/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2012 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc. */ #ifndef MM_PLUGIN_H #define MM_PLUGIN_H #include #include #include "mm-base-modem.h" #include "mm-port.h" #include "mm-port-probe.h" #include "mm-device.h" #include "mm-kernel-device.h" #define MM_PLUGIN_GENERIC_NAME "Generic" #define MM_PLUGIN_MAJOR_VERSION 4 #define MM_PLUGIN_MINOR_VERSION 0 #if defined (G_HAVE_GNUC_VISIBILITY) #define VISIBILITY __attribute__((visibility("protected"))) #else #define VISIBILITY #endif #define MM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_MAJOR_VERSION VISIBILITY int mm_plugin_major_version = MM_PLUGIN_MAJOR_VERSION; #define MM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_MINOR_VERSION VISIBILITY int mm_plugin_minor_version = MM_PLUGIN_MINOR_VERSION; #define MM_TYPE_PLUGIN (mm_plugin_get_type ()) #define MM_PLUGIN(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), MM_TYPE_PLUGIN, MMPlugin)) #define MM_PLUGIN_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), MM_TYPE_PLUGIN, MMPluginClass)) #define MM_IS_PLUGIN(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), MM_TYPE_PLUGIN)) #define MM_IS_PLUGIN_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), MM_TYPE_PLUGIN)) #define MM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), MM_TYPE_PLUGIN, MMPluginClass)) #define MM_PLUGIN_NAME "name" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_SUBSYSTEMS "allowed-subsystems" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_DRIVERS "allowed-drivers" #define MM_PLUGIN_FORBIDDEN_DRIVERS "forbidden-drivers" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_VENDOR_IDS "allowed-vendor-ids" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_PRODUCT_IDS "allowed-product-ids" #define MM_PLUGIN_FORBIDDEN_PRODUCT_IDS "forbidden-product-ids" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_VENDOR_STRINGS "allowed-vendor-strings" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_PRODUCT_STRINGS "allowed-product-strings" #define MM_PLUGIN_FORBIDDEN_PRODUCT_STRINGS "forbidden-product-strings" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_UDEV_TAGS "allowed-udev-tags" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_AT "allowed-at" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_SINGLE_AT "allowed-single-at" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_QCDM "allowed-qcdm" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_QMI "allowed-qmi" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_MBIM "allowed-mbim" #define MM_PLUGIN_ICERA_PROBE "icera-probe" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_ICERA "allowed-icera" #define MM_PLUGIN_FORBIDDEN_ICERA "forbidden-icera" #define MM_PLUGIN_XMM_PROBE "xmm-probe" #define MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_XMM "allowed-xmm" #define MM_PLUGIN_FORBIDDEN_XMM "forbidden-xmm" #define MM_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_INIT "custom-init" #define MM_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_AT_PROBE "custom-at-probe" #define MM_PLUGIN_SEND_DELAY "send-delay" #define MM_PLUGIN_REMOVE_ECHO "remove-echo" #define MM_PLUGIN_SEND_LF "send-lf" typedef enum { MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_PORT_UNKNOWN = -1, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_PORT_UNSUPPORTED, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_PORT_DEFER, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_PORT_DEFER_UNTIL_SUGGESTED, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_PORT_SUPPORTED } MMPluginSupportsResult; typedef enum { MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_HINT_UNSUPPORTED, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_HINT_MAYBE, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_HINT_LIKELY, MM_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_HINT_SUPPORTED, } MMPluginSupportsHint; typedef struct _MMPlugin MMPlugin; typedef struct _MMPluginClass MMPluginClass; typedef struct _MMPluginPrivate MMPluginPrivate; typedef MMPlugin *(*MMPluginCreateFunc) (void); struct _MMPlugin { GObject parent; MMPluginPrivate *priv; }; struct _MMPluginClass { GObjectClass parent; /* Plugins need to provide a method to create a modem object given * a list of port probes (Mandatory) */ MMBaseModem *(*create_modem) (MMPlugin *plugin, const gchar *uid, const gchar **drivers, guint16 vendor, guint16 product, GList *probes, GError **error); /* Plugins need to provide a method to grab independent ports * identified by port probes (Optional) */ gboolean (*grab_port) (MMPlugin *plugin, MMBaseModem *modem, MMPortProbe *probe, GError **error); }; GType mm_plugin_get_type (void); const gchar *mm_plugin_get_name (MMPlugin *plugin); /* This method will run all pre-probing filters, to see if we can discard this * plugin from the probing logic as soon as possible. */ MMPluginSupportsHint mm_plugin_discard_port_early (MMPlugin *plugin, MMDevice *device, MMKernelDevice *port); void mm_plugin_supports_port (MMPlugin *plugin, MMDevice *device, MMKernelDevice *port, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data); MMPluginSupportsResult mm_plugin_supports_port_finish (MMPlugin *plugin, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error); MMBaseModem *mm_plugin_create_modem (MMPlugin *plugin, MMDevice *device, GError **error); #endif /* MM_PLUGIN_H */