#!/usr/bin/python # James Laska (jlaska@redhat.com) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: redhat_subscription short_description: Manage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the C(subscription-manager) command description: - Manage registration and subscription to the Red Hat Subscription Management entitlement platform using the C(subscription-manager) command version_added: "1.2" author: "Barnaby Court (@barnabycourt)" notes: - In order to register a system, subscription-manager requires either a username and password, or an activationkey and an Organization ID. requirements: - subscription-manager options: state: description: - whether to register and subscribe (C(present)), or unregister (C(absent)) a system required: false choices: [ "present", "absent" ] default: "present" username: description: - access.redhat.com or Sat6 username required: False default: null password: description: - access.redhat.com or Sat6 password required: False default: null server_hostname: description: - Specify an alternative Red Hat Subscription Management or Sat6 server required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default server_insecure: description: - Enable or disable https server certificate verification when connecting to C(server_hostname) required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default rhsm_baseurl: description: - Specify CDN baseurl required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default server_proxy_hostname: description: - Specify a HTTP proxy hostname required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default version_added: "2.4" server_proxy_port: description: - Specify a HTTP proxy port required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default version_added: "2.4" server_proxy_user: description: - Specify a user for HTTP proxy with basic authentication required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default version_added: "2.4" server_proxy_password: description: - Specify a password for HTTP proxy with basic authentication required: False default: Current value from C(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) is the default version_added: "2.4" auto_attach: description: - Upon successful registration, auto-consume available subscriptions - Added in favor of depracated autosubscribe in 2.5. required: False default: False type: bool version_added: "2.5" aliases: [autosubscribe] activationkey: description: - supply an activation key for use with registration required: False default: null org_id: description: - Organization ID to use in conjunction with activationkey required: False default: null version_added: "2.0" environment: description: - Register with a specific environment in the destination org. Used with Red Hat Satellite 6.x or Katello required: False default: null version_added: "2.2" pool: description: - | Specify a subscription pool name to consume. Regular expressions accepted. Use I(pool_ids) instead if possible, as it is much faster. Mutually exclusive with I(pool_ids). required: False default: '^$' pool_ids: description: - | Specify subscription pool IDs to consume. Prefer over I(pool) when possible as it is much faster. A pool ID may be specified as a C(string) - just the pool ID (ex. C(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef)), or as a C(dict) with the pool ID as the key, and a quantity as the value (ex. C(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef: 2). If the quantity is provided, it is used to consume multiple entitlements from a pool (the pool must support this). Mutually exclusive with I(pool). default: [] version_added: "2.4" consumer_type: description: - The type of unit to register, defaults to system required: False default: null version_added: "2.1" consumer_name: description: - Name of the system to register, defaults to the hostname required: False default: null version_added: "2.1" consumer_id: description: - | References an existing consumer ID to resume using a previous registration for this system. If the system's identity certificate is lost or corrupted, this option allows it to resume using its previous identity and subscriptions. The default is to not specify a consumer ID so a new ID is created. required: False default: null version_added: "2.1" force_register: description: - Register the system even if it is already registered required: False default: False version_added: "2.2" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) and auto-subscribe to available content. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass auto_attach: true - name: Same as above but subscribe to a specific pool by ID. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass pool_ids: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef - name: Register and subscribe to multiple pools. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass pool_ids: - 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef - 1123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef - name: Same as above but consume multiple entitlements. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass pool_ids: - 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef: 2 - 1123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef: 4 - name: Register and pull existing system data. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass consumer_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx - name: Register with activationkey and consume subscriptions matching Red Hat Enterprise Server or Red Hat Virtualization redhat_subscription: state: present activationkey: 1-222333444 org_id: 222333444 pool: '^(Red Hat Enterprise Server|Red Hat Virtualization)$' - name: Update the consumed subscriptions from the previous example (remove Red Hat Virtualization subscription) redhat_subscription: state: present activationkey: 1-222333444 org_id: 222333444 pool: '^Red Hat Enterprise Server$' - name: Register as user credentials into given environment (against Red Hat Satellite 6.x), and auto-subscribe. redhat_subscription: state: present username: joe_user password: somepass environment: Library auto_attach: true ''' RETURN = ''' subscribed_pool_ids: description: List of pool IDs to which system is now subscribed returned: success type: complex contains: { "8a85f9815ab905d3015ab928c7005de4": "1" } ''' import os import re import shutil import tempfile import types from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser SUBMAN_CMD = None class RegistrationBase(object): def __init__(self, module, username=None, password=None): self.module = module self.username = username self.password = password def configure(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a sub-class") def enable(self): # Remove any existing redhat.repo redhat_repo = '/etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo' if os.path.isfile(redhat_repo): os.unlink(redhat_repo) def register(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a sub-class") def unregister(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a sub-class") def unsubscribe(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a sub-class") def update_plugin_conf(self, plugin, enabled=True): plugin_conf = '/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/%s.conf' % plugin if os.path.isfile(plugin_conf): tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() shutil.copy2(plugin_conf, tmpfile) cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read([tmpfile]) if enabled: cfg.set('main', 'enabled', 1) else: cfg.set('main', 'enabled', 0) fd = open(tmpfile, 'w+') cfg.write(fd) fd.close() self.module.atomic_move(tmpfile, plugin_conf) def subscribe(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a sub-class") class Rhsm(RegistrationBase): def __init__(self, module, username=None, password=None): RegistrationBase.__init__(self, module, username, password) self.config = self._read_config() self.module = module def _read_config(self, rhsm_conf='/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf'): ''' Load RHSM configuration from /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf. Returns: * ConfigParser object ''' # Read RHSM defaults ... cp = configparser.ConfigParser() cp.read(rhsm_conf) # Add support for specifying a default value w/o having to standup some configuration # Yeah, I know this should be subclassed ... but, oh well def get_option_default(self, key, default=''): sect, opt = key.split('.', 1) if self.has_section(sect) and self.has_option(sect, opt): return self.get(sect, opt) else: return default cp.get_option = types.MethodType(get_option_default, cp, configparser.ConfigParser) return cp def enable(self): ''' Enable the system to receive updates from subscription-manager. This involves updating affected yum plugins and removing any conflicting yum repositories. ''' RegistrationBase.enable(self) self.update_plugin_conf('rhnplugin', False) self.update_plugin_conf('subscription-manager', True) def configure(self, **kwargs): ''' Configure the system as directed for registration with RHSM Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'config'] # Pass supplied **kwargs as parameters to subscription-manager. Ignore # non-configuration parameters and replace '_' with '.'. For example, # 'server_hostname' becomes '--server.hostname'. for k, v in kwargs.items(): if re.search(r'^(server|rhsm)_', k): args.append('--%s=%s' % (k.replace('_', '.', 1), v)) self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) @property def is_registered(self): ''' Determine whether the current system Returns: * Boolean - whether the current system is currently registered to RHSM. ''' args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'identity'] rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=False) if rc == 0: return True else: return False def register(self, username, password, auto_attach, activationkey, org_id, consumer_type, consumer_name, consumer_id, force_register, environment, rhsm_baseurl, server_insecure, server_hostname, server_proxy_hostname, server_proxy_port, server_proxy_user, server_proxy_password): ''' Register the current system to the provided RHSM or Sat6 server Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'register'] # Generate command arguments if force_register: args.extend(['--force']) if rhsm_baseurl: args.extend(['--baseurl', rhsm_baseurl]) if server_insecure: args.extend(['--insecure']) if server_hostname: args.extend(['--serverurl', server_hostname]) if org_id: args.extend(['--org', org_id]) if activationkey: args.extend(['--activationkey', activationkey]) else: if auto_attach: args.append('--auto-attach') if username: args.extend(['--username', username]) if password: args.extend(['--password', password]) if consumer_type: args.extend(['--type', consumer_type]) if consumer_name: args.extend(['--name', consumer_name]) if consumer_id: args.extend(['--consumerid', consumer_id]) if environment: args.extend(['--environment', environment]) if server_proxy_hostname and server_proxy_port: args.extend(['--proxy', server_proxy_hostname + ':' + server_proxy_port]) if server_proxy_user: args.extend(['--proxyuser', server_proxy_user]) if server_proxy_password: args.extend(['--proxypassword', server_proxy_password]) rc, stderr, stdout = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) def unsubscribe(self, serials=None): ''' Unsubscribe a system from subscribed channels Args: serials(list or None): list of serials to unsubscribe. If serials is none or an empty list, then all subscribed channels will be removed. Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' items = [] if serials is not None and serials: items = ["--serial=%s" % s for s in serials] if serials is None: items = ["--all"] if items: args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'unsubscribe'] + items rc, stderr, stdout = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) return serials def unregister(self): ''' Unregister a currently registered system Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'unregister'] rc, stderr, stdout = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) self.update_plugin_conf('rhnplugin', False) self.update_plugin_conf('subscription-manager', False) def subscribe(self, regexp): ''' Subscribe current system to available pools matching the specified regular expression. It matches regexp against available pool ids first. If any pool ids match, subscribe to those pools and return. If no pool ids match, then match regexp against available pool product names. Note this can still easily match many many pools. Then subscribe to those pools. Since a pool id is a more specific match, we only fallback to matching against names if we didn't match pool ids. Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' # See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19466 # subscribe to pools whose pool id matches regexp (and only the pool id) subscribed_pool_ids = self.subscribe_pool(regexp) # If we found any matches, we are done # Don't attempt to match pools by product name if subscribed_pool_ids: return subscribed_pool_ids # We didn't match any pool ids. # Now try subscribing to pools based on product name match # Note: This can match lots of product names. subscribed_by_product_pool_ids = self.subscribe_product(regexp) if subscribed_by_product_pool_ids: return subscribed_by_product_pool_ids # no matches return [] def subscribe_by_pool_ids(self, pool_ids): for pool_id, quantity in pool_ids.items(): args = [SUBMAN_CMD, 'attach', '--pool', pool_id, '--quantity', quantity] rc, stderr, stdout = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) return pool_ids def subscribe_pool(self, regexp): ''' Subscribe current system to available pools matching the specified regular expression Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' # Available pools ready for subscription available_pools = RhsmPools(self.module) subscribed_pool_ids = [] for pool in available_pools.filter_pools(regexp): pool.subscribe() subscribed_pool_ids.append(pool.get_pool_id()) return subscribed_pool_ids def subscribe_product(self, regexp): ''' Subscribe current system to available pools matching the specified regular expression Raises: * Exception - if error occurs while running command ''' # Available pools ready for subscription available_pools = RhsmPools(self.module) subscribed_pool_ids = [] for pool in available_pools.filter_products(regexp): pool.subscribe() subscribed_pool_ids.append(pool.get_pool_id()) return subscribed_pool_ids def update_subscriptions(self, regexp): changed = False consumed_pools = RhsmPools(self.module, consumed=True) pool_ids_to_keep = [p.get_pool_id() for p in consumed_pools.filter_pools(regexp)] pool_ids_to_keep.extend([p.get_pool_id() for p in consumed_pools.filter_products(regexp)]) serials_to_remove = [p.Serial for p in consumed_pools if p.get_pool_id() not in pool_ids_to_keep] serials = self.unsubscribe(serials=serials_to_remove) subscribed_pool_ids = self.subscribe(regexp) if subscribed_pool_ids or serials: changed = True return {'changed': changed, 'subscribed_pool_ids': subscribed_pool_ids, 'unsubscribed_serials': serials} def update_subscriptions_by_pool_ids(self, pool_ids): changed = False consumed_pools = RhsmPools(self.module, consumed=True) existing_pools = {} for p in consumed_pools: existing_pools[p.get_pool_id()] = p.QuantityUsed serials_to_remove = [p.Serial for p in consumed_pools if pool_ids.get(p.get_pool_id(), 0) != p.QuantityUsed] serials = self.unsubscribe(serials=serials_to_remove) missing_pools = {} for pool_id, quantity in pool_ids.items(): if existing_pools.get(pool_id, 0) != quantity: missing_pools[pool_id] = quantity self.subscribe_by_pool_ids(missing_pools) if missing_pools or serials: changed = True return {'changed': changed, 'subscribed_pool_ids': missing_pools.keys(), 'unsubscribed_serials': serials} class RhsmPool(object): ''' Convenience class for housing subscription information ''' def __init__(self, module, **kwargs): self.module = module for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __str__(self): return str(self.__getattribute__('_name')) def get_pool_id(self): return getattr(self, 'PoolId', getattr(self, 'PoolID')) def subscribe(self): args = "subscription-manager subscribe --pool %s" % self.get_pool_id() rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) if rc == 0: return True else: return False class RhsmPools(object): """ This class is used for manipulating pools subscriptions with RHSM """ def __init__(self, module, consumed=False): self.module = module self.products = self._load_product_list(consumed) def __iter__(self): return self.products.__iter__() def _load_product_list(self, consumed=False): """ Loads list of all available or consumed pools for system in data structure Args: consumed(bool): if True list consumed pools, else list available pools (default False) """ args = "subscription-manager list" if consumed: args += " --consumed" else: args += " --available" rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(args, check_rc=True) products = [] for line in stdout.split('\n'): # Remove leading+trailing whitespace line = line.strip() # An empty line implies the end of a output group if len(line) == 0: continue # If a colon ':' is found, parse elif ':' in line: (key, value) = line.split(':', 1) key = key.strip().replace(" ", "") # To unify value = value.strip() if key in ['ProductName', 'SubscriptionName']: # Remember the name for later processing products.append(RhsmPool(self.module, _name=value, key=value)) elif products: # Associate value with most recently recorded product products[-1].__setattr__(key, value) # FIXME - log some warning? # else: # warnings.warn("Unhandled subscription key/value: %s/%s" % (key,value)) return products def filter_pools(self, regexp='^$'): ''' Return a list of RhsmPools whose pool id matches the provided regular expression ''' r = re.compile(regexp) for product in self.products: if r.search(product.get_pool_id()): yield product def filter_products(self, regexp='^$'): ''' Return a list of RhsmPools whose product name matches the provided regular expression ''' r = re.compile(regexp) for product in self.products: if r.search(product._name): yield product def main(): # Load RHSM configuration from file rhsm = Rhsm(None) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), username=dict(default=None, required=False), password=dict(default=None, required=False, no_log=True), server_hostname=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.hostname'), required=False), server_insecure=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.insecure'), required=False), rhsm_baseurl=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('rhsm.baseurl'), required=False), auto_attach=dict(aliases=['autosubscribe'], default=False, type='bool'), activationkey=dict(default=None, required=False), org_id=dict(default=None, required=False), environment=dict(default=None, required=False, type='str'), pool=dict(default='^$', required=False, type='str'), pool_ids=dict(default=[], required=False, type='list'), consumer_type=dict(default=None, required=False), consumer_name=dict(default=None, required=False), consumer_id=dict(default=None, required=False), force_register=dict(default=False, type='bool'), server_proxy_hostname=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.proxy_hostname'), required=False), server_proxy_port=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.proxy_port'), required=False), server_proxy_user=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.proxy_user'), required=False), server_proxy_password=dict(default=rhsm.config.get_option('server.proxy_password'), required=False, no_log=True), ), required_together=[['username', 'password'], ['server_proxy_hostname', 'server_proxy_port'], ['server_proxy_user', 'server_proxy_password']], mutually_exclusive=[['activationkey', 'username'], ['activationkey', 'consumer_id'], ['activationkey', 'environment'], ['activationkey', 'autosubscribe'], ['force', 'consumer_id'], ['pool', 'pool_ids']], required_if=[['state', 'present', ['username', 'activationkey'], True]], ) rhsm.module = module state = module.params['state'] username = module.params['username'] password = module.params['password'] server_hostname = module.params['server_hostname'] server_insecure = module.params['server_insecure'] rhsm_baseurl = module.params['rhsm_baseurl'] auto_attach = module.params['auto_attach'] activationkey = module.params['activationkey'] org_id = module.params['org_id'] if activationkey and not org_id: module.fail_json(msg='org_id is required when using activationkey') environment = module.params['environment'] pool = module.params['pool'] pool_ids = {} for value in module.params['pool_ids']: if isinstance(value, dict): if len(value) != 1: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to parse pool_ids option.') pool_id, quantity = value.items()[0] else: pool_id, quantity = value, 1 pool_ids[pool_id] = str(quantity) consumer_type = module.params["consumer_type"] consumer_name = module.params["consumer_name"] consumer_id = module.params["consumer_id"] force_register = module.params["force_register"] server_proxy_hostname = module.params['server_proxy_hostname'] server_proxy_port = module.params['server_proxy_port'] server_proxy_user = module.params['server_proxy_user'] server_proxy_password = module.params['server_proxy_password'] global SUBMAN_CMD SUBMAN_CMD = module.get_bin_path('subscription-manager', True) # Ensure system is registered if state == 'present': # Register system if rhsm.is_registered and not force_register: if pool != '^$' or pool_ids: try: if pool_ids: result = rhsm.update_subscriptions_by_pool_ids(pool_ids) else: result = rhsm.update_subscriptions(pool) except Exception: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to update subscriptions for '%s': %s" % (server_hostname, e)) else: module.exit_json(**result) else: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="System already registered.") else: try: rhsm.enable() rhsm.configure(**module.params) rhsm.register(username, password, auto_attach, activationkey, org_id, consumer_type, consumer_name, consumer_id, force_register, environment, rhsm_baseurl, server_insecure, server_hostname, server_proxy_hostname, server_proxy_port, server_proxy_user, server_proxy_password) if pool_ids: subscribed_pool_ids = rhsm.subscribe_by_pool_ids(pool_ids) else: subscribed_pool_ids = rhsm.subscribe(pool) except Exception: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to register with '%s': %s" % (server_hostname, e)) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="System successfully registered to '%s'." % server_hostname, subscribed_pool_ids=subscribed_pool_ids) # Ensure system is *not* registered if state == 'absent': if not rhsm.is_registered: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="System already unregistered.") else: try: rhsm.unsubscribe() rhsm.unregister() except Exception: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to unregister: %s" % e) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="System successfully unregistered from %s." % server_hostname) if __name__ == '__main__': main()