[Please use the form below to submit bug reports, problem reports, etc., to the ACE developers and interested users. Send to ace-users@cs.wustl.edu. Please send it as plain ASCII test, _not_ uuencoded or as an attachment. To ensure that you see responses, please do one of the following: 1) Subscribe to the ace-users mail list, by sending email with contents "subscribe ace-users" to majordomo@cs.wustl.edu. 2) Or, monitor the comp.soft-sys.ace newsgroup for responses. Replace/remove all the explanatory text in brackets before mailing. PLEASE make your Subject: line as descriptive as possible. Subjects like "ACE bug" or "bug report" are not helpful! Also, do _not_ include the word "help" in the Subject!] 8<----------8<----------8<----------8<----------8<----------8<----------8<---- To: ace-users@cs.wustl.edu Subject: [area]: [synopsis] ACE VERSION: 4.6.33 HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST: COMPILER NAME AND VERSION (AND PATCHLEVEL): AREA/CLASS/EXAMPLE AFFECTED: [What example failed? What module failed to compile?] DOES THE PROBLEM AFFECT: COMPILATION? If so, what do your $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h and $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU contain? LINKING? On Unix systems, did you run make realclean first? EXECUTION? OTHER (please specify)? [Please indicate whether ACE, your application, or both are affected.] SYNOPSIS: [Brief description of the problem] DESCRIPTION: [Detailed description of problem. Don't just say " doesn't work, here's a fix," explain what your program does to get to the state. ] REPEAT BY: [What you did to get the error; include test program or session transcript if at all possible. ] SAMPLE FIX/WORKAROUND: [If available ]