#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: ec2_vpc_vpn short_description: Create, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections. description: - This module creates, modifies, and deletes VPN connections. Idempotence is achieved by using the filters option or specifying the VPN connection identifier. version_added: "2.4" extends_documentation_fragment: - ec2 - aws requirements: ['boto3', 'botocore'] author: "Sloane Hertel (@s-hertel)" options: state: description: - The desired state of the VPN connection. choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present required: no customer_gateway_id: description: - The ID of the customer gateway. connection_type: description: - The type of VPN connection. choices: ['ipsec.1'] default: ipsec.1 vpn_gateway_id: description: - The ID of the virtual private gateway. vpn_connection_id: description: - The ID of the VPN connection. Required to modify or delete a connection if the filters option does not provide a unique match. tags: description: - Tags to attach to the VPN connection. purge_tags: description: - Whether or not to delete VPN connections tags that are associated with the connection but not specified in the task. type: bool default: false static_only: description: - Indicates whether the VPN connection uses static routes only. Static routes must be used for devices that don't support BGP. default: False type: bool required: no tunnel_options: description: - An optional list object containing no more than two dict members, each of which may contain 'TunnelInsideCidr' and/or 'PreSharedKey' keys with appropriate string values. AWS defaults will apply in absence of either of the aforementioned keys. required: no version_added: "2.5" filters: description: - An alternative to using vpn_connection_id. If multiple matches are found, vpn_connection_id is required. If one of the following suboptions is a list of items to filter by, only one item needs to match to find the VPN that correlates. e.g. if the filter 'cidr' is ['', ''] and the VPN route only has the destination cidr block of '' it will be found with this filter (assuming there are not multiple VPNs that are matched). Another example, if the filter 'vpn' is equal to ['vpn-ccf7e7ad', 'vpn-cb0ae2a2'] and one of of the VPNs has the state deleted (exists but is unmodifiable) and the other exists and is not deleted, it will be found via this filter. See examples. suboptions: cgw-config: description: - The customer gateway configuration of the VPN as a string (in the format of the return value) or a list of those strings. static-routes-only: description: - The type of routing; true or false. cidr: description: - The destination cidr of the VPN's route as a string or a list of those strings. bgp: description: - The BGP ASN number associated with a BGP device. Only works if the connection is attached. This filtering option is currently not working. vpn: description: - The VPN connection id as a string or a list of those strings. vgw: description: - The virtual private gateway as a string or a list of those strings. tag-keys: description: - The key of a tag as a string or a list of those strings. tag-values: description: - The value of a tag as a string or a list of those strings. tags: description: - A dict of key value pairs. cgw: description: - The customer gateway id as a string or a list of those strings. routes: description: - Routes to add to the connection. purge_routes: description: - Whether or not to delete VPN connections routes that are not specified in the task. type: bool """ EXAMPLES = """ # Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region. # It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set. - name: create a VPN connection ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present vpn_gateway_id: vgw-XXXXXXXX customer_gateway_id: cgw-XXXXXXXX - name: modify VPN connection tags ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present vpn_connection_id: vpn-XXXXXXXX tags: Name: ansible-tag-1 Other: ansible-tag-2 - name: delete a connection ec2_vpc_vpn: vpn_connection_id: vpn-XXXXXXXX state: absent - name: modify VPN tags (identifying VPN by filters) ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present filters: cidr: tag-keys: - Ansible - Other tags: New: Tag purge_tags: true static_only: true - name: set up VPN with tunnel options utilizing 'TunnelInsideCidr' only ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present filters: vpn: vpn-XXXXXXXX static_only: true tunnel_options: - TunnelInsideCidr: '' - TunnelInsideCidr: '' - name: add routes and remove any preexisting ones ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present filters: vpn: vpn-XXXXXXXX routes: - - purge_routes: true - name: remove all routes ec2_vpc_vpn: state: present vpn_connection_id: vpn-XXXXXXXX routes: [] purge_routes: true - name: delete a VPN identified by filters ec2_vpc_vpn: state: absent filters: tags: Ansible: Tag """ RETURN = """ changed: description: If the VPN connection has changed. type: bool returned: always sample: changed: true customer_gateway_configuration: description: The configuration of the VPN connection. returned: I(state=present) type: str customer_gateway_id: description: The customer gateway connected via the connection. type: str returned: I(state=present) sample: customer_gateway_id: cgw-1220c87b vpn_gateway_id: description: The virtual private gateway connected via the connection. type: str returned: I(state=present) sample: vpn_gateway_id: vgw-cb0ae2a2 options: description: The VPN connection options (currently only containing static_routes_only). type: complex returned: I(state=present) contains: static_routes_only: description: If the VPN connection only allows static routes. returned: I(state=present) type: str sample: static_routes_only: true routes: description: The routes of the VPN connection. type: list returned: I(state=present) sample: routes: [{ 'destination_cidr_block': '', 'state': 'available' }] state: description: The status of the VPN connection. type: str returned: I(state=present) sample: state: available tags: description: The tags associated with the connection. type: dict returned: I(state=present) sample: tags: name: ansible-test other: tag type: description: The type of VPN connection (currently only ipsec.1 is available). type: str returned: I(state=present) sample: type: "ipsec.1" vgw_telemetry: type: list returned: I(state=present) description: The telemetry for the VPN tunnel. sample: vgw_telemetry: [{ 'outside_ip_address': 'string', 'status': 'up', 'last_status_change': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status_message': 'string', 'accepted_route_count': 123 }] vpn_connection_id: description: The identifier for the VPN connection. type: str returned: I(state=present) sample: vpn_connection_id: vpn-781e0e19 """ from ansible.module_utils.aws.core import AnsibleAWSModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ( camel_dict_to_snake_dict, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict, compare_aws_tags, ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, ) try: from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError, WaiterError except ImportError: pass # Handled by AnsibleAWSModule class VPNConnectionException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, exception=None): self.msg = msg self.exception = exception def find_connection(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id=None): ''' Looks for a unique VPN connection. Uses find_connection_response() to return the connection found, None, or raise an error if there were multiple viable connections. ''' filters = module_params.get('filters') # vpn_connection_id may be provided via module option; takes precedence over any filter values if not vpn_connection_id and module_params.get('vpn_connection_id'): vpn_connection_id = module_params.get('vpn_connection_id') if not isinstance(vpn_connection_id, list) and vpn_connection_id: vpn_connection_id = [to_text(vpn_connection_id)] elif isinstance(vpn_connection_id, list): vpn_connection_id = [to_text(connection) for connection in vpn_connection_id] formatted_filter = [] # if vpn_connection_id is provided it will take precedence over any filters since it is a unique identifier if not vpn_connection_id: formatted_filter = create_filter(module_params, provided_filters=filters) # see if there is a unique matching connection try: if vpn_connection_id: existing_conn = connection.describe_vpn_connections(VpnConnectionIds=vpn_connection_id, Filters=formatted_filter) else: existing_conn = connection.describe_vpn_connections(Filters=formatted_filter) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed while describing VPN connection.", exception=e) return find_connection_response(connections=existing_conn) def add_routes(connection, vpn_connection_id, routes_to_add): for route in routes_to_add: try: connection.create_vpn_connection_route(VpnConnectionId=vpn_connection_id, DestinationCidrBlock=route) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed while adding route {0} to the VPN connection {1}.".format(route, vpn_connection_id), exception=e) def remove_routes(connection, vpn_connection_id, routes_to_remove): for route in routes_to_remove: try: connection.delete_vpn_connection_route(VpnConnectionId=vpn_connection_id, DestinationCidrBlock=route) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to remove route {0} from the VPN connection {1}.".format(route, vpn_connection_id), exception=e) def create_filter(module_params, provided_filters): """ Creates a filter using the user-specified parameters and unmodifiable options that may have been specified in the task """ boto3ify_filter = {'cgw-config': 'customer-gateway-configuration', 'static-routes-only': 'option.static-routes-only', 'cidr': 'route.destination-cidr-block', 'bgp': 'bgp-asn', 'vpn': 'vpn-connection-id', 'vgw': 'vpn-gateway-id', 'tag-keys': 'tag-key', 'tag-values': 'tag-value', 'tags': 'tag', 'cgw': 'customer-gateway-id'} # unmodifiable options and their filter name counterpart param_to_filter = {"customer_gateway_id": "customer-gateway-id", "vpn_gateway_id": "vpn-gateway-id", "vpn_connection_id": "vpn-connection-id"} flat_filter_dict = {} formatted_filter = [] for raw_param in dict(provided_filters): # fix filter names to be recognized by boto3 if raw_param in boto3ify_filter: param = boto3ify_filter[raw_param] provided_filters[param] = provided_filters.pop(raw_param) elif raw_param in list(boto3ify_filter.items()): param = raw_param else: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="{0} is not a valid filter.".format(raw_param)) # reformat filters with special formats if param == 'tag': for key in provided_filters[param]: formatted_key = 'tag:' + key if isinstance(provided_filters[param][key], list): flat_filter_dict[formatted_key] = str(provided_filters[param][key]) else: flat_filter_dict[formatted_key] = [str(provided_filters[param][key])] elif param == 'option.static-routes-only': flat_filter_dict[param] = [str(provided_filters[param]).lower()] else: if isinstance(provided_filters[param], list): flat_filter_dict[param] = provided_filters[param] else: flat_filter_dict[param] = [str(provided_filters[param])] # if customer_gateway, vpn_gateway, or vpn_connection was specified in the task but not the filter, add it for param in param_to_filter: if param_to_filter[param] not in flat_filter_dict and module_params.get(param): flat_filter_dict[param_to_filter[param]] = [module_params.get(param)] # change the flat dict into something boto3 will understand formatted_filter = [{'Name': key, 'Values': value} for key, value in flat_filter_dict.items()] return formatted_filter def find_connection_response(connections=None): """ Determine if there is a viable unique match in the connections described. Returns the unique VPN connection if one is found, returns None if the connection does not exist, raise an error if multiple matches are found. """ # Found no connections if not connections or 'VpnConnections' not in connections: return None # Too many results elif connections and len(connections['VpnConnections']) > 1: viable = [] for each in connections['VpnConnections']: # deleted connections are not modifiable if each['State'] not in ("deleted", "deleting"): viable.append(each) if len(viable) == 1: # Found one viable result; return unique match return viable[0] elif len(viable) == 0: # Found a result but it was deleted already; since there was only one viable result create a new one return None else: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="More than one matching VPN connection was found. " "To modify or delete a VPN please specify vpn_connection_id or add filters.") # Found unique match elif connections and len(connections['VpnConnections']) == 1: # deleted connections are not modifiable if connections['VpnConnections'][0]['State'] not in ("deleted", "deleting"): return connections['VpnConnections'][0] def create_connection(connection, customer_gateway_id, static_only, vpn_gateway_id, connection_type, tunnel_options=None): """ Creates a VPN connection """ options = {'StaticRoutesOnly': static_only} if tunnel_options and len(tunnel_options) <= 2: t_opt = [] for m in tunnel_options: # See Boto3 docs regarding 'create_vpn_connection' # tunnel options for allowed 'TunnelOptions' keys. if not isinstance(m, dict): raise TypeError("non-dict list member") t_opt.append(m) if t_opt: options['TunnelOptions'] = t_opt if not (customer_gateway_id and vpn_gateway_id): raise VPNConnectionException(msg="No matching connection was found. To create a new connection you must provide " "both vpn_gateway_id and customer_gateway_id.") try: vpn = connection.create_vpn_connection(Type=connection_type, CustomerGatewayId=customer_gateway_id, VpnGatewayId=vpn_gateway_id, Options=options) connection.get_waiter('vpn_connection_available').wait(VpnConnectionIds=[vpn['VpnConnection']['VpnConnectionId']]) except WaiterError as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to wait for VPN connection {0} to be available".format(vpn['VpnConnection']['VpnConnectionId']), exception=e) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to create VPN connection", exception=e) return vpn['VpnConnection'] def delete_connection(connection, vpn_connection_id): """ Deletes a VPN connection """ try: connection.delete_vpn_connection(VpnConnectionId=vpn_connection_id) connection.get_waiter('vpn_connection_deleted').wait(VpnConnectionIds=[vpn_connection_id]) except WaiterError as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to wait for VPN connection {0} to be removed".format(vpn_connection_id), exception=e) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to delete the VPN connection: {0}".format(vpn_connection_id), exception=e) def add_tags(connection, vpn_connection_id, add): try: connection.create_tags(Resources=[vpn_connection_id], Tags=add) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to add the tags: {0}.".format(add), exception=e) def remove_tags(connection, vpn_connection_id, remove): # format tags since they are a list in the format ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'] key_dict_list = [{'Key': tag} for tag in remove] try: connection.delete_tags(Resources=[vpn_connection_id], Tags=key_dict_list) except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e: raise VPNConnectionException(msg="Failed to remove the tags: {0}.".format(remove), exception=e) def check_for_update(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id): """ Determines if there are any tags or routes that need to be updated. Ensures non-modifiable attributes aren't expected to change. """ tags = module_params.get('tags') routes = module_params.get('routes') purge_tags = module_params.get('purge_tags') purge_routes = module_params.get('purge_routes') vpn_connection = find_connection(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id=vpn_connection_id) current_attrs = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(vpn_connection) # Initialize changes dict changes = {'tags_to_add': [], 'tags_to_remove': [], 'routes_to_add': [], 'routes_to_remove': []} # Get changes to tags current_tags = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(current_attrs.get('tags', []), u'key', u'value') tags_to_add, changes['tags_to_remove'] = compare_aws_tags(current_tags, tags, purge_tags) changes['tags_to_add'] = ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(tags_to_add) # Get changes to routes if 'Routes' in vpn_connection: current_routes = [route['DestinationCidrBlock'] for route in vpn_connection['Routes']] if purge_routes: changes['routes_to_remove'] = [old_route for old_route in current_routes if old_route not in routes] changes['routes_to_add'] = [new_route for new_route in routes if new_route not in current_routes] # Check if nonmodifiable attributes are attempted to be modified for attribute in current_attrs: if attribute in ("tags", "routes", "state"): continue elif attribute == 'options': will_be = module_params.get('static_only', None) is_now = bool(current_attrs[attribute]['static_routes_only']) attribute = 'static_only' elif attribute == 'type': will_be = module_params.get("connection_type", None) is_now = current_attrs[attribute] else: is_now = current_attrs[attribute] will_be = module_params.get(attribute, None) if will_be is not None and to_text(will_be) != to_text(is_now): raise VPNConnectionException(msg="You cannot modify {0}, the current value of which is {1}. Modifiable VPN " "connection attributes are tags and routes. The value you tried to change it to " "is {2}.".format(attribute, is_now, will_be)) return changes def make_changes(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes): """ changes is a dict with the keys 'tags_to_add', 'tags_to_remove', 'routes_to_add', 'routes_to_remove', the values of which are lists (generated by check_for_update()). """ changed = False if changes['tags_to_add']: changed = True add_tags(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes['tags_to_add']) if changes['tags_to_remove']: changed = True remove_tags(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes['tags_to_remove']) if changes['routes_to_add']: changed = True add_routes(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes['routes_to_add']) if changes['routes_to_remove']: changed = True remove_routes(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes['routes_to_remove']) return changed def get_check_mode_results(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id=None, current_state=None): """ Returns the changes that would be made to a VPN Connection """ state = module_params.get('state') if state == 'absent': if vpn_connection_id: return True, {} else: return False, {} changed = False results = {'customer_gateway_configuration': '', 'customer_gateway_id': module_params.get('customer_gateway_id'), 'vpn_gateway_id': module_params.get('vpn_gateway_id'), 'options': {'static_routes_only': module_params.get('static_only')}, 'routes': [module_params.get('routes')]} # get combined current tags and tags to set present_tags = module_params.get('tags') if current_state and 'Tags' in current_state: current_tags = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(current_state['Tags']) if module_params.get('purge_tags'): if current_tags != present_tags: changed = True elif current_tags != present_tags: if not set(present_tags.keys()) < set(current_tags.keys()): changed = True # add preexisting tags that new tags didn't overwrite present_tags.update((tag, current_tags[tag]) for tag in current_tags if tag not in present_tags) elif current_tags.keys() == present_tags.keys() and set(present_tags.values()) != set(current_tags.values()): changed = True elif module_params.get('tags'): changed = True if present_tags: results['tags'] = present_tags # get combined current routes and routes to add present_routes = module_params.get('routes') if current_state and 'Routes' in current_state: current_routes = [route['DestinationCidrBlock'] for route in current_state['Routes']] if module_params.get('purge_routes'): if set(current_routes) != set(present_routes): changed = True elif set(present_routes) != set(current_routes): if not set(present_routes) < set(current_routes): changed = True present_routes.extend([route for route in current_routes if route not in present_routes]) elif module_params.get('routes'): changed = True results['routes'] = [{"destination_cidr_block": cidr, "state": "available"} for cidr in present_routes] # return the vpn_connection_id if it's known if vpn_connection_id: results['vpn_connection_id'] = vpn_connection_id else: changed = True results['vpn_connection_id'] = 'vpn-XXXXXXXX' return changed, results def ensure_present(connection, module_params, check_mode=False): """ Creates and adds tags to a VPN connection. If the connection already exists update tags. """ vpn_connection = find_connection(connection, module_params) changed = False # No match but vpn_connection_id was specified. if not vpn_connection and module_params.get('vpn_connection_id'): raise VPNConnectionException(msg="There is no VPN connection available or pending with that id. Did you delete it?") # Unique match was found. Check if attributes provided differ. elif vpn_connection: vpn_connection_id = vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId'] # check_for_update returns a dict with the keys tags_to_add, tags_to_remove, routes_to_add, routes_to_remove changes = check_for_update(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id) if check_mode: return get_check_mode_results(connection, module_params, vpn_connection_id, current_state=vpn_connection) changed = make_changes(connection, vpn_connection_id, changes) # No match was found. Create and tag a connection and add routes. else: changed = True if check_mode: return get_check_mode_results(connection, module_params) vpn_connection = create_connection(connection, customer_gateway_id=module_params.get('customer_gateway_id'), static_only=module_params.get('static_only'), vpn_gateway_id=module_params.get('vpn_gateway_id'), connection_type=module_params.get('connection_type'), tunnel_options=module_params.get('tunnel_options')) changes = check_for_update(connection, module_params, vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId']) _ = make_changes(connection, vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId'], changes) # get latest version if a change has been made and make tags output nice before returning it if vpn_connection: vpn_connection = find_connection(connection, module_params, vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId']) if 'Tags' in vpn_connection: vpn_connection['Tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(vpn_connection['Tags']) return changed, vpn_connection def ensure_absent(connection, module_params, check_mode=False): """ Deletes a VPN connection if it exists. """ vpn_connection = find_connection(connection, module_params) if check_mode: return get_check_mode_results(connection, module_params, vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId'] if vpn_connection else None) if vpn_connection: delete_connection(connection, vpn_connection['VpnConnectionId']) changed = True else: changed = False return changed, {} def main(): argument_spec = dict( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), filters=dict(type='dict', default={}), vpn_gateway_id=dict(type='str'), tags=dict(default={}, type='dict'), connection_type=dict(default='ipsec.1', type='str'), tunnel_options=dict(no_log=True, type='list', default=[]), static_only=dict(default=False, type='bool'), customer_gateway_id=dict(type='str'), vpn_connection_id=dict(type='str'), purge_tags=dict(type='bool', default=False), routes=dict(type='list', default=[]), purge_routes=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) module = AnsibleAWSModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) connection = module.client('ec2') state = module.params.get('state') parameters = dict(module.params) try: if state == 'present': changed, response = ensure_present(connection, parameters, module.check_mode) elif state == 'absent': changed, response = ensure_absent(connection, parameters, module.check_mode) except VPNConnectionException as e: if e.exception: module.fail_json_aws(e.exception, msg=e.msg) else: module.fail_json(msg=e.msg) module.exit_json(changed=changed, **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(response)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()