$Id$ Normally, a typecode is created at compile time by the IDL compiler for each declaration in an IDL file, or at runtime by the Interface Repository. However, in some situations, such as a bridge between ORBs, a typecode may have to be created without any knowledge of the IDL and outside any Interface Repository. In such cases, the typecode creation methods of the pseudo-object CORBA::ORB are used. This program is a simple example of the use of the CORBA::ORB::create_*_tc methods. It does not require any queries to the Interface Repository (although for a more elaborate example, this may be necessary). It does, however, use IFR data types, so the program must be linked to the IFR_Client library. For examples of queries on the Interface Repository, see the tests in ACE_ROOT/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/InterfaceRepo/IFR_Test and ACE_ROOT/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/InterfaceRepo/Application_Test. These typecode creation methods make use of the functions of the same name in TypeCodeFactory (proposed, but not yet officially part of the CORBA spec). The TAO_TypeCodeFactory library is found in ACE_ROOT/TAO/tao/TypeCodeFactory, and is used by the Interface Repository as well as by CORBA::ORB::create_*_tc to create typecodes. This library may be compiled, but, to keep dependencies and footprint to a minimum, it is not linked and loaded automatically. If an application makes use of one or more of the CORBA::ORB typecode creation methods, the application must contain the line #include "/tao/TypeCodeFactory/TypeCodeFactory_Adapter_Impl.h" and link the TAO_TypeCodeFactory library. The #inlcude line will automatically load the library for linking, if it has been compiled. If this is not done, null typecode pointers will be returned from the method calls. The typecode created by the test should be identical to the one created by the IDL compiler from the included test.idl file. The test checks for this equality, and outputs an error if the two are not equal. The executable name is create_tc. It can be run either from the command line or by the Perl script run_test.pl. For more information about the TypeCodeFactory and the Interface Repository, see ACE_ROOT/TAO/docs/releasenotes/index.html.