#!/usr/bin/env lua -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ -- -- Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. -- -- Getting and printing all NetworkManager connection in Lua. -- The example uses libnm library using GObject introspection via Lua lgi module. -- Most distribution ship the module as lua-lgi package. -- libnm guide: https://developer.gnome.org/libnm/1.0/ -- Lua-lgi guide: https://github.com/pavouk/lgi/blob/master/docs/guide.md local lgi = require 'lgi' local GLib = lgi.GLib local NM = lgi.NM function print_values(setting, key, value, flags, data) print(string.format(" %s.%s: %s", setting:get_name(), key, value and tostring(value.value) or "nil")) end --------------------------- -- Main code starts here -- --------------------------- -- parse command-line arguments local details = ... if (details and not string.find("details", details, 1)) then print(string.format("Usage: %s [details]", arg[0]:gsub(".*/",""))) os.exit(1) end -- create Client object local client = NM.Client.new() -- get connections connections = client:get_connections() -- print the connections' details print(string.format("There are %s connection profiles.", #connections)) for i, c in pairs(connections) do print(string.format("=== %s | %25s | %s ", c:get_uuid(), c:get_id(), c:get_path())) if details then c:for_each_setting_value(print_values, nil) print("\n") end end