// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ /* * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include "nm-default.h" #include "nm-initrd-generator.h" #include #include "nm-core-internal.h" /*****************************************************************************/ #define _NMLOG(level, domain, ...) \ nm_log ((level), (domain), NULL, NULL, \ "dt-reader: " _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__) \ _NM_UTILS_MACRO_REST (__VA_ARGS__)) /*****************************************************************************/ static gboolean dt_get_property (const char *base, const char *dev, const char *prop, char **contents, size_t *length) { gs_free char *filename = g_build_filename (base, dev, prop, NULL); gs_free_error GError *error = NULL; if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return FALSE; if (!contents) return TRUE; if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, contents, length, &error)) { _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "%s: Can not read the %s property: %s", dev, prop, error->message); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static NMIPAddress * dt_get_ipaddr_property (const char *base, const char *dev, const char *prop, int *family) { gs_free char *buf = NULL; size_t len; int f; if (!dt_get_property (base, dev, prop, &buf, &len)) return NULL; f = nm_utils_addr_family_from_size (len); if ( f == AF_UNSPEC || ( *family != AF_UNSPEC && *family != f)) { _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "%s: Address %s has unrecognized length (%zd)", dev, prop, len); return NULL; } *family = f; return nm_ip_address_new_binary (f, buf, 0, NULL); } static char * dt_get_hwaddr_property (const char *base, const char *dev, const char *prop) { gs_free guint8 *buf = NULL; size_t len; if (!dt_get_property (base, dev, prop, (char **) &buf, &len)) return NULL; if (len != ETH_ALEN) { _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "%s: MAC address %s has unrecognized length (%zd)", dev, prop, len); return NULL; } return g_strdup_printf ("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[4]); } static NMIPAddress * str_addr (const char *str, int *family) { NMIPAddr addr_bin; if (!nm_utils_parse_inaddr_bin_full (*family, TRUE, str, family, &addr_bin)) { _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "Malformed IP address: '%s'", str); return NULL; } return nm_ip_address_new_binary (*family, &addr_bin, 0, NULL); } NMConnection * nmi_dt_reader_parse (const char *sysfs_dir) { gs_unref_object NMConnection *connection = NULL; gs_free char *base = NULL; gs_free char *bootpath = NULL; gs_strfreev char **tokens = NULL; char *path = NULL; gboolean bootp = FALSE; const char *s_ipaddr = NULL; const char *s_netmask = NULL; const char *s_gateway = NULL; nm_auto_unref_ip_address NMIPAddress *ipaddr = NULL; nm_auto_unref_ip_address NMIPAddress *gateway = NULL; const char *duplex = NULL; gs_free char *hwaddr = NULL; gs_free char *local_hwaddr = NULL; gs_free char *hostname = NULL; guint32 speed = 0; int prefix = -1; NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip = NULL; NMSetting *s_ip4 = NULL; NMSetting *s_ip6 = NULL; NMSetting *s_wired = NULL; int family = AF_UNSPEC; int i = 0; char *c; gs_free_error GError *error = NULL; base = g_build_filename (sysfs_dir, "firmware", "devicetree", "base", NULL); if (!dt_get_property (base, "chosen", "bootpath", &bootpath, NULL)) return NULL; c = strchr (bootpath, ':'); if (c) { *c = '\0'; path = c + 1; } else { path = ""; } dt_get_property (base, "chosen", "client-name", &hostname, NULL); local_hwaddr = dt_get_hwaddr_property (base, bootpath, "local-mac-address"); hwaddr = dt_get_hwaddr_property (base, bootpath, "mac-address"); if (g_strcmp0 (local_hwaddr, hwaddr) == 0) nm_clear_g_free (&local_hwaddr); tokens = g_strsplit (path, ",", 0); /* * Ethernet device settings. Defined by "Open Firmware, * Recommended Practice: Device Support Extensions, Version 1.0 [1] * [1] https://www.devicetree.org/open-firmware/practice/devicex/dse1_0a.ps */ for (i = 0; tokens[i]; i++) { /* Skip these. They have magical meaning for OpenFirmware. */ if ( strcmp (tokens[i], "nfs") == 0 || strcmp (tokens[i], "last") == 0) continue; if (strcmp (tokens[i], "promiscuous") == 0) { /* Ignore. */ continue; } if (g_str_has_prefix (tokens[i], "speed=")) { speed = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (tokens[i] + 6, 10, 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0); continue; } if (g_str_has_prefix (tokens[i], "duplex=auto")) { continue; } else if ( g_str_has_prefix (tokens[i], "duplex=half") || g_str_has_prefix (tokens[i], "duplex=full")) { duplex = tokens[i] + 7; continue; } break; } /* * Network boot configuration. Defined by "Open Firmware, * Recommended Practice: TFTP Booting Extension, Version 1.0 [1] * [1] https://www.devicetree.org/open-firmware/practice/obp-tftp/tftp1_0.pdf */ for (; tokens[i]; i++) { if ( strcmp (tokens[i], "bootp") == 0 || strcmp (tokens[i], "dhcp") == 0 || strcmp (tokens[i], "rarp") == 0) { bootp = TRUE; continue; } break; } /* s-iaddr, or perhaps a raw absolute filename */ if (tokens[i] && tokens[i][0] != '/') i++; /* filename */ if (tokens[i]) i++; /* c-iaddr */ if (tokens[i]) { s_ipaddr = tokens[i]; i++; } /* g-iaddr */ if (tokens[i]) { s_gateway = tokens[i]; i++; } if (tokens[i] && ( strchr (tokens[i], '.') || strchr (tokens[i], ':'))) { /* yaboot claims the mask can be specified here, * though it doesn't support it. */ s_netmask = tokens[i]; i++; } /* bootp-retries */ if (tokens[i]) i++; /* tftp-retries */ if (tokens[i]) i++; if (tokens[i]) { /* yaboot accepts a mask here */ s_netmask = tokens[i]; i++; } connection = nm_simple_connection_new (); nm_connection_add_setting (connection, g_object_new (NM_TYPE_SETTING_CONNECTION, NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_TYPE, NM_SETTING_WIRED_SETTING_NAME, NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_ID, "OpenFirmware Connection", NULL)); s_ip4 = nm_setting_ip4_config_new (); nm_connection_add_setting (connection, s_ip4); s_ip6 = nm_setting_ip6_config_new (); nm_connection_add_setting (connection, s_ip6); g_object_set (s_ip6, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ADDR_GEN_MODE, (int) NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_ADDR_GEN_MODE_EUI64, NULL); if (!bootp && dt_get_property (base, "chosen", "bootp-response", NULL, NULL)) bootp = TRUE; if (!bootp) { nm_auto_unref_ip_address NMIPAddress *netmask = NULL; netmask = dt_get_ipaddr_property (base, "chosen", "netmask-ip", &family); gateway = dt_get_ipaddr_property (base, "chosen", "gateway-ip", &family); if (gateway) s_gateway = nm_ip_address_get_address (gateway); ipaddr = dt_get_ipaddr_property (base, "chosen", "client-ip", &family); if (family == AF_UNSPEC) { nm_assert (netmask == NULL); nm_assert (gateway == NULL); nm_assert (ipaddr == NULL); netmask = str_addr (s_netmask, &family); ipaddr = str_addr (s_ipaddr, &family); prefix = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (s_netmask, 10, 0, 128, -1); } if (prefix == -1 && family == AF_INET && netmask) { guint32 netmask_v4; nm_ip_address_get_address_binary (netmask, &netmask_v4); prefix = nm_utils_ip4_netmask_to_prefix (netmask_v4); } if (prefix == -1) _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "Unable to determine the network prefix"); else nm_ip_address_set_prefix (ipaddr, prefix); } if (!ipaddr) { family = AF_UNSPEC; bootp = TRUE; } if (bootp) { g_object_set (s_ip4, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_AUTO, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_DHCP_HOSTNAME, hostname, NULL); g_object_set (s_ip6, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_AUTO, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_DHCP_HOSTNAME, hostname, NULL); } else { switch (family) { case AF_INET: s_ip = (NMSettingIPConfig *) s_ip4; g_object_set (s_ip4, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_MANUAL, NULL); g_object_set (s_ip6, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_DISABLED, NULL); break; case AF_INET6: s_ip = (NMSettingIPConfig *) s_ip6; g_object_set (s_ip4, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP4_CONFIG_METHOD_DISABLED, NULL); g_object_set (s_ip6, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_METHOD, NM_SETTING_IP6_CONFIG_METHOD_MANUAL, NULL); break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (NULL); } nm_setting_ip_config_add_address (s_ip, ipaddr); g_object_set (s_ip, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_GATEWAY, s_gateway, NULL); } if (duplex || speed || hwaddr || local_hwaddr) { s_wired = nm_setting_wired_new (); nm_connection_add_setting (connection, s_wired); g_object_set (s_wired, NM_SETTING_WIRED_SPEED, speed, NM_SETTING_WIRED_DUPLEX, duplex, NM_SETTING_WIRED_MAC_ADDRESS, hwaddr, NM_SETTING_WIRED_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS, local_hwaddr, NULL); } if (!nm_connection_normalize (connection, NULL, NULL, &error)) { _LOGW (LOGD_CORE, "Generated an invalid connection: %s", error->message); nm_clear_pointer (&connection, g_object_unref); } return g_steal_pointer (&connection); }