#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ovirt_quota short_description: Module to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV version_added: "2.3" author: "Ondra Machacek (@machacekondra)" description: - "Module to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV" options: id: description: - "ID of the quota to manage." version_added: "2.8" name: description: - "Name of the quota to manage." required: true state: description: - "Should the quota be present/absent." choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present data_center: description: - "Name of the datacenter where quota should be managed." required: true description: description: - "Description of the quota to manage." cluster_threshold: description: - "Cluster threshold(soft limit) defined in percentage (0-100)." aliases: - "cluster_soft_limit" cluster_grace: description: - "Cluster grace(hard limit) defined in percentage (1-100)." aliases: - "cluster_hard_limit" storage_threshold: description: - "Storage threshold(soft limit) defined in percentage (0-100)." aliases: - "storage_soft_limit" storage_grace: description: - "Storage grace(hard limit) defined in percentage (1-100)." aliases: - "storage_hard_limit" clusters: description: - "List of dictionary of cluster limits, which is valid to specific cluster." - "If cluster isn't specified it's valid to all clusters in system:" - "C(cluster) - Name of the cluster." - "C(memory) - Memory limit (in GiB)." - "C(cpu) - CPU limit." storages: description: - "List of dictionary of storage limits, which is valid to specific storage." - "If storage isn't specified it's valid to all storages in system:" - "C(storage) - Name of the storage." - "C(size) - Size limit (in GiB)." extends_documentation_fragment: ovirt ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Examples don't contain auth parameter for simplicity, # look at ovirt_auth module to see how to reuse authentication: # Add cluster quota to cluster cluster1 with memory limit 20GiB and CPU limit to 10: - ovirt_quota: name: quota1 data_center: dcX clusters: - name: cluster1 memory: 20 cpu: 10 # Add cluster quota to all clusters with memory limit 30GiB and CPU limit to 15: - ovirt_quota: name: quota2 data_center: dcX clusters: - memory: 30 cpu: 15 # Add storage quota to storage data1 with size limit to 100GiB - ovirt_quota: name: quota3 data_center: dcX storage_grace: 40 storage_threshold: 60 storages: - name: data1 size: 100 # Remove quota quota1 (Note the quota must not be assigned to any VM/disk): - ovirt_quota: state: absent data_center: dcX name: quota1 # Change Quota Name - ovirt_quota: id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 name: "new_quota_name" data_center: dcX ''' RETURN = ''' id: description: ID of the quota which is managed returned: On success if quota is found. type: str sample: 7de90f31-222c-436c-a1ca-7e655bd5b60c quota: description: "Dictionary of all the quota attributes. Quota attributes can be found on your oVirt/RHV instance at following url: http://ovirt.github.io/ovirt-engine-api-model/master/#types/quota." returned: On success if quota is found. type: dict ''' try: import ovirtsdk4.types as otypes except ImportError: pass import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.ovirt import ( BaseModule, check_sdk, create_connection, equal, get_link_name, ovirt_full_argument_spec, search_by_name, ) class QuotasModule(BaseModule): def build_entity(self): return otypes.Quota( description=self._module.params['description'], name=self._module.params['name'], id=self._module.params['id'], storage_hard_limit_pct=self._module.params.get('storage_grace'), storage_soft_limit_pct=self._module.params.get('storage_threshold'), cluster_hard_limit_pct=self._module.params.get('cluster_grace'), cluster_soft_limit_pct=self._module.params.get('cluster_threshold'), ) def update_storage_limits(self, entity): new_limits = {} for storage in self._module.params.get('storages'): new_limits[storage.get('name', '')] = { 'size': storage.get('size'), } old_limits = {} sd_limit_service = self._service.service(entity.id).quota_storage_limits_service() for limit in sd_limit_service.list(): storage = get_link_name(self._connection, limit.storage_domain) if limit.storage_domain else '' old_limits[storage] = { 'size': limit.limit, } sd_limit_service.service(limit.id).remove() return new_limits == old_limits def update_cluster_limits(self, entity): new_limits = {} for cluster in self._module.params.get('clusters'): new_limits[cluster.get('name', '')] = { 'cpu': cluster.get('cpu'), 'memory': float(cluster.get('memory')), } old_limits = {} cl_limit_service = self._service.service(entity.id).quota_cluster_limits_service() for limit in cl_limit_service.list(): cluster = get_link_name(self._connection, limit.cluster) if limit.cluster else '' old_limits[cluster] = { 'cpu': limit.vcpu_limit, 'memory': limit.memory_limit, } cl_limit_service.service(limit.id).remove() return new_limits == old_limits def update_check(self, entity): # -- FIXME -- # Note that we here always remove all cluster/storage limits, because # it's not currently possible to update them and then re-create the limits # appropriatelly, this shouldn't have any side-effects, but it's not considered # as a correct approach. # This feature is tracked here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1398576 # return ( self.update_storage_limits(entity) and self.update_cluster_limits(entity) and equal(self._module.params.get('name'), entity.name) and equal(self._module.params.get('description'), entity.description) and equal(self._module.params.get('storage_grace'), entity.storage_hard_limit_pct) and equal(self._module.params.get('storage_threshold'), entity.storage_soft_limit_pct) and equal(self._module.params.get('cluster_grace'), entity.cluster_hard_limit_pct) and equal(self._module.params.get('cluster_threshold'), entity.cluster_soft_limit_pct) ) def main(): argument_spec = ovirt_full_argument_spec( state=dict( choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', ), id=dict(default=None), name=dict(required=True), data_center=dict(required=True), description=dict(default=None), cluster_threshold=dict(default=None, type='int', aliases=['cluster_soft_limit']), cluster_grace=dict(default=None, type='int', aliases=['cluster_hard_limit']), storage_threshold=dict(default=None, type='int', aliases=['storage_soft_limit']), storage_grace=dict(default=None, type='int', aliases=['storage_hard_limit']), clusters=dict(default=[], type='list'), storages=dict(default=[], type='list'), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) check_sdk(module) try: auth = module.params.pop('auth') connection = create_connection(auth) datacenters_service = connection.system_service().data_centers_service() dc_name = module.params['data_center'] dc_id = getattr(search_by_name(datacenters_service, dc_name), 'id', None) if dc_id is None: raise Exception("Datacenter '%s' was not found." % dc_name) quotas_service = datacenters_service.service(dc_id).quotas_service() quotas_module = QuotasModule( connection=connection, module=module, service=quotas_service, ) state = module.params['state'] if state == 'present': ret = quotas_module.create() # Manage cluster limits: cl_limit_service = quotas_service.service(ret['id']).quota_cluster_limits_service() for cluster in module.params.get('clusters'): cl_limit_service.add( limit=otypes.QuotaClusterLimit( memory_limit=float(cluster.get('memory')), vcpu_limit=cluster.get('cpu'), cluster=search_by_name( connection.system_service().clusters_service(), cluster.get('name') ), ), ) # Manage storage limits: sd_limit_service = quotas_service.service(ret['id']).quota_storage_limits_service() for storage in module.params.get('storages'): sd_limit_service.add( limit=otypes.QuotaStorageLimit( limit=storage.get('size'), storage_domain=search_by_name( connection.system_service().storage_domains_service(), storage.get('name') ), ) ) elif state == 'absent': ret = quotas_module.remove() module.exit_json(**ret) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) finally: connection.close(logout=auth.get('token') is None) if __name__ == "__main__": main()