--- - debug: msg: "START ce_is_is_view import route policy presented integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - include_tasks: setup.yaml - name: present the provided configuration with the exisiting running configuration ce_is_is_view: &present instance_id: 100 protocol: ospf processid: 100 cost_type: external import_cost: 10 import_tag: 10 import_route_policy: routepolicy_name impotr_leveltype: level_1 inheritcost: true permitibgp: true tag: 100 register: result - name: Assert the configuration is reflected on host assert: that: - "result['changed'] == true" - name: Get basic config by ce_netconf. ce_netconf: &get_config rpc: get cfg_xml: " 100 afIpv4 0 " register: result_xml - name: present the provided configuration with the existing running configuration (IDEMPOTENT) ce_is_is_view: *present register: repeat - name: Assert that the previous task was idempotent assert: that: - "repeat.changed == false" - "'ospf' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'100' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'external' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'10' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'10' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'level_1' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'routepolicy_name' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'level_1' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'true' in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'true' in result_xml.end_state.result" - name: present the provided configuration with the exisiting running configuration ce_is_is_view: &absent instance_id: 100 defaultmode: always cost: 10 mode_tag: 10 level_type: level_1 avoid_learning: true mode_routepolicyname: routepolicy_name tag: 100 state: absent register: result - name: Assert the configuration is reflected on host assert: that: - "result['changed'] == true" - name: present the provided configuration with the existing running configuration (IDEMPOTENT) ce_is_is_view: *absent register: repeat - name: Get basic config by ce_netconf. ce_netconf: *get_config register: result_xml - name: Assert that the previous task was idempotent assert: that: - "repeat.changed == false" - "'ospf' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'100' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'external' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'10' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'10' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'level_1' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'routepolicy_name' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'level_1' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'true' not in result_xml.end_state.result" - "'true' not in result_xml.end_state.result" # after present, isis 100 should be deleted - include_tasks: cleanup.yaml - debug: msg: "END ce_is_is_view import route policy resentd integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}"