/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "apr_private.h" #include "apr_general.h" #include "apr_pools.h" #include "apr_signal.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include "apr_arch_misc.h" /* for WSAHighByte / WSALowByte */ #include "wchar.h" #include "apr_arch_file_io.h" /* bring in unicode-ness */ #include "apr_arch_threadproc.h" /* bring in apr_threadproc_init */ #include "assert.h" /* This symbol is _private_, although it must be exported. */ int APR_DECLARE_DATA apr_app_init_complete = 0; #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) /* Used by apr_app_initialize to reprocess the environment * * An internal apr function to convert a double-null terminated set * of single-null terminated strings from wide Unicode to narrow utf-8 * as a list of strings. These are allocated from the MSVCRT's * _CRT_BLOCK to trick the system into trusting our store. */ static int warrsztoastr(const char * const * *retarr, const wchar_t * arrsz) { const apr_wchar_t *wch; apr_size_t totlen; apr_size_t newlen; apr_size_t wsize; char **env; char *pstrs; char *strs; int arg, args; for (args = 1, wch = arrsz; wch[0] || wch[1]; ++wch) if (!*wch) ++args; wsize = 1 + wch - arrsz; /* This is a safe max allocation, we will alloc each * string exactly after processing and return this * temporary buffer to the free store. * 3 ucs bytes hold any single wchar_t value (16 bits) * 4 ucs bytes will hold a wchar_t pair value (20 bits) */ newlen = totlen = wsize * 3 + 1; pstrs = strs = apr_malloc_dbg(newlen * sizeof(char), __FILE__, __LINE__); (void)apr_conv_ucs2_to_utf8(arrsz, &wsize, strs, &newlen); assert(newlen && !wsize); *retarr = env = apr_malloc_dbg((args + 1) * sizeof(char*), __FILE__, __LINE__); for (arg = 0; arg < args; ++arg) { char* p = pstrs; int len = 0; while (*p++) ++len; len += 1; *env = apr_malloc_dbg(len * sizeof(char), __FILE__, __LINE__); memcpy(*env, pstrs, len * sizeof(char)); pstrs += len; ++env; } *env = NULL; free(strs); return args; } #endif /* Reprocess the arguments to main() for a completely apr-ized application */ APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_app_initialize(int *argc, const char * const * *argv, const char * const * *env) { apr_status_t rv = apr_initialize(); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { return rv; } #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) apr_app_init_complete = 1; #elif APR_HAS_UNICODE_FS IF_WIN_OS_IS_UNICODE { apr_wchar_t **wstrs; apr_wchar_t *sysstr; int wstrc; int dupenv; if (apr_app_init_complete) { return rv; } apr_app_init_complete = 1; sysstr = GetCommandLineW(); if (sysstr) { wstrs = CommandLineToArgvW(sysstr, &wstrc); if (wstrs) { *argc = apr_wastrtoastr(argv, wstrs, wstrc); LocalFree(wstrs); } } sysstr = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); dupenv = warrsztoastr(&_environ, sysstr); if (env) { *env = apr_malloc_dbg((dupenv + 1) * sizeof (char *), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); memcpy((void*)*env, _environ, (dupenv + 1) * sizeof (char *)); } else { } FreeEnvironmentStringsW(sysstr); /* MSVCRT will attempt to maintain the wide environment calls * on _putenv(), which is bogus if we've passed a non-ascii * string to _putenv(), since they use MultiByteToWideChar * and breaking the implicit utf-8 assumption we've built. * * Reset _wenviron for good measure. */ if (_wenviron) { apr_wchar_t **wenv = _wenviron; _wenviron = NULL; free(wenv); } } #endif return rv; } static int initialized = 0; /* Provide to win32/thread.c */ extern DWORD tls_apr_thread; APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_initialize(void) { apr_pool_t *pool; apr_status_t status; int iVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; apr_oslevel_e osver; if (initialized++) { return APR_SUCCESS; } /* Initialize apr_os_level global */ if (apr_get_oslevel(&osver) != APR_SUCCESS) { return APR_EEXIST; } tls_apr_thread = TlsAlloc(); if ((status = apr_pool_initialize()) != APR_SUCCESS) return status; if (apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS) { return APR_ENOPOOL; } apr_pool_tag(pool, "apr_initialize"); iVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(WSAHighByte, WSALowByte); err = WSAStartup((WORD) iVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (err) { return err; } if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != WSAHighByte || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != WSALowByte) { WSACleanup(); return APR_EEXIST; } apr_signal_init(pool); apr_threadproc_init(pool); return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE_NONSTD(void) apr_terminate(void) { initialized--; if (initialized) { return; } apr_pool_terminate(); WSACleanup(); TlsFree(tls_apr_thread); } APR_DECLARE(void) apr_terminate2(void) { apr_terminate(); }