--- - name: ensure we fail when proxy is not set with bypass win_inet_proxy: bypass: abc register: fail_bypass failed_when: 'fail_bypass.msg != "missing parameter(s) required by ''bypass'': proxy"' - name: ensure we fail if an invalid protocol is specified win_inet_proxy: proxy: fail1: fail fail2: fail register: fail_proxy failed_when: 'fail_proxy.msg != "Invalid keys found in proxy: fail1, fail2. Valid keys are http, https, ftp, socks."' - name: ensure we fail if invalid value is set win_inet_proxy: proxy: fake=proxy register: fail_invalid failed_when: fail_invalid.msg != "Unknown error when trying to set auto_config_url '', proxy 'fake=proxy', or bypass ''" - name: ensure we fail if an invalid connection is set win_inet_proxy: connection: Fake Connection register: fail_connection failed_when: fail_connection.msg != "The connection 'Fake Connection' does not exist." - name: check proxy is still set to Direct access win_inet_proxy_info: register: fail_invalid_actual failed_when: fail_invalid_actual.proxy == 'fake=proxy' - name: disable auto detect (check) win_inet_proxy: auto_detect: no register: disable_auto_detect_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of disable auto detect (check) win_inet_proxy_info: register: disable_auto_detect_actual_check - name: assert disable auto detect (check) assert: that: - disable_auto_detect_check is changed - disable_auto_detect_actual_check.auto_detect - name: disable auto detect win_inet_proxy: auto_detect: no register: disable_auto_detect - name: get result of disable auto detect win_inet_proxy_info: register: disable_auto_detect_actual - name: assert disable auto detect assert: that: - disable_auto_detect is changed - not disable_auto_detect_actual.auto_detect - name: disable auto detect (idempotent) win_inet_proxy: auto_detect: no register: disable_auto_detect_again - name: assert disable auto detect (idempotent) assert: that: - not disable_auto_detect_again is changed - name: set auto config url win_inet_proxy: auto_config_url: http://ansible.com/proxy.pac register: set_auto_url - name: get result of set auto config url win_inet_proxy_info: register: set_auto_url_actual - name: assert set auto config url assert: that: - set_auto_url is changed - set_auto_url_actual.auto_detect - set_auto_url_actual.auto_config_url == 'http://ansible.com/proxy.pac' - name: set auto config url (idempotent) win_inet_proxy: auto_config_url: http://ansible.com/proxy.pac register: set_auto_url_again - name: set auto config url (idempotent) assert: that: - not set_auto_url_again is changed - name: set a proxy using a string win_inet_proxy: proxy: proxyhost register: proxy_str - name: get result of set a proxy using a string win_inet_proxy_info: register: proxy_str_actual - name: assert set a proxy using a string assert: that: - proxy_str is changed - proxy_str_actual.auto_detect - proxy_str_actual.auto_config_url == None - proxy_str_actual.proxy == 'proxyhost' - name: set a proxy using a string (idempotent) win_inet_proxy: proxy: proxyhost register: proxy_str_again - name: assert set a proxy using a string (idempotent) assert: that: - not proxy_str_again is changed - name: change a proxy and set bypass win_inet_proxy: proxy: proxyhost:8080 bypass: - abc - def - register: change_proxy - name: get result of change a proxy and set bypass win_inet_proxy_info: register: change_proxy_actual - name: assert change a proxy and set bypass assert: that: - change_proxy is changed - change_proxy_actual.proxy == 'proxyhost:8080' - change_proxy_actual.bypass == 'abc;def;' - name: change a proxy and set bypass (idempotent) win_inet_proxy: proxy: proxyhost:8080 bypass: abc,def, register: change_proxy_again - name: assert change a proxy and set bypass (idempotent) assert: that: - not change_proxy_again is changed - name: change bypass list win_inet_proxy: proxy: proxyhost:8080 bypass: - abc - <-loopback> register: change_bypass - name: get reuslt of change bypass list win_inet_proxy_info: register: change_bypass_actual - name: assert change bypass list assert: that: - change_bypass is changed - change_bypass_actual.proxy == 'proxyhost:8080' - change_bypass_actual.bypass == 'abc;<-loopback>' - name: remove proxy without options win_inet_proxy: register: remove_proxy - name: get result of remove proxy without options win_inet_proxy_info: register: remove_proxy_actual - name: assert remove proxy without options assert: that: - remove_proxy is changed - remove_proxy_actual.auto_detect == True - remove_proxy_actual.auto_config_url == None - remove_proxy_actual.proxy == None - remove_proxy_actual.bypass == None - name: remove proxy without options (idempotent) win_inet_proxy: register: remove_proxy_again - name: assert remove proxy without options (idempotent) assert: that: - not remove_proxy_again is changed - name: set proxy with dictionary win_inet_proxy: proxy: http: proxy:8080 https: proxy:8443 ftp: proxy:821 socks: proxy:888 register: set_dict - name: get result of set proxy with dictionary win_inet_proxy_info: register: set_dict_actual - name: assert set proxy with dictionary assert: that: - set_dict is changed - set_dict_actual.proxy == 'http=proxy:8080;https=proxy:8443;ftp=proxy:821;socks=proxy:888' - name: set proxy protocol with str win_inet_proxy: proxy: http=proxy:8080;https=proxy:8443;ftp=proxy:821;socks=proxy:888 register: set_str_protocol - name: assert set proxy protocol with str assert: that: - not set_str_protocol is changed - name: remove proxy with empty string win_inet_proxy: proxy: '' register: remove_empty_str - name: get result of remove proxy with empty string win_inet_proxy_info: register: remove_empty_str_actual - name: assert remove proxy with empty string assert: that: - remove_empty_str is changed - remove_empty_str_actual.proxy == None - name: create test phonebook entry win_phonebook_entry: name: Ansible Test Dialup device_type: pppoe device_name: WAN Miniport (PPPOE) framing_protocol: ppp options: - remote_default_gateway - require_pap - internet type: broadband state: present - name: set proxy for specific connection win_inet_proxy: connection: Ansible Test Dialup auto_detect: no auto_config_url: proxy.com proxy: proxyhost:8080 bypass: proxyhost register: set_connection - name: get result for set proxy for specific connection win_inet_proxy_info: connection: Ansible Test Dialup register: set_connection_actual - name: get result for LAN connection proxy win_inet_proxy_info: register: set_connection_lan_actual - name: assert set proxy for specific connection assert: that: - set_connection is changed - set_connection_actual.auto_detect == False - set_connection_actual.auto_config_url == 'proxy.com' - set_connection_actual.proxy == 'proxyhost:8080' - set_connection_actual.bypass == 'proxyhost' - set_connection_lan_actual.auto_detect == True - set_connection_lan_actual.auto_config_url == None - set_connection_lan_actual.proxy == None - set_connection_lan_actual.bypass == None - name: remove proxy for specific connection win_inet_proxy: connection: Ansible Test Dialup register: remove_connection - name: get result of remove proxy for specific connection win_inet_proxy_info: connection: Ansible Test Dialup register: remove_connection_actual - name: assert remove proxy for specific connection assert: that: - remove_connection is changed - remove_connection_actual.auto_detect == True - remove_connection_actual.auto_config_url == None - remove_connection_actual.proxy == None - remove_connection_actual.bypass == None