#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'core'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_vpc_subnet short_description: Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds description: - Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds version_added: "2.0" author: Robert Estelle (@erydo), Brad Davidson (@brandond) requirements: [ boto3 ] options: az: description: - "The availability zone for the subnet." cidr: description: - "The CIDR block for the subnet. E.g." ipv6_cidr: description: - "The IPv6 CIDR block for the subnet. The VPC must have a /56 block assigned and this value must be a valid IPv6 /64 that falls in the VPC range." - "Required if I(assign_instances_ipv6=true)" version_added: "2.5" tags: description: - "A dict of tags to apply to the subnet. Any tags currently applied to the subnet and not present here will be removed." aliases: [ 'resource_tags' ] state: description: - "Create or remove the subnet" default: present choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ] vpc_id: description: - "VPC ID of the VPC in which to create or delete the subnet." required: true map_public: description: - "Specify C(yes) to indicate that instances launched into the subnet should be assigned public IP address by default." type: bool default: 'no' version_added: "2.4" assign_instances_ipv6: description: - "Specify C(yes) to indicate that instances launched into the subnet should be automatically assigned an IPv6 address." type: bool default: 'no' version_added: "2.5" wait: description: - "When specified,I(state=present) module will wait for subnet to be in available state before continuing." type: bool default: 'yes' version_added: "2.5" wait_timeout: description: - "Number of seconds to wait for subnet to become available I(wait=True)." default: 300 version_added: "2.5" purge_tags: description: - Whether or not to remove tags that do not appear in the I(tags) list. type: bool default: 'yes' version_added: "2.5" extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details. - name: Create subnet for database servers ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: vpc-123456 cidr: resource_tags: Name: Database Subnet register: database_subnet - name: Remove subnet for database servers ec2_vpc_subnet: state: absent vpc_id: vpc-123456 cidr: - name: Create subnet with IPv6 block assigned ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: vpc-123456 cidr: ipv6_cidr: 2001:db8:0:102::/64 - name: Remove IPv6 block assigned to subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: vpc-123456 cidr: ipv6_cidr: '' ''' RETURN = ''' subnet: description: Dictionary of subnet values returned: I(state=present) type: complex contains: id: description: Subnet resource id returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: subnet-b883b2c4 cidr_block: description: The IPv4 CIDR of the Subnet returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: "" ipv6_cidr_block: description: The IPv6 CIDR block actively associated with the Subnet returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: "2001:db8:0:102::/64" availability_zone: description: Availability zone of the Subnet returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: us-east-1a state: description: state of the Subnet returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: available tags: description: tags attached to the Subnet, includes name returned: I(state=present) type: dict sample: {"Name": "My Subnet", "env": "staging"} map_public_ip_on_launch: description: whether public IP is auto-assigned to new instances returned: I(state=present) type: boolean sample: false assign_ipv6_address_on_creation: description: whether IPv6 address is auto-assigned to new instances returned: I(state=present) type: boolean sample: false vpc_id: description: the id of the VPC where this Subnet exists returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: vpc-67236184 available_ip_address_count: description: number of available IPv4 addresses returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: 251 default_for_az: description: indicates whether this is the default Subnet for this Availability Zone returned: I(state=present) type: boolean sample: false ipv6_association_id: description: The IPv6 association ID for the currently associated CIDR returned: I(state=present) type: string sample: subnet-cidr-assoc-b85c74d2 ipv6_cidr_block_association_set: description: An array of IPv6 cidr block association set information. returned: I(state=present) type: complex contains: association_id: description: The association ID returned: always type: string ipv6_cidr_block: description: The IPv6 CIDR block that is associated with the subnet. returned: always type: string ipv6_cidr_block_state: description: A hash/dict that contains a single item. The state of the cidr block association. returned: always type: dict contains: state: description: The CIDR block association state. returned: always type: string ''' import time import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion try: import botocore except ImportError: pass # caught by AnsibleAWSModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text from ansible.module_utils.aws.core import AnsibleAWSModule from ansible.module_utils.aws.waiters import get_waiter from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import (ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list, ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, ec2_argument_spec, camel_dict_to_snake_dict, get_aws_connection_info, boto3_conn, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict, compare_aws_tags, AWSRetry) def get_subnet_info(subnet): if 'Subnets' in subnet: return [get_subnet_info(s) for s in subnet['Subnets']] elif 'Subnet' in subnet: subnet = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(subnet['Subnet']) else: subnet = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(subnet) if 'tags' in subnet: subnet['tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(subnet['tags']) else: subnet['tags'] = dict() if 'subnet_id' in subnet: subnet['id'] = subnet['subnet_id'] del subnet['subnet_id'] subnet['ipv6_cidr_block'] = '' subnet['ipv6_association_id'] = '' ipv6set = subnet.get('ipv6_cidr_block_association_set') if ipv6set: for item in ipv6set: if item.get('ipv6_cidr_block_state', {}).get('state') in ('associated', 'associating'): subnet['ipv6_cidr_block'] = item['ipv6_cidr_block'] subnet['ipv6_association_id'] = item['association_id'] return subnet @AWSRetry.exponential_backoff() def describe_subnets_with_backoff(client, **params): return client.describe_subnets(**params) def waiter_params(module, params, start_time): if LooseVersion(botocore.__version__) >= "1.7.0": remaining_wait_timeout = int(module.params['wait_timeout'] + start_time - time.time()) params['WaiterConfig'] = {'Delay': 5, 'MaxAttempts': remaining_wait_timeout // 5} return params def handle_waiter(conn, module, waiter_name, params, start_time): try: get_waiter(conn, waiter_name).wait( **waiter_params(module, params, start_time) ) except botocore.exceptions.WaiterError as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, "Failed to wait for updates to complete") except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, "An exception happened while trying to wait for updates") def create_subnet(conn, module, vpc_id, cidr, ipv6_cidr=None, az=None, start_time=None): wait = module.params['wait'] wait_timeout = module.params['wait_timeout'] params = dict(VpcId=vpc_id, CidrBlock=cidr) if ipv6_cidr: params['Ipv6CidrBlock'] = ipv6_cidr if az: params['AvailabilityZone'] = az try: subnet = get_subnet_info(conn.create_subnet(**params)) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't create subnet") # Sometimes AWS takes its time to create a subnet and so using # new subnets's id to do things like create tags results in # exception. if wait and subnet.get('state') != 'available': handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_exists', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) try: conn.get_waiter('subnet_available').wait( **waiter_params(module, {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) ) subnet['state'] = 'available' except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, "Create subnet action timed out waiting for subnet to become available") return subnet def ensure_tags(conn, module, subnet, tags, purge_tags, start_time): changed = False filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({'resource-id': subnet['id'], 'resource-type': 'subnet'}) try: cur_tags = conn.describe_tags(Filters=filters) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't describe tags") to_update, to_delete = compare_aws_tags(boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(cur_tags.get('Tags')), tags, purge_tags) if to_update: try: if not module.check_mode: AWSRetry.exponential_backoff( catch_extra_error_codes=['InvalidSubnetID.NotFound'] )(conn.create_tags)( Resources=[subnet['id']], Tags=ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(to_update) ) changed = True except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't create tags") if to_delete: try: if not module.check_mode: tags_list = [] for key in to_delete: tags_list.append({'Key': key}) AWSRetry.exponential_backoff( catch_extra_error_codes=['InvalidSubnetID.NotFound'] )(conn.delete_tags)(Resources=[subnet['id']], Tags=tags_list) changed = True except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't delete tags") if module.params['wait'] and not module.check_mode: # Wait for tags to be updated filters = [{'Name': 'tag:{0}'.format(k), 'Values': [v]} for k, v in tags.items()] handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_exists', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']], 'Filters': filters}, start_time) return changed def ensure_map_public(conn, module, subnet, map_public, check_mode, start_time): if check_mode: return try: conn.modify_subnet_attribute(SubnetId=subnet['id'], MapPublicIpOnLaunch={'Value': map_public}) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't modify subnet attribute") def ensure_assign_ipv6_on_create(conn, module, subnet, assign_instances_ipv6, check_mode, start_time): if check_mode: return try: conn.modify_subnet_attribute(SubnetId=subnet['id'], AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation={'Value': assign_instances_ipv6}) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't modify subnet attribute") def disassociate_ipv6_cidr(conn, module, subnet, start_time): if subnet.get('assign_ipv6_address_on_creation'): ensure_assign_ipv6_on_create(conn, module, subnet, False, False, start_time) try: conn.disassociate_subnet_cidr_block(AssociationId=subnet['ipv6_association_id']) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't disassociate ipv6 cidr block id {0} from subnet {1}" .format(subnet['ipv6_association_id'], subnet['id'])) # Wait for cidr block to be disassociated if module.params['wait']: filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list( {'ipv6-cidr-block-association.state': ['disassociated'], 'vpc-id': subnet['vpc_id']} ) handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_exists', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']], 'Filters': filters}, start_time) def ensure_ipv6_cidr_block(conn, module, subnet, ipv6_cidr, check_mode, start_time): wait = module.params['wait'] changed = False if subnet['ipv6_association_id'] and not ipv6_cidr: if not check_mode: disassociate_ipv6_cidr(conn, module, subnet, start_time) changed = True if ipv6_cidr: filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({'ipv6-cidr-block-association.ipv6-cidr-block': ipv6_cidr, 'vpc-id': subnet['vpc_id']}) try: check_subnets = get_subnet_info(describe_subnets_with_backoff(conn, Filters=filters)) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't get subnet info") if check_subnets and check_subnets[0]['ipv6_cidr_block']: module.fail_json(msg="The IPv6 CIDR '{0}' conflicts with another subnet".format(ipv6_cidr)) if subnet['ipv6_association_id']: if not check_mode: disassociate_ipv6_cidr(conn, module, subnet, start_time) changed = True try: if not check_mode: associate_resp = conn.associate_subnet_cidr_block(SubnetId=subnet['id'], Ipv6CidrBlock=ipv6_cidr) changed = True except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't associate ipv6 cidr {0} to {1}".format(ipv6_cidr, subnet['id'])) else: if not check_mode and wait: filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list( {'ipv6-cidr-block-association.state': ['associated'], 'vpc-id': subnet['vpc_id']} ) handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_exists', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']], 'Filters': filters}, start_time) if associate_resp.get('Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation', {}).get('AssociationId'): subnet['ipv6_association_id'] = associate_resp['Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation']['AssociationId'] subnet['ipv6_cidr_block'] = associate_resp['Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation']['Ipv6CidrBlock'] if subnet['ipv6_cidr_block_association_set']: subnet['ipv6_cidr_block_association_set'][0] = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(associate_resp['Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation']) else: subnet['ipv6_cidr_block_association_set'].append(camel_dict_to_snake_dict(associate_resp['Ipv6CidrBlockAssociation'])) return changed def get_matching_subnet(conn, module, vpc_id, cidr): filters = ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({'vpc-id': vpc_id, 'cidr-block': cidr}) try: subnets = get_subnet_info(describe_subnets_with_backoff(conn, Filters=filters)) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't get matching subnet") if subnets: return subnets[0] return None def ensure_subnet_present(conn, module): subnet = get_matching_subnet(conn, module, module.params['vpc_id'], module.params['cidr']) changed = False # Initialize start so max time does not exceed the specified wait_timeout for multiple operations start_time = time.time() if subnet is None: if not module.check_mode: subnet = create_subnet(conn, module, module.params['vpc_id'], module.params['cidr'], ipv6_cidr=module.params['ipv6_cidr'], az=module.params['az'], start_time=start_time) changed = True # Subnet will be None when check_mode is true if subnet is None: return { 'changed': changed, 'subnet': {} } if module.params['wait']: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_exists', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) if module.params['ipv6_cidr'] != subnet.get('ipv6_cidr_block'): if ensure_ipv6_cidr_block(conn, module, subnet, module.params['ipv6_cidr'], module.check_mode, start_time): changed = True if module.params['map_public'] != subnet['map_public_ip_on_launch']: ensure_map_public(conn, module, subnet, module.params['map_public'], module.check_mode, start_time) changed = True if module.params['assign_instances_ipv6'] != subnet.get('assign_ipv6_address_on_creation'): ensure_assign_ipv6_on_create(conn, module, subnet, module.params['assign_instances_ipv6'], module.check_mode, start_time) changed = True if module.params['tags'] != subnet['tags']: stringified_tags_dict = dict((to_text(k), to_text(v)) for k, v in module.params['tags'].items()) if ensure_tags(conn, module, subnet, stringified_tags_dict, module.params['purge_tags'], start_time): changed = True subnet = get_matching_subnet(conn, module, module.params['vpc_id'], module.params['cidr']) if not module.check_mode and module.params['wait']: # GET calls are not monotonic for map_public_ip_on_launch and assign_ipv6_address_on_creation # so we only wait for those if necessary just before returning the subnet subnet = ensure_final_subnet(conn, module, subnet, start_time) return { 'changed': changed, 'subnet': subnet } def ensure_final_subnet(conn, module, subnet, start_time): for rewait in range(0, 30): map_public_correct = False assign_ipv6_correct = False if module.params['map_public'] == subnet['map_public_ip_on_launch']: map_public_correct = True else: if module.params['map_public']: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_has_map_public', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) else: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_no_map_public', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) if module.params['assign_instances_ipv6'] == subnet.get('assign_ipv6_address_on_creation'): assign_ipv6_correct = True else: if module.params['assign_instances_ipv6']: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_has_assign_ipv6', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) else: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_no_assign_ipv6', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, start_time) if map_public_correct and assign_ipv6_correct: break time.sleep(5) subnet = get_matching_subnet(conn, module, module.params['vpc_id'], module.params['cidr']) return subnet def ensure_subnet_absent(conn, module): subnet = get_matching_subnet(conn, module, module.params['vpc_id'], module.params['cidr']) if subnet is None: return {'changed': False} try: if not module.check_mode: conn.delete_subnet(SubnetId=subnet['id']) if module.params['wait']: handle_waiter(conn, module, 'subnet_deleted', {'SubnetIds': [subnet['id']]}, time.time()) return {'changed': True} except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e: module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Couldn't delete subnet") def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( az=dict(default=None, required=False), cidr=dict(default=None, required=True), ipv6_cidr=dict(default='', required=False), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), tags=dict(default={}, required=False, type='dict', aliases=['resource_tags']), vpc_id=dict(default=None, required=True), map_public=dict(default=False, required=False, type='bool'), assign_instances_ipv6=dict(default=False, required=False, type='bool'), wait=dict(type='bool', default=True), wait_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300, required=False), purge_tags=dict(default=True, type='bool') ) ) required_if = [('assign_instances_ipv6', True, ['ipv6_cidr'])] module = AnsibleAWSModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_if=required_if) if module.params.get('assign_instances_ipv6') and not module.params.get('ipv6_cidr'): module.fail_json(msg="assign_instances_ipv6 is True but ipv6_cidr is None or an empty string") if LooseVersion(botocore.__version__) < "1.7.0": module.warn("botocore >= 1.7.0 is required to use wait_timeout for custom wait times") region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) connection = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='ec2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_params) state = module.params.get('state') try: if state == 'present': result = ensure_subnet_present(connection, module) elif state == 'absent': result = ensure_subnet_absent(connection, module) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json_aws(e) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()