// $Id$ #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/AV_Core.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/FlowSpec_Entry.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/Transport.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/Protocol_Factory.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/UDP.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/TCP.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/RTP.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/RTCP.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/sfp.h" #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/default_resource.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_RAPI) || defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS) #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/QoS_UDP.h" #endif /* ACE_HAS_RAPI || ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS */ #if defined (ACE_HAS_SCTP) #include "orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AV/SCTP_SEQ.h" #endif // ACE_HAS_SCTP #include "tao/debug.h" #include "tao/ORB_Core.h" #include "ace/Dynamic_Service.h" //------------------------------------------------------------ // TAO_AV_Core //------------------------------------------------------------ TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_Core (void) :connector_registry_ (0), acceptor_registry_ (0) { ACE_NEW (this->connector_registry_, TAO_AV_Connector_Registry ); ACE_NEW (this->acceptor_registry_, TAO_AV_Acceptor_Registry ); } TAO_AV_Core::~TAO_AV_Core (void) { delete this->connector_registry_; delete this->acceptor_registry_; TAO_AV_TransportFactorySetItor transport_iter = this->transport_factories_.begin(); while (transport_iter != this->transport_factories_.end()) { if ((*transport_iter)->factory()->ref_count != 1) { delete (*transport_iter)->factory(); } delete (*transport_iter); transport_iter++; } TAO_AV_Flow_ProtocolFactorySetItor flow_iter = this->flow_protocol_factories_.begin(); while (flow_iter != this->flow_protocol_factories_.end()) { if ((*flow_iter)->factory()->ref_count != 1) { delete (*flow_iter)->factory(); } delete (*flow_iter); flow_iter++; } } CORBA::ORB_ptr TAO_AV_Core::orb (void) { return this->orb_.in (); } void TAO_AV_Core::orb (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) { this->orb_ = orb; } PortableServer::POA_ptr TAO_AV_Core::poa (void) { return this->poa_.in (); } void TAO_AV_Core::poa (PortableServer::POA_ptr poa) { this->poa_ = poa; } TAO_AV_Connector_Registry* TAO_AV_Core::connector_registry (void) { return this->connector_registry_; } TAO_AV_Acceptor_Registry* TAO_AV_Core::acceptor_registry (void) { return this->acceptor_registry_; } TAO_AV_TransportFactorySet * TAO_AV_Core::transport_factories (void) { return &this->transport_factories_; } TAO_AV_Flow_ProtocolFactorySet* TAO_AV_Core::flow_protocol_factories (void) { return &this->flow_protocol_factories_; } int TAO_AV_Core::stop_run (void) { this->stop_run_ = 1; return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::run (void) { this->stop_run_ = 0; while (!this->stop_run_ && this->orb_->work_pending ()) this->orb_->perform_work (); return 0; } void TAO_AV_Core::reactor (ACE_Reactor *r) { this->reactor_ = r; } ACE_Reactor * TAO_AV_Core::reactor (void) { return this->reactor_; } int TAO_AV_Core::init (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL_NOT_USED) { if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"TAO_AV_Core::init ")); this->orb_ = CORBA::ORB::_duplicate (orb); this->poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa); this->reactor (this->orb_->orb_core ()->reactor ()); this->init_transport_factories (); this->init_flow_protocol_factories (); return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows (TAO_Base_StreamEndPoint *endpoint, TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet &flow_spec_set, TAO_AV_Core::EndPoint direction, AVStreams::flowSpec &flow_spec) { if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows\n")); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet address_flow_set; TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet flow_set; TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = flow_spec_set.end (); for (TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor start = flow_spec_set.begin (); start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = (*start); switch (direction) { case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_B: { switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_IN: { entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_CONSUMER); break; } case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: { entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_PRODUCER); break; } } break; } case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_A: { switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_IN: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_PRODUCER); break; case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_CONSUMER); break; } break; } default: break; } ACE_Addr *address = entry->address (); if (address != 0) { if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "address given for flow %s\n", entry->flowname ())); address_flow_set.insert (entry); } else flow_set.insert (entry); } //End of For Loop int result = -1; switch (direction) { case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_A: if (address_flow_set.size () > 0) { result = this->acceptor_registry_->open (endpoint, this, address_flow_set); if (result < 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows::acceptor_registry::open failed\n"), -1); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = address_flow_set.end (); for (TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor start = address_flow_set.begin (); start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = (*start); switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_IN: { if (entry->handler () != 0) { //Yamuna:PLEASE CHECK THIS LATER #if defined ACE_HAS_RAPI || defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS) // For IN flows on the A side we should remove the handlers from the reactor. ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler = entry->handler ()->event_handler (); if (event_handler->reactor () != 0) { result = event_handler->reactor ()->remove_handler (event_handler, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK); if (result < 0) if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows: remove_handler failed\n")); } #endif //ACE_HAS_RAPI || ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS } } default: break; } // Now if the address_set has been changed due to the addition of a control entry we should // add that to the flow_spec_set also. if (flow_spec_set.find (entry) < 0) { // entry doesn't exist so add it. flow_spec_set.insert (entry); // size_t len = flow_spec.length (); // flow_spec.length (len+1); // flow_spec [len] = entry->entry_to_string (); } } } break; case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_B: { if (address_flow_set.size () > 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%N,%l) This connector registry is called\n")); result = this->connector_registry_->open (endpoint, this, address_flow_set); if (result == -1) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,"TAO_AV_Core::init_Forward_flows: connector_registry open failed\n"),-1); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = address_flow_set.end (); for (TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor start = address_flow_set.begin (); start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = (*start); switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: { if (entry->handler () != 0) { // @@Naga: This wont be called in the case of Full Profile. // For IN flows on the A side we should remove the handlers from the reactor. ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler = entry->handler ()->event_handler (); result = event_handler->reactor ()->remove_handler (event_handler, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK); if (result < 0) if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows: remove_handler failed\n")); } } default: break; } // Now if the address_set has been changed due to the addition of a control entry we should // add that to the flow_spec_set also. if (flow_spec_set.find (entry) < 0) { // entry doesn't exist so add it. flow_spec_set.insert (entry); } } } if (flow_set.size () > 0) { TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet tmp_flow_set (flow_set); flow_set.reset (); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = tmp_flow_set.end (); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor start = tmp_flow_set.begin (); for (; start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = *start; TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *new_entry; ACE_CString dir; if (entry->direction () == 0) dir += "IN"; else if (entry->direction () == 1) dir += "OUT"; if (entry->get_peer_addr () != 0) { ACE_NEW_RETURN (new_entry, TAO_Forward_FlowSpec_Entry (entry->flowname (), dir.c_str (), entry->format (), entry->flow_protocol_str (), entry->carrier_protocol_str (), entry->get_peer_addr (), entry->control_address ()), -1); } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (new_entry, TAO_Forward_FlowSpec_Entry (entry->flowname (), dir.c_str (), entry->format (), entry->flow_protocol_str (), entry->carrier_protocol_str (), entry->address (), entry->control_address ()), -1); } flow_set.insert (new_entry); } result = this->acceptor_registry_->open (endpoint, this, flow_set); if (result == -1) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,"TAO_AV_Core::init_Forward_flows: Acceptor_registry open failed\n"),-1); end = address_flow_set.end (); start = address_flow_set.begin (); for (; start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = (*start); switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: { if (entry->handler () != 0) { // For IN flows on the A side we should remove the handlers from the reactor. ACE_Event_Handler *event_handler = entry->handler ()->event_handler (); result = event_handler->reactor ()->remove_handler (event_handler, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK); if (result < 0) if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"TAO_AV_Core::init_forward_flows: remove_handler failed\n")); } } default: break; } // Now if the address_set has been changed due to the addition of a control entry we should // add that to the flow_spec_set also. if (flow_spec_set.find (entry) < 0) { // entry doesn't exist so add it. flow_spec_set.insert (entry); } } } AVStreams::flowSpec new_flowspec (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::ULong, flow_spec_set.size ())); int i=0; TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor connect_end = address_flow_set.end (); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor connect = address_flow_set.begin (); for (;connect != connect_end; ++connect) { ACE_Addr *local_addr; ACE_Addr *local_control_addr; local_addr = (*connect)->get_local_addr (); local_control_addr = (*connect)->get_local_control_addr (); if (local_addr != 0) { TAO_Reverse_FlowSpec_Entry entry ((*connect)->flowname (), (*connect)->direction_str (), (*connect)->format (), (*connect)->flow_protocol_str (), (*connect)->carrier_protocol_str (), local_addr, local_control_addr); /* ACE_Addr *addr; if ((addr = (*connect)->get_peer_addr ()) != 0) { entry.set_peer_addr (addr); }; */ int len = new_flowspec.length (); if (i == len) new_flowspec.length (len+1); new_flowspec [i++] = entry.entry_to_string (); if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "reverse Flow Spec Is %s\n", entry.entry_to_string ())); } } connect_end = flow_set.end (); for (connect = flow_set.begin (); connect != connect_end; ++connect) { ACE_Addr *local_addr; ACE_Addr *local_control_addr; local_addr = (*connect)->get_local_addr (); local_control_addr = (*connect)->get_local_control_addr (); if (local_addr != 0) { TAO_Reverse_FlowSpec_Entry entry ((*connect)->flowname (), (*connect)->direction_str (), (*connect)->format (), (*connect)->flow_protocol_str (), (*connect)->carrier_protocol_str (), local_addr, local_control_addr); int len = new_flowspec.length (); if (i == len) new_flowspec.length (len+1); new_flowspec [i++] = entry.entry_to_string (); } } // Change the reverse flow spec to be sent. // int index = flow_spec.length () + 1; int index = new_flowspec.length (); flow_spec.length (index); for (i = 0; i < index; i++) { flow_spec [i] = new_flowspec [i]; } } break; default: break; } return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::init_reverse_flows (TAO_Base_StreamEndPoint *endpoint, TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet &forward_flow_spec_set, TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet &reverse_flow_spec_set, TAO_AV_Core::EndPoint direction) { if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%P|%t)TAO_AV_Core::init_reverse_flows\n")); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet acceptor_flow_set; TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet connector_flow_set; TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = reverse_flow_spec_set.end (); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor start = reverse_flow_spec_set.begin (); for (;start != end; ++start) { TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *entry = (*start); ACE_Addr *address = entry->address (); switch (direction) { case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_B: { switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_IN: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_CONSUMER); break; case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_PRODUCER); break; } break; } case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_A: { switch (entry->direction ()) { case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_IN: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_PRODUCER); break; case TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_DIR_OUT: entry->role (TAO_FlowSpec_Entry::TAO_AV_CONSUMER); break; } break; } default: break; } if (address != 0) { if (this->get_acceptor (entry->flowname ())!= 0) { ACE_Addr *address = entry->address (); TAO_FlowSpec_Entry *forward_entry = this->get_flow_spec_entry (forward_flow_spec_set, entry->flowname ()); if (forward_entry != 0) forward_entry->set_peer_addr (address); } else connector_flow_set.insert (entry); } } int result = -1; switch (direction) { case TAO_AV_Core::TAO_AV_ENDPOINT_A: { result = this->connector_registry_->open (endpoint, this, connector_flow_set); } break; default: break; } if (result == -1) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,"acceptor_registry::open"),-1); return 0; } TAO_FlowSpec_Entry * TAO_AV_Core::get_flow_spec_entry (TAO_AV_FlowSpecSet &flow_spec_set, const char *flowname) { TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor end = flow_spec_set.end (); TAO_AV_FlowSpecSetItor begin = flow_spec_set.begin (); for (; begin != end; ++begin) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp ((*begin)->flowname (),flowname) == 0) return (*begin); } return 0; } TAO_AV_Acceptor* TAO_AV_Core::get_acceptor (const char *flowname) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { TAO_AV_AcceptorSetItor acceptor = this->acceptor_registry_->begin (); ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_AV_AcceptorSetItor end = this->acceptor_registry_->end (); for (;acceptor != end; ++acceptor) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp ((*acceptor)->flowname (),flowname) == 0) return *acceptor; } } ACE_CATCHANY { ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ACE_ANY_EXCEPTION, "TAO_AV_Core::get_acceptor"); } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::remove_acceptor (const char *flowname) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { TAO_AV_AcceptorSetItor acceptor = this->acceptor_registry_->begin (); ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_AV_AcceptorSetItor end = this->acceptor_registry_->end (); for (;acceptor != end; ++acceptor) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp ((*acceptor)->flowname (),flowname) == 0) { this->acceptor_registry_->close (*acceptor); return 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ACE_ANY_EXCEPTION, "TAO_AV_Core::get_acceptor"); } ACE_ENDTRY; return -1; } TAO_AV_Connector* TAO_AV_Core::get_connector (const char *flowname) { TAO_AV_ConnectorSetItor connector = this->connector_registry_->begin (); TAO_AV_ConnectorSetItor end = this->connector_registry_->end (); for (;connector != end; ++connector) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp ((*connector)->flowname (),flowname) == 0) return *connector; } return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::remove_connector (const char *flowname) { TAO_AV_ConnectorSetItor connector = this->connector_registry_->begin (); TAO_AV_ConnectorSetItor end = this->connector_registry_->end (); for (;connector != end; ++connector) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp ((*connector)->flowname (),flowname) == 0) { this->connector_registry_->close (*connector); return 0; } } return -1; } TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory * TAO_AV_Core::get_flow_protocol_factory(const char *flow_protocol) { if (flow_protocol == 0) return 0; for (TAO_AV_Flow_ProtocolFactorySetItor control_flow_factory = this->flow_protocol_factories_.begin (); control_flow_factory != this->flow_protocol_factories_.end (); ++control_flow_factory) { if ((*control_flow_factory)->factory ()->match_protocol (flow_protocol)) { return (*control_flow_factory)->factory (); } } // Not found. return 0; } TAO_AV_Transport_Factory * TAO_AV_Core::get_transport_factory(const char *transport_protocol) { if (transport_protocol == 0) return 0; for (TAO_AV_TransportFactorySetItor transport_factory = this->transport_factories_.begin (); transport_factory != this->transport_factories_.end (); ++transport_factory) { if ((*transport_factory)->factory ()->match_protocol (transport_protocol)) { return (*transport_factory)->factory (); } } // Not found. return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::load_default_transport_factories (void) { const char *udp_factory_str = "UDP_Factory"; const char *tcp_factory_str = "TCP_Factory"; TAO_AV_Transport_Factory *udp_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Transport_Item *udp_item = 0; udp_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (udp_factory_str); if (udp_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "UDP Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_factory, TAO_AV_UDP_Factory, -1); } else udp_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_item, TAO_AV_Transport_Item ("UDP_Factory"), -1); udp_item->factory (udp_factory); this->transport_factories_.insert (udp_item); TAO_AV_Transport_Factory *tcp_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Transport_Item *tcp_item = 0; tcp_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (tcp_factory_str); if (tcp_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "TCP Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (tcp_factory, TAO_AV_TCP_Factory, -1); } else tcp_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tcp_item, TAO_AV_Transport_Item ("TCP_Factory"), -1); tcp_item->factory (tcp_factory); this->transport_factories_.insert (tcp_item); #if defined (ACE_HAS_RAPI) || defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS) const char *udp_qos_factory_str = "UDP_QoS_Factory"; TAO_AV_Transport_Factory *udp_qos_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Transport_Item *udp_qos_item = 0; udp_qos_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (udp_qos_factory_str); if (udp_qos_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "UDP QoS Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_qos_factory, TAO_AV_UDP_QoS_Factory, -1); } else udp_qos_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_qos_item, TAO_AV_Transport_Item ("UDP_QoS_Factory"), -1); udp_qos_item->factory (udp_qos_factory); this->transport_factories_.insert (udp_qos_item); #endif /* ACE_HAS_RAPI || ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS */ #if defined ACE_HAS_SCTP const char *sctp_seq_factory_str = "SCTP_SEQ_Factory"; TAO_AV_Transport_Factory *sctp_seq_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Transport_Item *sctp_seq_item = 0; sctp_seq_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (sctp_seq_factory_str); if (sctp_seq_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "SCTP SEQ Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (sctp_seq_factory, TAO_AV_SCTP_SEQ_Factory, -1); } else sctp_seq_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (sctp_seq_item, TAO_AV_Transport_Item ("SCTP_SEQ_Factory"), -1); sctp_seq_item->factory (sctp_seq_factory); this->transport_factories_.insert (sctp_seq_item); #endif /* ACE_HAS_SCTP */ return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::init_transport_factories (void) { TAO_AV_TransportFactorySetItor end = this->transport_factories_.end (); TAO_AV_TransportFactorySetItor factory = this->transport_factories_.begin (); if (factory == end) { if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Loading default transport protocols\n")); this->load_default_transport_factories (); } else { for (; factory != end; factory++) { const ACE_CString &name = (*factory)->name (); if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s \n", name.c_str ())); (*factory)->factory ( ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (name.c_str ())); if ((*factory)->factory () == 0) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) Unable to load ") ACE_TEXT ("protocol <%s>, %p\n"), name.c_str (), ""), -1); } (*factory)->factory ()->ref_count = 1; if (TAO_debug_level > 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) Loaded protocol <%s>\n"), name.c_str ())); } } } return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::load_default_flow_protocol_factories (void) { const char *udp_flow = "UDP_Flow_Factory"; const char *tcp_flow = "TCP_Flow_Factory"; const char *rtp_flow = "RTP_Flow_Factory"; const char *rtcp_flow = "RTCP_Flow_Factory"; const char *sfp_flow = "SFP_Flow_Factory"; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *udp_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *udp_item = 0; udp_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (udp_flow); if (udp_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "UDP Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_flow_factory, TAO_AV_UDP_Flow_Factory, -1); } else udp_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("UDP_Flow_Factory"), -1); udp_item->factory (udp_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (udp_item); #if defined (ACE_HAS_RAPI) || defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS) const char *udp_qos_flow = "UDP_QoS_Flow_Factory"; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *udp_qos_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *udp_qos_flow_item = 0; udp_qos_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (udp_qos_flow); if (udp_qos_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "UDP QoS Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_qos_flow_factory, TAO_AV_UDP_QoS_Flow_Factory, -1); } else udp_qos_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (udp_qos_flow_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("UDP_QoS_Flow_Factory"), -1); udp_qos_flow_item->factory (udp_qos_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (udp_qos_flow_item); #endif /* defined (ACE_HAS_RAPI) || defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2_GQOS) */ #if defined ACE_HAS_SCTP const char *sctp_seq_flow = "SCTP_SEQ_Flow_Factory"; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *sctp_seq_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *sctp_seq_flow_item = 0; sctp_seq_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (sctp_seq_flow); if (sctp_seq_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "SCTP SEQ Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (sctp_seq_flow_factory, TAO_AV_SCTP_SEQ_Flow_Factory, -1); } else sctp_seq_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (sctp_seq_flow_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("SCTP_SEQ_Flow_Factory"), -1); sctp_seq_flow_item->factory (sctp_seq_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (sctp_seq_flow_item); #endif /* ACE_HAS_SCTP */ TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *tcp_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *tcp_item = 0; tcp_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (tcp_flow); if (tcp_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "TCP Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (tcp_flow_factory, TAO_AV_TCP_Flow_Factory, -1); } else tcp_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tcp_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("TCP_Flow_Factory"), -1); tcp_item->factory (tcp_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (tcp_item); TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *rtp_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *rtp_item = 0; rtp_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (rtp_flow); if (rtp_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "RTP Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (rtp_flow_factory, TAO_AV_RTP_Flow_Factory, -1); } else rtp_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (rtp_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("RTP_Flow_Factory"), -1); rtp_item->factory (rtp_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (rtp_item); TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *rtcp_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *rtcp_item = 0; rtcp_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (rtcp_flow); if (rtcp_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "RTCP Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (rtcp_flow_factory, TAO_AV_RTCP_Flow_Factory, -1); } else rtcp_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (rtcp_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("RTCP_Flow_Factory"), -1); rtcp_item->factory (rtcp_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (rtcp_item); TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Factory *sfp_flow_factory = 0; TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item *sfp_item = 0; sfp_flow_factory = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (sfp_flow); if (sfp_flow_factory == 0) { if (TAO_debug_level) ACE_ERROR ((LM_WARNING, "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository." " Using default instance.\n", "SFP Flow Factory")); ACE_NEW_RETURN (sfp_flow_factory, TAO_AV_SFP_Factory, -1); } else sfp_flow_factory->ref_count = 1; ACE_NEW_RETURN (sfp_item, TAO_AV_Flow_Protocol_Item ("SFP_Flow_Factory"), -1); sfp_item->factory (sfp_flow_factory); this->flow_protocol_factories_.insert (sfp_item); return 0; } int TAO_AV_Core::init_flow_protocol_factories (void) { TAO_AV_Flow_ProtocolFactorySetItor end = this->flow_protocol_factories_.end (); TAO_AV_Flow_ProtocolFactorySetItor factory = this->flow_protocol_factories_.begin (); if (factory == end) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Loading default flow protocol factories\n")); this->load_default_flow_protocol_factories (); } else { for (; factory != end; factory++) { const ACE_CString &name = (*factory)->name (); if (TAO_debug_level > 0) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%s \n", name.c_str ())); (*factory)->factory ( ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance (name.c_str ())); if ((*factory)->factory () == 0) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) Unable to load ") ACE_TEXT ("protocol <%s>, %p\n"), name.c_str (), ""), -1); } (*factory)->factory ()->ref_count = 1; if (TAO_debug_level > 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) Loaded protocol <%s>\n"), name.c_str ())); } } } return 0; } /* static */ int TAO_AV_Core::deactivate_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant) { // Because of reference counting, the POA will automatically delete // the servant when all pending requests on this servant are // complete. ACE_DECLARE_NEW_CORBA_ENV; ACE_TRY { PortableServer::POA_var poa = servant->_default_POA (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = poa->servant_to_id (servant ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; poa->deactivate_object (id.in () ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; } ACE_CATCHANY { ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ACE_ANY_EXCEPTION, "deactivate_servant"); return -1; } ACE_ENDTRY; ACE_CHECK_RETURN (-1); return 0; } /* static */ char * TAO_AV_Core::get_flowname (const char *flow_spec_entry_str) { ACE_CString flow_spec_entry (flow_spec_entry_str); int slash_pos = flow_spec_entry.find ('\\'); ACE_CString flow_name; if (slash_pos != flow_spec_entry.npos) flow_name = flow_spec_entry.substring (0, slash_pos); else flow_name = flow_spec_entry_str; return CORBA::string_dup (flow_name.c_str ()); } ACE_CString TAO_AV_Core::get_control_flowname(const char *flowname) { ACE_CString control_flowname; control_flowname = "c_"; control_flowname = control_flowname + flowname; return flowname; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) template class ACE_Singleton; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) #pragma instantiate ACE_Singleton #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */