are auto-added */ md_require_t require_https; /* Iff https: is required for this MD */ int renew_mode; /* mode of obtaining credentials */ struct md_pkeys_spec_t *pks; /* specification for generating private keys */ int must_staple; /* certificates should set the OCSP Must Staple extension */ md_timeslice_t *renew_window; /* time before expiration that starts renewal */ md_timeslice_t *warn_window; /* time before expiration that warnings are sent out */ const char *ca_url; /* url of CA certificate service */ const char *ca_proto; /* protocol used vs CA (e.g. ACME) */ const char *ca_account; /* account used at CA */ const char *ca_agreement; /* accepted agreement uri between CA and user */ struct apr_array_header_t *ca_challenges; /* challenge types configured for this MD */ struct apr_array_header_t *cert_files; /* != NULL iff pubcerts explicitly configured */ struct apr_array_header_t *pkey_files; /* != NULL iff privkeys explicitly configured */ md_state_t state; /* state of this MD */ struct apr_array_header_t *acme_tls_1_domains; /* domains supporting "acme-tls/1" protocol */ int stapling; /* if OCSP stapling is enabled */ int watched; /* if certificate is supervised (renew or expiration warning) */ const struct md_srv_conf_t *sc; /* server config where it was defined or NULL */ const char *defn_name; /* config file this MD was defined */ unsigned defn_line_number; /* line number of definition */ const char *configured_name; /* name this MD was configured with, if different */ }; #define MD_KEY_ACCOUNT "account" #define MD_KEY_ACME_TLS_1 "acme-tls/1" #define MD_KEY_ACTIVATION_DELAY "activation-delay" #define MD_KEY_ACTIVITY "activity" #define MD_KEY_AGREEMENT "agreement" #define MD_KEY_AUTHORIZATIONS "authorizations" #define MD_KEY_BITS "bits" #define MD_KEY_CA "ca" #define MD_KEY_CA_URL "ca-url" #define MD_KEY_CERT "cert" #define MD_KEY_CERT_FILES "cert-files" #define MD_KEY_CERTIFICATE "certificate" #define MD_KEY_CHALLENGE "challenge" #define MD_KEY_CHALLENGES "challenges" #define MD_KEY_CMD_DNS01 "cmd-dns-01" #define MD_KEY_COMPLETE "complete" #define MD_KEY_CONTACT "contact" #define MD_KEY_CONTACTS "contacts" #define MD_KEY_CSR "csr" #define MD_KEY_CURVE "curve" #define MD_KEY_DETAIL "detail" #define MD_KEY_DISABLED "disabled" #define MD_KEY_DIR "dir" #define MD_KEY_DOMAIN "domain" #define MD_KEY_DOMAINS "domains" #define MD_KEY_ENTRIES "entries" #define MD_KEY_ERRORED "errored" #define MD_KEY_ERROR "error" #define MD_KEY_ERRORS "errors" #define MD_KEY_EXPIRES "expires" #define MD_KEY_FINALIZE "finalize" #define MD_KEY_FINISHED "finished" #define MD_KEY_FROM "from" #define MD_KEY_GOOD "good" #define MD_KEY_HTTP "http" #define MD_KEY_HTTPS "https" #define MD_KEY_ID "id" #define MD_KEY_IDENTIFIER "identifier" #define MD_KEY_KEY "key" #define MD_KEY_KEYAUTHZ "keyAuthorization" #define MD_KEY_LAST "last" #define MD_KEY_LAST_RUN "last-run" #define MD_KEY_LOCATION "location" #define MD_KEY_LOG "log" #define MD_KEY_MDS "managed-domains" #define MD_KEY_MESSAGE "message" #define MD_KEY_MUST_STAPLE "must-staple" #define MD_KEY_NAME "name" #define MD_KEY_NEXT_RUN "next-run" #define MD_KEY_NOTIFIED "notified" #define MD_KEY_NOTIFIED_RENEWED "notified-renewed" #define MD_KEY_OCSP "ocsp" #define MD_KEY_OCSPS "ocsps" #define MD_KEY_ORDERS "orders" #define MD_KEY_PERMANENT "permanent" #define MD_KEY_PKEY "privkey" #define MD_KEY_PKEY_FILES "pkey-files" #define MD_KEY_PROBLEM "problem" #define MD_KEY_PROTO "proto" #define MD_KEY_READY "ready" #define MD_KEY_REGISTRATION "registration" #define MD_KEY_RENEW "renew" #define MD_KEY_RENEW_AT "renew-at" #define MD_KEY_RENEW_MODE "renew-mode" #define MD_KEY_RENEWAL "renewal" #define MD_KEY_RENEWING "renewing" #define MD_KEY_RENEW_WINDOW "renew-window" #define MD_KEY_REQUIRE_HTTPS "require-https" #define MD_KEY_RESOURCE "resource" #define MD_KEY_RESPONSE "response" #define MD_KEY_REVOKED "revoked" #define MD_KEY_SERIAL "serial" #define MD_KEY_SHA256_FINGERPRINT "sha256-fingerprint" #define MD_KEY_STAPLING "stapling" #define MD_KEY_STATE "state" #define MD_KEY_STATUS "status" #define MD_KEY_STORE "store" #define MD_KEY_SUBPROBLEMS "subproblems" #define MD_KEY_TEMPORARY "temporary" #define MD_KEY_TOKEN "token" #define MD_KEY_TOTAL "total" #define MD_KEY_TRANSITIVE "transitive" #define MD_KEY_TYPE "type" #define MD_KEY_UNKNOWN "unknown" #define MD_KEY_UNTIL "until" #define MD_KEY_URL "url" #define MD_KEY_URI "uri" #define MD_KEY_VALID "valid" #define MD_KEY_VALID_FROM "valid-from" #define MD_KEY_VALUE "value" #define MD_KEY_VERSION "version" #define MD_KEY_WATCHED "watched" #define MD_KEY_WHEN "when" #define MD_KEY_WARN_WINDOW "warn-window" /* Check if a string member of a new MD (n) has * a value and if it differs from the old MD o */ #define MD_VAL_UPDATE(n,o,s) ((n)->s != (o)->s) #define MD_SVAL_UPDATE(n,o,s) ((n)->s && (!(o)->s || strcmp((n)->s, (o)->s))) /** * Determine if the Managed Domain contains a specific domain name. */ int md_contains(const md_t *md, const char *domain, int case_sensitive); /** * Determine if the names of the two managed domains overlap. */ int md_domains_overlap(const md_t *md1, const md_t *md2); /** * Determine if the domain names are equal. */ int md_equal_domains(const md_t *md1, const md_t *md2, int case_sensitive); /** * Determine if the domains in md1 contain all domains of md2. */ int md_contains_domains(const md_t *md1, const md_t *md2); /** * Get one common domain name of the two managed domains or NULL. */ const char *md_common_name(const md_t *md1, const md_t *md2); /** * Get the number of common domains. */ apr_size_t md_common_name_count(const md_t *md1, const md_t *md2); /** * Look up a managed domain by its name. */ md_t *md_get_by_name(struct apr_array_header_t *mds, const char *name); /** * Look up a managed domain by a DNS name it contains. */ md_t *md_get_by_domain(struct apr_array_header_t *mds, const char *domain); /** * Find a managed domain, different from the given one, that has overlaps * in the domain list. */ md_t *md_get_by_dns_overlap(struct apr_array_header_t *mds, const md_t *md); /** * Create and empty md record, structures initialized. */ md_t *md_create_empty(apr_pool_t *p); /** * Create a managed domain, given a list of domain names. */ md_t *md_create(apr_pool_t *p, struct apr_array_header_t *domains); /** * Deep copy an md record into another pool. */ md_t *md_clone(apr_pool_t *p, const md_t *src); /** * Shallow copy an md record into another pool. */ md_t *md_copy(apr_pool_t *p, const md_t *src); /** * Convert the managed domain into a JSON representation and vice versa. * * This reads and writes the following information: name, domains, ca_url, ca_proto and state. */ struct md_json_t *md_to_json (const md_t *md, apr_pool_t *p); md_t *md_from_json(struct md_json_t *json, apr_pool_t *p); int md_is_covered_by_alt_names(const md_t *md, const struct apr_array_header_t* alt_names); /* how many certificates this domain has/will eventually have. */ int md_cert_count(const md_t *md); #define LE_ACMEv1_PROD "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" #define LE_ACMEv1_STAGING "https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" #define LE_ACMEv2_PROD "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" #define LE_ACMEv2_STAGING "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" /**************************************************************************************************/ /* notifications */ typedef apr_status_t md_job_notify_cb(struct md_job_t *job, const char *reason, struct md_result_t *result, apr_pool_t *p, void *baton); /**************************************************************************************************/ /* domain credentials */ typedef struct md_pubcert_t md_pubcert_t; struct md_pubcert_t { struct apr_array_header_t *certs; /* chain of const md_cert*, leaf cert first */ struct apr_array_header_t *alt_names; /* alt-names of leaf cert */ const char *cert_file; /* file path of chain */ const char *key_file; /* file path of key for leaf cert */ }; #define MD_OK(c) (APR_SUCCESS == (rv = c)) #endif /* mod_md_md_h */