#ifndef guard_mock_reference_hpp #define guard_mock_reference_hpp /** * @file * * @brief Mock an object reference so we can test the sequences in * isolation. * * $Id$ * * @author Carlos O'Ryan */ #include "ace/config-all.h" #include "testing_counters.hpp" #include "tao/Basic_Types.h" TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // Forward declare the class a CORBA::release function for it. That // avoids having to introduce CORBA::Object into the tests. // Ideally the T_var and T_out types should accept mock objects // too, but that is too much to bite in the current iteration. class mock_reference; namespace CORBA { void release(mock_reference*); } class mock_stream; TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #include "tao/Objref_VarOut_T.h" TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL typedef mock_reference *mock_reference_ptr; typedef TAO_Objref_Var_T mock_reference_var; typedef TAO_Objref_Out_T mock_reference_out; /** * @class mock_reference * * @brief Implement a concrete class with the right interface for an * object reference. */ class mock_reference { public: virtual ~mock_reference(); typedef mock_reference_var _var_type; typedef mock_reference_out _out_type; static mock_reference * allocate(int id); static mock_reference * _nil(); static call_counter duplicate_calls; static mock_reference * _duplicate(mock_reference * rhs); static call_counter release_calls; static void _tao_release(mock_reference * rhs); static call_counter serialize_calls; static call_counter deserialize_calls; static call_counter marshal_calls; inline bool operator==(mock_reference const & rhs) const { return id_ == rhs.id_; } inline bool operator!=(mock_reference const & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } inline int id() const { return id_; } private: mock_reference (); inline mock_reference(int id) : id_(id) {} private: int id_; }; CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const mock_reference *); CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, mock_reference *&); namespace TAO { template<> struct Objref_Traits< mock_reference> { static mock_reference_ptr duplicate (mock_reference_ptr); static void release (mock_reference_ptr); static mock_reference_ptr nil (void); static CORBA::Boolean marshal (const mock_reference_ptr p, TAO_OutputCDR & cdr); }; } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif // guard_mock_reference_hpp