This directory contains a simple file transfer test program for the Full Profile in the TAO's Audio/Video Streaming Service. This example follows the sequence of steps for using the Full Profile as outlined in the following section of the Audio/Video Streams specification: This is from Section 2.3.8, The FlowConnection: =================================================================================== - User A adds some flowendpoints to an instance of a full profile implementation of StreamEndPoint_A (myA) by calling myA->add_fep(aFEP); - User B adds some FEPs to an instance of a full profile implementation of StreamEndPoint_B (theirB). User C creates a StreamCtrl and calls aSC->bind(myA,theirB,someQoS,nilflowSpec) The bind() algorithm will find which pairs of FlowEndPoints are compatible between myA and theirB and create a FlowConnection for each pair of FlowEndPoints. Each flow connection within a stream can be individually accessed and manipulated. =================================================================================== This program can be run using UDP by default Executable Options: ------------------- server: ------- -f -> The name of the file under which the received stream data has to be stored. ftp: ---- -f --> The file to be streamed to the server. It is currently streamed at the rate of 0.5kbytes/s. -s --> flag to use SFP. This option cannot be used with -p TCP since SFP currently runs only over UDP. Running the Test: ----------------- In that order: Run the Naming Service server -f ftp -f -p