mod_substitute Perform search and replace operations on response bodies Experimental mod_substitute.c substitute_module Available in Apache 2.2.7 and later

mod_substitute provides a mechanism to perform both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on response bodies.

Substitute Pattern to filter the response content Substitute s/pattern/substitution/[infq] directory .htaccess FileInfo

The Substitute directive specifies a search and replace pattern to apply to the response body.

The meaning of the pattern can be modified by using any combination of these flags:

Perform a case-insensitive match.
By default the pattern is treated as a regular expression. Using the n flag forces the pattern to be treated as a fixed string.
The f flag causes mod_substitute to flatten the result of a substitution allowing for later substitutions to take place on the boundary of this one. This is the default.
The q flag causes mod_substitute to not flatten the buckets after each substitution. This can result in much faster response and a decrease in memory utilization, but should only be used if there is no possibility that the result of one substitution will ever match a pattern or regex of a subsequent one.
Example <Location /> AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
Substitute s/foo/bar/ni

If either the pattern or the substitution contain a slash character then an alternative delimiter should be used:

Example of using an alternate delimiter <Location /> AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
Substitute "s|<BR */?>|<br />|i"