path: root/test/integration/targets/psexec
diff options
authorJordan Borean <>2018-04-24 12:15:15 +1000
committerGitHub <>2018-04-24 12:15:15 +1000
commit629efb6eaa93416669b912bf47ecbbd25e32b182 (patch)
tree3c2a0187f0d935b56463a034186d85db8eee9f15 /test/integration/targets/psexec
parente2541217290d9cc6edb8c4b0ae1abb9505c5b51a (diff)
psexec: new module to run commands on a remote Windows host without WinRM (#36723)
* psexec: new module to run commands on a remote Windows host without WinRM * fix up sanity issue, create test firewall rule for SMB traffic * Fixed up yaml linting issues, trying to fix on the fly firewall rule * Added SMB exception to catch when cleaning up PAExec exe * Don't load profile for Azure hosts when becoming another user * Fixed up example to use correct option * Reworded notes section of module docs * Simplified module options around process integrity levels and the system account
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/targets/psexec')
3 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/psexec/aliases b/test/integration/targets/psexec/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab8829535c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/psexec/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c785d87175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- name: check whether the host supports encryption
+ win_shell: |
+ if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -lt [Version]"6.2") {
+ "false"
+ } else {
+ "true"
+ }
+ register: encryption_supported_raw
+- name: install pypsexec Python library for tests
+ pip:
+ name: pypsexec
+ state: latest
+ delegate_to: localhost
+- name: define psexec variables
+ set_fact:
+ psexec_hostname: '{{ansible_host}}'
+ psexec_username: '{{ansible_user}}'
+ psexec_password: '{{ansible_password}}'
+ psexec_encrypt: '{{encryption_supported_raw.stdout_lines[0]|bool}}'
+- name: create test rule to allow SMB traffic inbound
+ win_firewall_rule:
+ name: File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In) Test
+ direction: in
+ action: allow
+ localport: 445
+ enabled: yes
+ protocol: tcp
+ program: System
+ profiles:
+ - domain
+ - private
+ - public
+ state: present
+- name: run tests
+ block:
+ - include_tasks: tests.yml
+ always:
+ - name: remove test rule that allows SMB traffic inbound
+ win_firewall_rule:
+ name: File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In) Test
+ direction: in
+ action: allow
+ state: absent
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/tests.yml b/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e87c79a1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/psexec/tasks/tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+- name: fail when process_password is not set with process_username
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: hostname.exe
+ process_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: fail_no_process_pass
+ failed_when: 'fail_no_process_pass.msg != "parameters are required together when not running as System: process_username, process_password"'
+- name: get current host
+ win_command: hostname.exe
+ register: actual_hostname
+- name: run basic psexec command
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: hostname.exe
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_hostname_actual
+- name: assert basic psexec command matches expected output
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_hostname_actual is changed
+ - psexec_hostname_actual.rc == 0
+ - psexec_hostname_actual.stderr == ''
+ - psexec_hostname_actual.stdout == actual_hostname.stdout
+- name: get output for executable with arguments
+ win_command: hostname.exe /?
+ register: actual_hostname_help
+ failed_when: actual_hostname_help.rc != 1
+- name: run psexec command with arguments
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: hostname.exe
+ arguments: /?
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_hostname_help
+ failed_when: psexec_hostname_help.rc != 1
+- name: assert basic pesexec command with arguments matches expected output
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_hostname_help is changed
+ - psexec_hostname_help.rc == 1
+ - psexec_hostname_help.stderr == actual_hostname_help.stderr
+ - psexec_hostname_help.stdout == actual_hostname_help.stdout
+- name: run psexec command and send data through stdin
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: '-'
+ stdin: |
+ Write-Host hello world
+ Write-Host this is another message
+ exit 0
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_stdin
+- name: assert psexec ommand and send data through stdin
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_stdin is changed
+ - psexec_stdin.rc == 0
+ - psexec_stdin.stderr == ''
+ - psexec_stdin.stdout == 'hello world\nthis is another message\n'
+- name: run psexec command with specific process username
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ load_profile: no # on Azure, the profile does not exist yet so we don't load it for this task
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: '-'
+ stdin: |
+ ((Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -filter "processid = $pid") | Get-CimAssociatedInstance -Association Win32_SessionProcess).LogonType
+ exit 0
+ process_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ process_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_username
+- name: assert psexec command with specific process username
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_username is changed
+ - psexec_process_username.rc == 0
+ - psexec_process_username.stderr == ''
+ - psexec_process_username.stdout_lines[0] != '3' # 3 is Network Logon Type, we assert we are not a network logon with process credentials
+- name: run psexec command with both stderr and stdout
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: cmd.exe
+ arguments: /c echo first && echo second 1>&2 && echo third
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_stderr
+- name: assert psexec command with both stderr and stdout
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_stderr is changed
+ - psexec_process_stderr.rc == 0
+ - psexec_process_stderr.stderr == 'second \r\n'
+ - psexec_process_stderr.stdout == 'first \r\nthird\r\n'
+- name: run process asynchronously
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
+ asynchronous: yes
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_async
+- name: check if process is still running
+ win_shell: (Get-Process -ID {{}}).ProcessName
+ register: psexec_process_async_actual
+- name: assert run process asynchronously
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_async is changed
+ - psexec_process_async.rc is not defined
+ - is defined
+ - psexec_process_async.stdout is not defined
+ - psexec_process_async.stderr is not defined
+ - psexec_process_async_actual.stdout_lines[0] == 'powershell'
+- name: run process interactively
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: Write-Host hi
+ interactive: yes
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_interactive
+- name: assert run process interactively
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_interactive is changed
+ - psexec_process_interactive.rc == 0
+ - psexec_process_interactive.stdout is not defined
+ - psexec_process_interactive.stderr is not defined
+- name: run process with timeout
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
+ process_timeout: 5
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_timeout
+ failed_when: psexec_process_timeout.rc == 0
+- name: assert psexec process with timeout
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_timeout.rc != 0
+ - psexec_process_timeout.stdout == ''
+ - psexec_process_timeout.stderr == ''
+- name: run process as system
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: whoami.exe
+ process_username: System
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_system
+- name: assert run process as system
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_system is changed
+ - psexec_process_system.rc == 0
+ - psexec_process_system.stderr == ''
+ - psexec_process_system.stdout == 'nt authority\system\r\n'
+- name: run process with different chdir
+ psexec:
+ hostname: '{{psexec_hostname}}'
+ connection_username: '{{psexec_username}}'
+ connection_password: '{{psexec_password}}'
+ encrypt: '{{psexec_encrypt}}'
+ executable: powershell.exe
+ arguments: (pwd).Path
+ working_directory: C:\Windows
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: psexec_process_working_dir
+- name: assert run process with different chdir
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - psexec_process_working_dir is changed
+ - psexec_process_working_dir.rc == 0
+ - psexec_process_working_dir.stderr == ''
+ - psexec_process_working_dir.stdout == 'C:\Windows\r\n'