eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # -*- perl -*- use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin"; use PerlACE::TestTarget; $status = 0; $debug_level = '0'; foreach $i (@ARGV) { if ($i eq '-debug') { $debug_level = '10'; } } my $balancer = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (1) || die "Create target 1 failed\n"; my $server = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (2) || die "Create target 2 failed\n"; my $client = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (3) || die "Create target 3 failed\n"; my $iorbase = "server.ior"; my $balancer_iorfile = $balancer->LocalFile ($iorbase); my $server_iorfile = $server->LocalFile ($iorbase); my $client_iorfile = $client->LocalFile ($iorbase); $balancer->DeleteFile($iorbase); $server->DeleteFile($iorbase); $client->DeleteFile($iorbase); $LB = $balancer->CreateProcess ("load_balancer", "-ORBdebuglevel $debug_level -o $balancer_iorfile"); $SV = $server->CreateProcess ("server", "-i file://$server_iorfile"); $CL = $client->CreateProcess ("client", "-i file://$client_iorfile -n 10"); print STDERR "\n Starting Load Balancing Server and Identity Server \n\n"; # Run the load balancing server. $balancer_status = $LB->Spawn (); if ($balancer_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: balancer returned $balancer_status\n"; exit 1; } if ($balancer->WaitForFileTimed ($iorbase, $balancer->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$balancer_iorfile>\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($balancer->GetFile ($iorbase) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot retrieve file <$balancer_iorfile>\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($server->PutFile ($iorbase) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$server_iorfile>\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($client->PutFile ($iorbase) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$client_iorfile>\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } # Run the identity server, which registers its objects with the load # balancing server. $server_status = $SV->Spawn (); if ($server_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: server returned $server_status\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } sleep ($server->ProcessStartWaitInterval()); # Run tests, i.e., run client with different command line options. print STDERR "\n Client using Round Robin Object Group (10 iterations): \n\n"; $client_status = $CL->SpawnWaitKill ($client->ProcessStartWaitInterval() + 45); if ($client_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: client returned $client_status\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); $SV->Kill (); $SV->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } print STDERR "\n Client using Random Object Group (10 iterations): \n\n"; $CL->Arguments ("-r " . $CL->Arguments ()); $client_status = $CL->SpawnWaitKill ($client->ProcessStartWaitInterval() + 45); if ($client_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: client returned $client_status\n"; $LB->Kill (); $LB->TimedWait (1); $SV->Kill (); $SV->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } $balancer_status = $LB->TerminateWaitKill ($balancer->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($balancer_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: server returned $balancer_status\n"; $status = 1; } $server_status = $SV->TerminateWaitKill ($server->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($server_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: server returned $server_status\n"; $status = 1; } $balancer->DeleteFile($iorbase); $server->DeleteFile($iorbase); $client->DeleteFile($iorbase); exit $status;