# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 F5 Networks Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import json import pytest import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 7): pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("F5 Ansible modules require Python >= 2.7") from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule try: from library.modules.bigip_monitor_tcp import Parameters from library.modules.bigip_monitor_tcp import ModuleManager from library.modules.bigip_monitor_tcp import ArgumentSpec from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import F5ModuleError # In Ansible 2.8, Ansible changed import paths. from test.units.compat import unittest from test.units.compat.mock import Mock from test.units.modules.utils import set_module_args except ImportError: from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_monitor_tcp import Parameters from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_monitor_tcp import ModuleManager from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_monitor_tcp import ArgumentSpec from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import F5ModuleError # Ansible 2.8 imports from units.compat import unittest from units.compat.mock import Mock from units.modules.utils import set_module_args fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') fixture_data = {} def load_fixture(name): path = os.path.join(fixture_path, name) if path in fixture_data: return fixture_data[path] with open(path) as f: data = f.read() try: data = json.loads(data) except Exception: pass fixture_data[path] = data return data class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase): def test_module_parameters(self): args = dict( name='foo', parent='parent', send='this is a send string', receive='this is a receive string', ip='', type='TTYPE_TCP', port=80, interval=20, timeout=30, time_until_up=60, partition='Common' ) p = Parameters(params=args) assert p.name == 'foo' assert p.parent == '/Common/parent' assert p.send == 'this is a send string' assert p.receive == 'this is a receive string' assert p.ip == '' assert p.type == 'tcp' assert p.port == 80 assert p.destination == '' assert p.interval == 20 assert p.timeout == 30 assert p.time_until_up == 60 def test_module_parameters_ints_as_strings(self): args = dict( name='foo', parent='parent', send='this is a send string', receive='this is a receive string', ip='', type='TTYPE_TCP', port='80', interval='20', timeout='30', time_until_up='60', partition='Common' ) p = Parameters(params=args) assert p.name == 'foo' assert p.parent == '/Common/parent' assert p.send == 'this is a send string' assert p.receive == 'this is a receive string' assert p.ip == '' assert p.type == 'tcp' assert p.port == 80 assert p.destination == '' assert p.interval == 20 assert p.timeout == 30 assert p.time_until_up == 60 def test_api_parameters(self): args = dict( name='foo', defaultsFrom='/Common/parent', send='this is a send string', recv='this is a receive string', destination='', interval=20, timeout=30, timeUntilUp=60 ) p = Parameters(params=args) assert p.name == 'foo' assert p.parent == '/Common/parent' assert p.send == 'this is a send string' assert p.receive == 'this is a receive string' assert p.ip == '' assert p.type == 'tcp' assert p.port == 80 assert p.destination == '' assert p.interval == 20 assert p.timeout == 30 assert p.time_until_up == 60 class TestManager(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.spec = ArgumentSpec() def test_create_monitor(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', parent='parent', send='this is a send string', receive='this is a receive string', ip='', port=80, interval=20, timeout=30, time_until_up=60, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods to force specific logic in the module to happen mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(side_effect=[False, True]) mm.create_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['parent'] == '/Common/parent' def test_create_monitor_idempotent(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', parent='tcp', send='this is a send string', receive='this is a receive string', ip='', port=80, interval=20, timeout=30, time_until_up=60, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is False def test_update_port(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', port=800, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['port'] == 800 def test_update_interval(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', interval=10, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['interval'] == 10 def test_update_interval_larger_than_existing_timeout(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', interval=30, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) with pytest.raises(F5ModuleError) as ex: mm.exec_module() assert "must be less than" in str(ex.value) def test_update_interval_larger_than_new_timeout(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', interval=10, timeout=5, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) with pytest.raises(F5ModuleError) as ex: mm.exec_module() assert "must be less than" in str(ex.value) def test_update_send(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', send='this is another send string', partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['send'] == 'this is another send string' def test_update_receive(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', receive='this is another receive string', partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['receive'] == 'this is another receive string' def test_update_timeout(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', timeout=300, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['timeout'] == 300 def test_update_time_until_up(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', time_until_up=300, partition='Common', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) current = Parameters(params=load_fixture('load_ltm_monitor_tcp.json')) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) # Override methods in the specific type of manager mm = ModuleManager(module=module) mm.exists = Mock(return_value=True) mm.read_current_from_device = Mock(return_value=current) mm.update_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['time_until_up'] == 300