"These examples were developed by and are included in this distribution with the permission of Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) for the purpose of illustrating the usage of certain features of The ACE ORB (TAO) as described in OCI's TAO Developer's Guide. They are provided as is with no warranty, expressed or implied. Though the examples are believed to illustrate correct usage of TAO, OCI does not actively maintain them in this distribution and does not guarantee their accuracy or their suitability for any particular use. OCI does provide additional distributions of TAO and provides commercial support for TAO. Visit http://www.theaceorb.com or contact sales@ociweb.com for more information on OCI's business model with respect to TAO." --MPC-- Generate GNU Makefiles $ACE_ROOT/bin/mwc.pl -type gnuace DevGuideExamples.mwc Generate Visual C++ 7.1 Workspace and Projects %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc71 DevGuideExamples.mwc Generate Visual C++ 8 Workspace and Projects %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc8 DevGuideExamples.mwc --Windows-- * To run the release version of a test specify the following: run_test.pl -ExeSubDir Release * The BiDirectionalGIOP projects can be referenced as an example of how to use Automatic Precompiled Headers * The GettingStarted projects can be referenced as an example of how to use Manual Precompiled Headers