mod_auth_basic Basic authentication Base mod_auth_basic.c auth_basic_module Available in Apache 2.1 and later

This module allows the use of HTTP Basic Authentication to restrict access by looking up users in the given providers. HTTP Digest Authentication is provided by mod_auth_digest. This module should usually be combined with at least one authentication module such as mod_authn_file and one authorization module such as mod_authz_user.

AuthName AuthType Require Authentication howto AuthBasicProvider Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location AuthBasicProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... AuthBasicProvider file directory.htaccess AuthConfig

The AuthBasicProvider directive sets which provider is used to authenticate the users for this location. The default file provider is implemented by the mod_authn_file module. Make sure that the chosen provider module is present in the server.

Example <Location /secure> AuthType basic AuthName "private area" AuthBasicProvider dbm AuthDBMType SDBM AuthDBMUserFile /www/etc/dbmpasswd Require valid-user </Location>

Providers are queried in order until a provider finds a match for the requested username, at which point this sole provider will attempt to check the password. A failure to verify the password does not result in control being passed on to subsequent providers.

Providers are implemented by mod_authn_dbm, mod_authn_file, mod_authn_dbd, mod_authnz_ldap and mod_authn_socache.

AuthBasicAuthoritative Sets whether authorization and authentication are passed to lower level modules AuthBasicAuthoritative On|Off AuthBasicAuthoritative On directory.htaccess AuthConfig

Normally, each authorization module listed in AuthBasicProvider will attempt to verify the user, and if the user is not found in any provider, access will be denied. Setting the AuthBasicAuthoritative directive explicitly to Off allows for both authentication and authorization to be passed on to other non-provider-based modules if there is no userID or rule matching the supplied userID. This should only be necessary when combining mod_auth_basic with third-party modules that are not configured with the AuthBasicProvider directive. When using such modules, the order of processing is determined in the modules' source code and is not configurable.