/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details: * * Copyright (C) 2013 Aleksander Morgado */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _LIBMM_INSIDE_MM #include #include "mm-iface-modem.h" #include "mm-iface-modem-3gpp-profile-manager.h" #include "mm-modem-helpers-mbim.h" #include "mm-port-enums-types.h" #include "mm-bearer-mbim.h" #include "mm-log-object.h" #include "mm-context.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (MMBearerMbim, mm_bearer_mbim, MM_TYPE_BASE_BEARER) struct _MMBearerMbimPrivate { MMPortMbim *mbim; MMPort *data; MMPort *link; guint32 session_id; }; /*****************************************************************************/ static gboolean peek_ports (gpointer self, MMPortMbim **o_mbim, MMPort **o_data, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { g_autoptr(MMBaseModem) modem = NULL; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (self), MM_BASE_BEARER_MODEM, &modem, NULL); g_assert (MM_IS_BASE_MODEM (modem)); if (o_mbim) { MMPortMbim *port; port = mm_broadband_modem_mbim_peek_port_mbim (MM_BROADBAND_MODEM_MBIM (modem)); if (!port) { g_task_report_new_error (self, callback, user_data, peek_ports, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_FAILED, "Couldn't peek MBIM port"); return FALSE; } *o_mbim = port; } if (o_data) { MMPort *port; /* Grab a data port */ port = mm_base_modem_peek_best_data_port (modem, MM_PORT_TYPE_NET); if (!port) { g_task_report_new_error (self, callback, user_data, peek_ports, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "No valid data port found to launch connection"); return FALSE; } *o_data = port; } return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Stats */ typedef struct { guint64 rx_bytes; guint64 tx_bytes; } ReloadStatsResult; static gboolean reload_stats_finish (MMBaseBearer *bearer, guint64 *rx_bytes, guint64 *tx_bytes, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { ReloadStatsResult *stats; stats = g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (res), error); if (!stats) return FALSE; if (rx_bytes) *rx_bytes = stats->rx_bytes; if (tx_bytes) *tx_bytes = stats->tx_bytes; g_free (stats); return TRUE; } static void packet_statistics_query_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; guint64 in_octets = 0; guint64 out_octets = 0; response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (response && mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) && mbim_message_packet_statistics_response_parse ( response, NULL, /* in_discards */ NULL, /* in_errors */ &in_octets, /* in_octets */ NULL, /* in_packets */ &out_octets, /* out_octets */ NULL, /* out_packets */ NULL, /* out_errors */ NULL, /* out_discards */ &error)) { /* Store results */ ReloadStatsResult *stats; stats = g_new (ReloadStatsResult, 1); stats->rx_bytes = in_octets; stats->tx_bytes = out_octets; g_task_return_pointer (task, stats, g_free); } else if (g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED)) { g_clear_error (&error); g_task_return_new_error (task, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "operation not allowed"); } else g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); } static void reload_stats (MMBaseBearer *self, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { MMPortMbim *mbim; GTask *task; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) message = NULL; if (!peek_ports (self, &mbim, NULL, callback, user_data)) return; task = g_task_new (self, NULL, callback, user_data); message = (mbim_message_packet_statistics_query_new (NULL)); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (mbim), message, 5, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)packet_statistics_query_ready, task); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Connect */ #define WAIT_LINK_PORT_TIMEOUT_MS 2500 typedef enum { CONNECT_STEP_FIRST, CONNECT_STEP_LOAD_PROFILE_SETTINGS, CONNECT_STEP_PACKET_SERVICE, CONNECT_STEP_SETUP_LINK, CONNECT_STEP_SETUP_LINK_MASTER_UP, CONNECT_STEP_CHECK_DISCONNECTED, CONNECT_STEP_ENSURE_DISCONNECTED, CONNECT_STEP_CONNECT, CONNECT_STEP_IP_CONFIGURATION, CONNECT_STEP_LAST } ConnectStep; typedef struct { MMPortMbim *mbim; MMBroadbandModemMbim *modem; ConnectStep step; MMPort *data; MMBearerConnectResult *connect_result; /* settings to use */ gint profile_id; gchar *apn; MbimContextType context_type; gchar *user; gchar *password; MbimAuthProtocol auth; MbimContextIpType requested_ip_type; MbimContextIpType activated_ip_type; /* multiplex support */ guint session_id; gchar *link_prefix_hint; gchar *link_name; MMPort *link; } ConnectContext; static void connect_context_free (ConnectContext *ctx) { if (ctx->link_name) { mm_port_mbim_cleanup_link (ctx->mbim, ctx->link_name, NULL, NULL); g_free (ctx->link_name); } g_clear_object (&ctx->link); g_free (ctx->link_prefix_hint); g_free (ctx->apn); g_free (ctx->user); g_free (ctx->password); g_clear_pointer (&ctx->connect_result, (GDestroyNotify)mm_bearer_connect_result_unref); g_clear_object (&ctx->data); g_object_unref (ctx->mbim); g_object_unref (ctx->modem); g_slice_free (ConnectContext, ctx); } static MMBearerConnectResult * connect_finish (MMBaseBearer *self, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (res), error); } static void connect_context_step (GTask *task); static void ip_configuration_query_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv4configurationavailable; MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag ipv6configurationavailable; guint32 ipv4addresscount; g_autoptr(MbimIPv4ElementArray) ipv4address = NULL; guint32 ipv6addresscount; g_autoptr(MbimIPv6ElementArray) ipv6address = NULL; const MbimIPv4 *ipv4gateway; const MbimIPv6 *ipv6gateway; guint32 ipv4dnsservercount; g_autofree MbimIPv4 *ipv4dnsserver = NULL; guint32 ipv6dnsservercount; g_autofree MbimIPv6 *ipv6dnsserver = NULL; guint32 ipv4mtu; guint32 ipv6mtu; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (response && mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) && mbim_message_ip_configuration_response_parse ( response, NULL, /* sessionid */ &ipv4configurationavailable, &ipv6configurationavailable, &ipv4addresscount, &ipv4address, &ipv6addresscount, &ipv6address, &ipv4gateway, &ipv6gateway, &ipv4dnsservercount, &ipv4dnsserver, &ipv6dnsservercount, &ipv6dnsserver, &ipv4mtu, &ipv6mtu, &error)) { g_autofree gchar *ipv4configurationavailable_str = NULL; g_autofree gchar *ipv6configurationavailable_str = NULL; g_autoptr(MMBearerIpConfig) ipv4_config = NULL; g_autoptr(MMBearerIpConfig) ipv6_config = NULL; /* IPv4 info */ ipv4configurationavailable_str = mbim_ip_configuration_available_flag_build_string_from_mask (ipv4configurationavailable); mm_obj_dbg (self, "IPv4 configuration available: '%s'", ipv4configurationavailable_str); if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_ADDRESS) && ipv4addresscount) { guint i; mm_obj_dbg (self, " IP addresses (%u)", ipv4addresscount); for (i = 0; i < ipv4addresscount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv4address[i]->ipv4_address, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " IP [%u]: '%s/%u'", i, str, ipv4address[i]->on_link_prefix_length); } } if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_GATEWAY) && ipv4gateway) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)ipv4gateway, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " gateway: '%s'", str); } if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_DNS) && ipv4dnsservercount) { guint i; mm_obj_dbg (self, " DNS addresses (%u)", ipv4dnsservercount); for (i = 0; i < ipv4dnsservercount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv4dnsserver[i], G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); if (!g_inet_address_get_is_any (addr)) { g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " DNS [%u]: '%s'", i, str); } } } if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_MTU) && ipv4mtu) mm_obj_dbg (self, " MTU: '%u'", ipv4mtu); /* IPv6 info */ ipv6configurationavailable_str = mbim_ip_configuration_available_flag_build_string_from_mask (ipv6configurationavailable); mm_obj_dbg (self, "IPv6 configuration available: '%s'", ipv6configurationavailable_str); if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_ADDRESS) && ipv6addresscount) { guint i; mm_obj_dbg (self, " IP addresses (%u)", ipv6addresscount); for (i = 0; i < ipv6addresscount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv6address[i]->ipv6_address, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " IP [%u]: '%s/%u'", i, str, ipv6address[i]->on_link_prefix_length); } } if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_GATEWAY) && ipv6gateway) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)ipv6gateway, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " gateway: '%s'", str); } if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_DNS) && ipv6dnsservercount) { guint i; mm_obj_dbg (self, " DNS addresses (%u)", ipv6dnsservercount); for (i = 0; i < ipv6dnsservercount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv6dnsserver[i], G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); if (!g_inet_address_get_is_any (addr)) { g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_obj_dbg (self, " DNS [%u]: '%s'", i, str); } g_object_unref (addr); } } if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_MTU) && ipv6mtu) mm_obj_dbg (self, " MTU: '%u'", ipv6mtu); /* Build connection results */ /* Build IPv4 config */ if (ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4 || ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4V6 || ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4_AND_IPV6) { gboolean address_set = FALSE; ipv4_config = mm_bearer_ip_config_new (); /* We assume that if we have an IP we can use static configuration. * Not all modems or providers will return DNS servers or even a * gateway, and not all modems support DHCP either. The IP management * daemon/script just has to deal with this... */ if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_ADDRESS) && (ipv4addresscount > 0)) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; mm_bearer_ip_config_set_method (ipv4_config, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_STATIC); /* IP address, pick the first one */ addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv4address[0]->ipv4_address, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_bearer_ip_config_set_address (ipv4_config, str); address_set = TRUE; /* Netmask */ mm_bearer_ip_config_set_prefix (ipv4_config, ipv4address[0]->on_link_prefix_length); /* Gateway */ if (ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_GATEWAY) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) gw_addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *gw_str = NULL; gw_addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)ipv4gateway, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); gw_str = g_inet_address_to_string (gw_addr); mm_bearer_ip_config_set_gateway (ipv4_config, gw_str); } } else mm_bearer_ip_config_set_method (ipv4_config, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP); /* DNS */ if ((ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_DNS) && (ipv4dnsservercount > 0)) { g_auto(GStrv) strarr = NULL; guint i; guint n; strarr = g_new0 (gchar *, ipv4dnsservercount + 1); for (i = 0, n = 0; i < ipv4dnsservercount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv4dnsserver[i], G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); if (!g_inet_address_get_is_any (addr)) strarr[n++] = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); } mm_bearer_ip_config_set_dns (ipv4_config, (const gchar **)strarr); } /* MTU */ if (ipv4configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_MTU) mm_bearer_ip_config_set_mtu (ipv4_config, ipv4mtu); /* We requested IPv4, but it wasn't reported as activated. If there is no IP address * provided by the modem, we assume the IPv4 bearer wasn't truly activated */ if (!address_set && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4 && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4V6 && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4_AND_IPV6) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "IPv4 requested but no IPv4 activated and no IPv4 address set: ignoring"); g_clear_object (&ipv4_config); } } /* Build IPv6 config */ if (ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV6 || ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4V6 || ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4_AND_IPV6) { gboolean address_set = FALSE; gboolean gateway_set = FALSE; gboolean dns_set = FALSE; ipv6_config = mm_bearer_ip_config_new (); if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_ADDRESS) && (ipv6addresscount > 0)) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; /* IP address, pick the first one */ addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv6address[0]->ipv6_address, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); str = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); mm_bearer_ip_config_set_address (ipv6_config, str); address_set = TRUE; /* If the address is a link-local one, then SLAAC or DHCP must be used * to get the real prefix and address. * FIXME: maybe the modem reported non-LL address in ipv6address[1] ? */ if (g_inet_address_get_is_link_local (addr)) address_set = FALSE; /* Netmask */ mm_bearer_ip_config_set_prefix (ipv6_config, ipv6address[0]->on_link_prefix_length); /* Gateway */ if (ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_GATEWAY) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) gw_addr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *gw_str = NULL; gw_addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)ipv6gateway, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); gw_str = g_inet_address_to_string (gw_addr); mm_bearer_ip_config_set_gateway (ipv6_config, gw_str); gateway_set = TRUE; } } if ((ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_DNS) && (ipv6dnsservercount > 0)) { g_auto(GStrv) strarr = NULL; guint i; guint n; /* DNS */ strarr = g_new0 (gchar *, ipv6dnsservercount + 1); for (i = 0, n = 0; i < ipv6dnsservercount; i++) { g_autoptr(GInetAddress) addr = NULL; addr = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes ((guint8 *)&ipv6dnsserver[i], G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); if (!g_inet_address_get_is_any (addr)) strarr[n++] = g_inet_address_to_string (addr); } mm_bearer_ip_config_set_dns (ipv6_config, (const gchar **)strarr); dns_set = TRUE; } /* MTU */ if (ipv6configurationavailable & MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_MTU) mm_bearer_ip_config_set_mtu (ipv6_config, ipv6mtu); /* Only use the static method if all basic properties are available, * otherwise use DHCP to indicate the missing ones should be * retrieved from SLAAC or DHCPv6. */ if (address_set && gateway_set && dns_set) mm_bearer_ip_config_set_method (ipv6_config, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_STATIC); else mm_bearer_ip_config_set_method (ipv6_config, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP); /* We requested IPv6, but it wasn't reported as activated. If there is no IPv6 address * provided by the modem, we assume the IPv6 bearer wasn't truly activated */ if (!address_set && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV6 && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4V6 && ctx->activated_ip_type != MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_IPV4_AND_IPV6) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "IPv6 requested but no IPv6 activated and no IPv6 address set: ignoring"); g_clear_object (&ipv6_config); } } /* Store result */ ctx->connect_result = mm_bearer_connect_result_new (ctx->link ? ctx->link : ctx->data, ipv4_config, ipv6_config); mm_bearer_connect_result_set_multiplexed (ctx->connect_result, !!ctx->link); if (ctx->profile_id != MM_3GPP_PROFILE_ID_UNKNOWN) mm_bearer_connect_result_set_profile_id (ctx->connect_result, ctx->profile_id); } if (error) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void connect_set_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; guint32 session_id; MbimActivationState activation_state; guint32 nw_error; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (response && (mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) || error->code == MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { g_autoptr(GError) inner_error = NULL; if (mbim_message_connect_response_parse ( response, &session_id, &activation_state, NULL, /* voice_call_state */ &ctx->activated_ip_type, NULL, /* context_type */ &nw_error, &inner_error)) { /* Report the IP type we asked for and the one returned by the modem */ mm_obj_dbg (self, "session ID '%u': %s (requested IP type: %s, activated IP type: %s, nw error: %s)", session_id, mbim_activation_state_get_string (activation_state), mbim_context_ip_type_get_string (ctx->requested_ip_type), mbim_context_ip_type_get_string (ctx->activated_ip_type), mbim_nw_error_get_string (nw_error)); /* If the response reports an ACTIVATED state, we're good even if * there is a nw_error set (e.g. asking for IPv4v6 may return a * 'pdp-type-ipv4-only-allowed' nw_error). */ if (activation_state != MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED && activation_state != MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING) { g_clear_error (&error); error = mm_mobile_equipment_error_from_mbim_nw_error (nw_error, self); } } else { /* Prefer the error from the result to the parsing error */ if (!error) error = g_steal_pointer (&inner_error); } } if (error) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void ensure_disconnected_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { ConnectContext *ctx; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); /* Ignore all errors, just go on */ response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, NULL); /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void check_disconnected_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; guint32 session_id; MbimActivationState activation_state; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (response && mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) && mbim_message_connect_response_parse ( response, &session_id, &activation_state, NULL, /* voice_call_state */ NULL, /* ip_type */ NULL, /* context_type */ NULL, /* nw_error */ &error)) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "session ID '%u': %s", session_id, mbim_activation_state_get_string (activation_state)); } else activation_state = MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN; /* Some modem (e.g. Huawei ME936) reports MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN * when being queried for the activation state before an IP session has * been activated once. Here we expect a modem would at least tell the * truth when the session has been activated, so we proceed to deactivate * the session only the modem indicates the session has been activated or * is being activated. */ if (activation_state == MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED || activation_state == MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING) ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_ENSURE_DISCONNECTED; else ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_CONNECT; connect_context_step (task); } static void master_interface_up_ready (MMPortNet *link, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); if (!mm_port_net_link_setup_finish (link, res, &error)) { g_prefix_error (&error, "Couldn't bring master interface up: "); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void wait_link_port_ready (MMBaseModem *modem, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); ctx->link = mm_base_modem_wait_link_port_finish (modem, res, &error); if (!ctx->link) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void setup_link_ready (MMPortMbim *mbim, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MMBaseModem) modem = NULL; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); ctx->link_name = mm_port_mbim_setup_link_finish (mbim, res, &ctx->session_id, &error); if (!ctx->link_name) { g_prefix_error (&error, "failed to create net link for device: "); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* From now on link_name will be set, and we'll use that to know * whether we should cleanup the link upon a connection failure */ mm_obj_info (self, "net link %s created (session id %u)", ctx->link_name, ctx->session_id); /* Wait for the data port with the given interface name, which will be * added asynchronously */ g_object_get (self, MM_BASE_BEARER_MODEM, &modem, NULL); g_assert (modem); mm_base_modem_wait_link_port (modem, "net", ctx->link_name, WAIT_LINK_PORT_TIMEOUT_MS, (GAsyncReadyCallback) wait_link_port_ready, task); } static void packet_service_set_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; guint32 nw_error; MbimPacketServiceState packet_service_state; MbimDataClass highest_available_data_class; guint64 uplink_speed; guint64 downlink_speed; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (response && (mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) || error->code == MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_FAILURE)) { g_autoptr(GError) inner_error = NULL; if (mbim_message_packet_service_response_parse ( response, &nw_error, &packet_service_state, &highest_available_data_class, &uplink_speed, &downlink_speed, &inner_error)) { if (nw_error) { g_clear_error (&error); error = mm_mobile_equipment_error_from_mbim_nw_error (nw_error, self); } else { g_autofree gchar *str = NULL; str = mbim_data_class_build_string_from_mask (highest_available_data_class); mm_obj_dbg (self, "packet service update:"); mm_obj_dbg (self, " state: '%s'", mbim_packet_service_state_get_string (packet_service_state)); mm_obj_dbg (self, " data class: '%s'", str); mm_obj_dbg (self, " uplink: '%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "' bps", uplink_speed); mm_obj_dbg (self, " downlink: '%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "' bps", downlink_speed); } } else { /* Prefer the error from the result to the parsing error */ if (!error) error = g_steal_pointer (&inner_error); } } if (error) { /* Don't make NoDeviceSupport errors fatal; just try to keep on the * connection sequence even with this error. */ if (g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_SUPPORT)) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "device doesn't support packet service attach"); g_error_free (error); } else { /* All other errors are fatal */ g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static gboolean load_settings_from_profile (MMBearerMbim *self, ConnectContext *ctx, MM3gppProfile *profile, MMBearerApnType default_apn_type, GError **error) { MMBearerAllowedAuth bearer_auth; MMBearerApnType apn_type; GError *inner_error = NULL; /* APN settings */ ctx->apn = g_strdup (mm_3gpp_profile_get_apn (profile)); apn_type = mm_3gpp_profile_get_apn_type (profile); if (apn_type == MM_BEARER_APN_TYPE_NONE) { if (default_apn_type == MM_BEARER_APN_TYPE_NONE) { g_set_error (error, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_FAILED, "APN type in profile is not initialized"); return FALSE; } apn_type = default_apn_type; } ctx->context_type = mm_bearer_apn_type_to_mbim_context_type (apn_type, self, &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_propagate_error (error, inner_error); return FALSE; } /* Auth settings */ ctx->user = g_strdup (mm_3gpp_profile_get_user (profile)); ctx->password = g_strdup (mm_3gpp_profile_get_password (profile)); if (!ctx->user && !ctx->password) { ctx->auth = MBIM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_NONE; } else { bearer_auth = mm_3gpp_profile_get_allowed_auth (profile); ctx->auth = mm_bearer_allowed_auth_to_mbim_auth_protocol (bearer_auth, self, &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_propagate_error (error, inner_error); return FALSE; } } /* This IP type reading is applicable only when the profile comes * from the input bearer properties, as there is no IP type stored * in the device profiles. Therefore, only read it if it hasn't been * read yet */ if (ctx->requested_ip_type == MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT) { MMBearerIpFamily ip_type; ip_type = mm_3gpp_profile_get_ip_type (profile); mm_3gpp_normalize_ip_family (&ip_type); ctx->requested_ip_type = mm_bearer_ip_family_to_mbim_context_ip_type (ip_type, &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_propagate_error (error, inner_error); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static void get_profile_ready (MMIfaceModem3gppProfileManager *modem, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MM3gppProfile) profile = NULL; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); profile = mm_iface_modem_3gpp_profile_manager_get_profile_finish (modem, res, &error); if (!profile) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } if (!load_settings_from_profile (self, ctx, profile, MM_BEARER_APN_TYPE_NONE, &error)) { g_prefix_error (&error, "Couldn't load settings from profile: "); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (task); } static void connect_context_step (GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; ConnectContext *ctx; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) message = NULL; /* If cancelled, complete */ if (g_task_return_error_if_cancelled (task)) { g_object_unref (task); return; } self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); switch (ctx->step) { case CONNECT_STEP_FIRST: ctx->step++; /* Fall through */ case CONNECT_STEP_LOAD_PROFILE_SETTINGS: if (ctx->profile_id != MM_3GPP_PROFILE_ID_UNKNOWN) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "loading connection settings from profile '%d'...", ctx->profile_id); mm_iface_modem_3gpp_profile_manager_get_profile ( MM_IFACE_MODEM_3GPP_PROFILE_MANAGER (ctx->modem), ctx->profile_id, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_profile_ready, task); return; } ctx->step++; /* Fall through */ case CONNECT_STEP_PACKET_SERVICE: mm_obj_dbg (self, "activating packet service..."); message = mbim_message_packet_service_set_new (MBIM_PACKET_SERVICE_ACTION_ATTACH, NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, 30, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)packet_service_set_ready, task); return; case CONNECT_STEP_SETUP_LINK: /* if a link prefix hint is available, it's because we should be doing * multiplexing */ if (ctx->link_prefix_hint) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "setting up new multiplexed link..."); mm_port_mbim_setup_link (ctx->mbim, ctx->data, ctx->link_prefix_hint, (GAsyncReadyCallback) setup_link_ready, task); return; } ctx->step++; /* fall through */ case CONNECT_STEP_SETUP_LINK_MASTER_UP: /* if the connection is done through a new link, we need to ifup the master interface */ if (ctx->link) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "bringing master interface %s up...", mm_port_get_device (ctx->data)); mm_port_net_link_setup (MM_PORT_NET (ctx->data), TRUE, 0, /* ignore */ g_task_get_cancellable (task), (GAsyncReadyCallback) master_interface_up_ready, task); return; } ctx->step++; /* fall through */ case CONNECT_STEP_CHECK_DISCONNECTED: mm_obj_dbg (self, "checking if session %u is disconnected...", ctx->session_id); message = mbim_message_connect_query_new ( ctx->session_id, MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN, MBIM_VOICE_CALL_STATE_NONE, MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT, mbim_uuid_from_context_type (MBIM_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET), 0, NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, 10, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)check_disconnected_ready, task); return; case CONNECT_STEP_ENSURE_DISCONNECTED: mm_obj_dbg (self, "ensuring session %u is disconnected...", ctx->session_id); message = mbim_message_connect_set_new ( ctx->session_id, MBIM_ACTIVATION_COMMAND_DEACTIVATE, "", "", "", MBIM_COMPRESSION_NONE, MBIM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_NONE, MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT, mbim_uuid_from_context_type (MBIM_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET), NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, MM_BASE_BEARER_DEFAULT_DISCONNECTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)ensure_disconnected_ready, task); return; case CONNECT_STEP_CONNECT: mm_obj_dbg (self, "launching %s connection in session %u...", mbim_context_ip_type_get_string (ctx->requested_ip_type), ctx->session_id); message = mbim_message_connect_set_new ( ctx->session_id, MBIM_ACTIVATION_COMMAND_ACTIVATE, ctx->apn ? ctx->apn : "", ctx->user ? ctx->user : "", ctx->password ? ctx->password : "", MBIM_COMPRESSION_NONE, ctx->auth, ctx->requested_ip_type, mbim_uuid_from_context_type (ctx->context_type), NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, MM_BASE_BEARER_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)connect_set_ready, task); return; case CONNECT_STEP_IP_CONFIGURATION: mm_obj_dbg (self, "querying IP configuration..."); message = mbim_message_ip_configuration_query_new ( ctx->session_id, MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_NONE, /* ipv4configurationavailable */ MBIM_IP_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE_FLAG_NONE, /* ipv6configurationavailable */ 0, /* ipv4addresscount */ NULL, /* ipv4address */ 0, /* ipv6addresscount */ NULL, /* ipv6address */ NULL, /* ipv4gateway */ NULL, /* ipv6gateway */ 0, /* ipv4dnsservercount */ NULL, /* ipv4dnsserver */ 0, /* ipv6dnsservercount */ NULL, /* ipv6dnsserver */ 0, /* ipv4mtu */ 0, /* ipv6mtu */ NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, 60, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)ip_configuration_query_ready, task); return; case CONNECT_STEP_LAST: /* Port is connected; update the state */ mm_port_set_connected (ctx->link ? ctx->link : ctx->data, TRUE); /* Keep connection related data */ g_assert (self->priv->mbim == NULL); self->priv->mbim = g_object_ref (ctx->mbim); g_assert (self->priv->data == NULL); self->priv->data = ctx->data ? g_object_ref (ctx->data) : NULL; g_assert (self->priv->link == NULL); self->priv->link = ctx->link ? g_object_ref (ctx->link) : NULL; g_assert (!self->priv->session_id); self->priv->session_id = ctx->session_id; /* reset the link name to avoid cleaning up the link on context free */ g_clear_pointer (&ctx->link_name, g_free); /* Set operation result */ g_task_return_pointer ( task, mm_bearer_connect_result_ref (ctx->connect_result), (GDestroyNotify)mm_bearer_connect_result_unref); g_object_unref (task); return; default: break; } g_assert_not_reached (); } static gboolean load_settings_from_bearer (MMBearerMbim *self, ConnectContext *ctx, MMBearerProperties *properties, GError **error) { MMBearerMultiplexSupport multiplex; gboolean multiplex_supported = TRUE; const gchar *data_port_driver; data_port_driver = mm_kernel_device_get_driver (mm_port_peek_kernel_device (ctx->data)); if (!g_strcmp0 (data_port_driver, "mhi_net")) multiplex_supported = FALSE; if (mm_kernel_device_get_wwandev_sysfs_path (mm_port_peek_kernel_device (ctx->data))) multiplex_supported = FALSE; /* If no multiplex setting given by the user, assume none */ multiplex = mm_bearer_properties_get_multiplex (properties); if (multiplex == MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_UNKNOWN) { if (mm_context_get_test_multiplex_requested ()) multiplex = MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_REQUESTED; else multiplex = MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_NONE; } if (multiplex_supported && (multiplex == MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_REQUESTED || multiplex == MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_REQUIRED)) { /* the link prefix hint given must be modem-specific */ ctx->link_prefix_hint = g_strdup_printf ("mbimmux%u.", mm_base_modem_get_dbus_id (MM_BASE_MODEM (ctx->modem))); } if (!multiplex_supported && multiplex == MM_BEARER_MULTIPLEX_SUPPORT_REQUIRED) { g_set_error (error, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "Multiplexing required but not supported by %s", data_port_driver); return FALSE; } /* If profile id is given, we'll load all settings from the stored profile, * so ignore any other setting received in the bearer properties */ ctx->profile_id = mm_bearer_properties_get_profile_id (properties); if (ctx->profile_id != MM_3GPP_PROFILE_ID_UNKNOWN) { MMBearerIpFamily ip_type; GError *inner_error = NULL; /* If we're loading settings from a profile, still read the ip-type * from the user input, as that is not stored in the profile */ ip_type = mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type (properties); mm_3gpp_normalize_ip_family (&ip_type); ctx->requested_ip_type = mm_bearer_ip_family_to_mbim_context_ip_type (ip_type, &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_propagate_error (error, inner_error); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Use the implicit profile settings in the bearer properties. * If not loading from a stored profile, initialize the APN type to 'internet' * (TYPE_DEFAULT) by default, which is what we've done until now. */ if (!load_settings_from_profile (self, ctx, mm_bearer_properties_peek_3gpp_profile (properties), MM_BEARER_APN_TYPE_DEFAULT, error)) return FALSE; /* Is this a 3GPP only modem and no APN or profile id was given? If so, error */ if (mm_iface_modem_is_3gpp_only (MM_IFACE_MODEM (ctx->modem)) && !ctx->apn) { g_set_error (error, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "3GPP connection logic requires APN or profile id setting"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void _connect (MMBaseBearer *self, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { ConnectContext *ctx; MMPort *data; MMPortMbim *mbim; GTask *task; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MMBaseModem) modem = NULL; g_autoptr(MMBearerProperties) properties = NULL; if (!peek_ports (self, &mbim, &data, callback, user_data)) return; task = g_task_new (self, cancellable, callback, user_data); g_object_get (self, MM_BASE_BEARER_MODEM, &modem, MM_BASE_BEARER_CONFIG, &properties, NULL); g_assert (modem); ctx = g_slice_new0 (ConnectContext); ctx->modem = MM_BROADBAND_MODEM_MBIM (g_object_ref (modem)); ctx->mbim = g_object_ref (mbim); ctx->data = g_object_ref (data); ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_FIRST; ctx->requested_ip_type = MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT; ctx->activated_ip_type = MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT; g_task_set_task_data (task, ctx, (GDestroyNotify)connect_context_free); if (!load_settings_from_bearer (MM_BEARER_MBIM (self), ctx, properties, &error)) { g_prefix_error (&error, "Invalid bearer properties: "); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } mm_obj_dbg (self, "launching %sconnection with data port (%s/%s)", ctx->link_prefix_hint ? "multiplexed " : "", mm_port_subsys_get_string (mm_port_get_subsys (data)), mm_port_get_device (data)); /* Run! */ connect_context_step (task); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Disconnect */ typedef enum { DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST, DISCONNECT_STEP_DISCONNECT, DISCONNECT_STEP_LAST } DisconnectStep; typedef struct { MMPortMbim *mbim; guint session_id; DisconnectStep step; } DisconnectContext; static void disconnect_context_free (DisconnectContext *ctx) { g_object_unref (ctx->mbim); g_slice_free (DisconnectContext, ctx); } static gboolean disconnect_finish (MMBaseBearer *self, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (res), error); } static void reset_bearer_connection (MMBearerMbim *self) { if (self->priv->data) { mm_port_set_connected (self->priv->data, FALSE); g_clear_object (&self->priv->data); } if (self->priv->link) { g_assert (self->priv->mbim); /* Link is disconnected; update the state */ mm_port_set_connected (self->priv->link, FALSE); mm_port_mbim_cleanup_link (self->priv->mbim, mm_port_get_device (self->priv->link), NULL, NULL); g_clear_object (&self->priv->link); } self->priv->session_id = 0; g_clear_object (&self->priv->mbim); } static void disconnect_context_step (GTask *task); static void disconnect_set_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; DisconnectContext *ctx; GError *error = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; guint32 session_id; MbimActivationState activation_state; guint32 nw_error; g_autoptr(GError) inner_error = NULL; gboolean result = FALSE; gboolean parsed_result = FALSE; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (!response) goto out; result = mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error); /* Parse the response only for the cases we need to */ if (result || g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_FAILURE) || g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_CONTEXT_NOT_ACTIVATED)) { parsed_result = mbim_message_connect_response_parse ( response, &session_id, &activation_state, NULL, /* voice_call_state */ NULL, /* ip_type */ NULL, /* context_type */ &nw_error, &inner_error); } /* Now handle different response / error cases */ if (result && parsed_result) { g_assert (!error); g_assert (!inner_error); mm_obj_dbg (self, "session ID '%u': %s", session_id, mbim_activation_state_get_string (activation_state)); /* success */ goto out; } if (g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_CONTEXT_NOT_ACTIVATED)) { if (parsed_result) mm_obj_dbg (self, "context not activated: session ID '%u' already disconnected", session_id); else mm_obj_dbg (self, "context not activated: already disconnected"); g_clear_error (&error); g_clear_error (&inner_error); /* success */ goto out; } if (g_error_matches (error, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR, MBIM_STATUS_ERROR_FAILURE) && parsed_result && nw_error != 0) { g_assert (!inner_error); g_error_free (error); error = mm_mobile_equipment_error_from_mbim_nw_error (nw_error, self); /* error out with nw_error error */ goto out; } /* Give precedence to original error over parsing error */ if (!error && inner_error) error = g_steal_pointer (&inner_error); out: if (error) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; disconnect_context_step (task); } static void disconnect_context_step (GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; DisconnectContext *ctx; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); ctx = g_task_get_task_data (task); switch (ctx->step) { case DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST: ctx->step++; /* Fall through */ case DISCONNECT_STEP_DISCONNECT: { g_autoptr(MbimMessage) message = NULL; message = mbim_message_connect_set_new ( ctx->session_id, MBIM_ACTIVATION_COMMAND_DEACTIVATE, "", "", "", MBIM_COMPRESSION_NONE, MBIM_AUTH_PROTOCOL_NONE, MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT, mbim_uuid_from_context_type (MBIM_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET), NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (ctx->mbim), message, MM_BASE_BEARER_DEFAULT_DISCONNECTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)disconnect_set_ready, task); return; } case DISCONNECT_STEP_LAST: /* Port is disconnected; update the state */ reset_bearer_connection (self); g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE); g_object_unref (task); return; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void disconnect (MMBaseBearer *_self, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { MMBearerMbim *self = MM_BEARER_MBIM (_self); DisconnectContext *ctx; GTask *task; task = g_task_new (self, NULL, callback, user_data); if ((!self->priv->data && !self->priv->link) || !self->priv->mbim) { mm_obj_dbg (self, "no need to disconnect: MBIM bearer is already disconnected"); g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE); g_object_unref (task); return; } mm_obj_dbg (self, "launching disconnection on data port (%s/%s)", mm_port_subsys_get_string (mm_port_get_subsys (self->priv->data)), mm_port_get_device (self->priv->data)); ctx = g_slice_new0 (DisconnectContext); ctx->mbim = g_object_ref (self->priv->mbim); ctx->session_id = self->priv->session_id; ctx->step = DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST; g_task_set_task_data (task, ctx, (GDestroyNotify)disconnect_context_free); /* Run! */ disconnect_context_step (task); } /*****************************************************************************/ guint32 mm_bearer_mbim_get_session_id (MMBearerMbim *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (MM_IS_BEARER_MBIM (self), 0); return self->priv->session_id; } /*****************************************************************************/ static void report_connection_status (MMBaseBearer *self, MMBearerConnectionStatus status, const GError *connection_error) { if (status == MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED) /* Cleanup all connection related data */ reset_bearer_connection (MM_BEARER_MBIM (self)); /* Chain up parent's report_connection_status() */ MM_BASE_BEARER_CLASS (mm_bearer_mbim_parent_class)->report_connection_status (self, status, connection_error); } /*****************************************************************************/ #if defined WITH_SYSTEMD_SUSPEND_RESUME static MMBearerConnectionStatus reload_connection_status_finish (MMBaseBearer *self, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { gint val; val = g_task_propagate_int (G_TASK (res), error); if (val < 0) return MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN; return (MMBearerConnectionStatus) val; } static void reload_connection_status_ready (MbimDevice *device, GAsyncResult *res, GTask *task) { MMBearerMbim *self; guint32 session_id; MbimActivationState activation_state; MMBearerConnectionStatus bearer_connection_status = MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) response = NULL; g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; self = g_task_get_source_object (task); response = mbim_device_command_finish (device, res, &error); if (!response || !mbim_message_response_get_result (response, MBIM_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND_DONE, &error) || !mbim_message_connect_response_parse ( response, &session_id, &activation_state, NULL, /* voice_call_state */ NULL, /* ip_type */ NULL, /* context_type */ NULL, /* nw_error */ &error)) { g_prefix_error (&error, "Cannot load session ID '%u' status: ", mm_bearer_mbim_get_session_id (MM_BEARER_MBIM (self))); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } mm_obj_dbg (self, "session ID '%u': %s", session_id, mbim_activation_state_get_string (activation_state)); switch (activation_state) { case MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED: case MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING: /* for the purposes of the sync operation, it's fine to map ACTIVATING * to CONNECTED, as we're really going to ignore that state in the actual * processing of the logic. */ bearer_connection_status = MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED; break; case MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_DEACTIVATING: bearer_connection_status = MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTING; break; case MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_DEACTIVATED: bearer_connection_status = MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED; break; case MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN: default: break; } if (bearer_connection_status == MM_BEARER_CONNECTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN) g_task_return_new_error (task, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_FAILED, "Cannot load session ID '%u' status", mm_bearer_mbim_get_session_id (MM_BEARER_MBIM (self))); else g_task_return_int (task, bearer_connection_status); g_object_unref (task); } static void reload_connection_status (MMBaseBearer *self, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { MMPortMbim *mbim; GTask *task = NULL; g_autoptr(MbimMessage) message = NULL; if (!peek_ports (self, &mbim, NULL, callback, user_data)) return; task = g_task_new (self, NULL, callback, user_data); message = mbim_message_connect_query_new (mm_bearer_mbim_get_session_id (MM_BEARER_MBIM (self)), MBIM_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN, MBIM_VOICE_CALL_STATE_NONE, MBIM_CONTEXT_IP_TYPE_DEFAULT, mbim_uuid_from_context_type (MBIM_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET), 0, NULL); mbim_device_command (mm_port_mbim_peek_device (mbim), message, 10, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)reload_connection_status_ready, task); } #endif /* WITH_SYSTEMD_SUSPEND_RESUME */ /*****************************************************************************/ MMBaseBearer * mm_bearer_mbim_new (MMBroadbandModemMbim *modem, MMBearerProperties *config) { MMBaseBearer *bearer; /* The Mbim bearer inherits from MMBaseBearer (so it's not a MMBroadbandBearer) * and that means that the object is not async-initable, so we just use * g_object_new() here */ bearer = g_object_new (MM_TYPE_BEARER_MBIM, MM_BASE_BEARER_MODEM, modem, MM_BASE_BEARER_CONFIG, config, NULL); /* Only export valid bearers */ mm_base_bearer_export (bearer); return bearer; } static void mm_bearer_mbim_init (MMBearerMbim *self) { /* Initialize private data */ self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, MM_TYPE_BEARER_MBIM, MMBearerMbimPrivate); } static void dispose (GObject *object) { MMBearerMbim *self = MM_BEARER_MBIM (object); reset_bearer_connection (self); G_OBJECT_CLASS (mm_bearer_mbim_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void mm_bearer_mbim_class_init (MMBearerMbimClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); MMBaseBearerClass *base_bearer_class = MM_BASE_BEARER_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (MMBearerMbimPrivate)); /* Virtual methods */ object_class->dispose = dispose; base_bearer_class->connect = _connect; base_bearer_class->connect_finish = connect_finish; base_bearer_class->disconnect = disconnect; base_bearer_class->disconnect_finish = disconnect_finish; base_bearer_class->report_connection_status = report_connection_status; base_bearer_class->reload_stats = reload_stats; base_bearer_class->reload_stats_finish = reload_stats_finish; base_bearer_class->load_connection_status = NULL; base_bearer_class->load_connection_status_finish = NULL; #if defined WITH_SYSTEMD_SUSPEND_RESUME base_bearer_class->reload_connection_status = reload_connection_status; base_bearer_class->reload_connection_status_finish = reload_connection_status_finish; #endif }