This file describes how to invoke the Reactor client/server tests in the $WRAPPER_ROOT/tests/Reactor/{client,server} directories. These tests exercise all of the IPC_SAP communication mechanisms, the Reactor event demultiplexor, and the Service Configurator dynamic service configuration framework. To gain a deeper understanding of what is going on, you should read the, reactor-[1-3].ps, and papers available for anonymous ftp from in the ftp/gnu/C++_wrappers_doc.tar.Za[a-c] files. The key to running the Reactor client/server tests is to understand the purpose of the svc.conf file located in the $WRAPPER_ROOT/tests/Reactor/server directory. This file contains a list of services that may be dynamically configured into a the address space of a network daemon process. If you look at the example svc.conf file included in the Reactor tests you'll see that most of the entries are commented out (the comment symbol is the '#', which is an "ignore until end-of-line comment" with the same semantics as the UNIX C and Bourne shells). Before reading any further, take a look at this svc.conf file with your favorite editor or file browser. There are several types of entries in this file. The two most important are the lines beginning with the keywords "static" and "dynamic". For example, the first non-commented line says: static ACE_Service_Manager "-d -p 3911" When this line is parsed at startup time by the Service Configurator object in the ./server_test executable, it causes the pre-configured Svc_Manager object to be initialized with an "argv" argument of "-d -p 3911." This results in TCP port 3911 being created to listen connection requests from clients. To see how this works do the following: 1. Comment out all the other lines except static Svc_Manager "-d -p 3911" in the svc.conf file 2. Start up the ./server_test executable in one window, as follows: % ./server_test -d 3. Make another window on the *same* host and cd to the ../client directory 4. Run the ./remote_service_directory_test program as follows: % ./remote_service_directory_test -p 3911 -h localhost If everything has been compiled and initialized correctly, you should get the following message: Svc_Manager 3911/tcp # lists all services in the daemon This message is telling you that the Svc_Manager is currently the only service that is active within the ./server_test program. To configure and activate another service dynamically, perform the following steps: 1. *Without* shutting down the ./server_test program, edit the svc.conf file. Comment out the Svc_Manager line by adding a '#' at the front, i.e.: # static Svc_Manager "-d -p 3911" and then uncomment the second line: dynamic Remote_Brdcast Service_Object * .obj/ "-p 10001" 2. Send the SIGHUP signal to the process running the ./server_test program (use "ps -gux" on SunOS 4.x or "ps -elf" on SunOS 5.x to find the correct process id). This will cause the ./server_test program to reconfigure itself based on the new contents of the svc.conf file. After reconfiguration, you'll now have a second active service in the address space of the ./server_test daemon. To see this, rerun the remote_service_directory_test command, e.g.: % ./remote_service_directory_test -p 3911 -h localhost You should now see the following output: Svc_Manager 3911/tcp # lists all services in the daemon Remote_Brdcast 10001/udp # tests broadcasting which indicates that the remote broadcast service is now active. 3. To test the remote broadcast service, run the following program in the ../client directory: % ./broadcast_client_test -p 10001 This should cause the window running the ./server_test to display the following output: received broadcast datagram from host ---------------------------------------- testing socket broadcast service ---------------------------------------- If you want to run other tests, using other configurations, simply uncomment the appropriate lines in the svc.conf file and experiment with the corresponding test drivers in the ../client directory. All the source code is available so once you get the hang of what is happening, you might want to take a look at how it is all implemented. I think you'll be surprised at how much of the ACE framework code is reused for each different service. Moreover, writing a new service is often simply a matter of copying an existing file and filling in the behavior of some of the methods (e.g., the handle_input() method and the init() method). The paper and the paper describe the details of the Service Configurator framework.