Diagnostic Log and Trace - Installation ======================================== Alexander Wenzel Instructions for installing this software ----------------------------------------- This software uses cmake as its build tool. To build and install the DLT daemon, follow these steps: - mkdir build - cd build - cmake .. - make - optional: sudo make install - optional: sudo ldconfig Compile options with default values ----------------------------------- [options="header"] |============================================================================================== | Option | Value | Comment | WITH_SYSTEMD | OFF | Set to on to run CMakeLists.txt in systemd | WITH_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG | OFF | Set to ON to use the systemd watchdog in dlt-daemon | WITH_DLT_ADAPTOR | ON | Set ton ON to build src/adaptor binaries | WITH_DLT_CONSOLE | ON | Set ton ON to build src/console binaries | WITH_DLT_SYSTEM | ON | Set ton ON to build src/systembinaries | WITH_DLT_EXAMPLES | ON | Set ton ON to build src/examplesbinaries | WITH_DLT_TESTS | ON | Set ton ON to build src/testbinaries | WITH_DLT_SHM_ENABLE | OFF | Set to OFF to use FIFO as IPC from user to daemon | WITH_CHECK_CONFIG_FILE | OFF | Set to ON to create a configure file of CheckIncludeFiles and CheckFunctionExists | WITH_DOC | OFF | Set to ON to build documentation target | WITH_TESTSCRIPTS | OFF | Set to on to run CMakeLists.txt in test scripts | WITH_GPROF | OFF | Set \-pg to compile flags | WITH_MAN | ON | Set to OFF to skip building of man pages | BUILD_SHARED_LIBS | ON | Set to OFF to build static libraries | CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | /usr/local | | CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | RelWithDebInfo | |============================================================================================== In order to change these options, you can modify this values with ccmake, do the appropriate changes in CmakeList.txt or via the commandline for cmake - Change a value with: cmake -D= - Example: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr Create Man pages ---------------- With the compile option "WITH_MAN=ON" (default value) the man pages will generated. After the call "sudo make install" (see "Compiling in Linux") they are installed at /share/man. Create doxygen documentation ---------------------------- - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON .. - make - (only DLT doc - optional )make doc - (only DLT-Filetransfer - optional )make doc-filetransfer You find the documentation know as HTML, RTF or LaTex in /build/doc - Doxygen documentation Generation of systemd unit files -------------------------------- DLT provides some example unit files for systemd, stored in /systemd. In /systemd/CMakeLists.txt you have to specify some values, e.g. the port for dlt-adaptor-udp. By default the generation of unit files with cmake is off. Please follow these steps to enable the generation: * Change into the root directory of DLT-daemon * mkdir build * cd build * cmake -DWITH_SYSTEMD=ON .. You find the parsed unit files in the PROJECT_BINARY_DIR/systemd directory. Git configuration ----------------- It is important to set the name of the user and the email of the user for all git instances on the system: ---- git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname" git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com" ---- If you are behind a proxy you have to set up the Git proxy configuration, e.g. ---- git config --global http.proxy $http_proxy ---- Checkout the code from the GENIVI Git repository. ---- git clone http://git.projects.genivi.org/dlt-daemon.git ---- Working on the code & contribution ---------------------------------- Get an overview of all branches: ---- git branch -a ---- Switch to the branch you want to work on (see versioning scheme, the master is the feature branch) and verify that it has switched. ---- git checkout git branch -a ---- Best practice is to create a local branch based on the remote branch: ---- git checkout -b ---- Start working, best practice is to commit smaller, compilable pieces during the work that makes it easier to handle later on. If you want to commit your changes, send them to the auto-dlt list, you can create a patch like this: ---- git format-patch -s ---- This creates a set of patches that are published via the mailing list. The patches will be discussed, merged & uploaded on the git.