/* $Id$ * This code was generated by the XML Schema Compiler. * * Changes made to this code will most likely be overwritten * when the handlers are recompiled. * * If you find errors or feel that there are bugfixes to be made, * please contact the current XSC maintainer: * Will Otte */ // Fix for Borland compilers, which seem to have a broken // include. #ifdef __BORLANDC__ # include #endif #include "Basic_Deployment_Data.hpp" namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { // IdRef // IdRef:: IdRef () : regulator__ () { } IdRef:: IdRef (IdRef const& s) : href_ (s.href_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.href_) : 0), idref_ (s.idref_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.idref_) : 0), regulator__ () { if (href_.get ()) href_->container (this); if (idref_.get ()) idref_->container (this); } IdRef& IdRef:: operator= (IdRef const& s) { if (s.href_.get ()) href (*(s.href_)); else href_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); if (s.idref_.get ()) idref (*(s.idref_)); else idref_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); return *this; } // IdRef // bool IdRef:: href_p () const { return href_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& IdRef:: href () const { return *href_; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR >& IdRef:: href () { return *href_; } void IdRef:: href (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (href_.get ()) { *href_ = e; } else { href_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); href_->container (this); } } // IdRef // bool IdRef:: idref_p () const { return idref_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > const& IdRef:: idref () const { return *idref_; } ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR >& IdRef:: idref () { return *idref_; } void IdRef:: idref (::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (idref_.get ()) { *idref_ = e; } else { idref_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); idref_->container (this); } } // TCKind // TCKind::Value TCKind:: integral () const { return v_; } bool operator== (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& b) { return a.v_ == b.v_; } bool operator!= (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& b) { return a.v_ != b.v_; } TCKind:: TCKind (TCKind::Value v) : v_ (v) { } // DataType // DataType:: DataType (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& kind__) : ::XSCRT::Type (), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind (kind__)), regulator__ () { kind_->container (this); } DataType:: DataType (DataType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind (*s.kind_)), enum__ (s.enum__.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType (*s.enum__) : 0), struct__ (s.struct__.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType (*s.struct__) : 0), value_ (s.value_.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType (*s.value_) : 0), sequence_ (s.sequence_.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType (*s.sequence_) : 0), alias_ (s.alias_.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType (*s.alias_) : 0), id_ (s.id_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.id_) : 0), regulator__ () { kind_->container (this); if (enum__.get ()) enum__->container (this); if (struct__.get ()) struct__->container (this); if (value_.get ()) value_->container (this); if (sequence_.get ()) sequence_->container (this); if (alias_.get ()) alias_->container (this); if (id_.get ()) id_->container (this); } DataType& DataType:: operator= (DataType const& s) { kind (*s.kind_); if (s.enum__.get ()) enum_ (*(s.enum__)); else enum__.reset (0); if (s.struct__.get ()) struct_ (*(s.struct__)); else struct__.reset (0); if (s.value_.get ()) value (*(s.value_)); else value_.reset (0); if (s.sequence_.get ()) sequence (*(s.sequence_)); else sequence_.reset (0); if (s.alias_.get ()) alias (*(s.alias_)); else alias_.reset (0); if (s.id_.get ()) id (*(s.id_)); else id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); return *this; } // DataType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& DataType:: kind () const { return *kind_; } void DataType:: kind (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind const& e) { *kind_ = e; } // DataType // bool DataType:: enum_p () const { return enum__.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType const& DataType:: enum_ () const { return *enum__; } void DataType:: enum_ (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType const& e) { if (enum__.get ()) { *enum__ = e; } else { enum__ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType (e)); enum__->container (this); } } // DataType // bool DataType:: struct_p () const { return struct__.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType const& DataType:: struct_ () const { return *struct__; } void DataType:: struct_ (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType const& e) { if (struct__.get ()) { *struct__ = e; } else { struct__ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType (e)); struct__->container (this); } } // DataType // bool DataType:: value_p () const { return value_.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType const& DataType:: value () const { return *value_; } void DataType:: value (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType const& e) { if (value_.get ()) { *value_ = e; } else { value_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType (e)); value_->container (this); } } // DataType // bool DataType:: sequence_p () const { return sequence_.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType const& DataType:: sequence () const { return *sequence_; } void DataType:: sequence (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType const& e) { if (sequence_.get ()) { *sequence_ = e; } else { sequence_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType (e)); sequence_->container (this); } } // DataType // bool DataType:: alias_p () const { return alias_.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType const& DataType:: alias () const { return *alias_; } void DataType:: alias (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType const& e) { if (alias_.get ()) { *alias_ = e; } else { alias_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType (e)); alias_->container (this); } } // DataType // bool DataType:: id_p () const { return id_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& DataType:: id () const { return *id_; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR >& DataType:: id () { return *id_; } void DataType:: id (::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (id_.get ()) { *id_ = e; } else { id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); id_->container (this); } } // DataValue // DataValue:: DataValue () : regulator__ () { } DataValue:: DataValue (DataValue const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), short__ (s.short__), long__ (s.long__), ushort_ (s.ushort_), ulong_ (s.ulong_), float__ (s.float__), double__ (s.double__), boolean_ (s.boolean_), octet_ (s.octet_), enum__ (s.enum__), string_ (s.string_), longlong_ (s.longlong_), ulonglong_ (s.ulonglong_), longdouble_ (s.longdouble_), element_ (s.element_), member_ (s.member_), regulator__ () { } DataValue& DataValue:: operator= (DataValue const& s) { short__ = s.short__; long__ = s.long__; ushort_ = s.ushort_; ulong_ = s.ulong_; float__ = s.float__; double__ = s.double__; boolean_ = s.boolean_; octet_ = s.octet_; enum__ = s.enum__; string_ = s.string_; longlong_ = s.longlong_; ulonglong_ = s.ulonglong_; longdouble_ = s.longdouble_; element_ = s.element_; member_ = s.member_; return *this; } // DataValue // DataValue::short_iterator DataValue:: begin_short () { return short__.begin (); } DataValue::short_iterator DataValue:: end_short () { return short__.end (); } DataValue::short_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_short () const { return short__.begin (); } DataValue::short_const_iterator DataValue:: end_short () const { return short__.end (); } void DataValue:: add_short (::XMLSchema::short_ const& e) { short__.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_short(void) const { return short__.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::long_iterator DataValue:: begin_long () { return long__.begin (); } DataValue::long_iterator DataValue:: end_long () { return long__.end (); } DataValue::long_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_long () const { return long__.begin (); } DataValue::long_const_iterator DataValue:: end_long () const { return long__.end (); } void DataValue:: add_long (::XMLSchema::int_ const& e) { long__.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_long(void) const { return long__.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::ushort_iterator DataValue:: begin_ushort () { return ushort_.begin (); } DataValue::ushort_iterator DataValue:: end_ushort () { return ushort_.end (); } DataValue::ushort_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_ushort () const { return ushort_.begin (); } DataValue::ushort_const_iterator DataValue:: end_ushort () const { return ushort_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_ushort (::XMLSchema::unsignedShort const& e) { ushort_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_ushort(void) const { return ushort_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::ulong_iterator DataValue:: begin_ulong () { return ulong_.begin (); } DataValue::ulong_iterator DataValue:: end_ulong () { return ulong_.end (); } DataValue::ulong_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_ulong () const { return ulong_.begin (); } DataValue::ulong_const_iterator DataValue:: end_ulong () const { return ulong_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_ulong (::XMLSchema::unsignedInt const& e) { ulong_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_ulong(void) const { return ulong_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::float_iterator DataValue:: begin_float () { return float__.begin (); } DataValue::float_iterator DataValue:: end_float () { return float__.end (); } DataValue::float_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_float () const { return float__.begin (); } DataValue::float_const_iterator DataValue:: end_float () const { return float__.end (); } void DataValue:: add_float (::XMLSchema::float_ const& e) { float__.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_float(void) const { return float__.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::double_iterator DataValue:: begin_double () { return double__.begin (); } DataValue::double_iterator DataValue:: end_double () { return double__.end (); } DataValue::double_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_double () const { return double__.begin (); } DataValue::double_const_iterator DataValue:: end_double () const { return double__.end (); } void DataValue:: add_double (::XMLSchema::double_ const& e) { double__.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_double(void) const { return double__.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::boolean_iterator DataValue:: begin_boolean () { return boolean_.begin (); } DataValue::boolean_iterator DataValue:: end_boolean () { return boolean_.end (); } DataValue::boolean_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_boolean () const { return boolean_.begin (); } DataValue::boolean_const_iterator DataValue:: end_boolean () const { return boolean_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_boolean (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { boolean_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_boolean(void) const { return boolean_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::octet_iterator DataValue:: begin_octet () { return octet_.begin (); } DataValue::octet_iterator DataValue:: end_octet () { return octet_.end (); } DataValue::octet_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_octet () const { return octet_.begin (); } DataValue::octet_const_iterator DataValue:: end_octet () const { return octet_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_octet (::XMLSchema::unsignedByte const& e) { octet_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_octet(void) const { return octet_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::enum_iterator DataValue:: begin_enum () { return enum__.begin (); } DataValue::enum_iterator DataValue:: end_enum () { return enum__.end (); } DataValue::enum_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_enum () const { return enum__.begin (); } DataValue::enum_const_iterator DataValue:: end_enum () const { return enum__.end (); } void DataValue:: add_enum (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { enum__.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_enum(void) const { return enum__.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::string_iterator DataValue:: begin_string () { return string_.begin (); } DataValue::string_iterator DataValue:: end_string () { return string_.end (); } DataValue::string_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_string () const { return string_.begin (); } DataValue::string_const_iterator DataValue:: end_string () const { return string_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_string (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { string_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_string(void) const { return string_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::longlong_iterator DataValue:: begin_longlong () { return longlong_.begin (); } DataValue::longlong_iterator DataValue:: end_longlong () { return longlong_.end (); } DataValue::longlong_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_longlong () const { return longlong_.begin (); } DataValue::longlong_const_iterator DataValue:: end_longlong () const { return longlong_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_longlong (::XMLSchema::long_ const& e) { longlong_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_longlong(void) const { return longlong_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::ulonglong_iterator DataValue:: begin_ulonglong () { return ulonglong_.begin (); } DataValue::ulonglong_iterator DataValue:: end_ulonglong () { return ulonglong_.end (); } DataValue::ulonglong_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_ulonglong () const { return ulonglong_.begin (); } DataValue::ulonglong_const_iterator DataValue:: end_ulonglong () const { return ulonglong_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_ulonglong (::XMLSchema::unsignedLong const& e) { ulonglong_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_ulonglong(void) const { return ulonglong_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::longdouble_iterator DataValue:: begin_longdouble () { return longdouble_.begin (); } DataValue::longdouble_iterator DataValue:: end_longdouble () { return longdouble_.end (); } DataValue::longdouble_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_longdouble () const { return longdouble_.begin (); } DataValue::longdouble_const_iterator DataValue:: end_longdouble () const { return longdouble_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_longdouble (::XMLSchema::double_ const& e) { longdouble_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_longdouble(void) const { return longdouble_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::element_iterator DataValue:: begin_element () { return element_.begin (); } DataValue::element_iterator DataValue:: end_element () { return element_.end (); } DataValue::element_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_element () const { return element_.begin (); } DataValue::element_const_iterator DataValue:: end_element () const { return element_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_element (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& e) { element_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_element(void) const { return element_.size (); } // DataValue // DataValue::member_iterator DataValue:: begin_member () { return member_.begin (); } DataValue::member_iterator DataValue:: end_member () { return member_.end (); } DataValue::member_const_iterator DataValue:: begin_member () const { return member_.begin (); } DataValue::member_const_iterator DataValue:: end_member () const { return member_.end (); } void DataValue:: add_member (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::NamedValue const& e) { member_.push_back (e); } size_t DataValue:: count_member(void) const { return member_.size (); } // AliasType // AliasType:: AliasType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& typeId__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& elementType__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (typeId__)), elementType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (elementType__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); elementType_->container (this); } AliasType:: AliasType (AliasType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.typeId_)), elementType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.elementType_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); elementType_->container (this); } AliasType& AliasType:: operator= (AliasType const& s) { name (*s.name_); typeId (*s.typeId_); elementType (*s.elementType_); return *this; } // AliasType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& AliasType:: name () const { return *name_; } void AliasType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // AliasType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& AliasType:: typeId () const { return *typeId_; } void AliasType:: typeId (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *typeId_ = e; } // AliasType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& AliasType:: elementType () const { return *elementType_; } void AliasType:: elementType (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *elementType_ = e; } // EnumType // EnumType:: EnumType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& typeId__, ::std::list< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > const& member__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (typeId__)), member_ (member__), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); } EnumType:: EnumType (EnumType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.typeId_)), member_ (s.member_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); } EnumType& EnumType:: operator= (EnumType const& s) { name (*s.name_); typeId (*s.typeId_); member_ = s.member_; return *this; } // EnumType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& EnumType:: name () const { return *name_; } void EnumType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // EnumType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& EnumType:: typeId () const { return *typeId_; } void EnumType:: typeId (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *typeId_ = e; } // EnumType // EnumType::member_iterator EnumType:: begin_member () { return member_.begin (); } EnumType::member_iterator EnumType:: end_member () { return member_.end (); } EnumType::member_const_iterator EnumType:: begin_member () const { return member_.begin (); } EnumType::member_const_iterator EnumType:: end_member () const { return member_.end (); } void EnumType:: add_member (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { member_.push_back (e); } size_t EnumType:: count_member(void) const { return member_.size (); } // StructType // StructType:: StructType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& typeId__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (typeId__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); } StructType:: StructType (StructType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.typeId_)), member_ (s.member_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); } StructType& StructType:: operator= (StructType const& s) { name (*s.name_); typeId (*s.typeId_); member_ = s.member_; return *this; } // StructType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& StructType:: name () const { return *name_; } void StructType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // StructType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& StructType:: typeId () const { return *typeId_; } void StructType:: typeId (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *typeId_ = e; } // StructType // StructType::member_iterator StructType:: begin_member () { return member_.begin (); } StructType::member_iterator StructType:: end_member () { return member_.end (); } StructType::member_const_iterator StructType:: begin_member () const { return member_.begin (); } StructType::member_const_iterator StructType:: end_member () const { return member_.end (); } void StructType:: add_member (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructMemberType const& e) { member_.push_back (e); } size_t StructType:: count_member(void) const { return member_.size (); } // StructMemberType // StructMemberType:: StructMemberType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& type__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (type__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); type_->container (this); } StructMemberType:: StructMemberType (StructMemberType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.type_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); type_->container (this); } StructMemberType& StructMemberType:: operator= (StructMemberType const& s) { name (*s.name_); type (*s.type_); return *this; } // StructMemberType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& StructMemberType:: name () const { return *name_; } void StructMemberType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // StructMemberType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& StructMemberType:: type () const { return *type_; } void StructMemberType:: type (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *type_ = e; } // ValueType // ValueType:: ValueType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& typeId__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& modifier__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& baseType__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (typeId__)), modifier_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (modifier__)), baseType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (baseType__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); modifier_->container (this); baseType_->container (this); } ValueType:: ValueType (ValueType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), typeId_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.typeId_)), modifier_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.modifier_)), baseType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.baseType_)), member_ (s.member_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); typeId_->container (this); modifier_->container (this); baseType_->container (this); } ValueType& ValueType:: operator= (ValueType const& s) { name (*s.name_); typeId (*s.typeId_); modifier (*s.modifier_); baseType (*s.baseType_); member_ = s.member_; return *this; } // ValueType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ValueType:: name () const { return *name_; } void ValueType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ValueType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ValueType:: typeId () const { return *typeId_; } void ValueType:: typeId (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *typeId_ = e; } // ValueType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ValueType:: modifier () const { return *modifier_; } void ValueType:: modifier (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *modifier_ = e; } // ValueType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& ValueType:: baseType () const { return *baseType_; } void ValueType:: baseType (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *baseType_ = e; } // ValueType // ValueType::member_iterator ValueType:: begin_member () { return member_.begin (); } ValueType::member_iterator ValueType:: end_member () { return member_.end (); } ValueType::member_const_iterator ValueType:: begin_member () const { return member_.begin (); } ValueType::member_const_iterator ValueType:: end_member () const { return member_.end (); } void ValueType:: add_member (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueMemberType const& e) { member_.push_back (e); } size_t ValueType:: count_member(void) const { return member_.size (); } // ValueMemberType // ValueMemberType:: ValueMemberType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& visibility__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& type__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), visibility_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (visibility__)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (type__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); visibility_->container (this); type_->container (this); } ValueMemberType:: ValueMemberType (ValueMemberType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), visibility_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.visibility_)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.type_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); visibility_->container (this); type_->container (this); } ValueMemberType& ValueMemberType:: operator= (ValueMemberType const& s) { name (*s.name_); visibility (*s.visibility_); type (*s.type_); return *this; } // ValueMemberType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ValueMemberType:: name () const { return *name_; } void ValueMemberType:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ValueMemberType // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ValueMemberType:: visibility () const { return *visibility_; } void ValueMemberType:: visibility (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *visibility_ = e; } // ValueMemberType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& ValueMemberType:: type () const { return *type_; } void ValueMemberType:: type (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *type_ = e; } // NamedValue // NamedValue:: NamedValue (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& value__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (value__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); value_->container (this); } NamedValue:: NamedValue (NamedValue const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (*s.value_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); value_->container (this); } NamedValue& NamedValue:: operator= (NamedValue const& s) { name (*s.name_); value (*s.value_); return *this; } // NamedValue // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& NamedValue:: name () const { return *name_; } void NamedValue:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // NamedValue // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& NamedValue:: value () const { return *value_; } void NamedValue:: value (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& e) { *value_ = e; } // SequenceType // SequenceType:: SequenceType (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& elementType__) : elementType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (elementType__)), regulator__ () { elementType_->container (this); } SequenceType:: SequenceType (SequenceType const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), bound_ (s.bound_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt (*s.bound_) : 0), elementType_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.elementType_)), regulator__ () { if (bound_.get ()) bound_->container (this); elementType_->container (this); } SequenceType& SequenceType:: operator= (SequenceType const& s) { if (s.bound_.get ()) bound (*(s.bound_)); else bound_.reset (0); elementType (*s.elementType_); return *this; } // SequenceType // bool SequenceType:: bound_p () const { return bound_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt const& SequenceType:: bound () const { return *bound_; } void SequenceType:: bound (::XMLSchema::unsignedInt const& e) { if (bound_.get ()) { *bound_ = e; } else { bound_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt > (new ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt (e)); bound_->container (this); } } // SequenceType // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& SequenceType:: elementType () const { return *elementType_; } void SequenceType:: elementType (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *elementType_ = e; } // Any // Any:: Any (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& type__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& value__) : type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (type__)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (value__)), regulator__ () { type_->container (this); value_->container (this); } Any:: Any (Any const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.type_)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (*s.value_)), regulator__ () { type_->container (this); value_->container (this); } Any& Any:: operator= (Any const& s) { type (*s.type_); value (*s.value_); return *this; } // Any // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& Any:: type () const { return *type_; } void Any:: type (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *type_ = e; } // Any // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& Any:: value () const { return *value_; } void Any:: value (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue const& e) { *value_ = e; } // Property // Property:: Property (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& value__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (value__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); value_->container (this); } Property:: Property (Property const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (*s.value_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); value_->container (this); } Property& Property:: operator= (Property const& s) { name (*s.name_); value (*s.value_); return *this; } // Property // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& Property:: name () const { return *name_; } void Property:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // Property // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& Property:: value () const { return *value_; } void Property:: value (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& e) { *value_ = e; } // SatisfierPropertyKind // SatisfierPropertyKind::Value SatisfierPropertyKind:: integral () const { return v_; } bool operator== (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& b) { return a.v_ == b.v_; } bool operator!= (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& b) { return a.v_ != b.v_; } SatisfierPropertyKind:: SatisfierPropertyKind (SatisfierPropertyKind::Value v) : v_ (v) { } // SatisfierProperty // SatisfierProperty:: SatisfierProperty (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& kind__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& dynamic__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& value__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind (kind__)), dynamic_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (dynamic__)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (value__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); kind_->container (this); dynamic_->container (this); value_->container (this); } SatisfierProperty:: SatisfierProperty (SatisfierProperty const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind (*s.kind_)), dynamic_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.dynamic_)), value_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (*s.value_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); kind_->container (this); dynamic_->container (this); value_->container (this); } SatisfierProperty& SatisfierProperty:: operator= (SatisfierProperty const& s) { name (*s.name_); kind (*s.kind_); dynamic (*s.dynamic_); value (*s.value_); return *this; } // SatisfierProperty // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& SatisfierProperty:: name () const { return *name_; } void SatisfierProperty:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // SatisfierProperty // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& SatisfierProperty:: kind () const { return *kind_; } void SatisfierProperty:: kind (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind const& e) { *kind_ = e; } // SatisfierProperty // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& SatisfierProperty:: dynamic () const { return *dynamic_; } void SatisfierProperty:: dynamic (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *dynamic_ = e; } // SatisfierProperty // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& SatisfierProperty:: value () const { return *value_; } void SatisfierProperty:: value (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any const& e) { *value_ = e; } // Resource // Resource:: Resource (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::std::list< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > const& resourceType__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), resourceType_ (resourceType__), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } Resource:: Resource (Resource const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), resourceType_ (s.resourceType_), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } Resource& Resource:: operator= (Resource const& s) { name (*s.name_); resourceType_ = s.resourceType_; property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // Resource // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& Resource:: name () const { return *name_; } void Resource:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // Resource // Resource::resourceType_iterator Resource:: begin_resourceType () { return resourceType_.begin (); } Resource::resourceType_iterator Resource:: end_resourceType () { return resourceType_.end (); } Resource::resourceType_const_iterator Resource:: begin_resourceType () const { return resourceType_.begin (); } Resource::resourceType_const_iterator Resource:: end_resourceType () const { return resourceType_.end (); } void Resource:: add_resourceType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { resourceType_.push_back (e); } size_t Resource:: count_resourceType(void) const { return resourceType_.size (); } // Resource // Resource::property_iterator Resource:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } Resource::property_iterator Resource:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } Resource::property_const_iterator Resource:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } Resource::property_const_iterator Resource:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void Resource:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierProperty const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t Resource:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // Requirement // Requirement:: Requirement (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& resourceType__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : resourceType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (resourceType__)), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { resourceType_->container (this); name_->container (this); } Requirement:: Requirement (Requirement const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), resourceType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourceType_)), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { resourceType_->container (this); name_->container (this); } Requirement& Requirement:: operator= (Requirement const& s) { resourceType (*s.resourceType_); name (*s.name_); property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // Requirement // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& Requirement:: resourceType () const { return *resourceType_; } void Requirement:: resourceType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *resourceType_ = e; } // Requirement // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& Requirement:: name () const { return *name_; } void Requirement:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // Requirement // Requirement::property_iterator Requirement:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } Requirement::property_iterator Requirement:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } Requirement::property_const_iterator Requirement:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } Requirement::property_const_iterator Requirement:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void Requirement:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t Requirement:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // ResourceDeploymentDescription:: ResourceDeploymentDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& requirementName__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& resourceName__) : requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (requirementName__)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (resourceName__)), regulator__ () { requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } ResourceDeploymentDescription:: ResourceDeploymentDescription (ResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.requirementName_)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourceName_)), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } ResourceDeploymentDescription& ResourceDeploymentDescription:: operator= (ResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) { requirementName (*s.requirementName_); resourceName (*s.resourceName_); property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName () const { return *requirementName_; } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *requirementName_ = e; } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName () const { return *resourceName_; } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *resourceName_ = e; } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator ResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator ResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator ResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator ResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t ResourceDeploymentDescription:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: ArtifactDeploymentDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& node__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), node_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (node__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); node_->container (this); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: ArtifactDeploymentDescription (ArtifactDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), source_ (s.source_), node_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.node_)), location_ (s.location_), execParameter_ (s.execParameter_), deployRequirement_ (s.deployRequirement_), deployedResource_ (s.deployedResource_), id_ (s.id_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.id_) : 0), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); node_->container (this); if (id_.get ()) id_->container (this); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription& ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: operator= (ArtifactDeploymentDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); source_ = s.source_; node (*s.node_); location_ = s.location_; execParameter_ = s.execParameter_; deployRequirement_ = s.deployRequirement_; deployedResource_ = s.deployedResource_; if (s.id_.get ()) id (*(s.id_)); else id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); return *this; } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_source () { return source_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_source () { return source_.end (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_source () const { return source_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_source () const { return source_.end (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: add_source (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { source_.push_back (e); } size_t ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: count_source(void) const { return source_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: node () const { return *node_; } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: node (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *node_ = e; } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_location () { return location_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_location () { return location_.end (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_location () const { return location_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_location () const { return location_.end (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: add_location (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { location_.push_back (e); } size_t ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: count_location(void) const { return location_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_execParameter () { return execParameter_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_execParameter () { return execParameter_.end (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_execParameter () const { return execParameter_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_execParameter () const { return execParameter_.end (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: add_execParameter (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { execParameter_.push_back (e); } size_t ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: count_execParameter(void) const { return execParameter_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.end (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.end (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: add_deployRequirement (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement const& e) { deployRequirement_.push_back (e); } size_t ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: count_deployRequirement(void) const { return deployRequirement_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.end (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.begin (); } ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: end_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.end (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: add_deployedResource (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceDeploymentDescription const& e) { deployedResource_.push_back (e); } size_t ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: count_deployedResource(void) const { return deployedResource_.size (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // bool ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id_p () const { return id_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id () const { return *id_; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR >& ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id () { return *id_; } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id (::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (id_.get ()) { *id_ = e; } else { id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); id_->container (this); } } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: MonolithicDeploymentDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: MonolithicDeploymentDescription (MonolithicDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), source_ (s.source_), artifact_ (s.artifact_), execParameter_ (s.execParameter_), deployRequirement_ (s.deployRequirement_), id_ (s.id_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.id_) : 0), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); if (id_.get ()) id_->container (this); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription& MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: operator= (MonolithicDeploymentDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); source_ = s.source_; artifact_ = s.artifact_; execParameter_ = s.execParameter_; deployRequirement_ = s.deployRequirement_; if (s.id_.get ()) id (*(s.id_)); else id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); return *this; } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_source () { return source_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_source () { return source_.end (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_source () const { return source_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_source () const { return source_.end (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: add_source (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { source_.push_back (e); } size_t MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: count_source(void) const { return source_.size (); } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_artifact () { return artifact_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_artifact () { return artifact_.end (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_artifact () const { return artifact_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_artifact () const { return artifact_.end (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: add_artifact (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& e) { artifact_.push_back (e); } size_t MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: count_artifact(void) const { return artifact_.size (); } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_execParameter () { return execParameter_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_execParameter () { return execParameter_.end (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_execParameter () const { return execParameter_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_execParameter () const { return execParameter_.end (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: add_execParameter (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { execParameter_.push_back (e); } size_t MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: count_execParameter(void) const { return execParameter_.size (); } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.end (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: end_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.end (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: add_deployRequirement (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement const& e) { deployRequirement_.push_back (e); } size_t MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: count_deployRequirement(void) const { return deployRequirement_.size (); } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // bool MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id_p () const { return id_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id () const { return *id_; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR >& MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id () { return *id_; } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id (::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (id_.get ()) { *id_ = e; } else { id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); id_->container (this); } } // ResourceUsageKind // ResourceUsageKind::Value ResourceUsageKind:: integral () const { return v_; } bool operator== (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& b) { return a.v_ == b.v_; } bool operator!= (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& b) { return a.v_ != b.v_; } ResourceUsageKind:: ResourceUsageKind (ResourceUsageKind::Value v) : v_ (v) { } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& resourceUsage__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& requirementName__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& resourceName__) : resourceUsage_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind (resourceUsage__)), requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (requirementName__)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (resourceName__)), regulator__ () { resourceUsage_->container (this); requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), resourceUsage_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind (*s.resourceUsage_)), requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.requirementName_)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourceName_)), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { resourceUsage_->container (this); requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription& InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: operator= (InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) { resourceUsage (*s.resourceUsage_); requirementName (*s.requirementName_); resourceName (*s.resourceName_); property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceUsage () const { return *resourceUsage_; } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceUsage (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& e) { *resourceUsage_ = e; } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName () const { return *requirementName_; } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *requirementName_ = e; } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName () const { return *resourceName_; } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *resourceName_ = e; } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // InstanceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceDeploymentDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& node__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& source__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& implementation__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), node_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (node__)), source_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (source__)), implementation_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (implementation__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); node_->container (this); source_->container (this); implementation_->container (this); } InstanceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceDeploymentDescription (InstanceDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), node_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.node_)), source_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.source_)), implementation_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (*s.implementation_)), configProperty_ (s.configProperty_), deployedResource_ (s.deployedResource_), deployedSharedResource_ (s.deployedSharedResource_.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (*s.deployedSharedResource_) : 0), id_ (s.id_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.id_) : 0), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); node_->container (this); source_->container (this); implementation_->container (this); if (deployedSharedResource_.get ()) deployedSharedResource_->container (this); if (id_.get ()) id_->container (this); } InstanceDeploymentDescription& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: operator= (InstanceDeploymentDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); node (*s.node_); source (*s.source_); implementation (*s.implementation_); configProperty_ = s.configProperty_; deployedResource_ = s.deployedResource_; if (s.deployedSharedResource_.get ()) deployedSharedResource (*(s.deployedSharedResource_)); else deployedSharedResource_.reset (0); if (s.id_.get ()) id (*(s.id_)); else id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (0); return *this; } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: node () const { return *node_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: node (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *node_ = e; } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: source () const { return *source_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: source (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *source_ = e; } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: implementation () const { return *implementation_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: implementation (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& e) { *implementation_ = e; } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: begin_configProperty () { return configProperty_.begin (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: end_configProperty () { return configProperty_.end (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_const_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: begin_configProperty () const { return configProperty_.begin (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_const_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: end_configProperty () const { return configProperty_.end (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: add_configProperty (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { configProperty_.push_back (e); } size_t InstanceDeploymentDescription:: count_configProperty(void) const { return configProperty_.size (); } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.begin (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: end_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.end (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: begin_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.begin (); } InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator InstanceDeploymentDescription:: end_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.end (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: add_deployedResource (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription const& e) { deployedResource_.push_back (e); } size_t InstanceDeploymentDescription:: count_deployedResource(void) const { return deployedResource_.size (); } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // bool InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource_p () const { return deployedSharedResource_.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource () const { return *deployedSharedResource_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription const& e) { if (deployedSharedResource_.get ()) { *deployedSharedResource_ = e; } else { deployedSharedResource_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (e)); deployedSharedResource_->container (this); } } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // bool InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id_p () const { return id_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id () const { return *id_; } ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR >& InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id () { return *id_; } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id (::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (id_.get ()) { *id_ = e; } else { id_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); id_->container (this); } } // CCMComponentPortKind // CCMComponentPortKind::Value CCMComponentPortKind:: integral () const { return v_; } bool operator== (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& b) { return a.v_ == b.v_; } bool operator!= (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& b) { return a.v_ != b.v_; } CCMComponentPortKind:: CCMComponentPortKind (CCMComponentPortKind::Value v) : v_ (v) { } // ComponentPortDescription // ComponentPortDescription:: ComponentPortDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& provider__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& exclusiveProvider__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& exclusiveUser__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& optional__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& kind__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), provider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (provider__)), exclusiveProvider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (exclusiveProvider__)), exclusiveUser_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (exclusiveUser__)), optional_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (optional__)), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (kind__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); provider_->container (this); exclusiveProvider_->container (this); exclusiveUser_->container (this); optional_->container (this); kind_->container (this); } ComponentPortDescription:: ComponentPortDescription (ComponentPortDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), specificType_ (s.specificType_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.specificType_) : 0), supportedType_ (s.supportedType_), provider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.provider_)), exclusiveProvider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.exclusiveProvider_)), exclusiveUser_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.exclusiveUser_)), optional_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.optional_)), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (*s.kind_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); if (specificType_.get ()) specificType_->container (this); provider_->container (this); exclusiveProvider_->container (this); exclusiveUser_->container (this); optional_->container (this); kind_->container (this); } ComponentPortDescription& ComponentPortDescription:: operator= (ComponentPortDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); if (s.specificType_.get ()) specificType (*(s.specificType_)); else specificType_.reset (0); supportedType_ = s.supportedType_; provider (*s.provider_); exclusiveProvider (*s.exclusiveProvider_); exclusiveUser (*s.exclusiveUser_); optional (*s.optional_); kind (*s.kind_); return *this; } // ComponentPortDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ComponentPortDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ComponentPortDescription // bool ComponentPortDescription:: specificType_p () const { return specificType_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ComponentPortDescription:: specificType () const { return *specificType_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (specificType_.get ()) { *specificType_ = e; } else { specificType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); specificType_->container (this); } } // ComponentPortDescription // ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_iterator ComponentPortDescription:: begin_supportedType () { return supportedType_.begin (); } ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_iterator ComponentPortDescription:: end_supportedType () { return supportedType_.end (); } ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_const_iterator ComponentPortDescription:: begin_supportedType () const { return supportedType_.begin (); } ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_const_iterator ComponentPortDescription:: end_supportedType () const { return supportedType_.end (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: add_supportedType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { supportedType_.push_back (e); } size_t ComponentPortDescription:: count_supportedType(void) const { return supportedType_.size (); } // ComponentPortDescription // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& ComponentPortDescription:: provider () const { return *provider_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: provider (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *provider_ = e; } // ComponentPortDescription // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveProvider () const { return *exclusiveProvider_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveProvider (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *exclusiveProvider_ = e; } // ComponentPortDescription // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveUser () const { return *exclusiveUser_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveUser (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *exclusiveUser_ = e; } // ComponentPortDescription // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& ComponentPortDescription:: optional () const { return *optional_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: optional (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *optional_ = e; } // ComponentPortDescription // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& ComponentPortDescription:: kind () const { return *kind_; } void ComponentPortDescription:: kind (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& e) { *kind_ = e; } // ComponentPropertyDescription // ComponentPropertyDescription:: ComponentPropertyDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& type__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (type__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); type_->container (this); } ComponentPropertyDescription:: ComponentPropertyDescription (ComponentPropertyDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), type_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (*s.type_)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); type_->container (this); } ComponentPropertyDescription& ComponentPropertyDescription:: operator= (ComponentPropertyDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); type (*s.type_); return *this; } // ComponentPropertyDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ComponentPropertyDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ComponentPropertyDescription // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& ComponentPropertyDescription:: type () const { return *type_; } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: type (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType const& e) { *type_ = e; } // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: ComponentExternalPortEndpoint (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& portName__) : portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (portName__)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); } ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: ComponentExternalPortEndpoint (ComponentExternalPortEndpoint const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.portName_)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); } ComponentExternalPortEndpoint& ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: operator= (ComponentExternalPortEndpoint const& s) { portName (*s.portName_); return *this; } // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: portName () const { return *portName_; } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: portName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *portName_ = e; } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& portName__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& kind__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& instance__) : portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (portName__)), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (kind__)), instance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (instance__)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); kind_->container (this); instance_->container (this); } PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint (PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.portName_)), provider_ (s.provider_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.provider_) : 0), kind_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (*s.kind_)), instance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (*s.instance_)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); if (provider_.get ()) provider_->container (this); kind_->container (this); instance_->container (this); } PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint& PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: operator= (PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint const& s) { portName (*s.portName_); if (s.provider_.get ()) provider (*(s.provider_)); else provider_.reset (0); kind (*s.kind_); instance (*s.instance_); return *this; } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName () const { return *portName_; } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *portName_ = e; } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // bool PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider_p () const { return provider_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider () const { return *provider_; } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (provider_.get ()) { *provider_ = e; } else { provider_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); provider_->container (this); } } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: kind () const { return *kind_; } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: kind (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind const& e) { *kind_ = e; } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance () const { return *instance_; } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& e) { *instance_ = e; } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: ExternalReferenceEndpoint (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& location__, ::XMLSchema::boolean const& provider__) : location_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (location__)), provider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (provider__)), regulator__ () { location_->container (this); provider_->container (this); } ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: ExternalReferenceEndpoint (ExternalReferenceEndpoint const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), location_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.location_)), provider_ (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (*s.provider_)), portName_ (s.portName_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.portName_) : 0), supportedType_ (s.supportedType_), regulator__ () { location_->container (this); provider_->container (this); if (portName_.get ()) portName_->container (this); } ExternalReferenceEndpoint& ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: operator= (ExternalReferenceEndpoint const& s) { location (*s.location_); provider (*s.provider_); if (s.portName_.get ()) portName (*(s.portName_)); else portName_.reset (0); supportedType_ = s.supportedType_; return *this; } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: location () const { return *location_; } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: location (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *location_ = e; } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // ::XMLSchema::boolean const& ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: provider () const { return *provider_; } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: provider (::XMLSchema::boolean const& e) { *provider_ = e; } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // bool ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName_p () const { return portName_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName () const { return *portName_; } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (portName_.get ()) { *portName_ = e; } else { portName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); portName_->container (this); } } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_iterator ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: begin_supportedType () { return supportedType_.begin (); } ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_iterator ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: end_supportedType () { return supportedType_.end (); } ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_const_iterator ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: begin_supportedType () const { return supportedType_.begin (); } ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_const_iterator ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: end_supportedType () const { return supportedType_.end (); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: add_supportedType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { supportedType_.push_back (e); } size_t ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: count_supportedType(void) const { return supportedType_.size (); } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& targetName__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& requirementName__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& resourceName__) : targetName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (targetName__)), requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (requirementName__)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (resourceName__)), regulator__ () { targetName_->container (this); requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription (ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), targetName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.targetName_)), requirementName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.requirementName_)), resourceName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourceName_)), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { targetName_->container (this); requirementName_->container (this); resourceName_->container (this); } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription& ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: operator= (ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription const& s) { targetName (*s.targetName_); requirementName (*s.requirementName_); resourceName (*s.resourceName_); property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: targetName () const { return *targetName_; } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: targetName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *targetName_ = e; } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName () const { return *requirementName_; } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *requirementName_ = e; } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName () const { return *resourceName_; } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *resourceName_ = e; } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription:: PlanConnectionDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } PlanConnectionDescription:: PlanConnectionDescription (PlanConnectionDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), source_ (s.source_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.source_) : 0), deployRequirement_ (s.deployRequirement_), externalEndpoint_ (s.externalEndpoint_), internalEndpoint_ (s.internalEndpoint_), externalReference_ (s.externalReference_), deployedResource_ (s.deployedResource_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); if (source_.get ()) source_->container (this); } PlanConnectionDescription& PlanConnectionDescription:: operator= (PlanConnectionDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); if (s.source_.get ()) source (*(s.source_)); else source_.reset (0); deployRequirement_ = s.deployRequirement_; externalEndpoint_ = s.externalEndpoint_; internalEndpoint_ = s.internalEndpoint_; externalReference_ = s.externalReference_; deployedResource_ = s.deployedResource_; return *this; } // PlanConnectionDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& PlanConnectionDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void PlanConnectionDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // PlanConnectionDescription // bool PlanConnectionDescription:: source_p () const { return source_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& PlanConnectionDescription:: source () const { return *source_; } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (source_.get ()) { *source_ = e; } else { source_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); source_->container (this); } } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.end (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.end (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: add_deployRequirement (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement const& e) { deployRequirement_.push_back (e); } size_t PlanConnectionDescription:: count_deployRequirement(void) const { return deployRequirement_.size (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_externalEndpoint () { return externalEndpoint_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_externalEndpoint () { return externalEndpoint_.end (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_externalEndpoint () const { return externalEndpoint_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_externalEndpoint () const { return externalEndpoint_.end (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: add_externalEndpoint (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint const& e) { externalEndpoint_.push_back (e); } size_t PlanConnectionDescription:: count_externalEndpoint(void) const { return externalEndpoint_.size (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_internalEndpoint () { return internalEndpoint_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_internalEndpoint () { return internalEndpoint_.end (); } PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_internalEndpoint () const { return internalEndpoint_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_internalEndpoint () const { return internalEndpoint_.end (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: add_internalEndpoint (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint const& e) { internalEndpoint_.push_back (e); } size_t PlanConnectionDescription:: count_internalEndpoint(void) const { return internalEndpoint_.size (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_externalReference () { return externalReference_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_externalReference () { return externalReference_.end (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_externalReference () const { return externalReference_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_externalReference () const { return externalReference_.end (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: add_externalReference (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint const& e) { externalReference_.push_back (e); } size_t PlanConnectionDescription:: count_externalReference(void) const { return externalReference_.size (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_deployedResource () { return deployedResource_.end (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: begin_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.begin (); } PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator PlanConnectionDescription:: end_deployedResource () const { return deployedResource_.end (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: add_deployedResource (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription const& e) { deployedResource_.push_back (e); } size_t PlanConnectionDescription:: count_deployedResource(void) const { return deployedResource_.size (); } // ImplementationDependency // ImplementationDependency:: ImplementationDependency (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& requiredType__) : requiredType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (requiredType__)), regulator__ () { requiredType_->container (this); } ImplementationDependency:: ImplementationDependency (ImplementationDependency const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), requiredType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.requiredType_)), regulator__ () { requiredType_->container (this); } ImplementationDependency& ImplementationDependency:: operator= (ImplementationDependency const& s) { requiredType (*s.requiredType_); return *this; } // ImplementationDependency // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ImplementationDependency:: requiredType () const { return *requiredType_; } void ImplementationDependency:: requiredType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *requiredType_ = e; } // Capability // Capability:: Capability (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } Capability:: Capability (Capability const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), resourceType_ (s.resourceType_), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } Capability& Capability:: operator= (Capability const& s) { name (*s.name_); resourceType_ = s.resourceType_; property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // Capability // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& Capability:: name () const { return *name_; } void Capability:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // Capability // Capability::resourceType_iterator Capability:: begin_resourceType () { return resourceType_.begin (); } Capability::resourceType_iterator Capability:: end_resourceType () { return resourceType_.end (); } Capability::resourceType_const_iterator Capability:: begin_resourceType () const { return resourceType_.begin (); } Capability::resourceType_const_iterator Capability:: end_resourceType () const { return resourceType_.end (); } void Capability:: add_resourceType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { resourceType_.push_back (e); } size_t Capability:: count_resourceType(void) const { return resourceType_.size (); } // Capability // Capability::property_iterator Capability:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } Capability::property_iterator Capability:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } Capability::property_const_iterator Capability:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } Capability::property_const_iterator Capability:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void Capability:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierProperty const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t Capability:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // ImplementationRequirement // ImplementationRequirement:: ImplementationRequirement (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& resourceType__, ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : resourceType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (resourceType__)), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { resourceType_->container (this); name_->container (this); } ImplementationRequirement:: ImplementationRequirement (ImplementationRequirement const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), resourceUsage_ (s.resourceUsage_.get () ? new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind (*s.resourceUsage_) : 0), resourcePort_ (s.resourcePort_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourcePort_) : 0), componentPort_ (s.componentPort_.get () ? new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.componentPort_) : 0), resourceType_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.resourceType_)), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), property_ (s.property_), regulator__ () { if (resourceUsage_.get ()) resourceUsage_->container (this); if (resourcePort_.get ()) resourcePort_->container (this); if (componentPort_.get ()) componentPort_->container (this); resourceType_->container (this); name_->container (this); } ImplementationRequirement& ImplementationRequirement:: operator= (ImplementationRequirement const& s) { if (s.resourceUsage_.get ()) resourceUsage (*(s.resourceUsage_)); else resourceUsage_.reset (0); if (s.resourcePort_.get ()) resourcePort (*(s.resourcePort_)); else resourcePort_.reset (0); if (s.componentPort_.get ()) componentPort (*(s.componentPort_)); else componentPort_.reset (0); resourceType (*s.resourceType_); name (*s.name_); property_ = s.property_; return *this; } // ImplementationRequirement // bool ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage_p () const { return resourceUsage_.get () != 0; } ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage () const { return *resourceUsage_; } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind const& e) { if (resourceUsage_.get ()) { *resourceUsage_ = e; } else { resourceUsage_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind (e)); resourceUsage_->container (this); } } // ImplementationRequirement // bool ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort_p () const { return resourcePort_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort () const { return *resourcePort_; } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (resourcePort_.get ()) { *resourcePort_ = e; } else { resourcePort_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourcePort_->container (this); } } // ImplementationRequirement // bool ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort_p () const { return componentPort_.get () != 0; } ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort () const { return *componentPort_; } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { if (componentPort_.get ()) { *componentPort_ = e; } else { componentPort_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); componentPort_->container (this); } } // ImplementationRequirement // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ImplementationRequirement:: resourceType () const { return *resourceType_; } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceType (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *resourceType_ = e; } // ImplementationRequirement // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& ImplementationRequirement:: name () const { return *name_; } void ImplementationRequirement:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // ImplementationRequirement // ImplementationRequirement::property_iterator ImplementationRequirement:: begin_property () { return property_.begin (); } ImplementationRequirement::property_iterator ImplementationRequirement:: end_property () { return property_.end (); } ImplementationRequirement::property_const_iterator ImplementationRequirement:: begin_property () const { return property_.begin (); } ImplementationRequirement::property_const_iterator ImplementationRequirement:: end_property () const { return property_.end (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: add_property (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property const& e) { property_.push_back (e); } size_t ImplementationRequirement:: count_property(void) const { return property_.size (); } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: SubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& portName__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& instance__) : portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (portName__)), instance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (instance__)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); instance_->container (this); } SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: SubcomponentPortEndpoint (SubcomponentPortEndpoint const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), portName_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.portName_)), instance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (*s.instance_)), regulator__ () { portName_->container (this); instance_->container (this); } SubcomponentPortEndpoint& SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: operator= (SubcomponentPortEndpoint const& s) { portName (*s.portName_); instance (*s.instance_); return *this; } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName () const { return *portName_; } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *portName_ = e; } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance () const { return *instance_; } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& e) { *instance_ = e; } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription:: AssemblyConnectionDescription (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& name__) : name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (name__)), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } AssemblyConnectionDescription:: AssemblyConnectionDescription (AssemblyConnectionDescription const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), name_ (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (*s.name_)), deployRequirement_ (s.deployRequirement_), internalEndpoint_ (s.internalEndpoint_), externalEndpoint_ (s.externalEndpoint_), externalReference_ (s.externalReference_), regulator__ () { name_->container (this); } AssemblyConnectionDescription& AssemblyConnectionDescription:: operator= (AssemblyConnectionDescription const& s) { name (*s.name_); deployRequirement_ = s.deployRequirement_; internalEndpoint_ = s.internalEndpoint_; externalEndpoint_ = s.externalEndpoint_; externalReference_ = s.externalReference_; return *this; } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& AssemblyConnectionDescription:: name () const { return *name_; } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: name (::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) { *name_ = e; } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_deployRequirement () { return deployRequirement_.end (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_deployRequirement () const { return deployRequirement_.end (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: add_deployRequirement (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement const& e) { deployRequirement_.push_back (e); } size_t AssemblyConnectionDescription:: count_deployRequirement(void) const { return deployRequirement_.size (); } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_internalEndpoint () { return internalEndpoint_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_internalEndpoint () { return internalEndpoint_.end (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_internalEndpoint () const { return internalEndpoint_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_internalEndpoint () const { return internalEndpoint_.end (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: add_internalEndpoint (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SubcomponentPortEndpoint const& e) { internalEndpoint_.push_back (e); } size_t AssemblyConnectionDescription:: count_internalEndpoint(void) const { return internalEndpoint_.size (); } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_externalEndpoint () { return externalEndpoint_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_externalEndpoint () { return externalEndpoint_.end (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_externalEndpoint () const { return externalEndpoint_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_externalEndpoint () const { return externalEndpoint_.end (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: add_externalEndpoint (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint const& e) { externalEndpoint_.push_back (e); } size_t AssemblyConnectionDescription:: count_externalEndpoint(void) const { return externalEndpoint_.size (); } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_externalReference () { return externalReference_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_externalReference () { return externalReference_.end (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: begin_externalReference () const { return externalReference_.begin (); } AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator AssemblyConnectionDescription:: end_externalReference () const { return externalReference_.end (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: add_externalReference (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint const& e) { externalReference_.push_back (e); } size_t AssemblyConnectionDescription:: count_externalReference(void) const { return externalReference_.size (); } // PlanLocalityKind // PlanLocalityKind::Value PlanLocalityKind:: integral () const { return v_; } bool operator== (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& b) { return a.v_ == b.v_; } bool operator!= (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& a, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& b) { return a.v_ != b.v_; } PlanLocalityKind:: PlanLocalityKind (PlanLocalityKind::Value v) : v_ (v) { } // PlanLocality // PlanLocality:: PlanLocality (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& constraint__, ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& constrainedInstance__) : constraint_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind (constraint__)), constrainedInstance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (constrainedInstance__)), regulator__ () { constraint_->container (this); constrainedInstance_->container (this); } PlanLocality:: PlanLocality (PlanLocality const& s) : ::XSCRT::Type (), constraint_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind (*s.constraint_)), constrainedInstance_ (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (*s.constrainedInstance_)), regulator__ () { constraint_->container (this); constrainedInstance_->container (this); } PlanLocality& PlanLocality:: operator= (PlanLocality const& s) { constraint (*s.constraint_); constrainedInstance (*s.constrainedInstance_); return *this; } // PlanLocality // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& PlanLocality:: constraint () const { return *constraint_; } void PlanLocality:: constraint (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind const& e) { *constraint_ = e; } // PlanLocality // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& PlanLocality:: constrainedInstance () const { return *constrainedInstance_; } void PlanLocality:: constrainedInstance (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef const& e) { *constrainedInstance_ = e; } } } namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { // IdRef // IdRef:: IdRef (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a (p.next_attribute ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (a.name ())); if (n == "href") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); href (t); } else if (n == "idref") { ::XMLSchema::IDREF< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); idref (t); } else { } } } // TCKind // TCKind:: TCKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) : ::XSCRT::Type (e) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (e.value ()); if (v == "tk_null") v_ = tk_null_l; else if (v == "tk_void") v_ = tk_void_l; else if (v == "tk_short") v_ = tk_short_l; else if (v == "tk_long") v_ = tk_long_l; else if (v == "tk_ushort") v_ = tk_ushort_l; else if (v == "tk_ulong") v_ = tk_ulong_l; else if (v == "tk_float") v_ = tk_float_l; else if (v == "tk_double") v_ = tk_double_l; else if (v == "tk_boolean") v_ = tk_boolean_l; else if (v == "tk_char") v_ = tk_char_l; else if (v == "tk_octet") v_ = tk_octet_l; else if (v == "tk_any") v_ = tk_any_l; else if (v == "tk_TypeCode") v_ = tk_TypeCode_l; else if (v == "tk_Principal") v_ = tk_Principal_l; else if (v == "tk_objref") v_ = tk_objref_l; else if (v == "tk_struct") v_ = tk_struct_l; else if (v == "tk_union") v_ = tk_union_l; else if (v == "tk_enum") v_ = tk_enum_l; else if (v == "tk_string") v_ = tk_string_l; else if (v == "tk_sequence") v_ = tk_sequence_l; else if (v == "tk_array") v_ = tk_array_l; else if (v == "tk_alias") v_ = tk_alias_l; else if (v == "tk_except") v_ = tk_except_l; else if (v == "tk_longlong") v_ = tk_longlong_l; else if (v == "tk_ulonglong") v_ = tk_ulonglong_l; else if (v == "tk_longdouble") v_ = tk_longdouble_l; else if (v == "tk_wchar") v_ = tk_wchar_l; else if (v == "tk_wstring") v_ = tk_wstring_l; else if (v == "tk_wfixed") v_ = tk_wfixed_l; else if (v == "tk_value") v_ = tk_value_l; else if (v == "tk_value_box") v_ = tk_value_box_l; else if (v == "tk_native") v_ = tk_native_l; else if (v == "tk_abstract_interface") v_ = tk_abstract_interface_l; else if (v == "tk_local_interface") v_ = tk_local_interface_l; else if (v == "tk_component") v_ = tk_component_l; else if (v == "tk_home") v_ = tk_home_l; else if (v == "tk_event") v_ = tk_event_l; else { } } TCKind:: TCKind (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > const& a) : ::XSCRT::Type (a) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (a.value ()); if (v == "tk_null") v_ = tk_null_l; else if (v == "tk_void") v_ = tk_void_l; else if (v == "tk_short") v_ = tk_short_l; else if (v == "tk_long") v_ = tk_long_l; else if (v == "tk_ushort") v_ = tk_ushort_l; else if (v == "tk_ulong") v_ = tk_ulong_l; else if (v == "tk_float") v_ = tk_float_l; else if (v == "tk_double") v_ = tk_double_l; else if (v == "tk_boolean") v_ = tk_boolean_l; else if (v == "tk_char") v_ = tk_char_l; else if (v == "tk_octet") v_ = tk_octet_l; else if (v == "tk_any") v_ = tk_any_l; else if (v == "tk_TypeCode") v_ = tk_TypeCode_l; else if (v == "tk_Principal") v_ = tk_Principal_l; else if (v == "tk_objref") v_ = tk_objref_l; else if (v == "tk_struct") v_ = tk_struct_l; else if (v == "tk_union") v_ = tk_union_l; else if (v == "tk_enum") v_ = tk_enum_l; else if (v == "tk_string") v_ = tk_string_l; else if (v == "tk_sequence") v_ = tk_sequence_l; else if (v == "tk_array") v_ = tk_array_l; else if (v == "tk_alias") v_ = tk_alias_l; else if (v == "tk_except") v_ = tk_except_l; else if (v == "tk_longlong") v_ = tk_longlong_l; else if (v == "tk_ulonglong") v_ = tk_ulonglong_l; else if (v == "tk_longdouble") v_ = tk_longdouble_l; else if (v == "tk_wchar") v_ = tk_wchar_l; else if (v == "tk_wstring") v_ = tk_wstring_l; else if (v == "tk_wfixed") v_ = tk_wfixed_l; else if (v == "tk_value") v_ = tk_value_l; else if (v == "tk_value_box") v_ = tk_value_box_l; else if (v == "tk_native") v_ = tk_native_l; else if (v == "tk_abstract_interface") v_ = tk_abstract_interface_l; else if (v == "tk_local_interface") v_ = tk_local_interface_l; else if (v == "tk_component") v_ = tk_component_l; else if (v == "tk_home") v_ = tk_home_l; else if (v == "tk_event") v_ = tk_event_l; else { } } TCKind const TCKind::tk_null (TCKind::tk_null_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_void (TCKind::tk_void_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_short (TCKind::tk_short_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_long (TCKind::tk_long_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_ushort (TCKind::tk_ushort_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_ulong (TCKind::tk_ulong_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_float (TCKind::tk_float_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_double (TCKind::tk_double_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_boolean (TCKind::tk_boolean_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_char (TCKind::tk_char_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_octet (TCKind::tk_octet_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_any (TCKind::tk_any_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_TypeCode (TCKind::tk_TypeCode_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_Principal (TCKind::tk_Principal_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_objref (TCKind::tk_objref_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_struct (TCKind::tk_struct_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_union (TCKind::tk_union_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_enum (TCKind::tk_enum_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_string (TCKind::tk_string_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_sequence (TCKind::tk_sequence_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_array (TCKind::tk_array_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_alias (TCKind::tk_alias_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_except (TCKind::tk_except_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_longlong (TCKind::tk_longlong_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_ulonglong (TCKind::tk_ulonglong_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_longdouble (TCKind::tk_longdouble_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_wchar (TCKind::tk_wchar_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_wstring (TCKind::tk_wstring_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_wfixed (TCKind::tk_wfixed_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_value (TCKind::tk_value_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_value_box (TCKind::tk_value_box_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_native (TCKind::tk_native_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_abstract_interface (TCKind::tk_abstract_interface_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_local_interface (TCKind::tk_local_interface_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_component (TCKind::tk_component_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_home (TCKind::tk_home_l); TCKind const TCKind::tk_event (TCKind::tk_event_l); // DataType // DataType:: DataType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "kind") { kind_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind (e)); kind_->container (this); } else if (n == "enum") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType t (e); enum_ (t); } else if (n == "struct") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType t (e); struct_ (t); } else if (n == "value") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType t (e); value (t); } else if (n == "sequence") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType t (e); sequence (t); } else if (n == "alias") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType t (e); alias (t); } else { } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a (p.next_attribute ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (a.name ())); if (n == "id") { ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); id (t); } else { } } } // DataValue // DataValue:: DataValue (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "short") { ::XMLSchema::short_ t (e); add_short (t); } else if (n == "long") { ::XMLSchema::int_ t (e); add_long (t); } else if (n == "ushort") { ::XMLSchema::unsignedShort t (e); add_ushort (t); } else if (n == "ulong") { ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt t (e); add_ulong (t); } else if (n == "float") { ::XMLSchema::float_ t (e); add_float (t); } else if (n == "double") { ::XMLSchema::double_ t (e); add_double (t); } else if (n == "boolean") { ::XMLSchema::boolean t (e); add_boolean (t); } else if (n == "octet") { ::XMLSchema::unsignedByte t (e); add_octet (t); } else if (n == "enum") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_enum (t); } else if (n == "string") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_string (t); } else if (n == "longlong") { ::XMLSchema::long_ t (e); add_longlong (t); } else if (n == "ulonglong") { ::XMLSchema::unsignedLong t (e); add_ulonglong (t); } else if (n == "longdouble") { ::XMLSchema::double_ t (e); add_longdouble (t); } else if (n == "element") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue t (e); add_element (t); } else if (n == "member") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::NamedValue t (e); add_member (t); } else { } } } // AliasType // AliasType:: AliasType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "typeId") { typeId_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); typeId_->container (this); } else if (n == "elementType") { elementType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); elementType_->container (this); } else { } } } // EnumType // EnumType:: EnumType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "typeId") { typeId_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); typeId_->container (this); } else if (n == "member") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_member (t); } else { } } } // StructType // StructType:: StructType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "typeId") { typeId_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); typeId_->container (this); } else if (n == "member") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructMemberType t (e); add_member (t); } else { } } } // StructMemberType // StructMemberType:: StructMemberType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "type") { type_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); type_->container (this); } else { } } } // ValueType // ValueType:: ValueType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "typeId") { typeId_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); typeId_->container (this); } else if (n == "modifier") { modifier_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); modifier_->container (this); } else if (n == "baseType") { baseType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); baseType_->container (this); } else if (n == "member") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueMemberType t (e); add_member (t); } else { } } } // ValueMemberType // ValueMemberType:: ValueMemberType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "visibility") { visibility_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); visibility_->container (this); } else if (n == "type") { type_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); type_->container (this); } else { } } } // NamedValue // NamedValue:: NamedValue (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "value") { value_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (e)); value_->container (this); } else { } } } // SequenceType // SequenceType:: SequenceType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "bound") { ::XMLSchema::unsignedInt t (e); bound (t); } else if (n == "elementType") { elementType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); elementType_->container (this); } else { } } } // Any // Any:: Any (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "type") { type_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); type_->container (this); } else if (n == "value") { value_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue (e)); value_->container (this); } else { } } } // Property // Property:: Property (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "value") { value_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (e)); value_->container (this); } else { } } } // SatisfierPropertyKind // SatisfierPropertyKind:: SatisfierPropertyKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) : ::XSCRT::Type (e) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (e.value ()); if (v == "Quantity") v_ = Quantity_l; else if (v == "Capacity") v_ = Capacity_l; else if (v == "Minimum") v_ = Minimum_l; else if (v == "Maximum") v_ = Maximum_l; else if (v == "Attribute") v_ = Attribute_l; else if (v == "Selection") v_ = Selection_l; else { } } SatisfierPropertyKind:: SatisfierPropertyKind (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > const& a) : ::XSCRT::Type (a) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (a.value ()); if (v == "Quantity") v_ = Quantity_l; else if (v == "Capacity") v_ = Capacity_l; else if (v == "Minimum") v_ = Minimum_l; else if (v == "Maximum") v_ = Maximum_l; else if (v == "Attribute") v_ = Attribute_l; else if (v == "Selection") v_ = Selection_l; else { } } SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Quantity (SatisfierPropertyKind::Quantity_l); SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Capacity (SatisfierPropertyKind::Capacity_l); SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Minimum (SatisfierPropertyKind::Minimum_l); SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Maximum (SatisfierPropertyKind::Maximum_l); SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Attribute (SatisfierPropertyKind::Attribute_l); SatisfierPropertyKind const SatisfierPropertyKind::Selection (SatisfierPropertyKind::Selection_l); // SatisfierProperty // SatisfierProperty:: SatisfierProperty (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "kind") { kind_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind (e)); kind_->container (this); } else if (n == "dynamic") { dynamic_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); dynamic_->container (this); } else if (n == "value") { value_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any (e)); value_->container (this); } else { } } } // Resource // Resource:: Resource (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "resourceType") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_resourceType (t); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierProperty t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // Requirement // Requirement:: Requirement (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "resourceType") { resourceType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourceType_->container (this); } else if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // ResourceDeploymentDescription:: ResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "requirementName") { requirementName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); requirementName_->container (this); } else if (n == "resourceName") { resourceName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourceName_->container (this); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: ArtifactDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "source") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_source (t); } else if (n == "node") { node_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); node_->container (this); } else if (n == "location") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_location (t); } else if (n == "execParameter") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_execParameter (t); } else if (n == "deployRequirement") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement t (e); add_deployRequirement (t); } else if (n == "deployedResource") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceDeploymentDescription t (e); add_deployedResource (t); } else { } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a (p.next_attribute ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (a.name ())); if (n == "id") { ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); id (t); } else { } } } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: MonolithicDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "source") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_source (t); } else if (n == "artifact") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef t (e); add_artifact (t); } else if (n == "execParameter") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_execParameter (t); } else if (n == "deployRequirement") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement t (e); add_deployRequirement (t); } else { } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a (p.next_attribute ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (a.name ())); if (n == "id") { ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); id (t); } else { } } } // ResourceUsageKind // ResourceUsageKind:: ResourceUsageKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) : ::XSCRT::Type (e) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (e.value ()); if (v == "None") v_ = None_l; else if (v == "InstanceUsesResource") v_ = InstanceUsesResource_l; else if (v == "ResourceUsesInstance") v_ = ResourceUsesInstance_l; else if (v == "PortUsesResource") v_ = PortUsesResource_l; else if (v == "ResourceUsesPort") v_ = ResourceUsesPort_l; else { } } ResourceUsageKind:: ResourceUsageKind (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > const& a) : ::XSCRT::Type (a) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (a.value ()); if (v == "None") v_ = None_l; else if (v == "InstanceUsesResource") v_ = InstanceUsesResource_l; else if (v == "ResourceUsesInstance") v_ = ResourceUsesInstance_l; else if (v == "PortUsesResource") v_ = PortUsesResource_l; else if (v == "ResourceUsesPort") v_ = ResourceUsesPort_l; else { } } ResourceUsageKind const ResourceUsageKind::None (ResourceUsageKind::None_l); ResourceUsageKind const ResourceUsageKind::InstanceUsesResource (ResourceUsageKind::InstanceUsesResource_l); ResourceUsageKind const ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesInstance (ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesInstance_l); ResourceUsageKind const ResourceUsageKind::PortUsesResource (ResourceUsageKind::PortUsesResource_l); ResourceUsageKind const ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesPort (ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesPort_l); // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "resourceUsage") { resourceUsage_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind (e)); resourceUsage_->container (this); } else if (n == "requirementName") { requirementName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); requirementName_->container (this); } else if (n == "resourceName") { resourceName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourceName_->container (this); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // InstanceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "node") { node_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); node_->container (this); } else if (n == "source") { source_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); source_->container (this); } else if (n == "implementation") { implementation_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (e)); implementation_->container (this); } else if (n == "configProperty") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_configProperty (t); } else if (n == "deployedResource") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription t (e); add_deployedResource (t); } else if (n == "deployedSharedResource") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription t (e); deployedSharedResource (t); } else { } } while (p.more_attributes ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a (p.next_attribute ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (a.name ())); if (n == "id") { ::XMLSchema::ID< ACE_TCHAR > t (a); id (t); } else { } } } // CCMComponentPortKind // CCMComponentPortKind:: CCMComponentPortKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) : ::XSCRT::Type (e) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (e.value ()); if (v == "Facet") v_ = Facet_l; else if (v == "SimplexReceptacle") v_ = SimplexReceptacle_l; else if (v == "MultiplexReceptacle") v_ = MultiplexReceptacle_l; else if (v == "EventEmitter") v_ = EventEmitter_l; else if (v == "EventPublisher") v_ = EventPublisher_l; else if (v == "EventConsumer") v_ = EventConsumer_l; else { } } CCMComponentPortKind:: CCMComponentPortKind (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > const& a) : ::XSCRT::Type (a) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (a.value ()); if (v == "Facet") v_ = Facet_l; else if (v == "SimplexReceptacle") v_ = SimplexReceptacle_l; else if (v == "MultiplexReceptacle") v_ = MultiplexReceptacle_l; else if (v == "EventEmitter") v_ = EventEmitter_l; else if (v == "EventPublisher") v_ = EventPublisher_l; else if (v == "EventConsumer") v_ = EventConsumer_l; else { } } CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::Facet (CCMComponentPortKind::Facet_l); CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::SimplexReceptacle (CCMComponentPortKind::SimplexReceptacle_l); CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::MultiplexReceptacle (CCMComponentPortKind::MultiplexReceptacle_l); CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::EventEmitter (CCMComponentPortKind::EventEmitter_l); CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::EventPublisher (CCMComponentPortKind::EventPublisher_l); CCMComponentPortKind const CCMComponentPortKind::EventConsumer (CCMComponentPortKind::EventConsumer_l); // ComponentPortDescription // ComponentPortDescription:: ComponentPortDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "specificType") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); specificType (t); } else if (n == "supportedType") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_supportedType (t); } else if (n == "provider") { provider_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); provider_->container (this); } else if (n == "exclusiveProvider") { exclusiveProvider_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); exclusiveProvider_->container (this); } else if (n == "exclusiveUser") { exclusiveUser_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); exclusiveUser_->container (this); } else if (n == "optional") { optional_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); optional_->container (this); } else if (n == "kind") { kind_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (e)); kind_->container (this); } else { } } } // ComponentPropertyDescription // ComponentPropertyDescription:: ComponentPropertyDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "type") { type_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType (e)); type_->container (this); } else { } } } // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: ComponentExternalPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "portName") { portName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); portName_->container (this); } else { } } } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "portName") { portName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); portName_->container (this); } else if (n == "provider") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); provider (t); } else if (n == "kind") { kind_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind (e)); kind_->container (this); } else if (n == "instance") { instance_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (e)); instance_->container (this); } else { } } } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: ExternalReferenceEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "location") { location_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); location_->container (this); } else if (n == "provider") { provider_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::boolean > (new ::XMLSchema::boolean (e)); provider_->container (this); } else if (n == "portName") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); portName (t); } else if (n == "supportedType") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_supportedType (t); } else { } } } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "targetName") { targetName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); targetName_->container (this); } else if (n == "requirementName") { requirementName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); requirementName_->container (this); } else if (n == "resourceName") { resourceName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourceName_->container (this); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // PlanConnectionDescription // PlanConnectionDescription:: PlanConnectionDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "source") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); source (t); } else if (n == "deployRequirement") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement t (e); add_deployRequirement (t); } else if (n == "externalEndpoint") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint t (e); add_externalEndpoint (t); } else if (n == "internalEndpoint") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint t (e); add_internalEndpoint (t); } else if (n == "externalReference") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint t (e); add_externalReference (t); } else if (n == "deployedResource") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription t (e); add_deployedResource (t); } else { } } } // ImplementationDependency // ImplementationDependency:: ImplementationDependency (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "requiredType") { requiredType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); requiredType_->container (this); } else { } } } // Capability // Capability:: Capability (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "resourceType") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); add_resourceType (t); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierProperty t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // ImplementationRequirement // ImplementationRequirement:: ImplementationRequirement (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "resourceUsage") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind t (e); resourceUsage (t); } else if (n == "resourcePort") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); resourcePort (t); } else if (n == "componentPort") { ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > t (e); componentPort (t); } else if (n == "resourceType") { resourceType_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); resourceType_->container (this); } else if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "property") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property t (e); add_property (t); } else { } } } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: SubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "portName") { portName_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); portName_->container (this); } else if (n == "instance") { instance_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (e)); instance_->container (this); } else { } } } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // AssemblyConnectionDescription:: AssemblyConnectionDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "name") { name_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > > (new ::XMLSchema::string< ACE_TCHAR > (e)); name_->container (this); } else if (n == "deployRequirement") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement t (e); add_deployRequirement (t); } else if (n == "internalEndpoint") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SubcomponentPortEndpoint t (e); add_internalEndpoint (t); } else if (n == "externalEndpoint") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint t (e); add_externalEndpoint (t); } else if (n == "externalReference") { ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint t (e); add_externalReference (t); } else { } } } // PlanLocalityKind // PlanLocalityKind:: PlanLocalityKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) : ::XSCRT::Type (e) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (e.value ()); if (v == "SameProcess") v_ = SameProcess_l; else if (v == "DifferentProcess") v_ = DifferentProcess_l; else if (v == "NoConstraint") v_ = NoConstraint_l; else { } } PlanLocalityKind:: PlanLocalityKind (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > const& a) : ::XSCRT::Type (a) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > v (a.value ()); if (v == "SameProcess") v_ = SameProcess_l; else if (v == "DifferentProcess") v_ = DifferentProcess_l; else if (v == "NoConstraint") v_ = NoConstraint_l; else { } } PlanLocalityKind const PlanLocalityKind::SameProcess (PlanLocalityKind::SameProcess_l); PlanLocalityKind const PlanLocalityKind::DifferentProcess (PlanLocalityKind::DifferentProcess_l); PlanLocalityKind const PlanLocalityKind::NoConstraint (PlanLocalityKind::NoConstraint_l); // PlanLocality // PlanLocality:: PlanLocality (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< ACE_TCHAR > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name (e.name ())); if (n == "constraint") { constraint_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind (e)); constraint_->container (this); } else if (n == "constrainedInstance") { constrainedInstance_ = ::std::auto_ptr< ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef > (new ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef (e)); constrainedInstance_->container (this); } else { } } } } } namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { } } #include "XMLSchema/TypeInfo.hpp" namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { namespace { ::XMLSchema::TypeInfoInitializer < ACE_TCHAR > XMLSchemaTypeInfoInitializer_ (::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ()); struct IdRefTypeInfoInitializer { IdRefTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::IdRef)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; IdRefTypeInfoInitializer IdRefTypeInfoInitializer_; struct TCKindTypeInfoInitializer { TCKindTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (TCKind)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; TCKindTypeInfoInitializer TCKindTypeInfoInitializer_; struct DataTypeTypeInfoInitializer { DataTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; DataTypeTypeInfoInitializer DataTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct DataValueTypeInfoInitializer { DataValueTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; DataValueTypeInfoInitializer DataValueTypeInfoInitializer_; struct AliasTypeTypeInfoInitializer { AliasTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AliasType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; AliasTypeTypeInfoInitializer AliasTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct EnumTypeTypeInfoInitializer { EnumTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; EnumTypeTypeInfoInitializer EnumTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct StructTypeTypeInfoInitializer { StructTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; StructTypeTypeInfoInitializer StructTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct StructMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer { StructMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructMemberType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; StructMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer StructMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ValueTypeTypeInfoInitializer { ValueTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ValueTypeTypeInfoInitializer ValueTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ValueMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer { ValueMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueMemberType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ValueMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer ValueMemberTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct NamedValueTypeInfoInitializer { NamedValueTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::NamedValue)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; NamedValueTypeInfoInitializer NamedValueTypeInfoInitializer_; struct SequenceTypeTypeInfoInitializer { SequenceTypeTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SequenceType)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; SequenceTypeTypeInfoInitializer SequenceTypeTypeInfoInitializer_; struct AnyTypeInfoInitializer { AnyTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Any)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; AnyTypeInfoInitializer AnyTypeInfoInitializer_; struct PropertyTypeInfoInitializer { PropertyTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Property)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; PropertyTypeInfoInitializer PropertyTypeInfoInitializer_; struct SatisfierPropertyKindTypeInfoInitializer { SatisfierPropertyKindTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (SatisfierPropertyKind)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; SatisfierPropertyKindTypeInfoInitializer SatisfierPropertyKindTypeInfoInitializer_; struct SatisfierPropertyTypeInfoInitializer { SatisfierPropertyTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierProperty)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; SatisfierPropertyTypeInfoInitializer SatisfierPropertyTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ResourceTypeInfoInitializer { ResourceTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Resource)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ResourceTypeInfoInitializer ResourceTypeInfoInitializer_; struct RequirementTypeInfoInitializer { RequirementTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; RequirementTypeInfoInitializer RequirementTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { ResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer ResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ArtifactDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { ArtifactDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ArtifactDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer ArtifactDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct MonolithicDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { MonolithicDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; MonolithicDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer MonolithicDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ResourceUsageKindTypeInfoInitializer { ResourceUsageKindTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (ResourceUsageKind)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ResourceUsageKindTypeInfoInitializer ResourceUsageKindTypeInfoInitializer_; struct InstanceResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { InstanceResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; InstanceResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer InstanceResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct InstanceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { InstanceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; InstanceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer InstanceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct CCMComponentPortKindTypeInfoInitializer { CCMComponentPortKindTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (CCMComponentPortKind)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; CCMComponentPortKindTypeInfoInitializer CCMComponentPortKindTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ComponentPortDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { ComponentPortDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentPortDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ComponentPortDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer ComponentPortDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ComponentPropertyDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { ComponentPropertyDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentPropertyDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ComponentPropertyDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer ComponentPropertyDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ComponentExternalPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer { ComponentExternalPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ComponentExternalPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer ComponentExternalPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer_; struct PlanSubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer { PlanSubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; PlanSubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer PlanSubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ExternalReferenceEndpointTypeInfoInitializer { ExternalReferenceEndpointTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ExternalReferenceEndpointTypeInfoInitializer ExternalReferenceEndpointTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct PlanConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { PlanConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; PlanConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer PlanConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ImplementationDependencyTypeInfoInitializer { ImplementationDependencyTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ImplementationDependency)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ImplementationDependencyTypeInfoInitializer ImplementationDependencyTypeInfoInitializer_; struct CapabilityTypeInfoInitializer { CapabilityTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Capability)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; CapabilityTypeInfoInitializer CapabilityTypeInfoInitializer_; struct ImplementationRequirementTypeInfoInitializer { ImplementationRequirementTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ImplementationRequirement)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; ImplementationRequirementTypeInfoInitializer ImplementationRequirementTypeInfoInitializer_; struct SubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer { SubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SubcomponentPortEndpoint)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; SubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer SubcomponentPortEndpointTypeInfoInitializer_; struct AssemblyConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer { AssemblyConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; AssemblyConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer AssemblyConnectionDescriptionTypeInfoInitializer_; struct PlanLocalityKindTypeInfoInitializer { PlanLocalityKindTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (PlanLocalityKind)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; PlanLocalityKindTypeInfoInitializer PlanLocalityKindTypeInfoInitializer_; struct PlanLocalityTypeInfoInitializer { PlanLocalityTypeInfoInitializer () { ::XSCRT::TypeId id (typeid (::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocality)); ::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo nf (id); nf.add_base (::XSCRT::ExtendedTypeInfo::Access::public_, false, typeid (::XSCRT::Type)); ::XSCRT::extended_type_info_map ().insert (::std::make_pair (id, nf)); } }; PlanLocalityTypeInfoInitializer PlanLocalityTypeInfoInitializer_; } } } namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { namespace Traversal { // IdRef // // void IdRef:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); if (o.href_p ()) href (o); else href_none (o); if (o.idref_p ()) idref (o); else idref_none (o); post (o); } void IdRef:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); if (o.href_p ()) href (o); else href_none (o); if (o.idref_p ()) idref (o); else idref_none (o); post (o); } void IdRef:: pre (Type&) { } void IdRef:: pre (Type const&) { } void IdRef:: href (Type& o) { dispatch (o.href ()); } void IdRef:: href (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.href ()); } void IdRef:: href_none (Type&) { } void IdRef:: href_none (Type const&) { } void IdRef:: idref (Type& o) { dispatch (o.idref ()); } void IdRef:: idref (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.idref ()); } void IdRef:: idref_none (Type&) { } void IdRef:: idref_none (Type const&) { } void IdRef:: post (Type&) { } void IdRef:: post (Type const&) { } // DataType // // void DataType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); kind (o); if (o.enum_p ()) enum_ (o); else enum_none (o); if (o.struct_p ()) struct_ (o); else struct_none (o); if (o.value_p ()) value (o); else value_none (o); if (o.sequence_p ()) sequence (o); else sequence_none (o); if (o.alias_p ()) alias (o); else alias_none (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void DataType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); kind (o); if (o.enum_p ()) enum_ (o); else enum_none (o); if (o.struct_p ()) struct_ (o); else struct_none (o); if (o.value_p ()) value (o); else value_none (o); if (o.sequence_p ()) sequence (o); else sequence_none (o); if (o.alias_p ()) alias (o); else alias_none (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void DataType:: pre (Type&) { } void DataType:: pre (Type const&) { } void DataType:: kind (Type& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void DataType:: kind (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void DataType:: enum_ (Type& o) { dispatch (o.enum_ ()); } void DataType:: enum_ (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.enum_ ()); } void DataType:: enum_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: enum_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: struct_ (Type& o) { dispatch (o.struct_ ()); } void DataType:: struct_ (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.struct_ ()); } void DataType:: struct_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: struct_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: value (Type& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void DataType:: value (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void DataType:: value_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: value_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: sequence (Type& o) { dispatch (o.sequence ()); } void DataType:: sequence (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.sequence ()); } void DataType:: sequence_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: sequence_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: alias (Type& o) { dispatch (o.alias ()); } void DataType:: alias (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.alias ()); } void DataType:: alias_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: alias_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: id (Type& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void DataType:: id (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void DataType:: id_none (Type&) { } void DataType:: id_none (Type const&) { } void DataType:: post (Type&) { } void DataType:: post (Type const&) { } // DataValue // // void DataValue:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); short_ (o); long_ (o); ushort (o); ulong (o); float_ (o); double_ (o); boolean (o); octet (o); enum_ (o); string (o); longlong (o); ulonglong (o); longdouble (o); element (o); member (o); post (o); } void DataValue:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); short_ (o); long_ (o); ushort (o); ulong (o); float_ (o); double_ (o); boolean (o); octet (o); enum_ (o); string (o); longlong (o); ulonglong (o); longdouble (o); element (o); member (o); post (o); } void DataValue:: pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: short_ (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::short_iterator b (o.begin_short()), e (o.end_short()); if (b != e) { short_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) short_next (o); } short_post (o); } else short_none (o); } void DataValue:: short_ (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::short_const_iterator b (o.begin_short()), e (o.end_short()); if (b != e) { short_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) short_next (o); } short_post (o); } else short_none (o); } void DataValue:: short_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: short_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: short_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: short_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: short_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: short_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: short_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: short_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: long_ (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::long_iterator b (o.begin_long()), e (o.end_long()); if (b != e) { long_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) long_next (o); } long_post (o); } else long_none (o); } void DataValue:: long_ (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::long_const_iterator b (o.begin_long()), e (o.end_long()); if (b != e) { long_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) long_next (o); } long_post (o); } else long_none (o); } void DataValue:: long_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: long_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: long_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: long_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: long_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: long_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: long_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: long_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ushort (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ushort_iterator b (o.begin_ushort()), e (o.end_ushort()); if (b != e) { ushort_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ushort_next (o); } ushort_post (o); } else ushort_none (o); } void DataValue:: ushort (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ushort_const_iterator b (o.begin_ushort()), e (o.end_ushort()); if (b != e) { ushort_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ushort_next (o); } ushort_post (o); } else ushort_none (o); } void DataValue:: ushort_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ushort_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulong (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ulong_iterator b (o.begin_ulong()), e (o.end_ulong()); if (b != e) { ulong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ulong_next (o); } ulong_post (o); } else ulong_none (o); } void DataValue:: ulong (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ulong_const_iterator b (o.begin_ulong()), e (o.end_ulong()); if (b != e) { ulong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ulong_next (o); } ulong_post (o); } else ulong_none (o); } void DataValue:: ulong_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulong_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: float_ (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::float_iterator b (o.begin_float()), e (o.end_float()); if (b != e) { float_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) float_next (o); } float_post (o); } else float_none (o); } void DataValue:: float_ (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::float_const_iterator b (o.begin_float()), e (o.end_float()); if (b != e) { float_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) float_next (o); } float_post (o); } else float_none (o); } void DataValue:: float_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: float_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: float_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: float_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: float_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: float_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: float_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: float_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: double_ (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::double_iterator b (o.begin_double()), e (o.end_double()); if (b != e) { double_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) double_next (o); } double_post (o); } else double_none (o); } void DataValue:: double_ (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::double_const_iterator b (o.begin_double()), e (o.end_double()); if (b != e) { double_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) double_next (o); } double_post (o); } else double_none (o); } void DataValue:: double_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: double_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: double_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: double_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: double_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: double_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: double_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: double_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: boolean (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::boolean_iterator b (o.begin_boolean()), e (o.end_boolean()); if (b != e) { boolean_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) boolean_next (o); } boolean_post (o); } else boolean_none (o); } void DataValue:: boolean (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::boolean_const_iterator b (o.begin_boolean()), e (o.end_boolean()); if (b != e) { boolean_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) boolean_next (o); } boolean_post (o); } else boolean_none (o); } void DataValue:: boolean_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: boolean_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: octet (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::octet_iterator b (o.begin_octet()), e (o.end_octet()); if (b != e) { octet_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) octet_next (o); } octet_post (o); } else octet_none (o); } void DataValue:: octet (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::octet_const_iterator b (o.begin_octet()), e (o.end_octet()); if (b != e) { octet_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) octet_next (o); } octet_post (o); } else octet_none (o); } void DataValue:: octet_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: octet_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: octet_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: octet_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: octet_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: octet_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: octet_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: octet_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: enum_ (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::enum_iterator b (o.begin_enum()), e (o.end_enum()); if (b != e) { enum_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) enum_next (o); } enum_post (o); } else enum_none (o); } void DataValue:: enum_ (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::enum_const_iterator b (o.begin_enum()), e (o.end_enum()); if (b != e) { enum_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) enum_next (o); } enum_post (o); } else enum_none (o); } void DataValue:: enum_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: enum_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: enum_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: enum_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: enum_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: enum_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: enum_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: enum_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: string (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::string_iterator b (o.begin_string()), e (o.end_string()); if (b != e) { string_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) string_next (o); } string_post (o); } else string_none (o); } void DataValue:: string (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::string_const_iterator b (o.begin_string()), e (o.end_string()); if (b != e) { string_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) string_next (o); } string_post (o); } else string_none (o); } void DataValue:: string_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: string_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: string_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: string_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: string_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: string_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: string_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: string_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longlong (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::longlong_iterator b (o.begin_longlong()), e (o.end_longlong()); if (b != e) { longlong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) longlong_next (o); } longlong_post (o); } else longlong_none (o); } void DataValue:: longlong (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::longlong_const_iterator b (o.begin_longlong()), e (o.end_longlong()); if (b != e) { longlong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) longlong_next (o); } longlong_post (o); } else longlong_none (o); } void DataValue:: longlong_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longlong_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ulonglong_iterator b (o.begin_ulonglong()), e (o.end_ulonglong()); if (b != e) { ulonglong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ulonglong_next (o); } ulonglong_post (o); } else ulonglong_none (o); } void DataValue:: ulonglong (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::ulonglong_const_iterator b (o.begin_ulonglong()), e (o.end_ulonglong()); if (b != e) { ulonglong_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) ulonglong_next (o); } ulonglong_post (o); } else ulonglong_none (o); } void DataValue:: ulonglong_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: ulonglong_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::longdouble_iterator b (o.begin_longdouble()), e (o.end_longdouble()); if (b != e) { longdouble_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) longdouble_next (o); } longdouble_post (o); } else longdouble_none (o); } void DataValue:: longdouble (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::longdouble_const_iterator b (o.begin_longdouble()), e (o.end_longdouble()); if (b != e) { longdouble_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) longdouble_next (o); } longdouble_post (o); } else longdouble_none (o); } void DataValue:: longdouble_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: longdouble_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: element (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::element_iterator b (o.begin_element()), e (o.end_element()); if (b != e) { element_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) element_next (o); } element_post (o); } else element_none (o); } void DataValue:: element (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::element_const_iterator b (o.begin_element()), e (o.end_element()); if (b != e) { element_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) element_next (o); } element_post (o); } else element_none (o); } void DataValue:: element_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: element_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: element_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: element_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: element_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: element_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: element_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: element_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: member (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::member_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void DataValue:: member (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::DataValue::member_const_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void DataValue:: member_pre (Type&) { } void DataValue:: member_pre (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: member_next (Type&) { } void DataValue:: member_next (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: member_post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: member_post (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: member_none (Type&) { } void DataValue:: member_none (Type const&) { } void DataValue:: post (Type&) { } void DataValue:: post (Type const&) { } // AliasType // // void AliasType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); elementType (o); post (o); } void AliasType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); elementType (o); post (o); } void AliasType:: pre (Type&) { } void AliasType:: pre (Type const&) { } void AliasType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void AliasType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void AliasType:: typeId (Type& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void AliasType:: typeId (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void AliasType:: elementType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.elementType ()); } void AliasType:: elementType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.elementType ()); } void AliasType:: post (Type&) { } void AliasType:: post (Type const&) { } // EnumType // // void EnumType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); member (o); post (o); } void EnumType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); member (o); post (o); } void EnumType:: pre (Type&) { } void EnumType:: pre (Type const&) { } void EnumType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void EnumType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void EnumType:: typeId (Type& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void EnumType:: typeId (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void EnumType:: member (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType::member_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } } void EnumType:: member (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::EnumType::member_const_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } } void EnumType:: member_pre (Type&) { } void EnumType:: member_pre (Type const&) { } void EnumType:: member_next (Type&) { } void EnumType:: member_next (Type const&) { } void EnumType:: member_post (Type&) { } void EnumType:: member_post (Type const&) { } void EnumType:: post (Type&) { } void EnumType:: post (Type const&) { } // StructType // // void StructType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); member (o); post (o); } void StructType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); member (o); post (o); } void StructType:: pre (Type&) { } void StructType:: pre (Type const&) { } void StructType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void StructType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void StructType:: typeId (Type& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void StructType:: typeId (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void StructType:: member (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType::member_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void StructType:: member (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::StructType::member_const_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void StructType:: member_pre (Type&) { } void StructType:: member_pre (Type const&) { } void StructType:: member_next (Type&) { } void StructType:: member_next (Type const&) { } void StructType:: member_post (Type&) { } void StructType:: member_post (Type const&) { } void StructType:: member_none (Type&) { } void StructType:: member_none (Type const&) { } void StructType:: post (Type&) { } void StructType:: post (Type const&) { } // StructMemberType // // void StructMemberType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); type (o); post (o); } void StructMemberType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); type (o); post (o); } void StructMemberType:: pre (Type&) { } void StructMemberType:: pre (Type const&) { } void StructMemberType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void StructMemberType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void StructMemberType:: type (Type& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void StructMemberType:: type (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void StructMemberType:: post (Type&) { } void StructMemberType:: post (Type const&) { } // ValueType // // void ValueType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); modifier (o); baseType (o); member (o); post (o); } void ValueType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); typeId (o); modifier (o); baseType (o); member (o); post (o); } void ValueType:: pre (Type&) { } void ValueType:: pre (Type const&) { } void ValueType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ValueType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ValueType:: typeId (Type& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void ValueType:: typeId (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.typeId ()); } void ValueType:: modifier (Type& o) { dispatch (o.modifier ()); } void ValueType:: modifier (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.modifier ()); } void ValueType:: baseType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.baseType ()); } void ValueType:: baseType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.baseType ()); } void ValueType:: member (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType::member_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void ValueType:: member (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ValueType::member_const_iterator b (o.begin_member()), e (o.end_member()); if (b != e) { member_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) member_next (o); } member_post (o); } else member_none (o); } void ValueType:: member_pre (Type&) { } void ValueType:: member_pre (Type const&) { } void ValueType:: member_next (Type&) { } void ValueType:: member_next (Type const&) { } void ValueType:: member_post (Type&) { } void ValueType:: member_post (Type const&) { } void ValueType:: member_none (Type&) { } void ValueType:: member_none (Type const&) { } void ValueType:: post (Type&) { } void ValueType:: post (Type const&) { } // ValueMemberType // // void ValueMemberType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); visibility (o); type (o); post (o); } void ValueMemberType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); visibility (o); type (o); post (o); } void ValueMemberType:: pre (Type&) { } void ValueMemberType:: pre (Type const&) { } void ValueMemberType:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ValueMemberType:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ValueMemberType:: visibility (Type& o) { dispatch (o.visibility ()); } void ValueMemberType:: visibility (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.visibility ()); } void ValueMemberType:: type (Type& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void ValueMemberType:: type (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void ValueMemberType:: post (Type&) { } void ValueMemberType:: post (Type const&) { } // NamedValue // // void NamedValue:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); value (o); post (o); } void NamedValue:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); value (o); post (o); } void NamedValue:: pre (Type&) { } void NamedValue:: pre (Type const&) { } void NamedValue:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void NamedValue:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void NamedValue:: value (Type& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void NamedValue:: value (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void NamedValue:: post (Type&) { } void NamedValue:: post (Type const&) { } // SequenceType // // void SequenceType:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); if (o.bound_p ()) bound (o); else bound_none (o); elementType (o); post (o); } void SequenceType:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); if (o.bound_p ()) bound (o); else bound_none (o); elementType (o); post (o); } void SequenceType:: pre (Type&) { } void SequenceType:: pre (Type const&) { } void SequenceType:: bound (Type& o) { dispatch (o.bound ()); } void SequenceType:: bound (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.bound ()); } void SequenceType:: bound_none (Type&) { } void SequenceType:: bound_none (Type const&) { } void SequenceType:: elementType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.elementType ()); } void SequenceType:: elementType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.elementType ()); } void SequenceType:: post (Type&) { } void SequenceType:: post (Type const&) { } // Any // // void Any:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); type (o); value (o); post (o); } void Any:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); type (o); value (o); post (o); } void Any:: pre (Type&) { } void Any:: pre (Type const&) { } void Any:: type (Type& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void Any:: type (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void Any:: value (Type& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void Any:: value (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void Any:: post (Type&) { } void Any:: post (Type const&) { } // Property // // void Property:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); value (o); post (o); } void Property:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); value (o); post (o); } void Property:: pre (Type&) { } void Property:: pre (Type const&) { } void Property:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Property:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Property:: value (Type& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void Property:: value (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void Property:: post (Type&) { } void Property:: post (Type const&) { } // SatisfierProperty // // void SatisfierProperty:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); kind (o); dynamic (o); value (o); post (o); } void SatisfierProperty:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); kind (o); dynamic (o); value (o); post (o); } void SatisfierProperty:: pre (Type&) { } void SatisfierProperty:: pre (Type const&) { } void SatisfierProperty:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: kind (Type& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: kind (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: dynamic (Type& o) { dispatch (o.dynamic ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: dynamic (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.dynamic ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: value (Type& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: value (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.value ()); } void SatisfierProperty:: post (Type&) { } void SatisfierProperty:: post (Type const&) { } // Resource // // void Resource:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); resourceType (o); property (o); post (o); } void Resource:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); resourceType (o); property (o); post (o); } void Resource:: pre (Type&) { } void Resource:: pre (Type const&) { } void Resource:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Resource:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Resource:: resourceType (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Resource::resourceType_iterator b (o.begin_resourceType()), e (o.end_resourceType()); if (b != e) { resourceType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) resourceType_next (o); } resourceType_post (o); } } void Resource:: resourceType (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Resource::resourceType_const_iterator b (o.begin_resourceType()), e (o.end_resourceType()); if (b != e) { resourceType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) resourceType_next (o); } resourceType_post (o); } } void Resource:: resourceType_pre (Type&) { } void Resource:: resourceType_pre (Type const&) { } void Resource:: resourceType_next (Type&) { } void Resource:: resourceType_next (Type const&) { } void Resource:: resourceType_post (Type&) { } void Resource:: resourceType_post (Type const&) { } void Resource:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Resource::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Resource:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Resource::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Resource:: property_pre (Type&) { } void Resource:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void Resource:: property_next (Type&) { } void Resource:: property_next (Type const&) { } void Resource:: property_post (Type&) { } void Resource:: property_post (Type const&) { } void Resource:: property_none (Type&) { } void Resource:: property_none (Type const&) { } void Resource:: post (Type&) { } void Resource:: post (Type const&) { } // Requirement // // void Requirement:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); resourceType (o); name (o); property (o); post (o); } void Requirement:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); resourceType (o); name (o); property (o); post (o); } void Requirement:: pre (Type&) { } void Requirement:: pre (Type const&) { } void Requirement:: resourceType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceType ()); } void Requirement:: resourceType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceType ()); } void Requirement:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Requirement:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Requirement:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Requirement:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Requirement::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Requirement:: property_pre (Type&) { } void Requirement:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void Requirement:: property_next (Type&) { } void Requirement:: property_next (Type const&) { } void Requirement:: property_post (Type&) { } void Requirement:: property_post (Type const&) { } void Requirement:: property_none (Type&) { } void Requirement:: property_none (Type const&) { } void Requirement:: post (Type&) { } void Requirement:: post (Type const&) { } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // // void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type const&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // // void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); source (o); node (o); location (o); execParameter (o); deployRequirement (o); deployedResource (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); source (o); node (o); location (o); execParameter (o); deployRequirement (o); deployedResource (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_iterator b (o.begin_source()), e (o.end_source()); if (b != e) { source_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) source_next (o); } source_post (o); } else source_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator b (o.begin_source()), e (o.end_source()); if (b != e) { source_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) source_next (o); } source_post (o); } else source_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: node (Type& o) { dispatch (o.node ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: node (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.node ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_iterator b (o.begin_location()), e (o.end_location()); if (b != e) { location_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) location_next (o); } location_post (o); } else location_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::location_const_iterator b (o.begin_location()), e (o.end_location()); if (b != e) { location_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) location_next (o); } location_post (o); } else location_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_next (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_next (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_post (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator b (o.begin_execParameter()), e (o.end_execParameter()); if (b != e) { execParameter_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) execParameter_next (o); } execParameter_post (o); } else execParameter_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator b (o.begin_execParameter()), e (o.end_execParameter()); if (b != e) { execParameter_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) execParameter_next (o); } execParameter_post (o); } else execParameter_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id (Type& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type const&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // // void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); source (o); artifact (o); execParameter (o); deployRequirement (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); source (o); artifact (o); execParameter (o); deployRequirement (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_iterator b (o.begin_source()), e (o.end_source()); if (b != e) { source_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) source_next (o); } source_post (o); } else source_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::source_const_iterator b (o.begin_source()), e (o.end_source()); if (b != e) { source_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) source_next (o); } source_post (o); } else source_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_none (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_none (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_iterator b (o.begin_artifact()), e (o.end_artifact()); if (b != e) { artifact_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) artifact_next (o); } artifact_post (o); } else artifact_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::artifact_const_iterator b (o.begin_artifact()), e (o.end_artifact()); if (b != e) { artifact_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) artifact_next (o); } artifact_post (o); } else artifact_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_pre (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_pre (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_next (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_next (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_post (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_post (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_none (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_none (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_iterator b (o.begin_execParameter()), e (o.end_execParameter()); if (b != e) { execParameter_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) execParameter_next (o); } execParameter_post (o); } else execParameter_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::execParameter_const_iterator b (o.begin_execParameter()), e (o.end_execParameter()); if (b != e) { execParameter_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) execParameter_next (o); } execParameter_post (o); } else execParameter_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_none (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_none (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id (Type& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type const&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // // void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); resourceUsage (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); resourceUsage (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceUsage (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceUsage ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceUsage (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceUsage ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type const&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // // void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); node (o); source (o); implementation (o); configProperty (o); deployedResource (o); if (o.deployedSharedResource_p ()) deployedSharedResource (o); else deployedSharedResource_none (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); node (o); source (o); implementation (o); configProperty (o); deployedResource (o); if (o.deployedSharedResource_p ()) deployedSharedResource (o); else deployedSharedResource_none (o); if (o.id_p ()) id (o); else id_none (o); post (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: node (Type& o) { dispatch (o.node ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: node (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.node ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: source (Type& o) { dispatch (o.source ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: source (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.source ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: implementation (Type& o) { dispatch (o.implementation ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: implementation (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.implementation ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_iterator b (o.begin_configProperty()), e (o.end_configProperty()); if (b != e) { configProperty_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) configProperty_next (o); } configProperty_post (o); } else configProperty_none (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceDeploymentDescription::configProperty_const_iterator b (o.begin_configProperty()), e (o.end_configProperty()); if (b != e) { configProperty_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) configProperty_next (o); } configProperty_post (o); } else configProperty_none (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_pre (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_pre (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_next (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_next (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_post (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_post (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_none (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_none (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource (Type& o) { dispatch (o.deployedSharedResource ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.deployedSharedResource ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource_none (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource_none (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id (Type& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.id ()); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id_none (Type const&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // ComponentPortDescription // // void ComponentPortDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); if (o.specificType_p ()) specificType (o); else specificType_none (o); supportedType (o); provider (o); exclusiveProvider (o); exclusiveUser (o); optional (o); kind (o); post (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); if (o.specificType_p ()) specificType (o); else specificType_none (o); supportedType (o); provider (o); exclusiveProvider (o); exclusiveUser (o); optional (o); kind (o); post (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.specificType ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.specificType ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType_none (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType_none (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_iterator b (o.begin_supportedType()), e (o.end_supportedType()); if (b != e) { supportedType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) supportedType_next (o); } supportedType_post (o); } else supportedType_none (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ComponentPortDescription::supportedType_const_iterator b (o.begin_supportedType()), e (o.end_supportedType()); if (b != e) { supportedType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) supportedType_next (o); } supportedType_post (o); } else supportedType_none (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_pre (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_pre (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_next (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_next (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_post (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_post (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_none (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_none (Type const&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: provider (Type& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: provider (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveProvider (Type& o) { dispatch (o.exclusiveProvider ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveProvider (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.exclusiveProvider ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveUser (Type& o) { dispatch (o.exclusiveUser ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveUser (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.exclusiveUser ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: optional (Type& o) { dispatch (o.optional ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: optional (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.optional ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: kind (Type& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: kind (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void ComponentPortDescription:: post (Type&) { } void ComponentPortDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // ComponentPropertyDescription // // void ComponentPropertyDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); type (o); post (o); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); type (o); post (o); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: type (Type& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: type (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.type ()); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: post (Type&) { } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint // // void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); portName (o); post (o); } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); portName (o); post (o); } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: pre (Type&) { } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: pre (Type const&) { } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: portName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: post (Type&) { } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: post (Type const&) { } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // // void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); portName (o); if (o.provider_p ()) provider (o); else provider_none (o); kind (o); instance (o); post (o); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); portName (o); if (o.provider_p ()) provider (o); else provider_none (o); kind (o); instance (o); post (o); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: pre (Type&) { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: pre (Type const&) { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider (Type& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider_none (Type&) { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider_none (Type const&) { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: kind (Type& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: kind (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.kind ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type& o) { dispatch (o.instance ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.instance ()); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: post (Type&) { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: post (Type const&) { } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // // void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); location (o); provider (o); if (o.portName_p ()) portName (o); else portName_none (o); supportedType (o); post (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); location (o); provider (o); if (o.portName_p ()) portName (o); else portName_none (o); supportedType (o); post (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: pre (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: pre (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: location (Type& o) { dispatch (o.location ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: location (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.location ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: provider (Type& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: provider (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.provider ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName_none (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName_none (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_iterator b (o.begin_supportedType()), e (o.end_supportedType()); if (b != e) { supportedType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) supportedType_next (o); } supportedType_post (o); } else supportedType_none (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::supportedType_const_iterator b (o.begin_supportedType()), e (o.end_supportedType()); if (b != e) { supportedType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) supportedType_next (o); } supportedType_post (o); } else supportedType_none (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_pre (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_pre (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_next (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_next (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_post (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_post (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_none (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_none (Type const&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: post (Type&) { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: post (Type const&) { } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // // void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); targetName (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); targetName (o); requirementName (o); resourceName (o); property (o); post (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: targetName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.targetName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: targetName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.targetName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.requirementName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceName ()); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_none (Type const&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type&) { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // PlanConnectionDescription // // void PlanConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); if (o.source_p ()) source (o); else source_none (o); deployRequirement (o); externalEndpoint (o); internalEndpoint (o); externalReference (o); deployedResource (o); post (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); if (o.source_p ()) source (o); else source_none (o); deployRequirement (o); externalEndpoint (o); internalEndpoint (o); externalReference (o); deployedResource (o); post (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source (Type& o) { dispatch (o.source ()); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.source ()); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator b (o.begin_externalEndpoint()), e (o.end_externalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { externalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalEndpoint_next (o); } externalEndpoint_post (o); } else externalEndpoint_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator b (o.begin_externalEndpoint()), e (o.end_externalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { externalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalEndpoint_next (o); } externalEndpoint_post (o); } else externalEndpoint_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator b (o.begin_internalEndpoint()), e (o.end_internalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { internalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) internalEndpoint_next (o); } internalEndpoint_post (o); } else internalEndpoint_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator b (o.begin_internalEndpoint()), e (o.end_internalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { internalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) internalEndpoint_next (o); } internalEndpoint_post (o); } else internalEndpoint_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator b (o.begin_externalReference()), e (o.end_externalReference()); if (b != e) { externalReference_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalReference_next (o); } externalReference_post (o); } else externalReference_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator b (o.begin_externalReference()), e (o.end_externalReference()); if (b != e) { externalReference_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalReference_next (o); } externalReference_post (o); } else externalReference_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanConnectionDescription::deployedResource_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployedResource()), e (o.end_deployedResource()); if (b != e) { deployedResource_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployedResource_next (o); } deployedResource_post (o); } else deployedResource_none (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_none (Type const&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: post (Type&) { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // ImplementationDependency // // void ImplementationDependency:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); requiredType (o); post (o); } void ImplementationDependency:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); requiredType (o); post (o); } void ImplementationDependency:: pre (Type&) { } void ImplementationDependency:: pre (Type const&) { } void ImplementationDependency:: requiredType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.requiredType ()); } void ImplementationDependency:: requiredType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.requiredType ()); } void ImplementationDependency:: post (Type&) { } void ImplementationDependency:: post (Type const&) { } // Capability // // void Capability:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); resourceType (o); property (o); post (o); } void Capability:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); resourceType (o); property (o); post (o); } void Capability:: pre (Type&) { } void Capability:: pre (Type const&) { } void Capability:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Capability:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void Capability:: resourceType (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Capability::resourceType_iterator b (o.begin_resourceType()), e (o.end_resourceType()); if (b != e) { resourceType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) resourceType_next (o); } resourceType_post (o); } else resourceType_none (o); } void Capability:: resourceType (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Capability::resourceType_const_iterator b (o.begin_resourceType()), e (o.end_resourceType()); if (b != e) { resourceType_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) resourceType_next (o); } resourceType_post (o); } else resourceType_none (o); } void Capability:: resourceType_pre (Type&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_pre (Type const&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_next (Type&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_next (Type const&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_post (Type&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_post (Type const&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_none (Type&) { } void Capability:: resourceType_none (Type const&) { } void Capability:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Capability::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Capability:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::Capability::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void Capability:: property_pre (Type&) { } void Capability:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void Capability:: property_next (Type&) { } void Capability:: property_next (Type const&) { } void Capability:: property_post (Type&) { } void Capability:: property_post (Type const&) { } void Capability:: property_none (Type&) { } void Capability:: property_none (Type const&) { } void Capability:: post (Type&) { } void Capability:: post (Type const&) { } // ImplementationRequirement // // void ImplementationRequirement:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); if (o.resourceUsage_p ()) resourceUsage (o); else resourceUsage_none (o); if (o.resourcePort_p ()) resourcePort (o); else resourcePort_none (o); if (o.componentPort_p ()) componentPort (o); else componentPort_none (o); resourceType (o); name (o); property (o); post (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); if (o.resourceUsage_p ()) resourceUsage (o); else resourceUsage_none (o); if (o.resourcePort_p ()) resourcePort (o); else resourcePort_none (o); if (o.componentPort_p ()) componentPort (o); else componentPort_none (o); resourceType (o); name (o); property (o); post (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: pre (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: pre (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceUsage ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceUsage ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage_none (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage_none (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourcePort ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourcePort ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort_none (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort_none (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort (Type& o) { dispatch (o.componentPort ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.componentPort ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort_none (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort_none (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceType (Type& o) { dispatch (o.resourceType ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceType (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.resourceType ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ImplementationRequirement::property_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ImplementationRequirement::property_const_iterator b (o.begin_property()), e (o.end_property()); if (b != e) { property_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) property_next (o); } property_post (o); } else property_none (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_pre (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_pre (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_next (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_next (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_post (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_post (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_none (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_none (Type const&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: post (Type&) { } void ImplementationRequirement:: post (Type const&) { } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // // void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); portName (o); instance (o); post (o); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); portName (o); instance (o); post (o); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: pre (Type&) { } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: pre (Type const&) { } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.portName ()); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type& o) { dispatch (o.instance ()); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.instance ()); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: post (Type&) { } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: post (Type const&) { } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // // void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); name (o); deployRequirement (o); internalEndpoint (o); externalEndpoint (o); externalReference (o); post (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); name (o); deployRequirement (o); internalEndpoint (o); externalEndpoint (o); externalReference (o); post (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: pre (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: pre (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: name (Type& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: name (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.name ()); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::deployRequirement_const_iterator b (o.begin_deployRequirement()), e (o.end_deployRequirement()); if (b != e) { deployRequirement_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) deployRequirement_next (o); } deployRequirement_post (o); } else deployRequirement_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_none (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_iterator b (o.begin_internalEndpoint()), e (o.end_internalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { internalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) internalEndpoint_next (o); } internalEndpoint_post (o); } else internalEndpoint_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::internalEndpoint_const_iterator b (o.begin_internalEndpoint()), e (o.end_internalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { internalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) internalEndpoint_next (o); } internalEndpoint_post (o); } else internalEndpoint_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_none (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_none (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_iterator b (o.begin_externalEndpoint()), e (o.end_externalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { externalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalEndpoint_next (o); } externalEndpoint_post (o); } else externalEndpoint_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalEndpoint_const_iterator b (o.begin_externalEndpoint()), e (o.end_externalEndpoint()); if (b != e) { externalEndpoint_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalEndpoint_next (o); } externalEndpoint_post (o); } else externalEndpoint_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_none (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_none (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference (Type& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_iterator b (o.begin_externalReference()), e (o.end_externalReference()); if (b != e) { externalReference_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalReference_next (o); } externalReference_post (o); } else externalReference_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference (Type const& o) { // VC6 anathema strikes again // ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::AssemblyConnectionDescription::externalReference_const_iterator b (o.begin_externalReference()), e (o.end_externalReference()); if (b != e) { externalReference_pre (o); for (; b != e;) { dispatch (*b); if (++b != e) externalReference_next (o); } externalReference_post (o); } else externalReference_none (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_none (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_none (Type const&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: post (Type&) { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: post (Type const&) { } // PlanLocality // // void PlanLocality:: traverse (Type& o) { pre (o); constraint (o); constrainedInstance (o); post (o); } void PlanLocality:: traverse (Type const& o) { pre (o); constraint (o); constrainedInstance (o); post (o); } void PlanLocality:: pre (Type&) { } void PlanLocality:: pre (Type const&) { } void PlanLocality:: constraint (Type& o) { dispatch (o.constraint ()); } void PlanLocality:: constraint (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.constraint ()); } void PlanLocality:: constrainedInstance (Type& o) { dispatch (o.constrainedInstance ()); } void PlanLocality:: constrainedInstance (Type const& o) { dispatch (o.constrainedInstance ()); } void PlanLocality:: post (Type&) { } void PlanLocality:: post (Type const&) { } } } } namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { namespace Writer { // IdRef // // IdRef:: IdRef (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } IdRef:: IdRef () { } void IdRef:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::IdRef::traverse (o); } void IdRef:: href (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("href", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::IdRef::href (o); attr_ (0); } void IdRef:: idref (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("idref", "http://www.omg.org/Deployment", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::IdRef::idref (o); attr_ (0); } // TCKind // // TCKind:: TCKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } TCKind:: TCKind () { } void TCKind:: traverse (Type const& o) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > s; if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_null) s = "tk_null"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_void) s = "tk_void"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_short) s = "tk_short"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_long) s = "tk_long"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_ushort) s = "tk_ushort"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_ulong) s = "tk_ulong"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_float) s = "tk_float"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_double) s = "tk_double"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_boolean) s = "tk_boolean"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_char) s = "tk_char"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_octet) s = "tk_octet"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_any) s = "tk_any"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_TypeCode) s = "tk_TypeCode"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_Principal) s = "tk_Principal"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_objref) s = "tk_objref"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_struct) s = "tk_struct"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_union) s = "tk_union"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_enum) s = "tk_enum"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_string) s = "tk_string"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_sequence) s = "tk_sequence"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_array) s = "tk_array"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_alias) s = "tk_alias"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_except) s = "tk_except"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_longlong) s = "tk_longlong"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_ulonglong) s = "tk_ulonglong"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_longdouble) s = "tk_longdouble"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_wchar) s = "tk_wchar"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_wstring) s = "tk_wstring"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_wfixed) s = "tk_wfixed"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_value) s = "tk_value"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_value_box) s = "tk_value_box"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_native) s = "tk_native"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_abstract_interface) s = "tk_abstract_interface"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_local_interface) s = "tk_local_interface"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_component) s = "tk_component"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_home) s = "tk_home"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::TCKind::tk_event) s = "tk_event"; else { } if (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR >* a = attr_ ()) { a->value (s); } else { top_().value (s); } } // DataType // // DataType:: DataType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } DataType:: DataType () { } void DataType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::DataType::traverse (o); } void DataType:: kind (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("kind", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::kind (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: enum_ (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("enum", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::enum_ (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: struct_ (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("struct", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::struct_ (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: value (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("value", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::value (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: sequence (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("sequence", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::sequence (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: alias (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("alias", top_ ())); Traversal::DataType::alias (o); pop_ (); } void DataType:: id (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("id", "http://www.omg.org/Deployment", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::DataType::id (o); attr_ (0); } // DataValue // // DataValue:: DataValue (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } DataValue:: DataValue () { } void DataValue:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::DataValue::traverse (o); } void DataValue:: short_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("short", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: short_next (Type const& o) { short_post (o); short_pre (o); } void DataValue:: short_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: long_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("long", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: long_next (Type const& o) { long_post (o); long_pre (o); } void DataValue:: long_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: ushort_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("ushort", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: ushort_next (Type const& o) { ushort_post (o); ushort_pre (o); } void DataValue:: ushort_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: ulong_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("ulong", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: ulong_next (Type const& o) { ulong_post (o); ulong_pre (o); } void DataValue:: ulong_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: float_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("float", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: float_next (Type const& o) { float_post (o); float_pre (o); } void DataValue:: float_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: double_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("double", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: double_next (Type const& o) { double_post (o); double_pre (o); } void DataValue:: double_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: boolean_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("boolean", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: boolean_next (Type const& o) { boolean_post (o); boolean_pre (o); } void DataValue:: boolean_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: octet_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("octet", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: octet_next (Type const& o) { octet_post (o); octet_pre (o); } void DataValue:: octet_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: enum_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("enum", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: enum_next (Type const& o) { enum_post (o); enum_pre (o); } void DataValue:: enum_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: string_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("string", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: string_next (Type const& o) { string_post (o); string_pre (o); } void DataValue:: string_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: longlong_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("longlong", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: longlong_next (Type const& o) { longlong_post (o); longlong_pre (o); } void DataValue:: longlong_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: ulonglong_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("ulonglong", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: ulonglong_next (Type const& o) { ulonglong_post (o); ulonglong_pre (o); } void DataValue:: ulonglong_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: longdouble_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("longdouble", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: longdouble_next (Type const& o) { longdouble_post (o); longdouble_pre (o); } void DataValue:: longdouble_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: element_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("element", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: element_next (Type const& o) { element_post (o); element_pre (o); } void DataValue:: element_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void DataValue:: member_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("member", top_ ())); } void DataValue:: member_next (Type const& o) { member_post (o); member_pre (o); } void DataValue:: member_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // AliasType // // AliasType:: AliasType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } AliasType:: AliasType () { } void AliasType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::AliasType::traverse (o); } void AliasType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::AliasType::name (o); pop_ (); } void AliasType:: typeId (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("typeId", top_ ())); Traversal::AliasType::typeId (o); pop_ (); } void AliasType:: elementType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("elementType", top_ ())); Traversal::AliasType::elementType (o); pop_ (); } // EnumType // // EnumType:: EnumType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } EnumType:: EnumType () { } void EnumType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::EnumType::traverse (o); } void EnumType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::EnumType::name (o); pop_ (); } void EnumType:: typeId (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("typeId", top_ ())); Traversal::EnumType::typeId (o); pop_ (); } void EnumType:: member_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("member", top_ ())); } void EnumType:: member_next (Type const& o) { member_post (o); member_pre (o); } void EnumType:: member_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // StructType // // StructType:: StructType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } StructType:: StructType () { } void StructType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::StructType::traverse (o); } void StructType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::StructType::name (o); pop_ (); } void StructType:: typeId (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("typeId", top_ ())); Traversal::StructType::typeId (o); pop_ (); } void StructType:: member_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("member", top_ ())); } void StructType:: member_next (Type const& o) { member_post (o); member_pre (o); } void StructType:: member_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // StructMemberType // // StructMemberType:: StructMemberType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } StructMemberType:: StructMemberType () { } void StructMemberType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::StructMemberType::traverse (o); } void StructMemberType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::StructMemberType::name (o); pop_ (); } void StructMemberType:: type (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("type", top_ ())); Traversal::StructMemberType::type (o); pop_ (); } // ValueType // // ValueType:: ValueType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ValueType:: ValueType () { } void ValueType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ValueType::traverse (o); } void ValueType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueType::name (o); pop_ (); } void ValueType:: typeId (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("typeId", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueType::typeId (o); pop_ (); } void ValueType:: modifier (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("modifier", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueType::modifier (o); pop_ (); } void ValueType:: baseType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("baseType", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueType::baseType (o); pop_ (); } void ValueType:: member_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("member", top_ ())); } void ValueType:: member_next (Type const& o) { member_post (o); member_pre (o); } void ValueType:: member_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ValueMemberType // // ValueMemberType:: ValueMemberType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ValueMemberType:: ValueMemberType () { } void ValueMemberType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ValueMemberType::traverse (o); } void ValueMemberType:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueMemberType::name (o); pop_ (); } void ValueMemberType:: visibility (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("visibility", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueMemberType::visibility (o); pop_ (); } void ValueMemberType:: type (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("type", top_ ())); Traversal::ValueMemberType::type (o); pop_ (); } // NamedValue // // NamedValue:: NamedValue (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } NamedValue:: NamedValue () { } void NamedValue:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::NamedValue::traverse (o); } void NamedValue:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::NamedValue::name (o); pop_ (); } void NamedValue:: value (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("value", top_ ())); Traversal::NamedValue::value (o); pop_ (); } // SequenceType // // SequenceType:: SequenceType (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } SequenceType:: SequenceType () { } void SequenceType:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::SequenceType::traverse (o); } void SequenceType:: bound (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("bound", top_ ())); Traversal::SequenceType::bound (o); pop_ (); } void SequenceType:: elementType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("elementType", top_ ())); Traversal::SequenceType::elementType (o); pop_ (); } // Any // // Any:: Any (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } Any:: Any () { } void Any:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::Any::traverse (o); } void Any:: type (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("type", top_ ())); Traversal::Any::type (o); pop_ (); } void Any:: value (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("value", top_ ())); Traversal::Any::value (o); pop_ (); } // Property // // Property:: Property (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } Property:: Property () { } void Property:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::Property::traverse (o); } void Property:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::Property::name (o); pop_ (); } void Property:: value (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("value", top_ ())); Traversal::Property::value (o); pop_ (); } // SatisfierPropertyKind // // SatisfierPropertyKind:: SatisfierPropertyKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } SatisfierPropertyKind:: SatisfierPropertyKind () { } void SatisfierPropertyKind:: traverse (Type const& o) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > s; if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Quantity) s = "Quantity"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Capacity) s = "Capacity"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Minimum) s = "Minimum"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Maximum) s = "Maximum"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Attribute) s = "Attribute"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::SatisfierPropertyKind::Selection) s = "Selection"; else { } if (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR >* a = attr_ ()) { a->value (s); } else { top_().value (s); } } // SatisfierProperty // // SatisfierProperty:: SatisfierProperty (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } SatisfierProperty:: SatisfierProperty () { } void SatisfierProperty:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::SatisfierProperty::traverse (o); } void SatisfierProperty:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::SatisfierProperty::name (o); pop_ (); } void SatisfierProperty:: kind (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("kind", top_ ())); Traversal::SatisfierProperty::kind (o); pop_ (); } void SatisfierProperty:: dynamic (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("dynamic", top_ ())); Traversal::SatisfierProperty::dynamic (o); pop_ (); } void SatisfierProperty:: value (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("value", top_ ())); Traversal::SatisfierProperty::value (o); pop_ (); } // Resource // // Resource:: Resource (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } Resource:: Resource () { } void Resource:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::Resource::traverse (o); } void Resource:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::Resource::name (o); pop_ (); } void Resource:: resourceType_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceType", top_ ())); } void Resource:: resourceType_next (Type const& o) { resourceType_post (o); resourceType_pre (o); } void Resource:: resourceType_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void Resource:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void Resource:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void Resource:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // Requirement // // Requirement:: Requirement (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } Requirement:: Requirement () { } void Requirement:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::Requirement::traverse (o); } void Requirement:: resourceType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceType", top_ ())); Traversal::Requirement::resourceType (o); pop_ (); } void Requirement:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::Requirement::name (o); pop_ (); } void Requirement:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void Requirement:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void Requirement:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ResourceDeploymentDescription // // ResourceDeploymentDescription:: ResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ResourceDeploymentDescription:: ResourceDeploymentDescription () { } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ResourceDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("requirementName", top_ ())); Traversal::ResourceDeploymentDescription::requirementName (o); pop_ (); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceName", top_ ())); Traversal::ResourceDeploymentDescription::resourceName (o); pop_ (); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void ResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ArtifactDeploymentDescription // // ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: ArtifactDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: ArtifactDeploymentDescription () { } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("source", top_ ())); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type const& o) { source_post (o); source_pre (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: node (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("node", top_ ())); Traversal::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::node (o); pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("location", top_ ())); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_next (Type const& o) { location_post (o); location_pre (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: location_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("execParameter", top_ ())); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type const& o) { execParameter_post (o); execParameter_pre (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployRequirement", top_ ())); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const& o) { deployRequirement_post (o); deployRequirement_pre (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployedResource", top_ ())); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const& o) { deployedResource_post (o); deployedResource_pre (o); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ArtifactDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("id", "http://www.omg.org/Deployment", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::ArtifactDeploymentDescription::id (o); attr_ (0); } // MonolithicDeploymentDescription // // MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: MonolithicDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: MonolithicDeploymentDescription () { } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("source", top_ ())); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_next (Type const& o) { source_post (o); source_pre (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: source_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("artifact", top_ ())); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_next (Type const& o) { artifact_post (o); artifact_pre (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: artifact_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("execParameter", top_ ())); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_next (Type const& o) { execParameter_post (o); execParameter_pre (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: execParameter_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployRequirement", top_ ())); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const& o) { deployRequirement_post (o); deployRequirement_pre (o); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void MonolithicDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("id", "http://www.omg.org/Deployment", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::MonolithicDeploymentDescription::id (o); attr_ (0); } // ResourceUsageKind // // ResourceUsageKind:: ResourceUsageKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ResourceUsageKind:: ResourceUsageKind () { } void ResourceUsageKind:: traverse (Type const& o) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > s; if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind::None) s = "None"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind::InstanceUsesResource) s = "InstanceUsesResource"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesInstance) s = "ResourceUsesInstance"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind::PortUsesResource) s = "PortUsesResource"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::ResourceUsageKind::ResourceUsesPort) s = "ResourceUsesPort"; else { } if (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR >* a = attr_ ()) { a->value (s); } else { top_().value (s); } } // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription // // InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription () { } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceUsage (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceUsage", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::resourceUsage (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("requirementName", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::requirementName (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceName", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription::resourceName (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void InstanceResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // InstanceDeploymentDescription // // InstanceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } InstanceDeploymentDescription:: InstanceDeploymentDescription () { } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: node (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("node", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::node (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: source (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("source", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::source (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: implementation (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("implementation", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::implementation (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("configProperty", top_ ())); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_next (Type const& o) { configProperty_post (o); configProperty_pre (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: configProperty_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployedResource", top_ ())); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const& o) { deployedResource_post (o); deployedResource_pre (o); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: deployedSharedResource (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployedSharedResource", top_ ())); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::deployedSharedResource (o); pop_ (); } void InstanceDeploymentDescription:: id (Type const& o) { ::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR > a ("id", "http://www.omg.org/Deployment", "", top_ ()); attr_ (&a); Traversal::InstanceDeploymentDescription::id (o); attr_ (0); } // CCMComponentPortKind // // CCMComponentPortKind:: CCMComponentPortKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } CCMComponentPortKind:: CCMComponentPortKind () { } void CCMComponentPortKind:: traverse (Type const& o) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > s; if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::Facet) s = "Facet"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::SimplexReceptacle) s = "SimplexReceptacle"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::MultiplexReceptacle) s = "MultiplexReceptacle"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::EventEmitter) s = "EventEmitter"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::EventPublisher) s = "EventPublisher"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::CCMComponentPortKind::EventConsumer) s = "EventConsumer"; else { } if (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR >* a = attr_ ()) { a->value (s); } else { top_().value (s); } } // ComponentPortDescription // // ComponentPortDescription:: ComponentPortDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ComponentPortDescription:: ComponentPortDescription () { } void ComponentPortDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::traverse (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: specificType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("specificType", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::specificType (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("supportedType", top_ ())); } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_next (Type const& o) { supportedType_post (o); supportedType_pre (o); } void ComponentPortDescription:: supportedType_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: provider (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("provider", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::provider (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveProvider (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("exclusiveProvider", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::exclusiveProvider (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: exclusiveUser (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("exclusiveUser", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::exclusiveUser (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: optional (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("optional", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::optional (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPortDescription:: kind (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("kind", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPortDescription::kind (o); pop_ (); } // ComponentPropertyDescription // // ComponentPropertyDescription:: ComponentPropertyDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ComponentPropertyDescription:: ComponentPropertyDescription () { } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ComponentPropertyDescription::traverse (o); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPropertyDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void ComponentPropertyDescription:: type (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("type", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentPropertyDescription::type (o); pop_ (); } // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint // // ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: ComponentExternalPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: ComponentExternalPortEndpoint () { } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint::traverse (o); } void ComponentExternalPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("portName", top_ ())); Traversal::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint::portName (o); pop_ (); } // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint // // PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint () { } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint::traverse (o); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("portName", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint::portName (o); pop_ (); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: provider (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("provider", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint::provider (o); pop_ (); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: kind (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("kind", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint::kind (o); pop_ (); } void PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("instance", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanSubcomponentPortEndpoint::instance (o); pop_ (); } // ExternalReferenceEndpoint // // ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: ExternalReferenceEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: ExternalReferenceEndpoint () { } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::traverse (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: location (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("location", top_ ())); Traversal::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::location (o); pop_ (); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: provider (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("provider", top_ ())); Traversal::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::provider (o); pop_ (); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("portName", top_ ())); Traversal::ExternalReferenceEndpoint::portName (o); pop_ (); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("supportedType", top_ ())); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_next (Type const& o) { supportedType_post (o); supportedType_pre (o); } void ExternalReferenceEndpoint:: supportedType_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription // // ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription () { } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::traverse (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: targetName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("targetName", top_ ())); Traversal::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::targetName (o); pop_ (); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: requirementName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("requirementName", top_ ())); Traversal::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::requirementName (o); pop_ (); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: resourceName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceName", top_ ())); Traversal::ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription::resourceName (o); pop_ (); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void ConnectionResourceDeploymentDescription:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // PlanConnectionDescription // // PlanConnectionDescription:: PlanConnectionDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } PlanConnectionDescription:: PlanConnectionDescription () { } void PlanConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::PlanConnectionDescription::traverse (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanConnectionDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: source (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("source", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanConnectionDescription::source (o); pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployRequirement", top_ ())); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const& o) { deployRequirement_post (o); deployRequirement_pre (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("externalEndpoint", top_ ())); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type const& o) { externalEndpoint_post (o); externalEndpoint_pre (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("internalEndpoint", top_ ())); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type const& o) { internalEndpoint_post (o); internalEndpoint_pre (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("externalReference", top_ ())); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type const& o) { externalReference_post (o); externalReference_pre (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployedResource", top_ ())); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_next (Type const& o) { deployedResource_post (o); deployedResource_pre (o); } void PlanConnectionDescription:: deployedResource_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ImplementationDependency // // ImplementationDependency:: ImplementationDependency (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ImplementationDependency:: ImplementationDependency () { } void ImplementationDependency:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ImplementationDependency::traverse (o); } void ImplementationDependency:: requiredType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("requiredType", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationDependency::requiredType (o); pop_ (); } // Capability // // Capability:: Capability (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } Capability:: Capability () { } void Capability:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::Capability::traverse (o); } void Capability:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::Capability::name (o); pop_ (); } void Capability:: resourceType_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceType", top_ ())); } void Capability:: resourceType_next (Type const& o) { resourceType_post (o); resourceType_pre (o); } void Capability:: resourceType_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void Capability:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void Capability:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void Capability:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // ImplementationRequirement // // ImplementationRequirement:: ImplementationRequirement (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } ImplementationRequirement:: ImplementationRequirement () { } void ImplementationRequirement:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::traverse (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceUsage (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceUsage", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::resourceUsage (o); pop_ (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourcePort (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourcePort", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::resourcePort (o); pop_ (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: componentPort (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("componentPort", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::componentPort (o); pop_ (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: resourceType (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("resourceType", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::resourceType (o); pop_ (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::ImplementationRequirement::name (o); pop_ (); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("property", top_ ())); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_next (Type const& o) { property_post (o); property_pre (o); } void ImplementationRequirement:: property_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // SubcomponentPortEndpoint // // SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: SubcomponentPortEndpoint (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: SubcomponentPortEndpoint () { } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::SubcomponentPortEndpoint::traverse (o); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: portName (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("portName", top_ ())); Traversal::SubcomponentPortEndpoint::portName (o); pop_ (); } void SubcomponentPortEndpoint:: instance (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("instance", top_ ())); Traversal::SubcomponentPortEndpoint::instance (o); pop_ (); } // AssemblyConnectionDescription // // AssemblyConnectionDescription:: AssemblyConnectionDescription (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } AssemblyConnectionDescription:: AssemblyConnectionDescription () { } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::AssemblyConnectionDescription::traverse (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: name (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("name", top_ ())); Traversal::AssemblyConnectionDescription::name (o); pop_ (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("deployRequirement", top_ ())); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_next (Type const& o) { deployRequirement_post (o); deployRequirement_pre (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: deployRequirement_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("internalEndpoint", top_ ())); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_next (Type const& o) { internalEndpoint_post (o); internalEndpoint_pre (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: internalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("externalEndpoint", top_ ())); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_next (Type const& o) { externalEndpoint_post (o); externalEndpoint_pre (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalEndpoint_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_pre (Type const&) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("externalReference", top_ ())); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_next (Type const& o) { externalReference_post (o); externalReference_pre (o); } void AssemblyConnectionDescription:: externalReference_post (Type const&) { pop_ (); } // PlanLocalityKind // // PlanLocalityKind:: PlanLocalityKind (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } PlanLocalityKind:: PlanLocalityKind () { } void PlanLocalityKind:: traverse (Type const& o) { ::std::basic_string< ACE_TCHAR > s; if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind::SameProcess) s = "SameProcess"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind::DifferentProcess) s = "DifferentProcess"; else if (o == ::CIAO::Config_Handlers::PlanLocalityKind::NoConstraint) s = "NoConstraint"; else { } if (::XSCRT::XML::Attribute< ACE_TCHAR >* a = attr_ ()) { a->value (s); } else { top_().value (s); } } // PlanLocality // // PlanLocality:: PlanLocality (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR >& e) : ::XSCRT::Writer< ACE_TCHAR > (e) { } PlanLocality:: PlanLocality () { } void PlanLocality:: traverse (Type const& o) { Traversal::PlanLocality::traverse (o); } void PlanLocality:: constraint (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("constraint", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanLocality::constraint (o); pop_ (); } void PlanLocality:: constrainedInstance (Type const& o) { push_ (::XSCRT::XML::Element< ACE_TCHAR > ("constrainedInstance", top_ ())); Traversal::PlanLocality::constrainedInstance (o); pop_ (); } } } } namespace CIAO { namespace Config_Handlers { } }