#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: icx_logging version_added: "2.9" author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)" short_description: Manage logging on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches description: - This module provides declarative management of logging on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches. notes: - Tested against ICX 10.1. - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html). options: dest: description: - Destination of the logs. choices: ['on', 'host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'rfc5424'] type: str name: description: - ipv4 address/ipv6 address/name of syslog server. type: str udp_port: description: - UDP port of destination host(syslog server). type: str facility: description: - Specifies log facility to log messages from the device. choices: ['auth','cron','daemon','kern','local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7', 'user', 'lpr','mail','news','syslog','sys9','sys10','sys11','sys12','sys13','sys14','user','uucp'] type: str level: description: - Specifies the message level. type: list choices: ['alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational', 'notifications', 'warnings'] aggregate: description: - List of logging definitions. type: list suboptions: dest: description: - Destination of the logs. choices: ['on', 'host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'rfc5424'] type: str name: description: - ipv4 address/ipv6 address/name of syslog server. type: str udp_port: description: - UDP port of destination host(syslog server). type: str facility: description: - Specifies log facility to log messages from the device. choices: ['auth','cron','daemon','kern','local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7', 'user', 'lpr','mail','news','syslog','sys9','sys10','sys11','sys12','sys13','sys14','user','uucp'] type: str level: description: - Specifies the message level. type: list choices: ['alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational', 'notifications', 'warnings'] state: description: - State of the logging configuration. choices: ['present', 'absent'] type: str check_running_config: description: - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable. Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter. type: bool state: description: - State of the logging configuration. default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] type: str check_running_config: description: - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable. Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter. type: bool default: yes """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Configure host logging. icx_logging: dest: host name: udp_port: 5555 - name: Remove host logging configuration. icx_logging: dest: host name: udp_port: 5555 state: absent - name: Disables the real-time display of syslog messages. icx_logging: dest: console state: absent - name: Enables local syslog logging. icx_logging: dest : on state: present - name: configure buffer level. icx_logging: dest: buffered level: critical - name: Configure logging using aggregate icx_logging: aggregate: - { dest: buffered, level: ['notifications','errors'] } - name: remove logging using aggregate icx_logging: aggregate: - { dest: console } - { dest: host, name:, udp_port: 5555 } state: absent """ RETURN = """ commands: description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device returned: always type: list sample: - logging host - logging console """ import re from copy import deepcopy from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, exec_command from ansible.module_utils.network.common.utils import remove_default_spec, validate_ip_v6_address from ansible.module_utils.network.icx.icx import get_config, load_config def search_obj_in_list(name, lst): for o in lst: if o['name'] == name: return o def diff_in_list(want, have): adds = set() removes = set() for w in want: if w['dest'] == 'buffered': for h in have: if h['dest'] == 'buffered': adds = w['level'] - h['level'] removes = h['level'] - w['level'] return adds, removes return adds, removes def map_obj_to_commands(updates): dest_group = ('host', 'console', 'persistence', 'enable') commands = list() want, have = updates for w in want: dest = w['dest'] name = w['name'] level = w['level'] state = w['state'] udp_port = w['udp_port'] facility = w['facility'] del w['state'] del w['facility'] facility_name = '' facility_level = '' if name is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(name): name = 'ipv6 ' + name if facility: for item in have: if item['dest'] == 'facility': facility_name = item['dest'] facility_level = item['facility'] if state == 'absent': if have == []: if facility: commands.append('no logging facility') if dest == 'buffered': for item in have: if item['dest'] == 'buffered': want_level = level have_level = item['level'] for item in want_level: commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item)) if dest == 'host': if name and udp_port: commands.append('no logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port)) elif name: commands.append('no logging host {0}'.format(name)) else: if dest == 'rfc5424': commands.append('no logging enable {0}'.format(dest)) else: if dest != 'buffered': commands.append('no logging {0}'.format(dest)) if facility: if facility_name == 'facility' and facility_level != 'user': commands.append('no logging facility') if dest == 'buffered': for item in have: if item['dest'] == 'buffered': want_level = level have_level = item['level'] for item in want_level: if item in have_level: commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item)) if w in have: if dest == 'host': if name and udp_port: commands.append('no logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port)) elif name: commands.append('no logging host {0}'.format(name)) else: if dest == 'rfc5424': commands.append('no logging enable {0}'.format(dest)) else: if dest != 'buffered': commands.append('no logging {0}'.format(dest)) if state == 'present': if facility: if facility != facility_level: commands.append('logging facility {0}'.format(facility)) if w not in have: if dest == 'host': if name and udp_port: commands.append('logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port)) elif name: commands.append('logging host {0}'.format(name)) elif dest == 'buffered': adds, removes = diff_in_list(want, have) for item in adds: commands.append('logging buffered {0}'.format(item)) for item in removes: commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item)) elif dest == 'rfc5424': commands.append('logging enable {0}'.format(dest)) else: commands.append('logging {0}'.format(dest)) return commands def parse_port(line, dest): port = None if dest == 'host': match = re.search(r'logging host \S+\s+udp-port\s+(\d+)', line, re.M) if match: port = match.group(1) else: match_port = re.search(r'logging host ipv6 \S+\s+udp-port\s+(\d+)', line, re.M) if match_port: port = match_port.group(1) return port def parse_name(line, dest): name = None if dest == 'host': match = re.search(r'logging host (\S+)', line, re.M) if match: if match.group(1) == 'ipv6': ipv6_add = re.search(r'logging host ipv6 (\S+)', line, re.M) name = ipv6_add.group(1) else: name = match.group(1) return name def parse_address(line, dest): if dest == 'host': match = re.search(r'^logging host ipv6 (\S+)', line.strip(), re.M) if match: return True return False def map_config_to_obj(module): obj = [] facility = '' addr6 = False dest_group = ('host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'enable') dest_level = ('alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational', 'notifications', 'warnings') buff_level = list() if module.params['check_running_config'] is False: return [] data = get_config(module, flags=['| include logging']) facility_match = re.search(r'^logging facility (\S+)', data, re.M) if facility_match: facility = facility_match.group(1) obj.append({ 'dest': 'facility', 'facility': facility }) else: obj.append({ 'dest': 'facility', 'facility': 'user' }) for line in data.split('\n'): match = re.search(r'^logging (\S+)', line.strip(), re.M) if match: if match.group(1) in dest_group: dest = match.group(1) if dest == 'host': obj.append({ 'dest': dest, 'name': parse_name(line.strip(), dest), 'udp_port': parse_port(line, dest), 'level': None, 'addr6': parse_address(line, dest) }) elif dest == 'buffered': obj.append({ 'dest': dest, 'level': None, 'name': None, 'udp_port': None, 'addr6': False }) else: if dest == 'enable': dest = 'rfc5424' obj.append({ 'dest': dest, 'level': None, 'name': None, 'udp_port': None, 'addr6': False }) else: ip_match = re.search(r'^no logging buffered (\S+)', line, re.M) if ip_match: dest = 'buffered' buff_level.append(ip_match.group(1)) if 'no logging on' not in data: obj.append({ 'dest': 'on', 'level': None, 'name': None, 'udp_port': None, 'addr6': False }) levels = set() for items in dest_level: if items not in buff_level: levels.add(items) obj.append({ 'dest': 'buffered', 'level': levels, 'name': None, 'udp_port': None, 'addr6': False }) return obj def count_terms(check, param=None): count = 0 for term in check: if param[term] is not None: count += 1 return count def check_required_if(module, spec, param): for sp in spec: missing = [] max_missing_count = 0 is_one_of = False if len(sp) == 4: key, val, requirements, is_one_of = sp else: key, val, requirements = sp if is_one_of: max_missing_count = len(requirements) term = 'any' else: term = 'all' if key in param and param[key] == val: for check in requirements: count = count_terms((check,), param) if count == 0: missing.append(check) if len(missing) and len(missing) >= max_missing_count: msg = "%s is %s but %s of the following are missing: %s" % (key, val, term, ', '.join(missing)) module.fail_json(msg=msg) def map_params_to_obj(module, required_if=None): obj = [] addr6 = False aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate') if aggregate: for item in aggregate: if item['name'] is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(item['name']): addr6 = True for key in item: if item.get(key) is None: item[key] = module.params[key] check_required_if(module, required_if, item) item.update({'addr6': addr6}) d = item.copy() d['level'] = set(d['level']) if d['level'] is not None else None if d['dest'] != 'host': d['name'] = None d['udp_port'] = None if d['dest'] != 'buffered': d['level'] = None del d['check_running_config'] obj.append(d) else: if module.params['name'] is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(module.params['name']): addr6 = True if module.params['dest'] != 'host': module.params['name'] = None module.params['udp_port'] = None if module.params['dest'] != 'buffered': module.params['level'] = None obj.append({ 'dest': module.params['dest'], 'name': module.params['name'], 'udp_port': module.params['udp_port'], 'level': set(module.params['level']) if module.params['level'] else None, 'facility': module.params['facility'], 'state': module.params['state'], 'addr6': addr6 }) return obj def main(): """ main entry point for module execution """ element_spec = dict( dest=dict( type='str', choices=[ 'on', 'host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'rfc5424']), name=dict( type='str'), udp_port=dict(), level=dict( type='list', choices=[ 'alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational', 'notifications', 'warnings']), facility=dict( typr='str', choices=[ 'auth', 'cron', 'daemon', 'kern', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7', 'user', 'lpr', 'mail', 'news', 'syslog', 'sys9', 'sys10', 'sys11', 'sys12', 'sys13', 'sys14', 'user', 'uucp']), state=dict( default='present', choices=[ 'present', 'absent']), check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))) aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec) remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec) argument_spec = dict( aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec), ) argument_spec.update(element_spec) required_if = [('dest', 'host', ['name']), ('dest', 'buffered', ['level'])] module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_if=required_if, supports_check_mode=True) result = {'changed': False} warnings = list() exec_command(module, 'skip') if warnings: result['warnings'] = warnings want = map_params_to_obj(module, required_if=required_if) have = map_config_to_obj(module) result['want'] = want result['have'] = have commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have)) result['commands'] = commands if commands: if not module.check_mode: load_config(module, commands) result['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()