#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2019 Zim Kalinowski, (@zikalino), Jurijs Fadejevs (@needgithubid) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: azure_rm_azurefirewall version_added: '2.9' short_description: Manage Azure Firewall instance description: - Create, update and delete instance of Azure Firewall. options: resource_group: description: - The name of the resource group. required: true type: str name: description: - The name of the Azure Firewall. required: true type: str location: description: - Resource location. type: str application_rule_collections: description: - Collection of application rule collections used by Azure Firewall. type: list suboptions: priority: description: - Priority of the application rule collection resource. type: int action: description: - The action type of a rule collection. choices: - allow - deny type: str rules: description: - Collection of rules used by a application rule collection. type: list suboptions: name: description: - Name of the application rule. type: str description: description: - Description of the rule. type: str source_addresses: description: - List of source IP addresses for this rule. type: list protocols: description: - Array of ApplicationRuleProtocols. type: list target_fqdns: description: - List of FQDNs for this rule. type: list fqdn_tags: description: - List of FQDN Tags for this rule. type: list name: description: - Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. - This name can be used to access the resource. type: str nat_rule_collections: description: - Collection of NAT rule collections used by Azure Firewall. type: list suboptions: priority: description: - Priority of the NAT rule collection resource. type: int action: description: - The action type of a NAT rule collection choices: - snat - dnat type: str rules: description: - Collection of rules used by a NAT rule collection. type: list suboptions: name: description: - Name of the NAT rule. type: str description: description: - Description of the rule. type: str source_addresses: description: - List of source IP addresses for this rule. type: list destination_addresses: description: - List of destination IP addresses for this rule. type: list destination_ports: description: - List of destination ports. type: list protocols: description: - Array of AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocols applicable to this NAT rule. type: list translated_address: description: - The translated address for this NAT rule. type: str translated_port: description: - The translated port for this NAT rule. type: str name: description: - Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. - This name can be used to access the resource. type: str network_rule_collections: description: - Collection of network rule collections used by Azure Firewall. type: list suboptions: priority: description: - Priority of the network rule collection resource. type: int action: description: - The action type of a rule collection. type: str choices: - allow - deny rules: description: - Collection of rules used by a network rule collection. type: list suboptions: name: description: - Name of the network rule. type: str description: description: - Description of the rule. type: str protocols: description: - Array of AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocols. type: list source_addresses: description: - List of source IP addresses for this rule. type: list destination_addresses: description: - List of destination IP addresses. type: list destination_ports: description: - List of destination ports. type: list name: description: - Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. - This name can be used to access the resource. type: str ip_configurations: description: - IP configuration of the Azure Firewall resource. type: list suboptions: subnet: description: - Existing subnet. - It can be a string containing subnet resource ID. - It can be a dictionary containing I(name), I(virtual_network_name) and optionally I(resource_group) . type: raw public_ip_address: description: - Existing public IP address. - It can be a string containing resource ID. - It can be a string containing a name in current resource group. - It can be a dictionary containing I(name) and optionally I(resource_group). type: raw name: description: - Name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. - This name can be used to access the resource. type: str state: description: - Assert the state of the AzureFirewall. - Use C(present) to create or update an AzureFirewall and C(absent) to delete it. default: present type: str choices: - absent - present extends_documentation_fragment: - azure - azure_tags author: - Zim Kalinowski (@zikalino) - Jurijs Fadejevs (@needgithubid) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create Azure Firewall azure_rm_azurefirewall: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myAzureFirewall tags: key1: value1 application_rule_collections: - priority: 110 action: type: deny rules: - name: rule1 description: Deny inbound rule source_addresses: - - protocols: - type: https port: '443' target_fqdns: - www.test.com name: apprulecoll nat_rule_collections: - priority: 112 action: type: dnat rules: - name: DNAT-HTTPS-traffic description: D-NAT all outbound web traffic for inspection source_addresses: - '*' destination_addresses: - destination_ports: - '443' protocols: - tcp translated_address: translated_port: '8443' name: natrulecoll network_rule_collections: - priority: 112 action: type: deny rules: - name: L4-traffic description: Block traffic based on source IPs and ports protocols: - tcp source_addresses: - - destination_addresses: - '*' destination_ports: - 443-444 - '8443' name: netrulecoll ip_configurations: - subnet: >- /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup /providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVirtualNetwork /subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet public_ip_address: >- /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup /providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/ myPublicIpAddress name: azureFirewallIpConfiguration - name: Delete Azure Firewall azure_rm_azurefirewall: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myAzureFirewall state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' id: description: - Resource ID. returned: always type: str sample: /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/myAzureFirewall ''' import time import json import re from ansible.module_utils.azure_rm_common_ext import AzureRMModuleBaseExt from ansible.module_utils.azure_rm_common_rest import GenericRestClient from copy import deepcopy try: from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError except ImportError: # This is handled in azure_rm_common pass class Actions: NoAction, Create, Update, Delete = range(4) class AzureRMAzureFirewalls(AzureRMModuleBaseExt): def __init__(self): self.module_arg_spec = dict( resource_group=dict( type='str', disposition='resource_group_name', required=True ), name=dict( type='str', disposition='azure_firewall_name', required=True ), location=dict( type='str', updatable=False, disposition='/', comparison='location' ), application_rule_collections=dict( type='list', disposition='/properties/applicationRuleCollections', options=dict( priority=dict( type='int', disposition='properties/*' ), action=dict( type='str', choices=['allow', 'deny'], disposition='properties/action/type', pattern='camelize' ), rules=dict( type='list', disposition='properties/*', options=dict( name=dict( type='str' ), description=dict( type='str' ), source_addresses=dict( type='list', disposition='sourceAddresses' ), protocols=dict( type='list', options=dict( type=dict( type='str', disposition='protocolType' ), port=dict( type='str' ) ) ), target_fqdns=dict( type='list', disposition='targetFqdns' ), fqdn_tags=dict( type='list', disposition='fqdnTags' ) ) ), name=dict( type='str' ) ) ), nat_rule_collections=dict( type='list', disposition='/properties/natRuleCollections', options=dict( priority=dict( type='int', disposition='properties/*' ), action=dict( type='str', disposition='properties/action/type', choices=['snat', 'dnat'], pattern='camelize' ), rules=dict( type='list', disposition='properties/*', options=dict( name=dict( type='str' ), description=dict( type='str' ), source_addresses=dict( type='list', disposition='sourceAddresses' ), destination_addresses=dict( type='list', disposition='destinationAddresses' ), destination_ports=dict( type='list', disposition='destinationPorts' ), protocols=dict( type='list' ), translated_address=dict( type='str', disposition='translatedAddress' ), translated_port=dict( type='str', disposition='translatedPort' ) ) ), name=dict( type='str' ) ) ), network_rule_collections=dict( type='list', disposition='/properties/networkRuleCollections', options=dict( priority=dict( type='int', disposition='properties/*' ), action=dict( type='str', choices=['allow', 'deny'], disposition='properties/action/type', pattern='camelize' ), rules=dict( type='list', disposition='properties/*', options=dict( name=dict( type='str' ), description=dict( type='str' ), protocols=dict( type='list' ), source_addresses=dict( type='list', disposition='sourceAddresses' ), destination_addresses=dict( type='list', disposition='destinationAddresses' ), destination_ports=dict( type='list', disposition='destinationPorts' ) ) ), name=dict( type='str' ) ) ), ip_configurations=dict( type='list', disposition='/properties/ipConfigurations', options=dict( subnet=dict( type='raw', disposition='properties/subnet/id', pattern=('/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups' '/{resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Network' '/virtualNetworks/{virtual_network_name}/subnets' '/{name}') ), public_ip_address=dict( type='raw', disposition='properties/publicIPAddress/id', pattern=('/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups' '/{resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Network' '/publicIPAddresses/{name}') ), name=dict( type='str' ) ) ), state=dict( type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'] ) ) self.resource_group = None self.name = None self.body = {} self.results = dict(changed=False) self.mgmt_client = None self.state = None self.url = None self.status_code = [200, 201, 202] self.to_do = Actions.NoAction self.body = {} self.query_parameters = {} self.query_parameters['api-version'] = '2018-11-01' self.header_parameters = {} self.header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' super(AzureRMAzureFirewalls, self).__init__(derived_arg_spec=self.module_arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True, supports_tags=True) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): for key in list(self.module_arg_spec.keys()): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) elif kwargs[key] is not None: self.body[key] = kwargs[key] self.inflate_parameters(self.module_arg_spec, self.body, 0) old_response = None response = None self.mgmt_client = self.get_mgmt_svc_client(GenericRestClient, base_url=self._cloud_environment.endpoints.resource_manager) resource_group = self.get_resource_group(self.resource_group) if 'location' not in self.body: self.body['location'] = resource_group.location self.url = ('/subscriptions' + '/' + self.subscription_id + '/resourceGroups' + '/' + self.resource_group + '/providers' + '/Microsoft.Network' + '/azureFirewalls' + '/' + self.name) old_response = self.get_resource() if not old_response: self.log("AzureFirewall instance doesn't exist") if self.state == 'absent': self.log("Old instance didn't exist") else: self.to_do = Actions.Create else: self.log('AzureFirewall instance already exists') if self.state == 'absent': self.to_do = Actions.Delete else: modifiers = {} self.create_compare_modifiers(self.module_arg_spec, '', modifiers) self.results['modifiers'] = modifiers self.results['compare'] = [] if not self.default_compare(modifiers, self.body, old_response, '', self.results): self.to_do = Actions.Update if (self.to_do == Actions.Create) or (self.to_do == Actions.Update): self.log('Need to Create / Update the AzureFirewall instance') if self.check_mode: self.results['changed'] = True return self.results response = self.create_update_resource() # if not old_response: self.results['changed'] = True # else: # self.results['changed'] = old_response.__ne__(response) self.log('Creation / Update done') elif self.to_do == Actions.Delete: self.log('AzureFirewall instance deleted') self.results['changed'] = True if self.check_mode: return self.results self.delete_resource() # make sure instance is actually deleted, for some Azure resources, instance is hanging around # for some time after deletion -- this should be really fixed in Azure while self.get_resource(): time.sleep(20) else: self.log('AzureFirewall instance unchanged') self.results['changed'] = False response = old_response if response: self.results["id"] = response["id"] while response['properties']['provisioningState'] == 'Updating': time.sleep(30) response = self.get_resource() return self.results def create_update_resource(self): # self.log('Creating / Updating the AzureFirewall instance {0}'.format(self.)) try: response = self.mgmt_client.query(self.url, 'PUT', self.query_parameters, self.header_parameters, self.body, self.status_code, 600, 30) except CloudError as exc: self.log('Error attempting to create the AzureFirewall instance.') self.fail('Error creating the AzureFirewall instance: {0}'.format(str(exc))) try: response = json.loads(response.text) except Exception: response = {'text': response.text} return response def delete_resource(self): # self.log('Deleting the AzureFirewall instance {0}'.format(self.)) try: response = self.mgmt_client.query(self.url, 'DELETE', self.query_parameters, self.header_parameters, None, self.status_code, 600, 30) except CloudError as e: self.log('Error attempting to delete the AzureFirewall instance.') self.fail('Error deleting the AzureFirewall instance: {0}'.format(str(e))) return True def get_resource(self): # self.log('Checking if the AzureFirewall instance {0} is present'.format(self.)) found = False try: response = self.mgmt_client.query(self.url, 'GET', self.query_parameters, self.header_parameters, None, self.status_code, 600, 30) response = json.loads(response.text) found = True self.log("Response : {0}".format(response)) # self.log("AzureFirewall instance : {0} found".format(response.name)) except CloudError as e: self.log('Did not find the AzureFirewall instance.') if found is True: return response return False def main(): AzureRMAzureFirewalls() if __name__ == '__main__': main()