English ISO-8859-1 .xml .html.en 0x409 English (United States) ,8,0 windows-1252 English (USA) ISO-8859-1 English Core Features and Multi-Processing Modules Other Modules Obsolete Modules Obsolete Apache Module Apache Module Apache Core Features Apache MPM Common Directives Apache MPM Description See also Topics Status Module Identifier Source File Compatibility Related Modules Related Directives abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAME Syntax Default Context Override Status Module Base MPM Core Extension Experimental server config virtual host directory .htaccess Directives Directive This module provides no directives. Summary see glossary - Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server Version &httpd.major;.&httpd.minor; [APACHE DOCUMENTATION] Google Search Index Home Apache HTTP Server Documentation Version &httpd.major;.&httpd.minor; Modules FAQ Glossary Sitemap Licensed under the Available Languages This translation may be out of date. Check the English version for recent changes. The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version. Please note

This document refers to the 2.0 version of Apache httpd, which is no longer maintained. Upgrade, and refer to the current version of httpd instead, documented at:

Current release version of Apache HTTP Server documentation You may follow this link to go to the current version of this document.