/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* NetworkManager * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright (C) 2008–2013 Red Hat, Inc. */ #ifndef __NETWORKMANAGER_IP4_CONFIG_H__ #define __NETWORKMANAGER_IP4_CONFIG_H__ #include "nm-setting-connection.h" #include "nm-setting-ip4-config.h" #include "nm-utils/nm-dedup-multi.h" #include "platform/nmp-object.h" /*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { NMDedupMultiIdxType parent; NMPObjectType obj_type; } NMIPConfigDedupMultiIdxType; void nm_ip_config_dedup_multi_idx_type_init (NMIPConfigDedupMultiIdxType *idx_type, NMPObjectType obj_type); /*****************************************************************************/ void nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_address_init (NMDedupMultiIter *iter, const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_route_init (NMDedupMultiIter *iter, const NMIP4Config *self); static inline gboolean nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_address_next (NMDedupMultiIter *ipconf_iter, const NMPlatformIP4Address **out_address) { gboolean has_next; has_next = nm_dedup_multi_iter_next (ipconf_iter); if (out_address) *out_address = has_next ? NMP_OBJECT_CAST_IP4_ADDRESS (ipconf_iter->current->obj) : NULL; return has_next; } static inline gboolean nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_route_next (NMDedupMultiIter *ipconf_iter, const NMPlatformIP4Route **out_route) { gboolean has_next; has_next = nm_dedup_multi_iter_next (ipconf_iter); if (out_route) *out_route = has_next ? NMP_OBJECT_CAST_IP4_ROUTE (ipconf_iter->current->obj) : NULL; return has_next; } #define nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_address_for_each(iter, self, address) \ for (nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_address_init ((iter), (self)); \ nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_address_next ((iter), (address)); \ ) #define nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_route_for_each(iter, self, route) \ for (nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_route_init ((iter), (self)); \ nm_ip_config_iter_ip4_route_next ((iter), (route)); \ ) /*****************************************************************************/ static inline gboolean nm_ip_config_best_default_route_is (const NMPObject *obj) { const NMPlatformIPRoute *r = NMP_OBJECT_CAST_IP_ROUTE (obj); /* return whether @obj is considered a default-route. * * NMIP4Config/NMIP6Config tracks the (best) default-route explicitly, because * at various places we act differently depending on whether there is a default-route * configured. * * Note that this only considers the main routing table. */ return r && NM_PLATFORM_IP_ROUTE_IS_DEFAULT (r) && nm_platform_route_table_is_main (r->table_coerced); } const NMPObject *_nm_ip_config_best_default_route_find_better (const NMPObject *obj_cur, const NMPObject *obj_cmp); gboolean _nm_ip_config_best_default_route_set (const NMPObject **best_default_route, const NMPObject *new_candidate); gboolean _nm_ip_config_best_default_route_merge (const NMPObject **best_default_route, const NMPObject *new_candidate); /*****************************************************************************/ gboolean _nm_ip_config_add_obj (NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, NMIPConfigDedupMultiIdxType *idx_type, int ifindex, const NMPObject *obj_new, const NMPlatformObject *pl_new, gboolean merge, gboolean append_force, const NMPObject **out_obj_old, const NMPObject **out_obj_new); const NMDedupMultiEntry *_nm_ip_config_lookup_ip_route (const NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, const NMIPConfigDedupMultiIdxType *idx_type, const NMPObject *needle, NMPlatformIPRouteCmpType cmp_type); void _nm_ip_config_merge_route_attributes (int addr_family, NMIPRoute *s_route, NMPlatformIPRoute *r, guint32 route_table); /*****************************************************************************/ #define NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG (nm_ip4_config_get_type ()) #define NM_IP4_CONFIG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG, NMIP4Config)) #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG, NMIP4ConfigClass)) #define NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG)) #define NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG)) #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), NM_TYPE_IP4_CONFIG, NMIP4ConfigClass)) typedef struct _NMIP4ConfigClass NMIP4ConfigClass; /* internal */ #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_MULTI_IDX "multi-idx" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_IFINDEX "ifindex" /* public*/ #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_ADDRESS_DATA "address-data" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_ROUTE_DATA "route-data" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_GATEWAY "gateway" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_NAMESERVER_DATA "nameserver-data" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_DOMAINS "domains" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_SEARCHES "searches" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_DNS_OPTIONS "dns-options" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_DNS_PRIORITY "dns-priority" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_WINS_SERVER_DATA "wins-server-data" /* deprecated */ #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_ADDRESSES "addresses" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_ROUTES "routes" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_NAMESERVERS "nameservers" #define NM_IP4_CONFIG_WINS_SERVERS "wins-servers" GType nm_ip4_config_get_type (void); NMIP4Config * nm_ip4_config_new (NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, int ifindex); NMIP4Config *nm_ip4_config_clone (const NMIP4Config *self); int nm_ip4_config_get_ifindex (const NMIP4Config *self); NMDedupMultiIndex *nm_ip4_config_get_multi_idx (const NMIP4Config *self); NMIP4Config *nm_ip4_config_capture (NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, NMPlatform *platform, int ifindex); void nm_ip4_config_add_dependent_routes (NMIP4Config *self, guint32 route_table, guint32 route_metric, GPtrArray **out_ip4_dev_route_blacklist); gboolean nm_ip4_config_commit (const NMIP4Config *self, NMPlatform *platform, NMIPRouteTableSyncMode route_table_sync); void nm_ip4_config_merge_setting (NMIP4Config *self, NMSettingIPConfig *setting, NMSettingConnectionMdns mdns, NMSettingConnectionLlmnr llmnr, guint32 route_table, guint32 route_metric); NMSetting *nm_ip4_config_create_setting (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_merge (NMIP4Config *dst, const NMIP4Config *src, NMIPConfigMergeFlags merge_flags, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty); void nm_ip4_config_subtract (NMIP4Config *dst, const NMIP4Config *src, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty); void nm_ip4_config_intersect (NMIP4Config *dst, const NMIP4Config *src, gboolean intersect_routes, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty); NMIP4Config *nm_ip4_config_intersect_alloc (const NMIP4Config *a, const NMIP4Config *b, gboolean intersect_routes, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty); gboolean nm_ip4_config_replace (NMIP4Config *dst, const NMIP4Config *src, gboolean *relevant_changes); const NMPObject *nm_ip4_config_best_default_route_get (const NMIP4Config *self); const NMPObject *_nm_ip4_config_best_default_route_find (const NMIP4Config *self); in_addr_t nmtst_ip4_config_get_gateway (NMIP4Config *config); NMSettingConnectionMdns nm_ip4_config_mdns_get (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_mdns_set (NMIP4Config *self, NMSettingConnectionMdns mdns); NMSettingConnectionLlmnr nm_ip4_config_llmnr_get (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_llmnr_set (NMIP4Config *self, NMSettingConnectionLlmnr llmnr); const NMDedupMultiHeadEntry *nm_ip4_config_lookup_addresses (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_reset_addresses (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_address (NMIP4Config *self, const NMPlatformIP4Address *address); void _nmtst_ip4_config_del_address (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_addresses (const NMIP4Config *self); const NMPlatformIP4Address *nm_ip4_config_get_first_address (const NMIP4Config *self); const NMPlatformIP4Address *_nmtst_ip4_config_get_address (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); gboolean nm_ip4_config_address_exists (const NMIP4Config *self, const NMPlatformIP4Address *address); const NMDedupMultiHeadEntry *nm_ip4_config_lookup_routes (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_reset_routes (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_route (NMIP4Config *self, const NMPlatformIP4Route *route, const NMPObject **out_obj_new); void _nmtst_ip4_config_del_route (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_routes (const NMIP4Config *self); const NMPlatformIP4Route *_nmtst_ip4_config_get_route (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); const NMPlatformIP4Route *nm_ip4_config_get_direct_route_for_host (const NMIP4Config *self, in_addr_t host, guint32 route_table); void nm_ip4_config_update_routes_metric (NMIP4Config *self, gint64 metric); void nm_ip4_config_reset_nameservers (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver (NMIP4Config *self, guint32 nameserver); static inline void _nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver (NMIP4Config *self, const guint32 *nameserver) { nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver (self, *nameserver); } void nm_ip4_config_del_nameserver (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_nameservers (const NMIP4Config *self); guint32 nm_ip4_config_get_nameserver (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); const in_addr_t *_nm_ip4_config_get_nameserver (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_reset_domains (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_domain (NMIP4Config *self, const char *domain); void nm_ip4_config_del_domain (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_domains (const NMIP4Config *self); const char * nm_ip4_config_get_domain (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_reset_searches (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_search (NMIP4Config *self, const char *search); void nm_ip4_config_del_search (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_searches (const NMIP4Config *self); const char * nm_ip4_config_get_search (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_reset_dns_options (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_dns_option (NMIP4Config *self, const char *option); void nm_ip4_config_del_dns_option (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_dns_options (const NMIP4Config *self); const char * nm_ip4_config_get_dns_option (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_set_dns_priority (NMIP4Config *self, int priority); int nm_ip4_config_get_dns_priority (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_reset_nis_servers (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_nis_server (NMIP4Config *self, guint32 nis); void nm_ip4_config_del_nis_server (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_nis_servers (const NMIP4Config *self); guint32 nm_ip4_config_get_nis_server (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_set_nis_domain (NMIP4Config *self, const char *domain); const char * nm_ip4_config_get_nis_domain (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_reset_wins (NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_add_wins (NMIP4Config *self, guint32 wins); void nm_ip4_config_del_wins (NMIP4Config *self, guint i); guint nm_ip4_config_get_num_wins (const NMIP4Config *self); guint32 nm_ip4_config_get_wins (const NMIP4Config *self, guint i); void nm_ip4_config_set_mtu (NMIP4Config *self, guint32 mtu, NMIPConfigSource source); guint32 nm_ip4_config_get_mtu (const NMIP4Config *self); NMIPConfigSource nm_ip4_config_get_mtu_source (const NMIP4Config *self); void nm_ip4_config_set_metered (NMIP4Config *self, gboolean metered); gboolean nm_ip4_config_get_metered (const NMIP4Config *self); const NMPObject *nm_ip4_config_nmpobj_lookup (const NMIP4Config *self, const NMPObject *needle); gboolean nm_ip4_config_nmpobj_remove (NMIP4Config *self, const NMPObject *needle); void nm_ip4_config_hash (const NMIP4Config *self, GChecksum *sum, gboolean dns_only); gboolean nm_ip4_config_equal (const NMIP4Config *a, const NMIP4Config *b); gboolean _nm_ip_config_check_and_add_domain (GPtrArray *array, const char *domain); void nm_ip_config_dump (const NMIPConfig *self, const char *detail, NMLogLevel level, NMLogDomain domain); /*****************************************************************************/ #include "nm-ip6-config.h" static inline gboolean NM_IS_IP_CONFIG (gconstpointer config, int addr_family) { if (addr_family == AF_UNSPEC) return NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (config); if (addr_family == AF_INET) return NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (config); if (addr_family == AF_INET6) return NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (config); g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE); } #if _NM_CC_SUPPORT_GENERIC /* _NM_IS_IP_CONFIG() is a bit unusual. If _Generic() is supported, * it checks whether @config is either NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG() or NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG(), * depending on the pointer type of @config. * * For example, with _Generic() support, the following assertions would fail: * NMIP6Config *ptr = (NMIP6Config *) nm_ip4_config_new(...); * g_assert (_NM_IS_IP_CONFIG (ptr, ptr)); * but the following would pass: * NMIP4Config *ptr = nm_ip4_config_new(...); * g_assert (_NM_IS_IP_CONFIG (ptr, ptr)); */ #define _NM_IS_IP_CONFIG(typeexpr, config) \ ({ \ const void *const _config = (config); \ _Generic ((typeexpr), \ const void *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ const void * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ void *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ void * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIPConfig *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIPConfig * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIPConfig *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIPConfig * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config) || NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIP4Config *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIP4Config * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIP4Config *const: (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIP4Config * : (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIP6Config *const: (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ const NMIP6Config * : (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIP6Config *const: (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)), \ NMIP6Config * : (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config))); \ }) #else #define _NM_IS_IP_CONFIG(typeexpr, config) NM_IS_IP_CONFIG(config, AF_UNSPEC) #endif #define NM_IP_CONFIG_CAST(config) \ ({ \ const void *const _configx = (config); \ \ nm_assert (!_configx || _NM_IS_IP_CONFIG ((config), _configx)); \ NM_CONSTCAST_FULL (NMIPConfig, (config), _configx, NMIP4Config, NMIP6Config); \ }) static inline int nm_ip_config_get_addr_family (const NMIPConfig *config) { if (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (config)) return AF_INET; if (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (config)) return AF_INET6; g_return_val_if_reached (AF_UNSPEC); } #define _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH(config, v4_func, v6_func, ...) \ G_STMT_START { \ gconstpointer _config = (config); \ \ if (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)) { \ return v4_func ((NMIP4Config *) _config, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } else { \ nm_assert (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)); \ return v6_func ((NMIP6Config *) _config, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } G_STMT_END #define _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID(config, v4_func, v6_func, ...) \ G_STMT_START { \ gconstpointer _config = (config); \ \ if (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_config)) { \ v4_func ((NMIP4Config *) _config, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } else { \ nm_assert (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_config)); \ v6_func ((NMIP6Config *) _config, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } G_STMT_END static inline int nm_ip_config_get_ifindex (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_ifindex, nm_ip6_config_get_ifindex); } static inline void nm_ip_config_hash (const NMIPConfig *self, GChecksum *sum, gboolean dns_only) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_hash, nm_ip6_config_hash, sum, dns_only); } static inline void nm_ip_config_add_address (NMIPConfig *self, const NMPlatformIPAddress *address) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_add_address, nm_ip6_config_add_address, (gconstpointer) address); } static inline void nm_ip_config_reset_addresses (NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_reset_addresses, nm_ip6_config_reset_addresses); } static inline void nm_ip_config_add_route (NMIPConfig *self, const NMPlatformIPRoute *new, const NMPObject **out_obj_new) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_add_route, nm_ip6_config_add_route, (gpointer) new, out_obj_new); } static inline void nm_ip_config_reset_routes (NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_reset_routes, nm_ip6_config_reset_routes); } static inline int nm_ip_config_get_dns_priority (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_dns_priority, nm_ip6_config_get_dns_priority); } static inline void nm_ip_config_set_dns_priority (NMIPConfig *self, int priority) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_set_dns_priority, nm_ip6_config_set_dns_priority, priority); } static inline void nm_ip_config_add_nameserver (NMIPConfig *self, const NMIPAddr *ns) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, _nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver, nm_ip6_config_add_nameserver, (gconstpointer) ns); } static inline void nm_ip_config_reset_nameservers (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_reset_nameservers, nm_ip6_config_reset_nameservers); } static inline guint nm_ip_config_get_num_nameservers (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_num_nameservers, nm_ip6_config_get_num_nameservers); } static inline gconstpointer nm_ip_config_get_nameserver (const NMIPConfig *self, guint i) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, _nm_ip4_config_get_nameserver, nm_ip6_config_get_nameserver, i); } static inline guint nm_ip_config_get_num_domains (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_num_domains, nm_ip6_config_get_num_domains); } static inline const char * nm_ip_config_get_domain (const NMIPConfig *self, guint i) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_domain, nm_ip6_config_get_domain, i); } static inline void nm_ip_config_reset_searches (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_reset_searches, nm_ip6_config_reset_searches); } static inline void nm_ip_config_add_search (const NMIPConfig *self, const char *new) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_VOID (self, nm_ip4_config_add_search, nm_ip6_config_add_search, new); } static inline guint nm_ip_config_get_num_searches (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_num_searches, nm_ip6_config_get_num_searches); } static inline const char * nm_ip_config_get_search (const NMIPConfig *self, guint i) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_search, nm_ip6_config_get_search, i); } static inline guint nm_ip_config_get_num_dns_options (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_num_dns_options, nm_ip6_config_get_num_dns_options); } static inline const char * nm_ip_config_get_dns_option (const NMIPConfig *self, guint i) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_get_dns_option, nm_ip6_config_get_dns_option, i); } static inline const NMPObject * nm_ip_config_best_default_route_get (const NMIPConfig *self) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH (self, nm_ip4_config_best_default_route_get, nm_ip6_config_best_default_route_get); } #define _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_SET_OP(_return, dst, src, v4_func, v6_func, ...) \ G_STMT_START { \ gpointer _dst = (dst); \ gconstpointer _src = (src); \ \ if (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_dst)) { \ nm_assert (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (_src)); \ _return v4_func ((NMIP4Config *) _dst, (const NMIP4Config *) _src, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } else { \ nm_assert (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (_src)); \ _return v6_func ((NMIP6Config *) _dst, (const NMIP6Config *) _src, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } G_STMT_END static inline void nm_ip_config_intersect (NMIPConfig *dst, const NMIPConfig *src, gboolean intersect_routes, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_SET_OP (, dst, src, nm_ip4_config_intersect, nm_ip6_config_intersect, intersect_routes, default_route_metric_penalty); } static inline void nm_ip_config_subtract (NMIPConfig *dst, const NMIPConfig *src, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_SET_OP (, dst, src, nm_ip4_config_subtract, nm_ip6_config_subtract, default_route_metric_penalty); } static inline void nm_ip_config_merge (NMIPConfig *dst, const NMIPConfig *src, NMIPConfigMergeFlags merge_flags, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_SET_OP (, dst, src, nm_ip4_config_merge, nm_ip6_config_merge, merge_flags, default_route_metric_penalty); } static inline gboolean nm_ip_config_replace (NMIPConfig *dst, const NMIPConfig *src, gboolean *relevant_changes) { _NM_IP_CONFIG_DISPATCH_SET_OP (return, dst, src, nm_ip4_config_replace, nm_ip6_config_replace, relevant_changes); } static inline NMIPConfig * nm_ip_config_intersect_alloc (const NMIPConfig *a, const NMIPConfig *b, gboolean intersect_routes, guint32 default_route_metric_penalty) { if (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (a)) { nm_assert (NM_IS_IP4_CONFIG (b)); return (NMIPConfig *) nm_ip4_config_intersect_alloc ((const NMIP4Config *) a, (const NMIP4Config *) b, intersect_routes, default_route_metric_penalty); } else { nm_assert (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (a)); nm_assert (NM_IS_IP6_CONFIG (b)); return (NMIPConfig *) nm_ip6_config_intersect_alloc ((const NMIP6Config *) a, (const NMIP6Config *) b, intersect_routes, default_route_metric_penalty); } } #endif /* __NETWORKMANAGER_IP4_CONFIG_H__ */