#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2017, Gaudenz Steinlin # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cloudscale_floating_ip short_description: Manages floating IPs on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service description: - Create, assign and delete floating IPs on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service. notes: - To create a new floating IP at least the C(ip_version) and C(server) options are required. - Once a floating_ip is created all parameters except C(server) are read-only. - It's not possible to request a floating IP without associating it with a server at the same time. - This module requires the ipaddress python library. This library is included in Python since version 3.3. It is available as a module on PyPI for earlier versions. version_added: 2.5 author: "Gaudenz Steinlin (@gaudenz) " options: state: description: - State of the floating IP. default: present choices: [ present, absent ] ip: description: - Floating IP address to change. - Required to assign the IP to a different server or if I(state) is absent. aliases: [ network ] ip_version: description: - IP protocol version of the floating IP. choices: [ 4, 6 ] server: description: - UUID of the server assigned to this floating IP. - Required unless I(state) is absent. prefix_length: description: - Only valid if I(ip_version) is 6. - Prefix length for the IPv6 network. Currently only a prefix of /56 can be requested. If no I(prefix_length) is present, a single address is created. choices: [ 56 ] reverse_ptr: description: - Reverse PTR entry for this address. - You cannot set a reverse PTR entry for IPv6 floating networks. Reverse PTR entries are only allowed for single addresses. extends_documentation_fragment: cloudscale ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Request a new floating IP - name: Request a floating IP cloudscale_floating_ip: ip_version: 4 server: 47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1 reverse_ptr: my-server.example.com api_token: xxxxxx register: floating_ip # Assign an existing floating IP to a different server - name: Move floating IP to backup server cloudscale_floating_ip: ip: server: ea3b39a3-77a8-4d0b-881d-0bb00a1e7f48 api_token: xxxxxx # Request a new floating IPv6 network - name: Request a floating IP cloudscale_floating_ip: ip_version: 6 prefix_length: 56 server: 47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1 api_token: xxxxxx register: floating_ip # Assign an existing floating network to a different server - name: Move floating IP to backup server cloudscale_floating_ip: ip: '{{ floating_ip.network | ip }}' server: ea3b39a3-77a8-4d0b-881d-0bb00a1e7f48 api_token: xxxxxx # Release a floating IP - name: Release floating IP cloudscale_floating_ip: ip: state: absent api_token: xxxxxx ''' RETURN = ''' href: description: The API URL to get details about this floating IP. returned: success when state == present type: str sample: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/2001:db8::cafe network: description: The CIDR notation of the network that is routed to your server. returned: success when state == present type: str sample: 2001:db8::cafe/128 next_hop: description: Your floating IP is routed to this IP address. returned: success when state == present type: str sample: 2001:db8:dead:beef::42 reverse_ptr: description: The reverse pointer for this floating IP address. returned: success when state == present type: str sample: 185-98-122-176.cust.cloudscale.ch server: description: The floating IP is routed to this server. returned: success when state == present type: str sample: 47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1 ip: description: The floating IP address or network. This is always present and used to identify floating IPs after creation. returned: success type: str sample: state: description: The current status of the floating IP. returned: success type: str sample: present ''' import os import traceback IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR = None try: from ipaddress import ip_network HAS_IPADDRESS = True except ImportError: IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_IPADDRESS = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.cloudscale import AnsibleCloudscaleBase, cloudscale_argument_spec class AnsibleCloudscaleFloatingIP(AnsibleCloudscaleBase): def __init__(self, module): super(AnsibleCloudscaleFloatingIP, self).__init__(module) # Initialize info dict # Set state to absent, will be updated by self.update_info() self.info = {'state': 'absent'} if self._module.params['ip']: self.update_info() @staticmethod def _resp2info(resp): # If the API response has some content, the floating IP must exist resp['state'] = 'present' # Add the IP address to the response, otherwise handling get's to complicated as this # has to be converted from the network all the time. resp['ip'] = str(ip_network(resp['network']).network_address) # Replace the server with just the UUID, the href to the server is useless and just makes # things more complicated if resp['server'] is not None: resp['server'] = resp['server']['uuid'] return resp def update_info(self): resp = self._get('floating-ips/' + self._module.params['ip']) if resp: self.info = self._resp2info(resp) else: self.info = {'ip': self._module.params['ip'], 'state': 'absent'} def request_floating_ip(self): params = self._module.params # check for required parameters to request a floating IP missing_parameters = [] for p in ('ip_version', 'server'): if p not in params or not params[p]: missing_parameters.append(p) if len(missing_parameters) > 0: self._module.fail_json(msg='Missing required parameter(s) to request a floating IP: %s.' % ' '.join(missing_parameters)) data = {'ip_version': params['ip_version'], 'server': params['server']} if params['prefix_length']: data['prefix_length'] = params['prefix_length'] if params['reverse_ptr']: data['reverse_ptr'] = params['reverse_ptr'] self.info = self._resp2info(self._post('floating-ips', data)) def release_floating_ip(self): self._delete('floating-ips/%s' % self._module.params['ip']) self.info = {'ip': self.info['ip'], 'state': 'absent'} def update_floating_ip(self): params = self._module.params if 'server' not in params or not params['server']: self._module.fail_json(msg='Missing required parameter to update a floating IP: server.') self.info = self._resp2info(self._post('floating-ips/%s' % params['ip'], {'server': params['server']})) def main(): argument_spec = cloudscale_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=('present', 'absent')), ip=dict(aliases=('network', )), ip_version=dict(choices=(4, 6), type='int'), server=dict(), prefix_length=dict(choices=(56,), type='int'), reverse_ptr=dict(), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=(('ip', 'ip_version'),), supports_check_mode=True, ) if not HAS_IPADDRESS: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('ipaddress'), exception=IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR) target_state = module.params['state'] target_server = module.params['server'] floating_ip = AnsibleCloudscaleFloatingIP(module) current_state = floating_ip.info['state'] current_server = floating_ip.info['server'] if 'server' in floating_ip.info else None if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=not target_state == current_state or (current_state == 'present' and current_server != target_server), **floating_ip.info) changed = False if current_state == 'absent' and target_state == 'present': floating_ip.request_floating_ip() changed = True elif current_state == 'present' and target_state == 'absent': floating_ip.release_floating_ip() changed = True elif current_state == 'present' and current_server != target_server: floating_ip.update_floating_ip() changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed, **floating_ip.info) if __name__ == '__main__': main()