#!/usr/bin/env perl # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # $ perldoc modemu.pl for eye-pleasing view of the manual: =head1 NAME modemu.pl - emulate a serial modem =head1 SYNOPSIS modemu.pl [] [-- ...] =head1 DESCRIPTION B opens a PTY, links the slave side to F and announces a fake kobject via netlink as if it were a real serial device, so that ModemManager picks it up. Then it answers to a very basic subset of AT commands, sufficient making ModemManager recognize it as a 3GPP capable modem registered to a network. Upon receiving the dial (ATD) command, it spawns C so that NetworkManager can establish a connection. B needs superuser privileges to be able to announce a kobject and create a F node. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<< >> Create a modem of given name. Links it to F<< /dev/ >>. Defaults to I. =item B<< >> Specifies extra arguments to be prepended before C to the default set of I. Defaults to I. =back =cut use strict; use warnings; use Errno; use Socket; use IO::Pty; use IO::Handle; use constant AF_NETLINK => 16; use constant NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT => 15; # This allows us to use buffered read for lines from ModemManager # despite not ending with \n IO::Handle->input_record_separator ("\r"); # Parse command line arguments my $name; my @pppd = qw/pppd dump debug; while (@ARGV) { $_ = shift @ARGV; if ($_ eq '--') { @pppd = @ARGV; last; } else { die "Extra argument: '$_'" if $name; $name = $_; } }; $name ||= 'modemu'; socket my $fd, AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT or die "Can't create a netlink socket: $!"; my $seqnum = 666; sub send_netlink { my %props = (@_, SEQNUM => $seqnum++); my $props = join '', map { $_, '=', $props{$_}, "\0" } keys %props; my $head = pack 'a8NLLLNLLL', # signature + magic 'libudev', 0xfeedcafe, # 40 octets is the length of this header 40, 40, 40 + length ($props), # Digest::MurmurHash2::Neutral::murmur_hash2_neutral("tty") 0x8afa90c8, 0x00000000, 0x00040002, 0x00008010; $! = undef; send $fd, "$head$props", 0, pack 'SSLL', AF_NETLINK, 0, 0, 0x0002; # RHEL 7 kernel responds ECONNREFUSED even thoguh the sendto succeeded. Weird. die "Can't send a netlink message: $!" if $! and not $!{ECONNREFUSED}; } my $devpath = '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0'; unless (-d "/sys/$devpath") { # Create a virtual device. Older ModemManager likes a hotpluggable bus # (USB, PCI), but there's none on an IBM POWER lpar... warn "No PCI bus to use for parent. Don't expect this to work with ModemManager 1.6"; $devpath = '/devices/virtual'; } my %props = ( DEVPATH => "$devpath/$name", SUBSYSTEM => 'tty', DEVNAME => "/dev/$name", # Whitelisting that works for both ModemManager 1.6 and 1.8 ID_MM_CANDIDATE => '1', ID_MM_DEVICE_PROCESS => '1', ); sub cleanup { unlink "/dev/$name"; send_netlink (ACTION => 'remove', %props) if $fd; } # Ensure we clean up before and after. END { cleanup }; $SIG{INT} = sub { cleanup; die }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { cleanup; die }; cleanup; my $pty = new IO::Pty; my $ptyname = ttyname $pty; symlink $ptyname, "/dev/$name" or die "Can't create /dev/$name: $!"; send_netlink (ACTION => 'add', %props); while (<$pty>) { chomp; if (/^AT$/ or /^ATE0$/ or /^ATV1$/ or /^AT\+CMEE=1$/ or /^ATX4$/ or /^AT&C1$/ or /^ATZ$/) { # Standard Hayes commands that are basically used to # ensure the modem is in a known state. Accept them all. print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+CPIN\?$/) { # PIN unlocked. Required. print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "+CPIN:READY\r\n"; print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+COPS=0$/) { # Select access technology (we just accept 0=automatic) print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+CGREG\?$/) { # 3GPP Registration status. print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "+CGREG: 0,1\r\n"; print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+CGDCONT=\?$/) { # Get supported PDP contexts print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "+CGDCONT: (1-10),(\"IP\"),,,(0-1),(0-1)\r\n"; print $pty "+CGDCONT: (1-10),(\"IPV6\"),,,(0-1),(0-1)\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+CGACT=0,1$/) { # Activate a PDP context print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^AT\+CGDCONT=1,"(.*)","(.*)"$/) { # Set PDP context. We accept any. print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "OK\r\n"; } elsif (/^ATD/) { print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "CONNECT 28800000\r\n"; my $ppp = fork; die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined $ppp; if ($ppp == 0) { close STDIN; close STDOUT; open STDIN, '<&', $pty or die "Can't dup pty to a pppd stdin: $!"; open STDOUT, '>&', $pty or die "Can't dup pty to a pppd stdout: $!"; close $pty; exec @pppd, qw/nodetach notty local logfd 2 nopersist/; die "Can't exec pppd: $!"; } waitpid $ppp, 0; } else { print $pty "\r\n"; print $pty "ERROR\r\n"; } } =head1 EXAMPLES =over =item B Just create a modem named I, with the default PPP arguments. =item B Same as above, just name the modem I. =item B Avoid polluting the namespace with the modem end of PPP connection. =item B Override the C parameters: no debug logging and different set of addresses. =item B Same as above, with a modem name different from default. =back =head1 BUGS Only works on machines with a PCI bus. ModemManager is picky about platform devices and accepts PCI and USB buses easily. Which is why pretent to have our tty on the PCI root device. Terminates after a single PPP session. C seems to hang up the PTY. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2018 Lubomir Rintel This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 AUTHOR Lubomir Rintel C =cut