// $Id$ #include "Options.h" #include "Multicast_Manager.h" #include "CM_Client.h" // Creates and binds a UDP socket... int CM_Client::open (short port_number) { int max_packet_size = UDP_PACKET_SIZE; Comm_Manager::sokfd_ = ACE_OS::socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (Comm_Manager::sokfd_ == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) return -1; ACE_OS::memset ((char *) &this->sin_, 0, sizeof this->sin_); this->sin_.sin_family = AF_INET; this->sin_.sin_port = htons (port_number); return 1; } int CM_Client::receive (int timeout) { FD_ZERO (&this->read_fd_); FD_SET (Comm_Manager::sokfd_, &this->read_fd_); if (timeout > 0) { this->time_out_.sec (timeout); this->time_out_.usec (0); this->top_ = &time_out_; } while (Multicast_Manager::outstanding_hosts_remain ()) { if (ACE_OS::select (Comm_Manager::sokfd_ + 1, &this->read_fd_, 0, 0, this->top_) <= 0) break; else { int sin_len = sizeof this->sin_; ssize_t n = ACE_OS::recvfrom (Comm_Manager::sokfd_, this->recv_packet_, UDP_PACKET_SIZE, 0, (sockaddr *) &this->sin_, &sin_len); if (n < 0) return -1; else { if (Options::get_opt (Options::DEBUG) != 0) { hostent *np = ACE_OS::gethostbyaddr ((char *) &this->sin_.sin_addr, sizeof this->sin_.sin_addr, AF_INET); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "receiving from server host %s (%s)\n", np->h_name, inet_ntoa (this->sin_.sin_addr))); } if (this->demux (this->recv_packet_, n) < 0) return -1; Multicast_Manager::checkoff_host (this->sin_.sin_addr); } } } for (const char *host_name; Multicast_Manager::get_next_non_responding_host (host_name); ) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s did not respond\n", host_name)); return 1; } int CM_Client::send (void) { int packet_length = 0; if (this->mux (this->send_packet_, packet_length) < 0) return -1; // Ship off the info to all the hosts. while (Multicast_Manager::get_next_host_addr (this->sin_.sin_addr) != 0) { if (Options::get_opt (Options::DEBUG) != 0) { hostent *np = ACE_OS::gethostbyaddr ((char *) &this->sin_.sin_addr, sizeof this->sin_.sin_addr, AF_INET); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "sending to server host %s (%s)\n", np->h_name, inet_ntoa (this->sin_.sin_addr))); } if (sendto (Comm_Manager::sokfd_, this->send_packet_, packet_length, 0, (sockaddr *) &this->sin_, sizeof this->sin_) < 0) return -1; } return 1; } CM_Client::CM_Client (void) : top_ (0) { } CM_Client::~CM_Client (void) { if (Options::get_opt (Options::DEBUG)) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "disposing CM_Client\n")); ACE_OS::closesocket (Comm_Manager::sokfd_); }