// $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // TAO/tests/Param_Test // // = FILENAME // bd_string.cpp // // = DESCRIPTION // tests bounded strings // // = AUTHORS // Carlos O'Ryan // // ============================================================================ #include "helper.h" #include "bd_string.h" ACE_RCSID(Param_Test, bd_string, "$Id$") // ************************************************************************ // Test_Bounded_String // ************************************************************************ Test_Bounded_String::Test_Bounded_String (void) : opname_ (CORBA::string_dup ("test_bounded_string")), in_ (0), inout_ (0), out_ (0), ret_ (0) { } Test_Bounded_String::~Test_Bounded_String (void) { CORBA::string_free (this->opname_); CORBA::string_free (this->in_); CORBA::string_free (this->inout_); CORBA::string_free (this->out_); CORBA::string_free (this->ret_); this->opname_ = 0; this->in_ = 0; this->inout_ = 0; this->out_ = 0; this->ret_ = 0; } const char * Test_Bounded_String::opname (void) const { return this->opname_; } void Test_Bounded_String::dii_req_invoke (CORBA::Request *req TAO_ENV_ARG_DECL) { req->add_in_arg ("s1") <<= CORBA::Any::from_string (this->in_, 128); req->add_inout_arg ("s2") <<= CORBA::Any::from_string (this->inout_, 128); req->add_out_arg ("s3") <<= CORBA::Any::from_string (this->out_, 128); // The Any arg manages its memory but this class member does not. CORBA::string_free (this->inout_); req->set_return_type (Param_Test::_tc_short_string); req->invoke (TAO_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; char *tmp; req->return_value () >>= CORBA::Any::to_string (tmp, 128); this->ret_ = CORBA::string_dup (tmp); CORBA::NamedValue_ptr arg2 = req->arguments ()->item (1 TAO_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; *arg2->value () >>= CORBA::Any::to_string (tmp, 128); this->inout_ = CORBA::string_dup (tmp); CORBA::NamedValue_ptr arg3 = req->arguments ()->item (2 TAO_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; *arg3->value () >>= CORBA::Any::to_string (tmp, 128); this->out_ = CORBA::string_dup (tmp); } int Test_Bounded_String::init_parameters (Param_Test_ptr TAO_ENV_ARG_DECL_NOT_USED) { Generator *gen = GENERATOR::instance (); // value generator // release any previously occupied values CORBA::string_free (this->in_); CORBA::string_free (this->inout_); CORBA::string_free (this->out_); CORBA::string_free (this->ret_); this->in_ = 0; this->inout_ = 0; this->out_ = 0; this->ret_ = 0; this->in_ = gen->gen_string (32); this->inout_ = CORBA::string_dup (this->in_); return 0; } int Test_Bounded_String::reset_parameters (void) { // release any previously occupied values CORBA::string_free (this->inout_); CORBA::string_free (this->out_); CORBA::string_free (this->ret_); this->inout_ = 0; this->out_ = 0; this->ret_ = 0; this->inout_ = CORBA::string_dup (this->in_); return 0; } int Test_Bounded_String::run_sii_test (Param_Test_ptr objref TAO_ENV_ARG_DECL) { ACE_TRY { CORBA::String_out str_out (this->out_); this->ret_ = objref->test_bounded_string (this->in_, this->inout_, str_out TAO_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 0; } ACE_CATCHANY { ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ACE_ANY_EXCEPTION, "Test_Bounded_String::run_sii_test\n"); } ACE_ENDTRY; return -1; } CORBA::Boolean Test_Bounded_String::check_validity (void) { CORBA::ULong len = ACE_OS::strlen (this->in_); if (!ACE_OS::strcmp (this->in_, this->out_) && !ACE_OS::strcmp (this->in_, this->ret_) && ACE_OS::strlen (this->inout_) == 2*len && !ACE_OS::strncmp (this->in_, this->inout_, len) && !ACE_OS::strncmp (this->in_, &this->inout_[len], len)) return 1; return 0; // otherwise } CORBA::Boolean Test_Bounded_String::check_validity (CORBA::Request_ptr) { // No need to retrieve anything because, for all the args and // the return, we provided the memory and we own it. return this->check_validity (); } void Test_Bounded_String::print_values (void) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\n=*=*=*=*=*=*\n" "in with len (%d) = %s\n" "inout with len (%d) = %s\n" "out with len (%d) = %s\n" "ret with len (%d) = %s\n" "\n=*=*=*=*=*=*\n", (this->in_ ? ACE_OS::strlen (this->in_):0), (this->in_ ? this->in_:""), (this->inout_ ? ACE_OS::strlen (this->inout_):0), (this->inout_ ? this->inout_:""), (this->out_ ? ACE_OS::strlen (this->out_):0), (this->out_ ? this->out_:""), (this->ret_ ? ACE_OS::strlen (this->ret_):0), (this->ret_ ? this->ret_:""))); }