#!/usr/bin/env python # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright 2018 - 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # nm-wg-set: modify an existing WireGuard connection profile. # # $ nm-wg-set [id|uuid|interface] ID [wg-args...] # # The arguments to set the parameters are like the set parameters from `man 8 wg`. # For example: # # $ nm-wg-set wg0 peer wN8G5HpphoXOGkiXTgBPyr9BhrRm2z9JEI6BiH6fB0g= preshared-key <(wg genpsk) # # extra, script specific arguments: # - private-key-flags # - preshared-key-flags # # Note that the arguments have some simliarities to `wg set` command. But this # script only modify the connection profile in NetworkManager. They don't (re)activate # the profile and thus the changes only result in the configuration of the kernel interface # after activating the profile. Use `nmcli connection up` for that. # # The example script does not support creating or deleting the WireGuard profile itself. It also # does not support modifying other settings of the connection profile, like the IP address configuation. # For that also use nmcli. For example: # # PROFILE=wg0 # # # create the WireGuard profile with nmcli # PRIVKEY_FILE=/tmp/wg.key # (umask 077; rm -f "$PRIVKEY_FILE"; wg genkey > "$PRIVKEY_FILE") # IFNAME=wg0 # PUBKEY=$(wg pubkey < "$PRIVKEY_FILE") # IP4ADDR= # IP4GW= # nmcli connection delete id "$PROFILE" # nmcli connection add \ # type wireguard \ # con-name "$PROFILE" \ # ifname "$IFNAME" \ # connection.stable-id "$PROFILE-$PUBKEY" \ # ipv4.method manual \ # ipv4.addresses "$IP4ADDR" \ # ipv4.gateway "$IP4GW" \ # ipv4.never-default yes \ # ipv6.method link-local \ # wireguard.listen-port 0 \ # wireguard.fwmark 0 \ # wireguard.private-key '' \ # wireguard.private-key-flags 0 # nmcli connection up \ # id "$PROFILE" \ # passwd-file <(echo "wireguard.private-key:$(cat "$PRIVKEY_FILE")") # # # modify the WireGuard profile with the script # nm-wg-set id "$PROFILE" $WG_ARGS import sys import re import gi gi.require_version('NM', '1.0') from gi.repository import NM class MyError(Exception): pass def pr(v): import pprint pprint.pprint(v, indent=4, depth=5, width=60) ############################################################################### def connection_is_wireguard(conn): s_con = conn.get_setting(NM.SettingConnection) return s_con \ and s_con.get_connection_type() == NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_SETTING_NAME \ and conn.get_setting(NM.SettingWireGuard) def connection_to_str(conn): if connection_is_wireguard(conn): iface = conn.get_setting(NM.SettingConnection).get_interface_name() if iface: extra = ', interface: "%s"' % (iface) else: extra = '' else: extra = ', type: %s' % (conn.get_setting(NM.SettingConnection).get_connection_type()) return '"%s" (%s%s)' % (conn.get_id(), conn.get_uuid(), extra) def connections_wg(connections): l = list([c for c in connections if connection_is_wireguard(c)]) l.sort(key = connection_to_str) return l def connections_find(connections, con_spec, con_id): connections = list(sorted(connections, key=connection_to_str)) l = [] if con_spec in [None, 'id']: for c in connections: if con_id == c.get_id(): if c not in l: l.append(c) if con_spec in [None, 'interface']: for c in connections: s_con = c.get_setting(NM.SettingConnection) if s_con \ and con_id == s_con.get_interface_name(): if c not in l: l.append(c) if con_spec in [None, 'uuid']: for c in connections: if con_id == c.get_uuid(): if c not in l: l.append(c) l.sort(key = connection_to_str) return l def print_hint(nm_client): print('Maybe you want to create a profile first with') print(' nmcli connection add type wireguard ifname wg0 $MORE_ARGS') connections = connections_wg(nm_client.get_connections()) if connections: print('Or edit one of the following WireGuard profiles:') for c in connections: print (' - %s' % (connection_to_str(c))) ############################################################################### def argv_get_one(argv, idx, type_ctor=None, topic=None): if topic is not None: try: v = argv_get_one(argv, idx, type_ctor, None) except MyError as e: if isinstance(topic, (int, long)): topic = argv[topic] raise MyError('error for "%s": %s' % (topic, e.message)) return v v = None try: v = argv[idx] except: raise MyError('missing argument') if type_ctor is not None: try: v = type_ctor(v) except Exception as e: raise MyError('invalid argument "%s" (%s)' % (v, e.message)) return v ############################################################################### def arg_parse_secret_flags(arg): try: f = arg.strip() n = { 'none': NM.SettingSecretFlags.NONE, 'not-saved': NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_SAVED, 'not-required': NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_REQUIRED, 'agent-owned': NM.SettingSecretFlags.AGENT_OWNED, }.get(f) if n is not None: return n return NM.SettingSecretFlags(int(f)) except Exception as e: raise MyError('invalid secret flags "%s"' % (arg)) def _arg_parse_int(arg, vmin, vmax, key, base = 0): try: v = int(arg, base) if v >= vmin and vmax <= 0xFFFFFFFF: return v except: raise MyError('invalid %s "%s"' % (key, arg)) raise MyError("%s out of range" % (key)) def arg_parse_listen_port(arg): return _arg_parse_int(arg, 0, 0xFFFF, "listen-port") def arg_parse_fwmark(arg): return _arg_parse_int(arg, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, "fwmark", base = 0) def arg_parse_persistent_keep_alive(arg): return _arg_parse_int(arg, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, "persistent-keepalive") def arg_parse_allowed_ips(arg): l = [s.strip() for s in arg.strip().split(',')] l = [s for s in l if s != ''] l = list(l) # use a peer to parse and validate the allowed-ips. peer = NM.WireGuardPeer() for aip in l: if not peer.append_allowed_ip(aip, False): raise MyError('invalid allowed-ip "%s"' % (aip)) return l ############################################################################### def secret_flags_to_string(flags): nick = { NM.SettingSecretFlags.NONE: 'none', NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_SAVED: 'not-saved', NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_REQUIRED: 'not-required', NM.SettingSecretFlags.AGENT_OWNED: 'agent-owned', }.get(flags) num = str(int(flags)) if nick is None: return num return '%s (%s)' % (num, nick) ############################################################################### def wg_read_private_key(privkey_file): import base64 try: with open(privkey_file, "r") as f: data = f.read() bdata = base64.decodestring(data) if len(bdata) != 32: raise Exception("not 32 bytes base64 encoded") return base64.encodestring(bdata).strip() except Exception as e: raise MyError('failed to read private key "%s": %s' % (privkey_file, e.message)) def wg_peer_is_valid(peer, msg = None): try: peer.is_valid(True, True) except gi.repository.GLib.Error as e: if msg is None: raise MyError('%s' % (e.message)) else: raise MyError('%s' % (msg)) ############################################################################### def do_get(nm_client, connection): s_con = conn.get_setting(NM.SettingConnection) s_wg = conn.get_setting(NM.SettingWireGuard) # Fetching secrets is not implemented. For now show them all as # . print('interface: %s' % (s_con.get_interface_name())) print('uuid: %s' % (conn.get_uuid())) print('id: %s' % (conn.get_id())) print('private-key: %s' % ('')) print('private-key-flags: %s' % (secret_flags_to_string(s_wg.get_private_key_flags()))) print('listen-port: %s' % (s_wg.get_listen_port())) print('fwmark: 0x%x' % (s_wg.get_fwmark())) for i in range(s_wg.get_peers_len()): peer = s_wg.get_peer(i) print('peer[%d].public-key: %s' % (i, peer.get_public_key())) print('peer[%d].preshared-key: %s' % (i, '' if peer.get_preshared_key_flags() != NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_REQUIRED else '')) print('peer[%d].preshared-key-flags: %s' % (i, secret_flags_to_string(peer.get_preshared_key_flags()))) print('peer[%d].endpoint: %s' % (i, peer.get_endpoint() if peer.get_endpoint() else '')) print('peer[%d].persistent-keepalive: %s' % (i, peer.get_persistent_keepalive())) print('peer[%d].allowed-ips: %s' % (i, ','.join([peer.get_allowed_ip(j) for j in range(peer.get_allowed_ips_len())]))) def do_set(nm_client, conn, argv): s_wg = conn.get_setting(NM.SettingWireGuard) peer = None peer_remove = False peer_idx = None peer_secret_flags = None try: idx = 0 while True: if peer \ and ( idx >= len(argv) \ or argv[idx] == 'peer'): if peer_remove: pp_peer, pp_idx = s_wg.get_peer_by_public_key(peer.get_public_key()) if pp_peer: s_wg.remove_peer(pp_idx) else: if peer_secret_flags is not None: peer.set_preshared_key_flags(peer_secret_flags) wg_peer_is_valid(peer) if peer_idx is None: s_wg.append_peer(peer) else: s_wg.set_peer(peer, peer_idx) peer = None peer_remove = False peer_idx = None peer_secret_flags = None if idx >= len(argv): break; if not peer and argv[idx] == 'private-key': key = argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, None, idx) if key == '': s_wg.set_property(NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY, None) else: s_wg.set_property(NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY, wg_read_private_key(key)) idx += 2 continue if not peer and argv[idx] == 'private-key-flags': s_wg.set_property(NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY_FLAGS, argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_secret_flags, idx)) idx += 2 continue if not peer and argv[idx] == 'listen-port': s_wg.set_property(NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_LISTEN_PORT, argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_listen_port, idx)) idx += 2 continue if not peer and argv[idx] == 'fwmark': s_wg.set_property(NM.SETTING_WIREGUARD_FWMARK, argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_fwmark, idx)) idx += 2 continue if argv[idx] == 'peer': public_key = argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, None, idx) peer, peer_idx = s_wg.get_peer_by_public_key(public_key) if peer: peer = peer.new_clone(True) else: peer_idx = None peer = NM.WireGuardPeer() peer.set_public_key(public_key) wg_peer_is_valid(peer, 'public key "%s" is invalid' % (public_key)) peer_remove = False idx += 2 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'remove': peer_remove = True idx += 1 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'preshared-key': psk = argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, None, idx) if psk == '': peer.set_preshared_key(None) if peer_secret_flags is not None: peer_secret_flags = NM.SettingSecretFlags.NOT_REQUIRED else: peer.set_preshared_key(wg_read_private_key(psk)) if peer_secret_flags is not None: peer_secret_flags = NM.SettingSecretFlags.NONE idx += 2 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'preshared-key-flags': peer_secret_flags = argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_secret_flags, idx) idx += 2 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'endpoint': peer.set_endpoint(argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, None, idx)) idx += 2 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'persistent-keepalive': peer.set_persistent_keepalive(argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_persistent_keep_alive, idx)) idx += 2 continue if peer and argv[idx] == 'allowed-ips': allowed_ips = list(argv_get_one(argv, idx + 1, arg_parse_allowed_ips, idx)) peer.clear_allowed_ips() for aip in allowed_ips: peer.append_allowed_ip(aip, False) del allowed_ips idx += 2 continue raise MyError('invalid argument "%s"' % (argv[idx])) except MyError as e: print('Error: %s' % (e.message)) sys.exit(1) try: conn.commit_changes(True, None) except Exception as e: print('failure to commit connection: %s' % (e)) sys.exit(1) print('Success') sys.exit(0) ############################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': nm_client = NM.Client.new(None) argv = sys.argv del argv[0] con_spec = None if len(argv) >= 1: if argv[0] in [ 'id', 'uuid', 'interface' ]: con_spec = argv[0] del argv[0] if len(argv) < 1: print('Requires an existing NetworkManager connection profile as first argument') print('Select it based on the connection ID, UUID, or interface-name (optionally qualify the selection with [id|uuid|interface])') print_hint(nm_client) sys.exit(1) con_id = argv[0] del argv[0] connections = connections_find(nm_client.get_connections(), con_spec, con_id) if len(connections) == 0: print('No matching connection %s\"%s\" found.' % ((con_spec+' ' if con_spec else ''), con_id)) print_hint(nm_client) sys.exit(1) if len(connections) > 1: print("Connection %s\"%s\" is not unique (%s)" % ((con_spec+' ' if con_spec else ''), con_id, ', '.join(['['+connection_to_str(c)+']' for c in connections]))) if not con_spec: print('Maybe qualify the name with [id|uuid|interface]?') sys.exit(1) conn = connections[0] if not connection_is_wireguard(conn): print('Connection %s is not a WireGuard profile' % (connection_to_str(conn))) print('See available profiles with `nmcli connection show`') sys.exit(1) if not argv: do_get(nm_client, conn) else: do_set(nm_client, conn, argv)